dancemyself · 2 months
i need eid to become secular the way christmas is like why should i spend the only cultural holiday i have suffocating with guilt while a good number of the people who go ham on christmas have no such qualms about not being religious
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dancemyself · 2 months
eid mubarak everyone!! hope all of you are eating good food 💃💃
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dancemyself · 2 months
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dancemyself · 2 months
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Ahmad Manasra left solitary confinement!!
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dancemyself · 2 months
the white western world believes the famine and death of black and brown people is integral and natural to our existence and that is why there is such little care and disregard, ignorance and eagerness to portray palestine and sudan as anything but genocide
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dancemyself · 3 months
I see it a lot in my notes too, the "until the hostages are released Israel will not stop" and I just want you all to finish the damn sentence you genocidal freaks. Israel won't stop what? Say it so that we're all clear.
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dancemyself · 3 months
it broke today that biden airdropped aid to gaza. other than the fact that this is an obvious pr move ahead of his re-election campaign, i think it's important to stress how ineffective this method is compared to just allowing humanitarian aid to come through. airdrops carry far less aid than truck convoys, for one, and require an airdrop zone with a lot of idealistic conditions that don't often coincide. this is a major reason why you hear a lot of airdrops being conducted at beaches--and why a lot of them have been blown to the sea. and what's even more dangerous about that is that a lot of these palestinians are malnourished, starving, in a delirious state of mind. many of them are so utterly hungry that they'd be willing to swim through just to get their hands on a sodden meal. but apparently this is the best thing the us, which literally funds israel's ongoing genocide, can do for palestinians at the moment.
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dancemyself · 3 months
the whole shitshow happening on twitter about the hijabi gal with a baby bump and muslim men's reaction to it seems to have inspired a massive conversation among muslim women about Why Are Muslim Men Like That and i really appreciate it. i've said before that i see myself as being in community with muslims despite being ex-muslim myself, but ik the feeling is not exactly mutual, so i don't really know how much i have to add to the conversation or what my positionality is here. i will say tho, i am always delighted to see these conversations Happening and i do hope that progressive muslims will make space for ex-muslims here because i really do think the question of "what pushed people so far away from islam" is a worthwhile one for everyone. in fact, i've seen people talk about it from the angle that "muslim men's sexism is pushing away women who are reverting," and i think there's space for "it's also pushing away women who were raised into islam."
i completely understand that in the global climate of extreme islamophobia, there's a sense that "any critiques of the islamic community must be done WITHIN the community to protect from outsiders who are operating from a place of hate." i entirely recognize that and i agree completely. but like i've said before, islamophobia doesn't actually stop when you no longer practice islam, and ex-muslims are also impacted by it. my argument is just that ex-muslims are, in a sense, part of the community because we're HERE. we live in these countries, we are part of your families, we're impacted by the same systems. it's a very weird positionality we occupy, but it would be inaccurate to say that ex-muslims are outsiders in the same sense that white christians are. i won't deny that there is a lot of islamophobia among ex-muslims, but it's a lot more nuanced than the kind of islamophobia that you'll see among white europeans and americans.
ex-muslims absolutely have a lot of fuckin Issues and i will always be the first to call it out, but we're really never gonna heal the mass religious trauma in the ex-muslim community until we are welcomed in these spaces where our traumas are validated and treated with the gravity they deserve. because a lot of these traumas we share are coming from the same place! muslim men being shitty to muslim women is entirely coming from the same place as them being shitty to non-muslim and ex-muslim women. there is of course more nuance there, but my point stands.
idk if i'm making sense but tldr, muslim women who are sick and tired of sexism from muslim men, i am holding your hand and i hope you hold mine too
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dancemyself · 3 months
sometimes catch myself thinking "of course this would happen, of course israel would open fire at starving people trying to get aid, of course the airdropped aid would fall in a place it's not supposed to fall, of course more and more children are dying of starvation and malnutrition" and then i have to remind myself to stay angry at everything that is happening because even if all of it follows the despicable and clear path of genocide, it should be resisted every step of the way until we can get it to stop
even though israel is simply following the plans it has already declared to raze gaza to the ground and ethnically cleanse its people, even though we are watching nothing but an accelerated version of the kind of strategy that has been employed against palestinians for 75 years, even though the leaders of the world are complicit while the people of the world continue to protest, even though it has been five months, i refuse to normalize with this. none of this is normal. this is monstrous, depraved and sick. its nothing new but we'll keep saying it, and i won't forget any of it.
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dancemyself · 3 months
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"incident" at what death count exactly should it be called a massacre???
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dancemyself · 4 months
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your daily reminder xoxo
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dancemyself · 4 months
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dancemyself · 4 months
it's been a year so i feel more comfortable talking about it..
when you're atheist and you lose someone, religious people don't really know how to interact with you. it's fine, we have different worldviews.
'He's in a better place, now.'
Sorry auntie, but I don't believe that. I believe that his brain stopped working at 5h55pm on december 11th 2022, and that's it. Nothing after that.
It makes grief very difficult, because not believing in god or the afterlife also means accepting that you will never, ever see that person again. That's it. The end. Nada mas.
But, back to the aunties and other faceless people gravitating in the grey blurry waters of your awareness.
They tell you 'He's with god now' and you tell them 'Yeah I don't believe that' and.
they. get. annoyed.
Here I am, gutted open, the worst day of my life, barely holding myself together, and they! Get annoyed that I won't smile and entertain their point of view!
Another faceless person tried to heal me with cristals. She also got annoyed when I told her I didn't believe in that.
I usually don't really mind religious people. It's fine, we have different worldviews. I think I'm right but so do they. As long as they're good people, I don't judge them for their faith.
I'll even be grateful for them trying to console me. I get that you're trying to give me strength and love. Thank you.
But I'm going to be true to myself, yes even when I'm mad with shock and grief. And I still can't believe they got annoyed that I didn't play along to placate them, on the worst day of my life.
(I wanted to share because I've never heard anyone talk about atheism and grief, and the loneliness that comes out of it.)
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dancemyself · 4 months
If you say Israel isn’t committing a genocide then you are speaking over all those Israeli soldiers
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dancemyself · 4 months
Unkind reminder when it comes to Genocide and ethnic cleansing, there is no "nuance".
Israel is committing ethnic cleansing and genocide. The Palestinians are suffering and have been for 75 years. So no again, no nuance here.
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dancemyself · 4 months
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dancemyself · 4 months
the news coming out of rafah is so horrific
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