cyphrgfrecs · 4 years
— 01. risk it all | jungkook
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 jeon jungkook/reader | angst, light fluff, smut | hybrid!au
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wordcount: 2.3k
contents: eventual smut, fear of being eaten????, hybrid abuse, hybrid-trafficking, kidnapping, mention of murder
― synopsis: ripped from your family, you find yourself in a warehouse filled with predators. just your luck, you’re right across from a caged alpha wolf.
note: th-this doesn’t have smut and i…i’m struggling.
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blog masterlist | series masterlist
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© httpjeon 2019. do not repost, modify, or translate.
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cyphrgfrecs · 5 years
I need to read this asappppppp
Lifeline | 01
Summary: What happens when a witch curses seven vampires to share one fated mate between them? BTS x Reader, Vampire!au, Idol!au. 
Genre: Angst, fluff, smut, fantasy.
Word count: 7.8k
Ch. 1 | Ch.2 | Ch.3 | Ch.4 | Ch.5
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“Did you see my glasses, Y/n?”
You watched quietly as Jisoo upturned the whole living room. She had been searching for ten minutes now, finally deeming to acknowledge your sprawled figure on the couch.
Drumming your knee up and down, you wondered if a better pair of roommates had ever existed on earth. It was a match made in heaven really.
Both of were kind of stupid. And lazy.
“Why don’t you dig around some more? I’ll tell you when you’re tired.”, you replied with a yawn.
A pillow smacked your yawning face, making you choke on air. “I’m getting late here, dumbass. Some of us have to work in the morning.”
You smirked, leaning up on your elbows. “You jealous?”
“Hell yes.” She slumped down beside you, snatching your plate of sliced bananas from the coffee table and shoving some in her mouth. “Why didth you geth this inthernship againh? You’re noth qualifiedh.”
“Swallow the banana first.” You frowned. “Wait that came out wrong.”
Gulping down some water, Jisoo spoke again. “I’m serious here. How did you manage to get a paid internship where you only have to show up in the evening?”
You snorted. “I’m on the night shift, genius. I managed it because I’m a computer wiz.”
She rolled her eyes, getting up to search again. “Computer wiz, my ass.”
You sighed, laying on your back again.
Getting an internship at an entertainment company such as Bighit might do wonders for your resumé, but you knew exactly what you were in for. Most likely site maintenance or god forbid, tech support.
And you also knew that most people might jump at a chance to have any kind of job at an entertainment company, if nothing else to just brag about meeting celebrities daily. But you were not naive on that front either. You were probably going to be stuck in a tiny cubicle all night, desperately waiting for a glitch to appear on your screen in order to break out of the monotony.
But you were not complaining, the money was decent enough and this was just a stepping stone on your way to become an accomplished software developer.
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cyphrgfrecs · 5 years
Follow along on the masterlist.
Domestic Experiment, 1
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pairing: jimin x reader (f)
genre: smut, fluff, marriage au
warnings: sexuality misinterpretation, marriage for citizenship, jimin being a baby mochi, dirty talk—it’s plausible ngl, foreplay, grinding, erotic asphyxiation, palming,
word count: 4.1k
synopsis; you’re the only cherry Jimin’s gay ass would pop.
a/n; the reader is described as a korean girl for the sake of the credibility of the plot, if that does not appeal to you simply do not read and allow those who don’t mind to enjoy!! thank you!!
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cyphrgfrecs · 6 years
Check out the masterlist for more.
pls im crying dis was so cute and the 3rd ch wasnt full on smut but it still got to me like what did you DO fskfsfhrgur i love tsundere yoongi fnusf
Little Bit ft. Yoongi
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Drabble game #73. “You don’t have to stay.” 
→ grumpy policeman!yoongi au, childhoodfriends!au aka fluff, some angst → 2.7k words, dedicated to the one and only beautiful @dailydoseofdia! thanks for requesting bb <3 I hope you like it :’)
A/N: This is highly inspired by Strong Woman Do Bong Soon! Hope you like it! Request more here!  
“Um, so I’ll just take the couch.” 
He frowns at you, sending you a withering scowl that has you clutching the pillow closer to your chest. 
“Are you kidding? I’ll take the couch.” He rolls his eyes and sits down on his couch, making it a point to glare at every single pillow and magazine in the living room. 
You bite the inside of your lip, unsure of what to say. 
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cyphrgfrecs · 6 years
I cannot believe I read this, died, re-read it, died again, and then proceeded to forget to rb it! Honestly, smut that’s just the right amount of angsty for all the right reasons is my favorite, spc when you mix it in with the hints of plot and rich background like this pairing does it’s so wonderful I’m so glad I decided to re-read it so I can properly rb now *insert crying emoji
Doxology (M)
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Summary: You and a fellow churchgoer spend Easter Sunday sinning and sharing a secret.
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Genre: Smut, light fluff and angst
Word Count: 6,372
Warning: Dom!Jungkook, sexual themes, fingering, rough sex, anal play, creampie, dirty talk, sacrilegious dialogue, excessive sinning in church, mocking religious practices, profanity, one-way trip to Hell
A/N: This is probably not the kind of thing a devout person should read. It’s pretty offensive and I’m proud of it. Don’t say I didn’t warn you!
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cyphrgfrecs · 6 years
You can read the second part here!
Wow transitioning blogs made it so I lost a ton of recs I had, sad face emoji. Anyway, I realized Tumblr never notified me of the lovely Kay tagging me in the sequel of this amazing story and...
(putting this under a read more for spoilers lol) oh my jimin my heart was breaking for Hoseok at the end of the first part, and I love how much of a tease you are leaving so much unresolved dfasifsgs esp with Namjoon now in the fray omg and a bullet hole??! sfsefsfgr This is such a unique and fantastic plot Kay like always I bow down to your amazing writing and incredible mind <3 <3 <3 p.s. lol I kinda dislike Jimin’s character here lmao he’s such a non believer lol  @perpetually-jungshook
Hoseok: No Vacancy
Genre: angst, fantasy, ghost!Hoseok
Warnings: language
Word Count: 2.5k
Summary: Do you believe in ghosts? You run into some problems after moving into the old house of your late great aunt once removed and you are understandably fed up with his puppy love and good intentions.
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The scream makes you scramble down the hall, almost slipping on the hardwood floor.
No no no no…
“____!” Allison shrieks, throwing open the door in only a towel and racing to the spare bedroom with her rumpled clothes clutched against her chest, hair still dripping. “That’s it. I don’t know what kind of cruel, sick joke you’re trying to play on me, but it’s not funny.”
“It’s not a joke,” you try, already knowing it’s futile. “It’s just a couple of weird coincidences. Things go missing and everyone sees things in the shadows if they’re tired-”
“No,” her eyes bug as she turns around, jabbing your shoulder. “You’ve been stealing my stuff, now you’re threatening me, and- and don’t think I didn’t see you watching me while I was asleep. News flash, I wasn’t. It’s creepy and probably illegal. I thought you were a good person. I thought we were friends.”
“We are friends.”
“Friends don’t tell each other to get out or die.”
Allison doesn’t even bother getting dressed before grabbing her suitcase and hurrying out to her car. You neither blame her nor try to stop her. The engine rumbles and you watch the car pull out of the long, gravely driveway, past the weeping willows, and through the perpetually open iron gates.
This is the third person that’s run from your house. Granted, scaring your coworker, Allison isn’t as bad as your (ex) boyfriend or (ex) best friend who made similar accusations. Well okay she could file a complaint against you, but worst case scenario you can just get a new job. Right?
As you watch her car disappear from view, obscured beyond the grossly cliched, mostly dead trees that line the street, you can feel the cold, heavy presence materialize behind you.
“Hobi, why would you do that?”
He giggles, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
You push away from the window to walk into the bathroom. Red lipstick covers the still foggy mirror, spelling “get out or die” in a random assortment of capital and lower case letters.
“That is my good lipstick,” you groan, looking at the tube sitting on the countertop. But what are you going to do? He’s already done it and it’s not like he’ll listen to your ranting. As you start to wipe the mirror down, you can see Hoseok sitting on the back of the toilet, feet on the lid, elbows on his knees, chin resting on the heel of one of his palms. He looks how he normally does, dark hair parted slightly off the middle, black cardigan, white tee shirt, jeans. At least you can see him.
The lipstick smears across the glass surface as you try to wipe it and you sigh. Time to get the actual cleaning supplies. You walk through the kitchen and into a short hallway of tiny rooms you’re pretty sure used to be the servant’s quarters, but it’s been a while since these walls have seen a butler, maid, or chef. Now they just have you.
You easily walk into the converted second pantry, digging in a small cabinet opposite of the washing machine. It’s an odd juxtaposition, the piece of modern technology shoved against the aging, gaudy floral wallpaper. Hoseok watches you from his perch on top of the dryer.
“Oh c’mon, you aren’t really mad.”
You don’t respond.
Hoseok groans humorously, “You told me she was annoying. What else was I supposed to do?”
You are definitely not humored.
You stand, pointing at him with a rag in one hand and a “fix-all” cleaning solution that’s become your best friend since moving into the old manor of your late great aunt once removed in the other, “She was irritating me at work which is different from being annoying. Allison just needed a place to stay for a couple weeks until she found a house. You couldn’t even give her that?”
His smile falters slightly, “Gosh… you could’ve just said so.”
“I did. Two weeks ago. Before she even came over,” your voice starts getting high pitched with frustration as you leave the room. “Or are you really so busy that you forgot?”
Hoseok watches you from the bottom of the stairs as you walk past, back to the first floor bathroom, “I didn’t forget.”
“Really? Then what? You were just bored? Or wait, you thought I wanted her out of the house so you threatened her?”
He pouts,“Yes kind of.”
“And her stuff?”
“I didn’t take it.”
Frustration boils in your chest as you set the cleaning supplies down on the bathroom counter, “Well I know I didn’t take anything. So that leaves you.”
Hoseok puts his hands up in surrender, “But why would I do that?”
“You tell me.”
“I really didn’t. I have no idea where her stuff is,” his tone is genuine and makes the anger inside you go from a boil to a simmer.
“Could you at least clean this up?”
“I… can’t,” Hoseok’s voice becomes small, almost guilty.
“You can’t.”
“Because moving the lipstick took too much energy?” you take a stab in the dark, eyeing him in the mirror.
“What?” a smile lights his expression again as he giggles. “I’m sorry okay? I’ll do it as soon as I can. Now why don’t you go for a walk or something? Calm your nerves?”
“Not until you promise you’ll cut the crap-”
“____, I won’t touch anything.”
You are conflicted for a moment, causing you to quietly ask, “Promise?”
“I promise,” he crosses his heart with the tip of his index finger. It’s not like he’s able interact with solids right now anyway, but the intention is what matters. You’re exhausted and tired of cleaning up after him, mostly the emotional messes he creates. Still, just this little reassurance is enough for now. Hoseok might be obnoxious at times and a little bit careless, but he’s no liar and you know you can trust him with this much.
The anger and fear fade from your system as you step toward the bathroom door. Then you pause, reaching out to maybe try to hug him because even though he irritates the living shit out of you, at the end of the day, Hoseok was trying to look out for your best interest. Kind of. He’s also just nice company and you’ve grown rather fond of his presence.
But your arms go right through him, leaving them pressing to your own chest. The chill, the overwhelming sense of forlornness, and a tinge of your own loneliness permeate through your body with a familiarity that makes you even more distraught.
“Sorry sweetheart, not enough energy to be solid right now,” Hoseok laughs lightly, nervously, humorlessly, scratching at the back of his neck. You give a small sigh and he manages a smile, cooing a quiet, “But… I love you.”
“I know,” you nod and sigh again, leaving the bathroom and deciding that yeah, now is probably a good time for that walk. When you return to the old house, the lipstick letters are gone, but so is Hoseok.
“Hobi?” you call into the empty halls, peeking into the kitchen, the recently renovated basement, the master bedroom, and even into the attic, for which you have to pull down the rickety wooden stairs.
He’d cleaned the mirror, but he’d probably exhausted himself. Kind of. You’re not really sure how ghosts work and frankly, ironically, neither is he. Apparently, Hoseok has been dead for ten years, but he still doesn’t quite know everything about his state or lack thereof. You can only hope that he recovers soon and go to sleep that night feeling very much alone.
The next morning, you don’t see Hoseok before you go to work, but this isn’t alarming. He might still be resting or not existing or whatever ghosts do to relax. Allison glares at you all the way to your desk, but your manager doesn’t “ask to talk to you” and you somehow keep your job.
This puts you in a relatively okay mood and you decide to reward yourself after a long day with a glass of wine.
“Hoseok I’m home,” you call, finding it a little bit strange that he doesn’t greet you at the door.
No answer.
You shrug it off, walking into the kitchen. He’s probably just-
All of the drawers and cabinets fly open, silverware scattering, plates rattling, chairs knocking over. Yeah, you’re startled, but he’s pulled this shit before especially right after you’d moved in. But you thought he’d kicked the habit recently, opting instead for jumping out around corners. Needless to say, it keeps your life interesting.
Still, your heart hammers and to get it out of your system, you yell, “Seriously? I just washed the dishes yesterday.”
No answer.
Usually, he would appear by now, cackling, light hearted, and ready to help you clean up. He may be a trickster and childish, but he’s not mean. To you. Now.
No answer…
You stare at the silverware in front of you, scattered around your feet. The smallest spark of fear flickers to life in your chest. But you suppress it, decide to clean it up later, and take your glass of wine to the much too fancy parlor that you’d converted into a living room. With an episode of a random game show playing on the television for background noise, you nurse your drink slowly, your cheeks warming as your gaze flicks to the corners of the room and the doorway, searching for moving shadows. Your ears perk up with every creak of the house, listening for playful footsteps on the floor above you. You pour yourself a second glass.
Your senses become strained and you can feel a headache developing behind your right eye. It irks you just a bit to think that Hoseok wasted all of his energy playing a prank. Now a little bit tipsy, all you want is for someone to cuddle you and the only person who can is currently MIA.
Dodging the minefield of silverware, setting your glass in the sink, and then dragging yourself upstairs, you slowly get ready for bed. As you brush your teeth, you stare at the bathroom behind you instead of your own reflection, just in case Hoseok decides to try to scare you again by appearing in the shower or sitting on the lid of the toilet. He doesn’t.
You spit the toothpaste into the bottom of the basin, standing up straight as quickly as possible to see if he popped up behind you.
The emptiness, the hollowness of the house is more ominous than the heavy presence that usually accompanies Hoseok. It’s making you nervous. He literally can’t go anywhere. He can’t leave the property. So where is he?
Returning to your room, you crawl into bed. Alone.
You reach over the nightstand to the ornate lamp that casts the room in a soft orange glow and turn it off. In the few seconds that it takes for your eyes to adjust, in the sterile glow of the moonlight that filters through the curtains, you swear you see a silhouette.
Heartbeat fluttering, you turn the light back on.
“Hobi?” you scan the room. Why is he avoiding you? You turn off the light. The figure returns. There’s a certain breathy, annoyed quality to your voice, “What are you doing? Stop messing around.”
You stare at the figure standing at the foot of your bed for a few moments, eyes narrowing. Had Hoseok gotten… taller? Panic floods through your veins as you scramble for the light. But this time the figure doesn’t go away. A man looms over you, dead eyes piercing. He is definitely not Hoseok.
The mess in the kitchen, Hobi’s disappearance, Allison’s disappearing belongings… it would all make sense. There’s only one thing that confuses you. Hoseok had been the only ghost in the house. Wait.
The basement. You’d recently gotten it renovated after it rained heavily for a few days and flooded. This happened one week ago. Just before Allison came to stay.
You’re welded to the spot. If the same rules that Hoseok established apply to this man, he can teleport. You couldn’t run fast enough to get off the property, to safety. Whatever his intentions are, they’ll be carried out unless-
Your attention had been so focused on watching the ghost that you failed to notice the spray of salt until it hits you in the face, causing your eyes to sting and water.
Hoseok’s voice reaches you through a mist of fear and panic, “Get up!”
Somewhere in your confused, terrified brain, you expect him to grab you, pull you to your feet, and whisk you away to safety; but with the salt scattered all over the floor, he can’t even enter the room. Half blind, rubbing at your eyes desperately to try to remove the salt or the tears or just make the pain stop, you stumble out of bed, have just enough clarity to grab your phone on the nightstand, and rush forward, slightly surprised to find yourself colliding with something solid, cold, familiar. Hoseok.
His arms wrap around you, but only for a moment before he’s hurriedly, desperately guiding you toward the stairs. You navigate by the type of flooring under feet alone, unable to see but trusting Hoseok. The hardwood of the hallway. The rough carpet laid on the stairwell. The recently placed marble tile on the bottom floor. The spiky fibers of the welcome mat. The gravel of the driveway.
Your feet are aching, probably bleeding by the time you make it to the iron gate.
Asphalt of the street.
“Hobi?” you call, shivering in just your night shirt and a pair of shorts, phone clutched to your chest as you finally blink away the enough of the blur. “What was that?”
He stands at the edge of the driveway, confined to the property line, “I don’t know. It kept b-blocking me out, but I think when it trashed the kitchen I was able to…”
“Are you safe?”
“Not sure.”
There’s something off about Hoseok’s answers and you see it in his lack of smile and the fear still in his eyes. Will the new apparition be able to hurt him? Worse? At least you can leave. He’s stuck here.
“When will I be able to come back?” your voice is small and you’re unsure whether you’re more concerned about the house, yourself, or him.
“I don’t know, sweetheart, but I’d recommend not coming back until you find someone to cleanse the place.”
You’re about to agree, but then you realize the problem. If you cleanse the house, Hoseok will be… he’ll be…
“I love you,” he smiles.
The typical words “I know” sit at the tip of your tongue, but as you face this decision, this awful catch-22, you decide to humor him and indulge yourself just this once.
“I love you too.”
Send me your thoughts here. Or just come say hi ;) feedback is appreciated
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Much love ~🐰 xx
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cyphrgfrecs · 6 years
I did not expect this story to take the turn it did, but it’s so sweetly made and so incredibly funny, it keeps pulling at my heartstrings with every moment that is described!! Honestly, I’m so worried about the foreshadowing, it makes me wonder when / if they will go to the oc’s current manuscript, and how she talked about the male protagonist dying like afkudsfffg pls my heart I’m constantly worried and my heart ready to beat out of my chest with angst <3 both authors write so well, their idea melding so prettily that the story is cohesive and sooo fun to read, I can’t wait for more.
The Truth Between Us | 01
[!!] CO-WRITTEN WITH @gukyi
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⇒ Chapter 1 || Chapter 2
⇒ summary: a book deal should be the most exciting time of your life, but there seems to be a constant and omnipresent damper on your mood in the form of a certain min yoongi, who you would just cut out from your life, if he weren’t your editor. but then, the world shifts beneath your feet, and you begin to wonder if maybe you’ve always been looking at life from the wrong angle.
⇒ enemies to lovers au with various other au’s thrown in there
⇒ word count: 14k
⇒ genre: fluff, angst, drama
⇒ warnings: alcohol consumption + mentions of injury
⇒ a/n: hey guys, this is a fic written with @gukyi - we’ve both been working on for so long and for the first half of 2018. so, if you don’t send her a message too, i will come find you and shank you. other than that, thank you for reading and please enjoy!!
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cyphrgfrecs · 6 years
I feel like after reading the first two parts a part of me has finally found the ultimate fic that I know I will keep coming back to re-read time and time again, possibly years later. Honestly, I wish there were more Yoonji fics out there (sp ones that didn’t ‘turn out it’s actually just Yoongi in disguise.’ Those fics are good, too, but this one spoke directly to my gay heart, and I am forever changed. It’s the right amount of sweet, smutty, plot heavy, fic I adore, particularly the characterization and personality on not only Yoonji herself, but the oc. I consider her an oc because her personality and entire being is so well crafted that I cannot imagine as anything other than her own person, (which I love). You have made me fall in love with this imperfect, magnificent, overpowering version of Yoonji, the sub in me in Crying Real Tears of Adoration.
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Word count: 4672
Pairing: Yoonji x Female Reader
Warnings: vulgar language, oral sex, fingering
Song inspo: Bloom
Drabbles: Bloom | Snared | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ?
The 80s. Power suits, perms, and peril. Because peril is all that can follow when you involve yourself with the Mafia capo in charge of extorting your hard-of-hearing employer for protection money.
13 snapshots charting your doomed descent into law-breaking love.
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cyphrgfrecs · 6 years
Wrecked by my bias and my bias wrecker... the story fucked me up so bad in the best way lmao
oh, little red | yoonmin
➛pairing: yoongi x reader x jimin ➛genre: red riding hood au, wolf au, hybrid au?, smut ➛words: 13.3k+ ➛rating: nsfw ➛warnings: smut! explicit sexual content: knotting, sloppy seconds, oral (receiving), fingering, cumplay, impregnation kink, cum kink?, bondage (…of sorts), blowjobs, threesome, uh unrealistic sex? i mean, copious amounts of cum– and I mean a lot, big ol’ massive creampies, its like bukkake in MC’s puh, multiple orgasms, dirty talk, slight degradation, does this count as public sex? there’s a forest – also some parts sound like implied vore but its not I promise thanks @cinnaminsvga ➛notes: for @yminie, happy birthday roshel!!! i am so sorry its so late!!! may we all sink into the seventh layer of hell together !!
You knew they warned you about that path for a reason, you knew you shouldn’t take it as a shortcut. You knew, but you were running late, and you did it anyway. Oh, little red, just what have you gotten yourself into?
↼posted; 28.06.2018
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↼masterlist  || ao3 (click me! if read more doesn’t work)
“y/n! Hey, stop running!”
Squinting, you stop your slow amble down the road and turn in the direction of the voice that had just echoed across the street. Namjoon, your friend who happened to work in the ice cream parlour you’d just halted next to, sent a dirty glare towards the person currently running your way. You couldn’t remember what your friend had done to get himself banned from the store, but either way if he was coming over to walk in there he wasn’t going to have a fun time.
Seokjin slowed to a halt before you, panting slightly from his brief jog. “Ugh,” he moaned, “What a fuckin workout.”
“You…” the urge to slam your face into your palm rising strongly within you, you took a deep breath and snorted instead. “You’re right, you worked so hard. The thirty metres you just jogged like an old man reclaiming his health must have been exhausting.”
Seokjin straightened, glaring at you through light blond strands that had fallen across his forehead during his trip over. You tried not to laugh as his hands found his hips and his back straightened.
“It was,” he sniffed. “Plus, I wouldn’t have had to run if you didn’t speedwalk off every time you finish your shift—we finish at the same time! We could go and get kebabs or something!”
“Ew,” you said, grinning at the offended face he pulled not even a split second after the word left your mouth. “I’m kidding. But anyway, you’re never out on time! You finish at three but don’t leave until quarter to four most days!”
“Be that as it may,” Seokjin began, cocking his hip as he nailed you with a pointed look. “You’re a rude ass for never waiting for me like a good friend.”
Your long Thursday shifts at the high end male clothing store in the local mall usually left you pretty exhausted and unwilling to socialise, but luckily for Seokjin he was funny to talk to— he could stay. He was on thin fucking ice though.
The town— village, really— in which you lived, while a decent size, honestly wasn’t that big. You would think then, that you wouldn’t have to deal with that many people when you worked in the mall. Whoever proposed such a thing would be sorely mistaken, however. A surprising amount of people frequented the mall during the day, and for some reason Thursdays were always the busiest.
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cyphrgfrecs · 6 years
What can I say,,, other than tell you that I am now in the pits of hell crying my eyes out??? The moment I finally had some time to read this, and saw that one of the songs for it was Hurricane by tstm... I was already crying my overly sensitive gay ass out! It’s such a long story, but for the entirety of it I was completely absorbed, I was right in thinking I needed to set some time aside so I could read it in one go... All I know is that I went in knowing I would get my heart broken and I did, in the best way possible and now a part of me will always wonder,,, how is the new loml Professor Hoseok doing??? I loved it so much! Even if that ending was so perfectly heart-wrenching enough to bring me to my knees...
;hurricane (m)
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pairing— jung hoseok x reader  
genre/warnings— smut, angst, professor! hoseok
words— 19,881
summary— wanting something you can’t have will only lead to heartbreak… That’s what you should have told yourself when you began to fall for Jung Hoseok. For forbidden fruit tastes sweeter, but spoils faster…
songs— hurricane | 30stm + reserved seat | hyukoh
author’s note: as I got into this storyline it grew into something more and more (hence the word count lol). As someone who’s not necessarily a fan of professor aus, I hope I put my own little realistic spin on this. I would imagine these scenarios never play out well in real life, so don’t expect a happy ending…(although, hopefully bittersweet?) Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy ~
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cyphrgfrecs · 6 years
Ummmm excuse me I just read this and it’s so freaking cute I cannot???? Soft Nams is my favorite Nams odfdsrfenf <3 my heart is bursting
all you have to do is ask
namjoon | bts » 2549 words » fluff ♫ ♡
He’s the cutest when he smiles, you realize, and your heart feels as if it will pound right out of your chest when you’re the reason for his grin with sealed lips and prominent dimples flashed your way in the middle of studying the outline of the report you’re writing up and staring at a blinding screen for far too long. He chuckles any time you make a simple mistake, and his eyes wrinkle and his nose scrunches before he corrects your error with a soft tone and more patience than you ever expected.
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cyphrgfrecs · 6 years
I was a bit hesitant to read this bc I’m trash for fluff and stuff, but I always know your stories always have a ton of complexities in even the smallest details that I love. Even when it’s just a little drabble, you create a whole world with a galaxy of potential for it.
While I cannot say I directly relate to the situation the oc is going through (I’m neither a parent or have never even had a serious significant other), the way you tell the story is so intense and heartbreaking, I can at least relate to the feeling of loss, and how mourning can take many different shapes and forms. Even in the little things like freaking out over a small blue toothbrush but not putting away photos is such a small but powerful addition, and I was in tears in some parts while reading it. I can almost understand, and comprehend the irrationality of wanting to drop everything and forget and be numb, but then realizing someone else depends on you, and not just anyone, but your child. I want to write so much more but I’m honestly kind of at a loss of what to say to properly convey what this story made me feel, and I took a while to even read it (it has been sitting in my saved safari tabs on my phone for a few days now) bc I knew it was going to be very heartbreakingly good. Thank you!!
A Little Light in the Darkness | 01
jungkook| bts » 7955 words » angst/fluff ♫ 
♡ when everything seems too good to be true, the light in your life burns out, leaving you to wonder how the world can end up being cruel enough to take something so precious from you. you lean on jungkook for support when you feel like giving up, and you realize there’s still a little hope left in you to keep going.
» w: minor character death/dealing with death. singleparent!au.
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cyphrgfrecs · 6 years
About Time // Prologue
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| Prologue | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 8.5 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Music Playlist
Character: Jungkook x reader / Jimin x reader (feat. BTS)
Type/Genre/words: Angst, Alternate Universe (Time Travel!au, Soulmate!au) / 3,509 words
Ratings: undefined yet
Warnings: Implied violence scene
Prompts: “What if you find your soulmate… at the wrong time?” - Lauren Kate, Passion
Summary: Be careful for what you wish for, because you may never know how to deal with them once it comes true. What would you do when your wish for a second chance actually came true? But was it really a fulfilled wish? Too many questions lie when it actually happened. Were they real memories? Or perhaps a part of a past life? Was it only a dream all along? Will everything be different this time?
a/n: This is one of the oldest fics I wrote but I took it down because I was highly unhappy about it so I rewrite the whole thing. It might be confusing at first, but I hope it will clear up on the next chapters.
= Prologue =
Each and every single human being in this world always wants something. We always have our wishes for our own selfishness.
We wish for a good life.
We wish for love.
We wish for happiness.
We wish for second chances.
Second chance.
That was what I wished for.
The one thing I prayed for every night before I sleep. The one thing I prayed for, at the very night before I woke up in an entirely different life.
A new life.
My second chance.
I dreaded my life.
I was 30 years old. I have lost all kinds of connection to my parents. I have lost everything, my love, my hope and my dreams. And I could feel my whole life slipping away, taking pieces of my soul as it withered to ashes. I cried constantly until I reached to a point where I could no longer find any will to release the pain burning inside of me.
I was 30 years old when I felt numb. When I lost the love that I used to have towards life. When all I could feel was exhaustion.
I was 30 years old when I closed my eyes that night with a loud cry of ‘I don’t want this life anymore’.
I was 30 years old when I fell asleep.
I was 15 years old when I opened my eyes the next day.
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cyphrgfrecs · 6 years
Over again | Part I
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➼ Part I | Part II | Part III (End)
➼ Character / Genre | Park Jimin x reader | Pianist!au, Artist reader!au, Angst, Slight smut (I tried to be subtle since this is only the first part)
➼ Inspired by
1. this quote: “We are torn between nostalgia for the familiar and an urge for the foreign and strange. As often as not, we are homesick most for the places we have never known.” - Carson Mccullers, The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter
2. and this song: OVR AGN by Sophia Black
➼ Prompts | “Sometimes all we need is closure from the past to be able to move on.”
➼ a/n | I started writing this quite some time ago - at the same time I was working on Voix, I believe, but I lost all motivation on continuing and finishing it. It took some time for me to get away from it until I finally gained some fresh ideas that I felt was suitable to be added to the story. This piece is my baby, so I really do hope you guys enjoy this one as well as you did for Voix || for  @oddanduneven for helping me with brainstorming on the raw ideas which pulled me out of the nasty dungeon called ‘the writer’s block’
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cyphrgfrecs · 6 years
Carousel | 01
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➤ Playlist | 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09
➤ Character: Min Yoongi x reader
➤ Genre/word count: Angst, Future Smut/Mature scenes, Arranged Marriage! AU / 7,174 words
➤ Summary: He is the successor of his family’s business empire, and you are the female heir of yours. After the trouble his older brother had created in the past, he now must face certain requirements needed for the sake of the family’s future and to save his rights of inheritance, and you become his only way out. Everything might seem so simple, just the way they are supposed to. But everything isn’t always what it seems, is it?
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cyphrgfrecs · 6 years
That Time of the Month (m)
Fill for this request for lazy Yoongi sex 
Word Count: 1,151
“Yoongi,” You whine in his ear for the utmost time, settling your weight around his waist and staring at his face with a pout.
“Shut up, I’m sleeping,” he says without opening his eyes.
“No, you’re not,” you protest, “Come on, baby. Please?”
“Goddamn, why are you so needy right now?” He groans, trying to roll over, but you’re too heavy on his stomach.
“It’s that time of the month,” you whimper, trying to subtly rub yourself against him.
He opens one eye to glare at you, “You’re on your period?”
“No worse… I think I’m ovulating,” you whisper in embarrassment, “I went to go see that new romcom with my roommates earlier today and there was a really hot sex scene… and I almost creamed my panties.”
Yoongi opens his other eye, a bit more interested now, “Why are you so horny the day I have six hours of straight dance practice? I’m exhausted, baby. Just let me rest.”
You bite your lip, realizing that you should just let him go, but it feels too good grinding against him, with the rough fabric of his jeans rubbing against you perfectly, “Please baby?” You beg, “You don’t even have to do anything. Just lie there, and I’ll do all the work, ok?”
That catches his attention, “Fine,” he grunts, “If you can get me hard, then go for it.”
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cyphrgfrecs · 6 years
Begin Again Ch. 1 (m)
Synopsis: After your divorce, you decide it’s finally time to bounce back, but you have no idea where to start. Luckily, you have your “sex coach,” Yoongi to help you out…
Rated M for future chapters
Word Count: 2,534
What an ugly word. It’s the dissolution of a commitment pledged to last forever—the very antithesis of love.
Nearly fifty percent of all marriages will result in divorce. It’s unfathomably common. You’re not special. What gives you the right to be so miserable, when there are millions of others in your same shoes? You see fellow divorcees partying it up at bars and clubs every weekend, embracing their newfound freedom with open arms.
So why are you in bed every night, curled up tight under the blankets on his side of the mattress until your tears soak the bedding? Why do you need two sleeping pills and half a bottle of wine each night just to choke back the nightmares? Why can’t you bring yourself to take off the wedding ring, when he’s clearly done so with his? Why are you so broken up when he gets to be okay?
Divorce is so ugly. But was your relationship ever beautiful to start with?
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