dangus-doo · 4 hours
Soundwave that I did for a project in my art class.
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dangus-doo · 4 hours
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i dont know why i made this
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dangus-doo · 4 hours
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The heaviest shrouds are the smallest. Rafah one hour ago.
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dangus-doo · 5 hours
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dangus-doo · 6 hours
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Building a big, red robot this week!
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This is the HGGTO MS-06S Zaku II (Red Comet Ver.) - basically a very fancy version of Char's Zaku II.
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I was genuinely disappointed with the head. There's absolutely no molded detail of any kind for the mono-eye. It's just a sticker on a smooth bit of plastic.
I debated trying to improve it a bit... Maybe freehanding a bit of that pink Gundam Marker I like so much. Or trying to scribe around the sticker to get a nice circle? Or gluing on a bit of pla-plate to add detail?
But, ultimately, I decided to just go with the sticker. I'm not thrilled with it - but I can easily peel it off and do something different at a later date. I didn't want to risk doing anything irreparable right now.
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There's some really neat articulation in the chest. The two sides of the chest can fold inward on their own, giving you some additional flex before you even get to the shoulder joints.
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The monopose/fixed-pose hands are so much better than the articulated hands in the RG kit. I mean, sure, being able to pose the fingers is cool and all... But they're just so finnicky and fragile. Give me a good, solid, fixed-pose hand any day.
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The legs are maybe the one part of this kit I didn't love. Those hoses/pipes/cables are just so bad after building the RG. They're solid lumps of plastic. They don't bend at all. They just look so stiff and awkward.
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There's a lot of accessories in this kit.
You get the usual Zaku II machine-gun, as well as a belt-fed version. There's a heat hawk and a collapsed/stowed version. Then there's a bazooka, and an anti-ship rifle, and some extra ammo.
Seriously - there's a couple runners dedicated just to the accessories. It's kind of amazing.
Unfortunately the weapons are all set up to be held in the right hand, so you can't dual-wield them without making some modifications. And there's no way to stow the anti-ship rifle on the kit when it isn't in use. So you can't actually put all the weapons on the model at the same time.
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I don't normally use the sticker-style decals on a kit. I'd normally just throw that sticker sheet away. But I already had to use one for the mono-eye just because there's no other option... And then I didn't want the lenses on the weapons to look dramatically better/different... And then I just kept going.
Honestly, I think these were even more annoying to apply than waterslide decals.
I seemed to have some kind of static attraction going with these stickers. Once I got close to the model they'd just kind of suck onto it, which made precise positioning difficult. You can see some uneven lines around the waist skirts, which bug the hell out of me.
Still - the added markings really do make the kit pop. Maybe I'll grab some waterslides and do it right...
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The articulation and posability of this kit is really something else. Very solid joints all around. Nothing that felt loose or in need of tightening. Holds a pose very well. Doesn't feel nearly as fragile as that RG I built.
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Really, I don't have many complaints.
I would've liked a couple more hand options... Give me an open/expressive right hand, and a usable holding hand on the left. But that's about it. This is an absolutely fantastic kit.
I liked the build process for the RG... I really enjoy that level of detail and complexity... But this HG is absolutely superior as a finished model. I'm not afraid to touch it like the RG.
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dangus-doo · 6 hours
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MSM-07S Z'Gok Commander Type fan art gundam the origin possible unit...
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dangus-doo · 6 hours
So I finally got around to building a new kit after like over a month of just letting them pile up and I decided to go for something a little different, that being the HG Char's Zaku II Revive! Honestly what a fantastic kit, it's so dynamic and intimidating at just about every angle, and the forearms and hands are super impressive in their articulation! The moving monoeye is so cool too.
My main gripe with this kit is the plastic skirting for the waist tends to fall off really easily as soon as you start putting those legs up even slightly, but thankfully they have a rubber skirting included so that isn't an issue, though I personally am not using it. Another thing I struggled with is putting weapons into it's hands, the long stock on the machine gun and the bazooka can be really fiddly when trying to pose it and you will have parts like the shield and the skirting falling off as you try to pose it but once you have it down it just looks so good that all the struggling for it was worth it! Highly recommend getting either this one or the standard zaku II revive!
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dangus-doo · 6 hours
i think a lot of people would be happier if they viewed labels like homosexual and transgender as social technologies rather than identities
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dangus-doo · 6 hours
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dangus-doo · 6 hours
when doctors ask if i have any history of cancer in my family and i have to say that yes my grandmother had 2 types of gastrointestinal cancer and they're like oh wow okay so we'll keep an eye out for that but i'm like no it was probably just all the nuclear radiation and they're like ok hm ok what the fuck do you mean and it's very weird seeing the look on american doctors' faces when you have to explain to them that believe it or not atomic bombs were dropped on this earth 2 generations ago and it did have consequences
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dangus-doo · 6 hours
When you are alone and have a heart attack. What are you gonna do then?
Take a 2 minute break and read this:
Let's say it's 5:25 pm and you're driving home after an unusually hard day's work.
You are really tired and frustrated. All of a sudden your chest pains. They are starting to radiate in the arm and jaw. It feels like being stabbed in the chest and heart. You're only a few miles away from the nearest hospital or home.
Unfortunately you don't know if you can make it..
Maybe you've taken CPR training, but the person running the course hasn't told you how to help yourself.
How do you survive a heart attack when you're alone when it happens? A person who is feeling weak and whose heart is beating hard has only about 10 seconds before losing consciousness.
1. But you can help yourself by coughing repeatedly and very strongly! Deep breaths before every cough. Coughing should be repeated every second until you arrive at the hospital or until your heart starts to beat normally.
2. Deep breathing gives oxygen to your lungs and coughing movements boost the heart and blood circulation. Heart pressure also helps to restore a normal heartbeat. Here's how cardiac arrest victims can make it to the hospital for the right treatment
3. Cardiologists say if someone gets this message and passes it on to 10 people, we can expect to save at least one life.
4. FOR WOMEN: You should know that women have additional and different symptoms. Rarely have crushing chest pain or pain in the arms. Often have indigestion and tightness across the back at the bra line plus sudden fatigue.
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dangus-doo · 7 hours
Hi everyone, I wanted to boost these two GoFundMes from people looking to evacuate Gaza. Please help them in whatever way you can, donate what you can, because this is a matter of life and death. Reblog and please spread the word, please help them get their families to safety.
Each of them has only reached about $1000 of their goal, far from the $45,000 needed by Khaled and the $20,000 needed by Shareef.
Khaled's fundraiser:
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Shareef's fundraiser:
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(Please note: I am not Palestinian, both of these people reached out to me on Instagram to share or donate to their fundraisers. If any bloggers esp. Palestinian bloggers have verified these fundraisers or have an existing post to reblog for them, please let me know!)
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dangus-doo · 14 hours
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dangus-doo · 14 hours
I love those "asking cosplayers at a con what their day job is" videos because it's always like
*muffled voice issuing from a huge suit of armor* im a cybersecurity specialist
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dangus-doo · 14 hours
when a centaur dies, the horse half obviously goes to hell, but the human half ascends to heaven, detached and missing its lower horse body, forced to go about the rest of its afterlife mourning the loss of something vile and profane, which is in a sense its own kind of hell
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dangus-doo · 14 hours
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this is the funniest tweet of all time
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dangus-doo · 15 hours
Fanfic writers are like crows. If you give them treats (comments) they will bring you shiny things (fanfic)
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