daniellikessalad · 6 months
What is Fandom, advantages, and disadvantages of fandom?
To begin with this blog, let me explain what Fandom to those is who does not know what it is. Fandom is term that is used for physical or digital communities that share similar activities and interests (Luísa Pinto Felício 2023, pp. 17 pages). In laymen term, it is a community where individuals with similar interest towards a topic, activity, someone, or something gather and interact with one another. Examples of fandoms are the Taylor Swift fandom, for people who interested in Taylor Swift and her music, the gaming fandom, where people who are interested in games or also known as gamers, would interact about game related topics and also the Football fandom, talking about football related topics. To further explain about Fandom, let us dive deeper to what people of a Fandom do. Peoples of a fandom usually do fanarts, which are art made by fans of that fandom, they also do discussion boards online to discuss topics related to the fandom they are in. This are mostly seen on social media platforms such as X (Twitter), YouTube, Instagram and many other social media platforms. Another activity done by these fans of a fandom are attending fan conventions (Geraskier 2020), an example can be seen by the ACG community, which stands for Anime, Comic, Gaming community, where they attend fan conventions, meet peoples with similar interests, meeting celebrity guess such as famous voice actors for characters in ACG community, and even going as far to cosplay, which means dressing up, as their favourite characters from specific parts of the ACG. Within the era of internet and technology, fandom has grown even bigger because the people of the fandom are able to interact with each other online, no matter where they are in the world.
Advantages of fandom
With being in a fandom, you are able to gain a few advantages being in a fandom and here are some examples. Supporting the franchise or brand of the fandom, by buying products, fandoms supporting brands would be fans supporting and buying Nike Products more due to the vast amount of celebrity athletes using the brands hence causing the athletes fandom to buy more of the products that their person of interest uses. An example of a celebrity Athlete that uses Nike and has a huge fandom is LeBron James, the King of Basketball. Fandoms would promote their interest on social media, such as their favourite songs, artist, games, athletes, and teams, because they have interest in those topics and would love to bring in more people to support them (Nate 2020). This is because fans of fandom just love promoting and supporting their favourite team or artist and sharing about them on social media. In layman’s terms, the community would need time and energy to support their interest while fandom does it voluntarily (Nate 2020).
Disadvantages of fandom
In the vast landscape of fan communities, where people of the fandom show their love, dedication and also pride towards their interest, but there is also a darker side to fandoms, which are called “toxic fandom”. Toxic fandoms are fans of a community that can be seen as hostile and extreme where these group of people would band together towards something on social media such as Reddit, Facebook or Youtube (Zubernis 2022). Toxic fandoms is a word used by the media, to express fans who use negative and unacceptable behaviour which can range from bullying other members of the fandom or saying racist or sexist comments to people (Vinney 2022). An example of these “toxic fandom”, can be seen by the Marvel fandom, where they would “review bombing” which is known as leaving bad reviews on shows to ruin the reputation of films or shows, such as Ms. Marvel, where the fans dislike the show. Fandoms can band together to share a passion for something, they can also band together over mutual hate, which can often result in attacks against other fans (Zubernis 2022). The fandom can also become posting critical comments on reboots for works of pop culture, abusing other fans who have a different opinion, or sending threats to the production such as rape or murder threats or sharing the production team private information (Taylor 2023).
In conclusion, being in a fandom can be a good way to interact with people who have similar interest to you, but there is also a bad side to fandoms. As a person who is a part of a fandom, I usually use it to connect with more people and gain more friend online while staying away from the negativity of some fandoms and not turning into a “toxic fandom” myself.
Pinto Felício, L 2023, Handbook of Research on Perspectives on Society and Technology Addiction, R Sine Nazlı & G Sari (eds), IGI Global, pp. 17 pages.
Geraskier 2020, What is Fandom?, Medium, viewed 9 November 2023, <https://medium.com/@geraskier/fandom-1607c5757841>.
Guggia, N 2020, Fans vs. Communities, www.linkedin.com, viewed 10 November 2023, <https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/fans-vs-communities-nate-guggia>.
Zubernis, L 2022, How Fandom Turns Toxic | Psychology Today, www.psychologytoday.com, viewed 12 November 2023, <https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-science-fandom/202207/how-fandom-turns-toxic>.
Taylor, V 2023, Toxic Fandom: What Is It?, Change Becomes You, viewed 13 November 2023, &lt;https://medium.com/change-becomes-you/toxic-fandom-what-is-it-c8c1520beb06>.
Vinney, C 2022, What Is Toxic Fandom?, Verywell Mind, viewed 13 November 2023, <https://www.verywellmind.com/what-is-toxic-fandom-5214499#:~:text=Toxic%20fandom%20is%20a%20buzzword>.
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daniellikessalad · 6 months
What is crowdsourcing and the what is there to gain from it?
What is crowdsourcing in this day and age?
Crowdsourcing is something that can be seen done in our daily lives, which can be seen around us, on the way to work or even online when scrolling through social media. Crowdsourcing is an activity or work done by a group or individuals to obtain work, information, or opinions from a large group of people who submit their data or thoughts through Internet, social media, and smartphone apps (Hargrave 2022). People may think that crowdsourcing is a new concept that exist due to the digital era, but in reality, it has been around for a long time. Based on Chrum in 2013, as early as 1714, crowdsourcing has brought distributing of problem solving to task (Chrum 2013). People that are involve in crowdsourcing sometimes work as paid freelances, while there are others who do crowdsourcing as a small task voluntarily (Hargrave 2022). Crowdsourcing can be used to create or improve services or products or solve complex problems that a company is facing, which is where they are able to create ideas or solutions to their issues which can be “novel, implementable, and useful” (Majchrzak & Malhotra, 2020). An example of crowdsourcing that can be taken is finding a new logo, where a company can hire dozens of graphic designers to work on samples of a logo for a small fee, the company then will choose their favourite and pay the graphic designer to complete the logo with more details. There is different type of crowdsourcing, which are wisdom, where they collect smart individuals to do problem solving, creation to create ideas or design and voting where they gain votes from crowds, mostly done for democratic principle (Hargrave 2022).
Advantages and disadvantages of crowdsourcing
With crowdsourcing, it is able to provide a lot of advantages to the companies. Crowdsourcing can be cost sufficient, very fast, and give an opportunity to work with people that has skills that a company employee might not have. Other than that, crowdsourcing can help unite communities around similar project or cause, can be an efficient way of solving time-intensive problems, and deeper engagement by communities (Hargrave 2022). This advantages that come from crowdsourcing can be beneficial for the company and also the freelancing volunteers or hired individuals to work together and building a relationship between each other. With this many advantages, there are also some disadvantages that comes from them, such as producing insufficient result based on the crowd that is being sourced and not able to produce proper evidence and having the potential to miss the best ideas, talents and fall short on the goal or purpose crowdsourcing (Hargrave 2022). Some other advantages include having a vast range of users who are able to provide different diversity in their experience, allows testing with all kinds of parameters that the company may be looking for, and also lack of bias from the testers towards the company as they do not work or associate with the company itself (Dowson n.d.).
Furthermore, some other disadvantages that can be found in crowdsourcing includes confidentiality of companies’ info, plagiarism information gained in crowdsourcing, potential to be problematic if not managed good enough, hiring amateurs, and the potential for failure when putting lots of time and effort but having nothing to show (Bakire 2021).
Difference between crowdsourcing and crowdfunding
While focusing on crowdsourcing, we can also talk about crowdfunding. As previously explained, crowdsourcing is about an activity to obtain information through a large crowd to make data, while crowdfunding is about raising funds for a project from a large crowd of people, usually done through online platforms (Sparrow n.d.). Crowdfunding is primarily focused on funding, allowing entrepreneurs, artist, and creatives to fund projects by contributing from a broad range of audiences. While crowdsourcing focused on gaining knowledge and creativity from a group of people to solve problems or generate ideas (Sparrow n.d.). In layman terms, crowdsourcing is gaining information from groups of people to solve problems while crowdfunding is gaining money from people for their projects.
In conclusion, crowdsourcing is a good activity to be done by companies to help themselves to solve problems or generate ideas by hiring people or gaining volunteers to help the companies in a short period of time while able to unite and communicate with each other. There are a lot of advantages and disadvantages of crowdsourcing and there is a main difference between the purpose of crowdsourcing and crowdfunding.
 Bakire, H 2021, The Top 5 Crowdsourcing Advantages and Disadvantages | HeroX, www.herox.com, viewed 25 November 2023, <https://www.herox.com/blog/972-the-top-5-crowdsourcing-advantages-and-disadvantag>.
Chrum, A. (2013, April 8). How crowdsourcing saves your internal resources.Retrieved fromhttps://www.crowdsource.com/blog/2013/04/how-crowdsourcing-saves-your-internal-resources/
Dowson, A n.d., Advantages and Disadvantages of Crowdsourcing, viewed 25 November 2023, <https://www.qualitestgroup.com/assets/Crowdsourcing.pdf>.
Sparrow, G n.d., Crowdfunding vs Crowdsourcing: Understanding the Key Differences, www.herox.com, viewed 25 November 2023, <https://www.herox.com/blog/1073-crowdfunding-vs-crowdsourcing-understanding-the-ke#:~:text=Crowdfunding%20refers%20to%20raising%20funds>.
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daniellikessalad · 6 months
What is mental health, the effects of mental health on an individual and why is it important
Mental health, it is a state of one’s mental well-being that allows people to cope with the stresses of life, realizing their abilities, learning, and working well while contributing to their community (World Health Organization 2022). Mental health is very important because it is what determines an individual to be able to make rational decisions, build relationships with people and being able to shape the world we live in (World Health Organization 2022).  What are the effects of social media towards mental health. From research, social media significantly impacts mental health, in positive and negative way. Social media can help enhance connection, increase one’s self-esteem and improve a sense of belonging but it can also lead to one to experience tremendous stress, feeling pressure to compare oneself to others, and increased sadness and isolation (Zsila & Eric 2023). Social media can provide opportunities to enhance the mental health of users on social media platforms by facilitating connections and peer support towards users. Social media can be a place for people to discuss about their mental health, horrible life events, or everyday struggles, which may affect people's mental health better and increase their need to find emotional support (Lin 2016).  
There are also other studies shown that social media can affect your mental health negatively, such as body image dissatisfaction, risk of addiction, cyberbullying, contributing to phubbing behaviours and also affecting their moods negatively (Reinherz 1995).  Individuals that are at risk of social media addiction are often reported to have depressive symptoms and lower self-esteem (Kovac 1993).
Negative effects of mental health
With the existence of social media, more individuals on social media platform such as X (Twitter), Facebook, YouTube, TikTok and more, have been found to have a strong link to heavy use of social media which relates them to have an increased risk of having depression, anxiety, loneliness, self-harming, and even suicidal thoughts (Robinson & Smith 2023). Examples of what leads to individuals to have this sort of negative thoughts is because inadequacy about their life or appearance, fear of missing out on social media, isolation, depression and anxiety, cyberbullying, and self-absorption. Social media cause individuals to feel insecure on how they look, which can impact with their self-esteem, trigger anxiety, having mood disorders, experiencing emotional scars, creating an unhealthy self-centredness, and also prioritizing social media (Robinson & Smith 2023). People may think that social media is not a big deal in one’s mental health, but based on studies done by Memon, there is range of between 14% and 21% are rates of non-suicidal self-injury done by young people (Memon et al. 2018). In patients diagnosed with major depressive disorder (MDD) which is a mental health condition that causes people to have a depressing mood and loss interest in activities that once brings them joy (Cleveland Clinic 2022) has been reported an 85% of suicidal ideation, 32% tried attempting suicide during their young adulthood and 2.5% to 7% committed suicide (Kovacs, Goldston & Gatsonis 1993). Social media plays a huge role in affecting an individual’s mental health and how easy their mood will change based on the contents they consume from social media, which most of the time is negative content and thinking from social media.
Why we should raise about mental health awareness.
Mental health awareness is important in this day and age, especially in the age of social media, because the misconceptions and stigma that surrounds health issues, people often suffer in silence and don’t seek treatment to their conditions by brushing it off. Mental health awareness is important to help improve the understanding of one’s mental health conditions and increase access to healthcare for those who need it (The Importance of Mental Health Awareness Month 2022). Based on WHO (World Health Organization), promotion and prevention of mental health is by identifying the individuals, their social and structural determinants of mental health, by doing this, we would be able to reduce the risk of suicidal attempts, build resilience and also establish supportive environments for mental health (World Health Organization 2022). This can be achieved promoting meant health awareness on social media, schools and also in workspaces (World Health Organization 2022). With this, we will be able to reduce the suicidal attempts that might happen in our society. Based on WHO, mental health care and treatment is a national efforts to strengthen mental health of individuals, which is vital to protect and promote the mental of someone’s well-being but also address the needs of people with mental health conditions (World Health Organization 2022).
In conclusion, social media takes an important role in one’s mental health and state, which totally change the way how an individual should think and act towards things in life. We should not depend our entire life image based on social media and not letting the contents spread around social media affect they way we think. We should instead focus on ourselves and always love yourself, no matter your flaws in yourself.
Cleveland Clinic 2022, Clinical Depression (Major Depressive Disorder): Symptoms, Cleveland Clinic, viewed 25 November 2023, <https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/24481-clinical-depression-major-depressive-disorder>.
KOVACS, M, GOLDSTON, D & GATSONIS, C 1993, ‘Suicidal Behaviors and Childhood-Onset Depressive Disorders: A Longitudinal Investigation’, Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 8–20.
Memon, AM, Sharma, SG, Mohite, SS & Jain, S 2018, ‘The role of online social networking on deliberate self-harm and suicidality in adolescents: A systematized review of literature’, Indian Journal of Psychiatry, vol. 60, Medknow Publications, no. 4, pp. 384–392, viewed 25 November 2023, <http://www.indianjpsychiatry.org/article.asp?issn=0019-5545;year=2018;volume=60;issue=4;spage=384;epage=392;aulast=Memon>.
Robinson, L & Smith, M 2023, Social media and mental health, HelpGuide.org, viewed 25 November 2023, <https://www.helpguide.org/articles/mental-health/social-media-and-mental-health.htm>.
The Importance of Mental Health Awareness Month 2022, Lifespan, Lifespan Blog Team, viewed 25 November 2023, <https://www.lifespan.org/lifespan-living/importance-mental-health-awareness-month#:~:text=Because%20of%20misconceptions%20and%20stigma>.
World Health Organization 2022, Mental Health, World Health Organization, viewed 25 November 2023, <https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/mental-health-strengthening-our-response>.
Zsila, Á & Eric, M 2023, ‘Pros & cons: Impacts of Social Media on Mental Health’, BMC Psychology, vol. 11, no. 1, viewed 25 November 2023, <https://bmcpsychology.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s40359-023-01243-x#:~:text=The%20use%20of%20social%20media,essential%20to%20social%20media%20consumption.>.
 Lin LY, Sidani JE, Shensa A, Radovic A, Miller E, Colditz JB, et al. Association between social media use and depression among U.S. young adults. Depress Anxiety. 2016;33:323–31. 
. Reinherz HZ, Giaconia RM, Silverman AB, Friedman A, Pakiz B, Frost AK, et al. Early psychosocial risks for adolescent suicidal ideation and attempts. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 1995;34:599–611. 
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daniellikessalad · 6 months
"The Effects of Politics using Social Media"
To start this topic, let us think, what is social media? Well, social media is a digital platform where everyone is allowed to share their ideas and information with texts and also visuals (Dollarhide 2023). There are many amazing and outstanding things that can be done with social media, such as building relationships, finding your voice, motivating young people and many more (Hashem 2023). Within the digital age now, politicians has started to use social media to build their social media presence and sharing their vision for the future of the country. The reason why politicians are using social media is because social media can play an important role in information sharing (Marwick and Boyd, 2011, p. 142–143; Gillespie and Boczkowski, 2014, 188; Vraga, 2016, 601).
"Positive effects of Politics using Social Media"
With politics entering the online social platform, this will have the potential to help increase the people's access to political information, facilitate wider-ranging political discourse, and foster participation (Owen 2020). Politicians would be able to use social media, such as Twitter which is also known as X, YouTube, Instagram and many more platforms to creating interactive features, discussion boards, blogs, online fundraising platforms, volunteer recruitment sites and meet-ups (Owen 2020). An example of a politician who was able to create a political movement using social media, is Barack Obama, who used the advanced digital media such as information boards, watch and share videos, view and upload campaign ads, post comments and even blog (Owen 2020). Other than that, politicians would be able to interact with people online, seeing post about current issues that the citizens might be facing and also building a bond with their voters to be able to share their vision of the country and gaining the peoples trust. Building trust is essential for citizens who will be willing to help in the pursuit towards the drive to a society's success (Scartascini 2021). Trust is a important because, have trust towards politicians, voter will be able to engage their desires to politicians, to vote for them and support these politicians in the long run with a sustainable growth (Scartascini 2021). Meanwhile, if the people's of the government have mistrust, which means not trusting, the politicians visions and promises, which will lead to political disengagement which causes them to not able to gain votes (Scartascini 2021).
"Negative effects of Politics using Social Media"
As using social media for politics to spread information and their vision for the country, there are a few negative effects that can occur when politicians when using social media. An example is, using their power and presence on social media, such as Donald Trump where he urged his supporters to go to Washington, DC, on January 6th, 2021 causing a riot. Despite Donald Trump and his supporters, being aware of the riot that got out of hand, they would even encourage it, even though it could turn violent (Cortellessa & Bergengruen 2022). This shows a misuse of social media, using your power, presence and supporters for your own purposes and gain in a negative way. Other negative effect that can occur when Politics use social media is the rise of fake news. The concept of fake news is attached to fictitious stories made to appear as they were real (Owen 2020). The reason why fake news are terrible, is because it can trick people's beliefs towards political leaders, parties, organizations and the mainstream news media (Owen 2020). This will lead to people changing their views towards bad political parties or leaders with fake news surrounding the political parties or leader about them helping less fortunate communities, being kind and having a vision to reshape the country. With fake news, it will make people vote for those political leaders or parties with the false image of them that is spread with fake news.
In conclusion, the relationship between politics and social media has generated multiple effects and events, both positive and also negative. While social media can help politicians with political engagement with their voters on social media, some politicians can use this as a negative way such as using their supporters to do riots and such. With addressing the negative effects, such as trust, abuse of power and status and the spread of false information, there are politicians that use their efforts and status to build a strong bond with their voters to help strive towards a vision of the country that can be beneficial towards the country and help change the lives of others. With finding the balance between positive and negative use of social media, politicians are still harnessing the use of social media to shape their image towards the people of the country, in their best way possible.
Cortellessa, E & Bergengruen, V 2022, Jan. 6 Hearing: Trump Drafted Tweet Urging March to Capitol, Time, viewed 25 November 2023, <https://time.com/6196451/jan-6-hearing-trump-draft-tweet/>.
Dollarhide, M 2023, Social Media: Definition, Effects, and List of Top Apps, Investopedia, viewed 25 November 2023, <https://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/social-media.asp>.
Hashem, H 2023, 13 Positive Effects of Social Media on Our Society Today | Kubbco, www.kubbco.com.
Owen, D 2020, The new media’s role in politics, OpenMind, viewed 25 November 2023, <https://www.bbvaopenmind.com/en/articles/the-new-media-s-role-in-politics/>.
Scartascini, C 2021, Testing the Impact of Social Media on Trust, Ideas Matter, viewed 25 November 2023, <https://blogs.iadb.org/ideas-matter/en/testing-the-impact-of-social-media-on-trust/>.
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daniellikessalad · 8 months
‘Is blogging still relevant in the age of TikToks and Instagram?’
This is a questions that is being asked in this time and age of Tiktoks and Instagram. Well, I can somewhat agree and disagree with this statement, as I see some positive and negatives with blogging as of right now. Before we get into those reason, let me explain this for those who doesn't know what blogging is.
"What is Blogging?"
Well, for your information, blogging in simple terms, means regularly updated website or webpage, and can be used for personal use or to fulfill a business need. For example, food blogging which is pretty famous in this day and age where Food Bloggers (bloggers mean people who tend to blog a lot) blog about food places that they went, tried the food there and give their review on it online to share to the world wide web, for other food lovers to see and read about their blog. Blog posts allows users to use the search engine for a variety of keywords, which they could be interested in, for example, if a person is interested in seeing foods or animals they can search up the keywords with the hashtag, #food and #animals.
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Image gotten from https://www.searchenginejournal.com/business-benefits-of-blogging/377747/ by Ron Lieback, 2020
My thoughts on Blogging: Why it can work well in the age of Instagram and Tiktoks
With the explanation out of the way, here are my thoughts why blogging can be good/positive in this age of Instagram and Tiktoks.
Well, for starters, blogging can be a good way to expose yourself and things you like to different type of communities, for example, the food fandom, the anime fandom, the gaming fandom, the outfit fandom, the travelling fandom and so much more. With posting titles for the blogs like, for the food fandom, "The best Nasi Lemak in Malaysia, try it when you can!", for the anime fandom, "The Top 25 Anime List of all time!!" and for other fandoms, it would be something relating to the topic and to the fandom itself. Titles like this would get users who are interested in the subject to click your blog and give it a read, rather they share the same opinion as yours or different opinions, they may give different suggestions, which is good to have interactions on your blog to expose yourself out there, which people might like you for your blogs for how interesting and how well designed it is.
This can also help small business start to get recognition and exposure, for example, blogging about a delicious or unique food stall, which will get people's attention, and would have the idea to try it for themselves. With this, we are helping those small businesses with exposure by blogging to people who could be interested in it.
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GIF by https://tenor.com/view/pusheen-laptop-blogger-typing-happy-gif-5065481
My thoughts on Blogging: Why it won't work well in the age of Instagram and Tiktoks
With some of my opinions about blogging in this day and age, there are some opinions I thought to myself, that blogging might not work as well as before.
With the existence of Instagram and Tiktoks, which has a large amount of user count, with Instagram currently having over 2.35 billion monthly active Instagram users and Tiktok having 1.1 billion are its monthly active users. With the most of the users being those who are considered Gen Z and the younger side of Millennials using it, they are opted on using Instagram and Tiktoks as it is easier, trending and having a lot of active monthly users. Instagram and Tiktoks have a better way of uploading content for example, posting a short video which will likely catch the attention span of the audience, as Gen Z are mostly knowns to have a short attention span of 8 seconds, based on article made by Keystone Education Group. With short videos done by people on Instagram and Tiktoks, they can used music and video editing to keep their audience hooked and keep on watching the video till the end.
Meanwhile for blogging, with typing long or short essays, the Gen Z won't pay attention to it even if they might find the title interesting, because they prefer visuals over reading a few paragraphs. Reading takes time, attentions, focus and also brain energy while videos are quite the opposite. They are still some Gen Z who still prefer reading over visuals but majority of them, prefer visuals over reading.
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GIF by https://tenor.com/view/monkey-scrolling-lipenjoyer-yejrene-gif-22424820
My Conclusion
In conclusion, blogging can still be used in this age of Instagram and Tiktoks but can mostly be used as a hobby of some sort instead of making it like a full-time job, as there are people who used blogging as their full-time jobs before the Instagram and Tiktoks took over the web. Blogging can be used as a means to interact with online communities with the same interest as you and can be a great way to make online friends.
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Ron Lieback, August 19, 2020, "7 Ways Businesses Benefit from Blogging", Search Engine Journal, https://www.searchenginejournal.com/business-benefits-of-blogging/377747/
Caroline Forsey, August 25, 2023, "What's a Blog & Why You Need One", HubSpot Blog, https://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/what-is-a-blog
Daniel Ruby, August 7, 2023, "78 Instagram Statistics Of 2023(Users & Trends)", Demand Sage , https://www.demandsage.com/instagram-statistics/#:~:text=There%20are%20currently%20over%202.35,users%20access%20Instagram%20every%20month.
Daniel Ruby, August 9, 2023, "45+ TikTok Statistics In 2023 (Users, Revenue & Trends), Demand Sage, https://www.demandsage.com/tiktok-user-statistics/#:~:text=TikTok%20has%20over%201.677%20billion,active%20users%20as%20of%202023.
Thaís Roberto, August 21, 2023, "The first 8 seconds - capturing the attention of Gen Z students", https://www.keg.com/news/the-first-8-seconds-capturing-the-attention-of-gen-z-students#:~:text=Research%20conducted%20by%20Microsoft%20in,digital%20content%20and%20multiple%20screens.
Toyosi Adeleye, March 24, 2021, "Gen Z: Why Don't We Read Anymore?", https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/gen-z-why-dont-we-read-anymore-toyosi-adeleye.
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daniellikessalad · 8 months
So, testing testing 1 2 3, swinburne is number 1
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