daddymothxxx · 1 hour
Like fucking what?
And don't tell me some barfy shit like 'love' or 'petting kitten tums'.
[ Narrowed his eyes. ]
Some things are better than money, y'know.
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daddymothxxx · 1 hour
"Yeah, well, ask 'round. It's less cute when it's real mad." He tsked (and sqked) and took a moment to puff up his neck fluff and compulsively pet his good antenna to be sure it wasn't looking unkempt either. He missed the hair he had while alive, okay?
He snorted and held his hands up, palms out. No harm, no foul. "I'm just playin' with ya. Your fluff does look pretty soft."
"You get real cute when you're angry, you know that?"
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daddymothxxx · 2 hours
"You right. Pro'lly wouldn't get it right the first time if I had Earth stuff anyway." He didn't go out of his way to cook things usually.
The rub and kiss got him to lean back into Vox while he was standing behind him.
"I didn' over spice the meat so most of it's safe for you. The red dip isn't." He pointed at the bit he'd given himself from the batch for his plate he'd been picking at intermittently.
"I know ya will, papacito." If Vox did anything, it was throw his whole bussy into whatever he thought would keep him and Velvette happy.
"Well, if you got the spices from down here," Vox sighed as he wandered over and gently placed his hands on Val's shoulders since he COULD while he was sitting, he gently rubbed at them. "That's just how it goes - but I'm sure it tastes amazing regardless. Think I can handle the heat?" He raised an eyebrow.
If Vox sensed his nervousness, he didn't comment on it for now. Did give him a happy cheek kiss, though. "It's nice seeing you so excited. I'll be sure it's worth your while, babe."
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daddymothxxx · 2 hours
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"Look-look-look, it's not bad! Colors? Not bad. Decent color theory and shit, but! I like pink and there's not a lot of options!" He brought his phone up with a dramatic sigh.
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"What am I supposed to be? A fruity barbarshop pole thing! So lame!"
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daddymothxxx · 2 hours
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"Don't be a bitch about this. My fluff is fucking impeccable! And so is my face! And dick! And many other parts of me! Fuck."
"They're not fluffy. They're naked and weird and not handsome."
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daddymothxxx · 2 hours
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[Nope, time to cackle.]
What? Man, you're spoiled rotten.
Listen, only for pay.
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daddymothxxx · 4 hours
[.ooc.] Vees Pride Party Outfit
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Val can't live without his fishnets lmao
I'm sure he's got some matching heels and makeup and whatever. Like some pan themed eye shadow.
but the thing to know about me is I DON'T KNOW SHIT ABOUT FASHION so...
just assume he's trying to look hot and you're golden
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daddymothxxx · 4 hours
He'd come out of the shower and dressed in some short shorts and a crop top to sit at the island counter in the kitchen by now. Letting things air cool to keep them from getting mushy before he'd put them away until warming them tomorrow. He was smoking and trying to eat a bit of it he'd put on a plate.
He was getting a party he asked for. So he didn't get why he was so nervous.
"Think I fucked up some of the...spice blends? Don't taste bad, just not how I remember exactly." At least none of it tasted like a salt-lick or worse. So he considered it a pretty good win.
"Someone's been busy~" Vox sing songed his way into Val's penthouse, drawn in mostly by the smell of food. Call him a little surprised that Val was going through so much effort for this party too, but he was happy for him.
Busiest he'd seen the moth in months. "Smells amazing."
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daddymothxxx · 4 hours
there's something stupid going inside my head
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daddymothxxx · 5 hours
Pride Event
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nothing serious is being planned as it's not a big event or anything BUT
Vox will be hosting a Pride Themed party over at the Tower for @daddymothxxx with @sugarswirlbitch !
it'll be a themed party floor so it's not one of the Vees' specific rooms. Similar to the silly Easter Party they threw a while ago.
It'll start on June 10th! Anyone hh/hb/verse and oc related can pop in! I don't really do time limits but if it's needed, a week sounds reasonable for new threads to be made for it.
anyway, 'crashing' the party is also fine just don't expect Vox to be very amused because he is trying to cheer Val up with this party! But shenanigans are welcomed!
tag for it can be 'vees pride party' i am not very original sorry
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daddymothxxx · 5 hours
Send a ◎ and a question and my muse must answer, even if it’s a secret.
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daddymothxxx · 5 hours
please dont do that
this isn't a political platform and is my escape from activism that i participate in with the rest of my life. i do understand that is a privileged stance, but i'm not giving it up.
i have other places for armchair/internet activism thank you
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daddymothxxx · 6 hours
Tell my muse (on anon or not) in vivid detail how your muse would torture, kill, or punish them.
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daddymothxxx · 6 hours
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[ @daddymothxxx ] Affiliates (Mains/non-exclustive): @voxtekoverlord , @radioiaci , @burningfeathersx , @sugarswirlbitch
Non-canon Compliant HH/HB Valentino; 23 yrs. experience.
Non-Affiliated with Vivziepop; Non-supportive.
Open-Verse/Multi-verse; create in-verse compliant AUs or throw into as-is.
OC & Canon Friendly
Flexible Narrative Style; para/script/long/short/whatever
Mun & Muse of Age
Open to all types of character relationships, even negative ones.
NSFW; Violent/Dark Themes/Graphic Language/Sexual Themes (Not focused on smut.)
Religiously Sensitive Material(?)
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daddymothxxx · 7 hours
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Absolutely underestimating a feral Valentino when it comes to his fellow Vs.
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daddymothxxx · 7 hours
[.ooc.] Hektor + Beau
Alekos "Hektor" Ariti was the Overlord of the Red Light district before, and a bit after, Valentino died and came to Hell. He had a form like a piebald Sphinx Cat and was on the chunkier side.
Hektor was not a kind and took a shine onto Valentino. He was overbearing and treated his tricks much the way Valentino during The 40yrs. There's quite a bit of parallel between Valentino and Hektor and Valentino and Angel Dust. Except Hektor never put on a charming front and Valentino endured the treatment as a fact-of-life, having been treated similarly before in life.
Hektor often beat and abused his workers and, as said, focused a lot on Valentino specifically. There wasn't any accommodations for anyone and flesh was entirely expendable.
Valentino met Vox at a glance a few times while Vox was negotiating with Hektor. Often brought as the party favor or entertainment in Hektor's attempts to mollify Vox. Vox never really seemed to interested beyond looking at him which sort of frustrated Valentino (and sort of reminded him he wasn't just a toy to everyone).
Anyway, Valentino sure as shit wanted to kill Hektor and planned for a long time to make that happen. Hiding money and carefully scrounging around the black markets until he finally got some of Carmine's angelic bullets.
He only meant to kill Hektor, but he ended up hitting one of his blind berserker rages and killed everyone in the building in a flash of Wrath. It was the first time he really got a taste of what he was capable of with his Wrath Curse and unusual strength for a Sinner.
Unbeknownst to him, Vox was due to meet with Hektor soon after the building was a murder scene and Vox stumbled in on it. Vox immediately saw some kind of advantage to be gotten and suggested Valentino take Hektor's place and work with Vox to make it larger and better--Valentino agreed and the rest is history.
Bagwis "Beau" Abantas had a form like a Giant Golden-Crowned Flying Fox Bat. They were right hand Overlord of Drugs to Hektor. They weren't present when Valentino went apeshit. They never liked Valentino and was often party to abusing Val for Hektor's entertainment. Producing the intoxicants to 'spice things up'.
Valentino didn't hold as much of a grudge for them because Beau was also his dealer of drugs that helped him get through it all. However, Beau resented Valentino for killing Hektor (who they had some sort of fucked up Feelings for on the down low).
Beau played along to the power structure change until they saw an opportunity a bit after Vox's 80's fallout with Alastor. He managed to kidnap Valentino and had a lot of plans for the upcoming Overlord. However, they made the mistake of letting some of his lackies have some 'fun' with Valentino and one of them got the bright independent idea to broadcast the torture/near-snuff porn and various abuses.
Vox was quick to zero in on that (thought not before a angelic knife was used to remove Valentino's antenna) and no one in the building made it out of there intact.
Though he left Beau alive, the former Overlord does not remember anything about themselves--not even their own name. Branded with a V scar on their abdomen and presumably still witlessly wandering around Pentagram if no one has taken advantage of their helpless state yet.
Valentino and Vox replaced him with a much mor cooperative Drug Overlord named Caius "Lucian" Bellomo. Whom is so far content to back in the lime light of the Vee's as their collective supplier. Got a look like a basic red fox.
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daddymothxxx · 8 hours
“In case no one has told you today, you’re doing a good job. Even if you don’t feel it.” The angel gives him a soft head pat. “And you mustn’t believe their mean words. After all, I like you. Even if you are rather scary.”
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"I don't need anyone to tell me fucking shit." Sqksqk.
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