dafuqpizza · 5 years
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dafuqpizza · 5 years
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[Image description: Text that says “Happy Pride Month” on top of a trans pride flag background. /End ID]
Lee says:
Here’s a transitioning starter pack for all my trans folk out there! Happy pride month!
Transfeminine resources:
Chest area
Broad shoulders tips
Hair removal
Feminine walk
Waist training
Growing out your hair
Medical transitioning:
Not medically transitioning
Puberty blockers
Estrogen & anti-androgens/testosterone blockers FAQ
The types of surgery available
Surgery: A guide for transfeminine people
Pumping (Silicone injections)
Facial Feminization Options
Breast Augmentation
Transfeminine period dysphoria
Yes, Transfeminine People Can Get Period Symptoms
Slipping into masculinity
Women’s restroom etiquette
Transfeminine people can breastfeed
Having sex or masturbating
Transmasculine resources:
Binding FAQ
Facial hair
Masculine makeup
Getting short hair / Masculine long hair
If you can’t start T
Lowering your voice
Packing and standing to pee
Passing as male
Not shaving legs
Medical transitioning:
Not medically transitioning
Puberty blockers
Testosterone FAQ
Top surgery
Facial masculinization surgery
Body masculinization surgery
Hysterectomy and oophorectomy
Bottom surgery (genital surgery)
Periods and related things
Help! I need to see a gyno
Masturbation and sex
Using the men’s bathroom
Hudson’s FTM Guide
Height dysphoria
Hip dysphoria
More resources:
What gender am I? A brief intro to questioning
Trans 101 for trans people
What is the transgender umbrella?
How do I choose a name?
How do I come out at work/school or to family/friends?
Dysphoria info and tips page
Mental health coping page
Being trans in school
Non-binary resources
Resources to send allies/friends
A page to send to parents/guardians
Convincing someone to respect name/pronouns 
Here is how to get hormones in the US
Here is how to get hormones in the UK
The NHS’s Guide For Young Trans People in England
Here’s a US resource with info on changing legally changing your name and gender marker 
Here is a UK resource with info on changing legally changing your name and gender marker
What are the WPATH-SOC guidelines?
How to save money
How to buy a trans-related item online without parents knowing
I have to go swimming, what do I wear/do?
Trying to sleep when you have dysphoria
Airposts and traveling by plane
Gender neutral bathrooms
Getting insurance to cover your transition
Does transitioning help mental health?
Trans teen’s experiences with inpatient hospitalization
Trans identity isn’t a mental disorder
Vaping prevalence
Summer tips
Being religious and LGBT
Transgender Lives: Your Stories (to see trans adults) 
Gender neutral pronouns in Spanish
Gender Variance Around the World Over Time
A map of gender-diverse cultures
American LGBT history by the National Parks Service
Crisis help: Suicide and crisis hotlines
Anyone can reblog, including allies!
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dafuqpizza · 6 years
What A Great Idea!
This billboard is made of 2,000 cheeseburgers that anyone can take for free.
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This bag of chips has two perforations so you can open it more the further down you eat.
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This pill bottle lid tells you when you last opened it.
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This is a phone charging station where you can pedal to get power.
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Trash bins in Copenhagen are angled so cyclists can toss their trash while biking.
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This dressing room has labeled hooks to help you separate your clothes.
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Choose a cup and let everyone know about your current status.
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Doghouses near a supermarket in Copenhagen.
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There’s a special place for your pet in this supermarket cart.
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A cafe in Poland provides its guests with water for their pets. 
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 These bananas are sorted by how ripe they are at the moment.
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This pharmacy has a magnifying glass so people can read medicine labels more easily.
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This pizza place has a display with all their pizza sizes and how large they are compared to each other.
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dafuqpizza · 6 years
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dafuqpizza · 6 years
How I find a new tv show to watch:
Someone: posts a gifset of lesbians or a gay couple
Me: *clicks original source to check their tags and see if said tv show is mentioned in the tags*
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dafuqpizza · 6 years
-ok first of all we’re all going batshit about the kiss but toni’s real name is ANTOINETTE and i think that deserves some recognition
-i find it adorable but also stupid as hell that toni ran into the building yelling cheryl’s name like girl are you trying to get caught? wha
-you’ve heard of the choni kiss but have you heard of the GAYEST HUG EVER
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-also if madnessa doesn’t do a choni q&a us shippers will riot in the streets who’S WITH ME
-i love that they kissed in front of anti-gay propaganda but what was that lighting honestly
-also none of those gay kids made a peep when two girls were kissing right in front of them? like that’s just awkward there would have been at least some clapping or something let’s be real here
-lydia is right nana rose is the captain of choni and no one can convince me otherwise @grandregui
-i also have a theory that veronica is the up-and-coming first mate but more on that later
-the lil scene we get in the student lounge where they’re playing with each other’s hands? soft gfs spectacular amazing never seen before showstopping incredible
-i’ve said it before and i’ll say it again, toni looks at cheryl like she’s her whole world and it is the only thing that i live for
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-in conclusion, i have a lot of feelings and i cannot BELIEVE they’re making us wait THREE DANG WEEKS to see more of these bi-conic bi-cons
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dafuqpizza · 6 years
Media With LGBT Main Characters
This is an in-progress list, so more titles and categories will be added, but feel free to reblog and/ or add something!
 4th Man Out- A gay man goes through the process of coming out to his aggressively straight buddies. Comedy with a happy ending.
Adam & Steve- Ridiculous series of events during a relationship between two men. Bad comedy with a happy ending.
Beautiful Thing- A teenager dealing with his preoccupied mother falls in love with a classmate. Happy Ending.
Blue is the Warmest Colour- Coming-of-age romantic drama between two teenage girls. Unhappy ending.
Brokeback Mountain-A complex emotional and romantic relationship between two men in the American West develops between 1963 and1983. Unhappy ending. 
Carol- A forbidden affair between a young photographer and an older woman going through divorce during the 1950s. Happy Ending.
Capital Games- Two men fighting for the same position in a company struggle with their feelings for each other when forced to do a team-building exercise as part of a business retreat. Happy ending.
Dog Day Afternoon- Hostage drama based on the true story of a man who held up a bank to fund his partner’s bottom surgery. Unhappy ending.
Milk- Documentary about the life and death of pioneering gay politician Harvey Milk. Unhappy ending.
My Beautiful Laundrette- A young man living in london reunites with an old friend, eventually developing a romantic relationship with him after offering him a job running a laundrette to get him off the streets. Happy ending.
My Own Private Idaho- Two friends embark on a journey of personal discovery that takes them to both Idaho and Italy. Unhappy ending.
Pariah- A Black butch lesbian slowly comes to terms with her identity. Ambiguous ending.
Pride- The story of an unlikely alliance between striking miners in a Welsh village and London gay rights activists. Happy ending.
Shelter- Gay surfers fall in love. Happy ending.
Show Me Love- Two teenage girls begin a tentative romantic relationship. Ambiguous ending.
Tangerine-A transgender sex worker discovers her boyfriend and pimp has been cheating on her. Ambiguous ending.
Tomboy- A ten-year-old experiments with their gender. Ambiguous ending.
The Weekend-A romantic drama of a brief, touching encounter between two men. Bittersweet ending.
Tropical Malady- A soldier arriving to investigate the mysterious slaying of animals and a farm boy strike up a connection. Ambiguous ending.
Camp Rewind- Two women strike up a romance at a summer retreat.
Never Lose Your Flames- A fire elemental and the bounty hunter being paid to arrest him fall in love. 
Bad Boy- A transgender youtube star by day and vigilante by night, a job goes south and someone is out to ruin Ren’s life, leaving him struggling to clear his name.
Of Fire and Stars- A magic user and future queen falls in love with a princess, and her husband-to-be’s sister.
If I Was Your Girl- Trans romance written by a trans author
The Fifth Season- In the distant future, nature ravages the land, with a select few being able to control it. Main characters include a bi man, a gay man, and a trans woman.
Six of Crows (two book series)- A gang of thieves take on their most ambitious job yet- stealing a magic-enhancing drug. Features a lighthearted love story between a sharpshooter and the demolitions expert.
Into this River I Drown- A man searching for the truth behind his father’s death falls in love with his town’s guardian angel.
Not Your Sidekick- After failing to manifest powers, the local superhero duo’s daughter takes on an internship with their super-villain rival, and falls in love with her. Also has a trans boy.
Chameleon Moon- A group of people struggle to survive in a city of magic and turmoil. Has a married lesbian couple, several gay characters, and a nonbinary character.
Last Seen Leaving- After his sort-of-girlfriend vanishes, a closeted kid is forced to team up with another friend of hers, and develops feelings for him along the way
The Lightning-struck Heart- A wizard and a knight are sent to save the knight’s boyfriend, and fall hopelessly in love along the way. There’s also a gay dragon.
The Girl With the Crooked Fangs- A half-vampire develops a crush on her daring human friend.
Ice Massacre & Ice Crypt (two book series)- A mermaid hunter develops feelings for an old friend of hers, who happens to be one of the mermaids she’s sent to kill.
The Coldest Girl In Coldtown- Vampire story with a twist, and both  a bisexual and transgender main character.
The Foxhole Court (3 book series)- Neil, a gifted Exy player with a rocky past, joins a competitive team. Several gay and bi characters, including the protagonist.
The Raven Cycle (3 book series)- A group of boys and a girl who serves as a psychic amplifier try to find and awaken a Welsh king. Stars a romance between a boy who can take things out of his dreams and a magician.
Shallow Graves- A girl awakens several feet underground, at the same moment when all birds in the nearby vicinity drop dead. She struggles to piece together the identity of the killer while finding out what she is. Bisexual protagonist.
TV Series
In The Flesh- Kieran, a Partially Deceased Syndrome (PDS) sufferer, is brought back to live and returned home. He’s gay, as are various other characters.
Carmilla- Lesbian vampires! Plus a nonbinary character played by a nonbinary actor
Skam- The story of teenagers in a secondary school, with each season being told from a different characters point of view. Several gay main characters.
Shadowhunters- Hard to explain, but has both a gay and a bi character.
The Get Down- The lives of a group of nyc teens in the 1970′s, with two of the characters in the latest episode stopping just short of kissing
Torchwood- About an agency created to control alien beings. Lots of bi and gay characters.
The Magicians- A group of students at a college train to use magic and defend themselves against an enemy from another dimension. The protagonist of the series is a bisexual man, and there’s also another gay main character.
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dafuqpizza · 6 years
It occurs to me that there are people who weren’t on this website in 2012 and therefore never saw the magical gif that you can actually hear:
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It’s been over five years and that still impresses the hell out of me.
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dafuqpizza · 7 years
me before coffee: sad
me after coffee: sad with a higher heart rate
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dafuqpizza · 7 years
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Tattoo by Johnny Gloom
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dafuqpizza · 7 years
if you see art on your dashboard, please make sure that the caption of the source isn’t removed before reblogging especially if they’re the artist
if you find out it’s been removed, please reblog from the source. they deserve credit for their creation
dont also be a fucking twat and remove the artist’s caption
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dafuqpizza · 7 years
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my pupper is so cute 🌈✨ // ig: kevincont
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dafuqpizza · 7 years
donald trump: nobody has more respect for women than I do
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dafuqpizza · 7 years
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dafuqpizza · 7 years
haters will see you and be like i hate you
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dafuqpizza · 7 years
tumblr may be a hell site full of nauseating discourse but at least they haven’t integrated a ‘stories’ feature like literally every other social media site
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dafuqpizza · 7 years
My kink is people underestimating me and ending up wrong and embarrassed
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