daisyspellwrites · 3 years
Sabbat Altar and Celebration Ideas for the Solitary Witch
YULE Altar ideas: Put mistletoe and pine on your altar; put a candle up there to represent the Sun; keep your Yule log on your altar; use symbols of the Sun; decorate with red, green, white, blue, and yellow (red and green for holly, white and blue for snow and wintery colors, yellow for the Sun). Celebration ideas: Kiss a consenting person under the mistletoe for luck; give gifts; have a feast; make magickal wreaths with herbs corresponding to the spell intent (you might use lilac, lavender, and camomile for a wreath that brings peace into your home).
IMBOLC Altar ideas: Use candles to represent the return of spring; make a cute little corn dolly; put a Brigid’s cross on there to honor her; decorate with yellow and green to represent the Sun and return of spring. Celebration ideas: Clean your house; have a self-dedication ritual (to a particular path, deity, philosophy, standard of life, etc.); clean off your working altar and redo it; cleanse and charge any tools or crystals you need to.
OSTARA Altar ideas: Use fake eggs, rabbits, and other symbols of fertility or spring; put some potted plants on the altar; place some packets of seeds you might be planning on growing; decorate with purple, yellow, green, white, and other spring, pastel colors. Celebration ideas: Paint and blow eggs (take proper precautions when handling raw eggs, obviously, especially if you’re putting your mouth on them); if you have a greenhouse, want a potted plant, or it’s warm enough where you live to plant outside, plant some seeds; buy a potted plant; organize your herb shelf.
BELTAINE Altar ideas: Make a mini Maypole for your centerpiece; smack some candles up in there, especially beeswax, if that’s in your budget; put some faery symbols, like little statues or bells or something like that; a jar of honey or some beeswax is always dope; if you’re comfortable with it, some people like to put representations of genatalia on their altar. Celebration ideas: Light an awesome bonfire (also be very cautious with this because fire can quickly turn dangerous); leave offerings to the faeries; have a dance outside; this is a good time to plan to have a handfasting ceremony or wedding; cast any love workings you’ve been meaning to do; if you’re an adult and have a person/people who consent to it, you could choose to have sex during this time (but do be safe!); many people try to conceive children during Beltaine.
LITHA Altar ideas: Symbols of the Sun and the Moon, feminine and masculine symbols if that’s a thing in your tradition; decorate with black and white to symbolize the night and day. Celebration ideas: Get up before the Sun rises and go to sleep after it sets, so you can experience the day and night; have a bonfire (again, safety is important); have a picnic; just spend a lot of time outside.
LUGHNASADH Altar ideas: Put bread and grain on the altar; maybe some apples and other autumn fruits; pinecones and leaves are fall symbols; decorate with red, orange, yellow, brown, and other colors of the season. Celebration ideas: Bake (especially make the cute little bread men); give an offering to the Earth; go to an apple orchard and pick some apples; share a feast with the family or your friends.
MABON Altar ideas: Wine, or grape juice if alcohol is unavailable for any reason; leaves and pinecones; apples; a money jar (see first celebration suggestion below). Celebration ideas: For a week or two before Mabon, put money you can afford to give up in a jar, and donate it to charity or a cause you support on Mabon; have another apple harvest; have another feast; do a ritual to honor the Earth.
SAMHAIN Altar ideas: Pop a few gourds in there, more apples if you want; pictures of the deceased; tools for divination and spirit contact; decorate with black, white, and orange. Celebration ideas: Divination, spirit communication (obviously only if you know what you’re doing); hold a seance or a dumb supper if that’s more comfortable for you; light a candle in the window for spirits (use a fake one if you want it lit all night); leave some milk and honey for the Fair Folk; give offerings to the dead; put up wards and shields if you’re one of the people who would prefer to avoid spirit activity.
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daisyspellwrites · 3 years
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Nothing like some good old moon magick!
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daisyspellwrites · 3 years
Tips To Get Back in Touch With Your Craft:
I’ve fallen really out of touch with my craft as of late, and this is a small tip of lists for me to start reconnecting with it again. I hope this list can be of use to someone else too!
Starting from the basics. Try to keep a daily meditation routine. Don’t make timed goals for yourself when you meditate. Meditate just as long as it feels good and right for you. What phase is the moon on today? You can meditate on the meaning of the moon phase to help you focus if that works for you!
Ground and Center yourself (at least) weekly
It helps, it really does. Balance yourself and re-center your energies and you’ll feel more stable.
Daily Tarot
Draw one tarot card from your deck daily and interpret it. This will help you to reconnect with your decks.
Sigils for Everything
Sigils are fast and easy to use for pretty much everything. Need some protection? Draw a protection sigil on your body when you start your day! Put a beauty sigil in your make up bag! A sigil for good dreams under your pillow! A sigil for keeping hydrated on the bottom of your water bottle! Sigils can be used for so many things.
Tea? Those are Potions
Drink a lot of tea? Those are potions! Stir your tea anti-clockwise to get rid of something. Stir it clockwise to attract things. What ingredients does your tea use? Use the meanings of the herbs and fruits to charge and bring a little magic to your tea! Put honey in your tea to sweeten your mood or your day. Is your tea black, green, herbal, something else? This post has great resources for what different teas mean! Use those meanings and make tea your magical potion!
Got old spell jars lying around?
Charge those spell jars to get more out of them!
Work with any deities?
Thank your deities after eating a meal. Thank them for things big and small in your life.
Keep a dream journal! Or…
If that’s too much for you, think about the dreams you’ve seen after waking up and wonder what it might mean for you.
Pick up a new thing
Never got a hang of astrology? Start looking into it! Interested in different methods of divination? Do some research and find interesting ways for it! Start following new witches with crafts different from yours!
You don’t need to do all of these or do them the way I do them. Just pick up something and bring back magic into your life. 
Psst, remember! This post is not encouraging cultural appropriation. Be mindful!
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daisyspellwrites · 3 years
Could somebody be a paramedic if they were missing a forearm?
Y’know, sometimes a question comes along that exposes your biases. I’m really, really glad you asked me this.
My initial instinct was to say no. There are a lot of tasks as a paramedic that require very specific motions that are sensitive to pressure: drawing medications, spreading the skin to start IVs. There’s strength required–we do a LOT of lifting, and you need to be able to “feel” that lift.
So my first thought was, “not in the field”. There are admin tasks (working in an EMS pharmacy, equipment coordinator, supervisor, dispatcher) that came to mind as being a good fit for someone with the disability you describe, but field work….?
(By the way, I know a number of medics with leg prostheses; these are relatively common and very easy to work with. I’m all in favor of disabled medics. I just didn’t think the job was physically doable with this kind of disability.)
Then I asked. I went into an EMS group and asked some people from all across the country. And the answers I got surprised me.
They were mostly along the lines of “oh totally, there’s one in Pittsburgh, she kicks ass” or “my old partner had a prosthetic forearm and hand, she could medic circles around the rest of her class”. One instructor said they had a student with just such a prosthesis, and wasn’t sure how to teach; the student said “just let me figure it out”, and by the end of the night they were doing very sensitive skills better than their classmates.
Because of that group I know of at least a half-dozen medics here in the US with forearm and hand prostheses.
So yes. You can totally have a character with one forearm, who works as a paramedic for a living.
Thanks again for sending this in. It broadened my worldview.
xoxo, Aunt Scripty
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daisyspellwrites · 3 years
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Forgive me. I did not see it. I have failed you all. No, Boromir. You fought bravely. You have kept your honor.
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daisyspellwrites · 3 years
The home of a mini-blog network dream... I need to get to writing quite a bit more often though.
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daisyspellwrites · 3 years
Sierra Vista, AZ. The place I call home.
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daisyspellwrites · 3 years
Shirts I may buy one day... I need to get rid of shirts I don't care about and replace them with querky nerd shirts to wear as pjs and on the weekends to my heart's content.
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daisyspellwrites · 3 years
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daisyspellwrites · 3 years
Hello tumblr,
I have arrived.
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