dansantcaparet · 1 day
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Cloud and Aerith cameos – Final Fantasy Tactics, 1998 Cloud is a secret unlockable character that can be obtained in Final Fantasy Tactics. In order get Cloud’s sidequest, you must first trigger the event by buying a flower from a flower girl that resembles Aerith in Zarghidas Trade City. If you don’t buy the flower, you can’t recruit Cloud. During the sidequest, Cloud will have a short interaction with Aerith, as a homage to FFVII’s iconic, tragic pairing.
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dansantcaparet · 1 day
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Case of Tifa: A Bodyguard’s Heartbreak
Case of Tifa is a novel written by Square Enix discussing the events post-Final Fantas VII and pre-Advent Children. In this novel, it explores hero Cloud Strife’s heartbreak over losing his heroine, Aerith Gainsborough. Tifa Lockhart [Aerith’s “love rival”] is subjected to Cloud’s continued heartbreak over not fulfilling his romantic duty as Aerith’s bodyguard.
During the first disc of Final Fantasy VII, Cloud showed a clear preference for Aerith over Tifa – Cloud and Aerith share 9 non-optional and 2 canon moments of romance.
However, some Cloud and Tifa fans love to proclaim Cloti is canon because of the variable and non-canon Highwind scene towards the end of disc 2. What many forget is that shortly after this scene, Cloud receives the answer he asks of the planet: he can meet Aerith in the Promised Land. In other words, the woman Cloud preferred all along –the woman whose death shattered his heart into a million pieces– is waiting for him in the Promised Land [his supreme place of happiness].
“It was the sound of Cloud’s heart cracking. It was the cry of his heart that could never be healed of the grief he had towards Aerith’s death, the blame towards himself and the hatred he had for Sephiroth…” ~Maiden of the Planet, Square Enix
“An answer from the Planet… the Promised Land… I think I can meet her… there.” ~Cloud Strife, Bodyguard
This brings us to Case of Tifa. Cloud, Barret, and Tifa decide to revive the AVALANCHE family and form a “family of friends” together:
“Friends were a necessity to me so that I could live on without being suppressed by the sins in my consciousness. Even if they were fellow companions that had the same wounds. Even if they were fellow companions who were burdened with the same sins. We couldn’t live without comforting each other and encouraging each other. Maybe you could call that family. We just had to keep the family together and do our best. Tifa thought she could get over anything while being with friends that she could call her family.” ~Tifa Lockhart; Case of Tifa; Square Enix
Some Cloti fans love to remove Barret from the AVALANCHE family in order to build up the false notion of Cloud and Tifa’s romance. For more information on the AVALANCHE family and Barret’s role in rebuilding this PLATONIC family during the beginning of Case of Tifa, please go to these links:
A Brutal Take-Down of the Cloti “Family” Myth
Cloti “Family” Propaganda
After Cloud, Tifa, and Barret revive the AVALANCHE family in Case of Tifa, Barret sets off on a journey to settle his past [but does eventually return to Marlene in Dirge of Cerberus]. Soon after Barret leaves, Tifa realizes Cloud remains heartbroken over Aerith:
After Cloud started his delivery service, their “family” life changed greatly. It wasn’t too good. Besides morning and late night, Cloud was usually not at home. And of course, there were less chances for the three of them to have conversations together. Tifa closed the bar for a day during the week, but it didn’t stop Cloud from doing his job. Cloud wasn’t likely to turn down requests. I just wanted us to be able to take a day off together now and then but, I suppressed that selfishness in me. During that time, it was Marlene who noticed a change in Cloud. She told Tifa how Cloud would sometimes space out and not listen to her. Cloud never really approached Marlene to talk in the first place. I’m sure he never ignored her when she talked to him. I knew that Cloud had his own ways of getting along with Marlene. I thought about how there were people everywhere that weren’t good with children but had their own ways of coping with them. I told her that Cloud was probably tired, but it bothered me. Marlene was a child who was sensitive about the changes in adults. During their holiday, Tifa and Marlene were cleaning the room that was now Cloud’s office. There were many slips that laid scattered about unsorted. One of them caught Tifa’s eye. Delivery Item – Bouquet Destination – The Forgotten City Client Name – Elmyra Gainsborough Tifa put the slip away with the others as if nothing happened, but she was trembling severely. Transporting mail around the world meant he was traveling around his past too. She knew that Cloud was in great pain because he couldn’t protect Aerith. Cloud was trying to overcome that and live on. But, going back to the place where he parted from Aerith might mean that his sorrow and regret was going to tear his heart again. It was night, and they had closed the bar. Cloud was drinking alcohol even though he rarely did. He drained his glass. Tifa thought about it before going over and filling his glass. “Shall I join you?” There was something she wanted to talk to him about. “I want to drink alone.” Hearing that, Tifa lost control and said, “Then drink in your room.” Barret called often. Most of the time, he hardly talked about himself and asked more about how Marlene was doing. Every time, he would talk to Marlene at the end. As Marlene wondered if Tifa was listening or not, she told Barret in a sad voice, “Cloud and Tifa aren’t getting along very well.”
Right after Tifa fights with Cloud over his heartbreak over visiting Aerith’s grave, Marlene tells Barret on the phone that Cloud and Tifa aren’t getting along very well. Not only does Marlene tell Tifa Cloud spaces out when she talks to him, but Cloud doesn’t want Tifa’s comfort after he delivers flowers to Aerith’s grave. Tifa, understandably, begins to wonder if Cloud loves her:
After making certain that Cloud was asleep, she spoke to him. “We’ll be all right, won’t we?” Of course, there was no answer. I only heard the sound of him sleeping. I wondered if the fact that he was sleeping here meant that he was part of the family. “Do you love me?” Cloud woke up, a perplexed look on his face. “Hey, Cloud. Do you love Marlene?”
Unfortunately for Cloud and Tifa fans, Cloud never answers her question. This leaves everyone wondering, including Tifa. Later, Cloud brings an orphaned child named Denzel home, and Tifa quickly notices a positive shift in Cloud’s behavior and the family dynamic:
Tifa wondered if they became a real family after Denzel appeared. Cloud was clearly taking less jobs. At night, he would always make sure he had time to spend with the children. The silly little conversations he had with Tifa were also back.
As you can see, Cloud and Tifa’s family life improved greatly after Cloud brought Denzel to Seventh Heaven. Tifa even wonders if they became a “real” family after Denzel arrived [though she later states in Advent Children they are not, in-fact, a “real” family].
Sadly for Tifa, she eventually finds out why Cloud brought Denzel home –and the reason is directly associated with Aerith Gainsborough– the other woman in this love triangle. Tifa literally has to strong-arm Cloud into telling her this information, which means Cloud knows Tifa is sensitive about the topic of Aerith Gainsborough – the woman Tifa is confirmed to be jealous of in numerous official Square Enix quotes.
“Hey, do you remember what you said when you brought Denzel here?” “What did I say?” “A lot of things. Even if I opposed it, you would bring him back with you. I could just feel it.” “That…” Cloud was making a face like a kid who thought he would get scolded. “Tell me. I’ll decide whether I’m angry or not after I listen.” Cloud nodded and continued. “Denzel had collapsed in front of Aerith’s church. That’s why I thought Aerith lead him to me.” Saying all that in one breath, Cloud looked away. “You went to the church.” “I didn’t intend to hide it from you.” “You did hide it.” “I’m sorry.” “I’m not saying you couldn’t go. But next time, I’ll go with you.” “I understand.” “And you’re wrong, Cloud.” Cloud was perplexed as he looked at Tifa. “Aerith didn’t bring Denzel to you.” “Ahh, I only thought that…..” “I didn’t mean it that way.” “Aerith brought Denzel to our home.” Cloud gazed at Tifa and finally smiled.
Cloud tells us the reason he brought Denzel back to Seventh Heaven was because he found him in-front of Aerith’s Church and thought Aerith lead Denzel to him. Cloud didn’t want Tifa to know this, likely because Cloud can sense Tifa’s jealousy over Cloud’s relationship with Aerith – a woman known as Tifa’s “love rival”:
“Tifa was close to Aerith, who can also be called a love rival. With that point in mind, they were also good friends. Nevertheless, it is not hard to imagine that she carries complex feelings as a woman toward Aerith, who had built up a special bond with Cloud that was different from Tifa’s. Tifa’s complicated feelings continue even in Advent Children, two years after Aerith had departed the world.” ~Tifa’s profile; Final Fantasy VII 10th Anniversary Ultimania; pg. 42-47; Square Enix
Notice how this quote specifies Tifa’s “complicated” feelings toward Aerith [her “love rival”] continue in Advent Children, long after Aerith had departed from the world. This is something Cloud seems to be acutely aware of, which is why he hides going to Aerith’s Church from Tifa. Cloud literally has to be strong armed into telling Tifa he views Aerith as the reason for bringing Denzel into his life.
After this conversation, Cloud leaves to live in Aerith’s Church, not wanting to hurt his ‘family of friends’ any longer:
Days after having that conversation, Cloud left. Tifa wondered if that smile he showed her was an illusion. After kissing the sleeping children on the face she went into Cloud’s office. She brushed away the dust on the family photo they had taken and then tried calling him. After several rings the messaging service took over.
After Cloud leaves, Tifa starts wondering if Cloud’s smile at the end of their conversation was an illusion, and eventually ponders if she was mistaken:
But Tifa remembered Cloud’s last smile. It had the kindness that made her think everything was fine. I wonder if I was mistaken.
Eventually, Tifa realizes she was mistaken when she see’s Cloud living in Aerith’s Church at the beginning of Advent Children:
“The thing which she is unable to hide in her irritation towards Cloud is the fact that he isn’t merely dragging the past around, but because that reason might perhaps be related to Aerith. Final Fantasy VII: Seeing Cloud and Aerith developing their world together before her eyes, she inadvertently lets slip her peevish feelings. Advent Children: Upon knowing that Cloud had been residing in Aerith’s church after leaving the place they had been living in together, her expression becomes complex.” ~Tifa’s character profile; 10th Anniversary Ultimania; Square Enix
As you can see, Tifa isn’t just mad Cloud is dragging around the past, she’s mad the reason might perhaps be related to Aerith – her “love rival.” She develops a “complex” look on her face when she sees Cloud had been living in Aerith’s Church, the place Cloud tried so hard to hide from Tifa.
Tifa knows full-well Cloud is still heartbroken over Aerith’s death, causing him immense depression and guilt. Tifa is rightfully jealous about this heartbreak, as noted here:
“The thing which she is unable to hide in her irritation towards Cloud is the fact that he isn’t merely dragging the past around, but because that reason might perhaps be related to Aerith.” ~Tifa’s character profile; 10th Anniversary Ultimania; Square Enix
As we have been told by Square Enix, Tifa has complex feelings toward Aerith “as a woman” because of the “special bond” Aerith had developed with Cloud that was “different” from hers. It makes complete sense Tifa feels threatened over Cloud’s eternal feelings of love for Aerith [ie: Tifa’s “love rival”].
One might be so simplistic and ignorant as to suggest all of these problems between Cloud and Tifa were due to extenuating circumstances such as Cloud’s guilt and geostigma. However, we know this isn’t true according to Final Fantasy VII creator Kazushige Nojima:
"Episode Tifa” [Case of Tifa] – first off, there’s the premise that things won’t go well between Tifa and Cloud, and that even without geostigma or Sephiroth this might be the same.“~Nojima; On the Way to a Smile interview; Square Enix
Did you catch that last bit? Even without circumstances such as geostigma and Sephiroth, things still probably wouldn’t have gone well between Cloud and Tifa. This speaks to the inherent issues that have persisted between Cloud and Tifa since childhood, and become even more apparent during Case of Tifa.
Nojima also says the children –Barret’s daughter, Marlene, and Cloud and Aerith’s spirit child, Denzel– **MIGHT** be able to help Cloud and Tifa sort through their problems:
“After Advent Children Complete, I guess Denzel and Marlene could help them work it out.” ~Nojima; On the Way to a Smile interview; Square Enix
Even after Cloud’s Geostigma and guilt is removed, and Sephiroth is defeated, Nojima still isn’t sure Cloud and Tifa will work out.
Nojima, the creator of Final Fantasy VII, has said two very important things:
Cloud and Tifa’s problems likely have nothing to do with Geostigma and Sephiroth.
Even when the issues plaguing Cloud are resolved [his guilt, Geostigma, and Sephiroth] Nojima still isn’t sure Cloud and Tifa will work out.
Both of these reasons tell us Cloud and Tifa have serious, inherent problems that prevent them from partaking in a healthy, long-lasting relationship.
Unfortunately, nothing between Cloud and Tifa has been shown to be resolved. Barret returns to living with Marlene in Dirge of Cerberus, and Cloud and Tifa’s relationship status is still unknown and in fractured territory.
Of course relationships aren’t always romantic — it’s normal and natural for couples to have problems. But, it is **equally** normal and representative of a real relationship to also have romance and a honeymoon phase. Cloud and Tifa only qualify under the negative aspects of a relationship, whereas Cloud and Aerith qualify under the positive aspects of a relationship.
And though Cloud’s guilt over Aerith’s death is finally removed, his love for her remains eternal. As Cloud states at the end of Final Fantasy VII, he knows he can one day reunite with her in his Promised Land within the lifestream:
“An answer from the Planet… the Promised Land… I think I can meet her… there.”
If there is one thing Final Fantasy VII taught us, it’s that death is not the end of ones journey – death does not prevent love from continuing. Cloud and Aerith will one day reunite in the lifestream, and I hope they are able to eventually make Cait Sith’s wedding prediction come true:
“Looks good. You are perfect for each other!” “Aerith’s star and Cloud’s star! They show a great future!” — “Poor Tifa!”~Cait Sith; Final Fantasy VII
“After solving the puzzle about Cait Sith’s replaceable body, he tells one last fortune of Cloud and Aerith’s affinity. Cait Sith’s lines, which seem to expect Cloud and Aerith’s wedding, now makes it more painful.” ~Final Fantasy VII Dismantled; Square Enix
Squaresoft set Cloud and Aerith up as star-crossed lovers from the very moment we saw Aerith immersed in Mako, walking underneath a sign that read: “LOVELESS.” Nearby, Cloud jumps from a train and begins his journey with AVALANCHE. From that moment on, a story of two star-crossed lovers was set in motion.
Shortly after bombing the reactor, Cloud and Aerith have a chance encounter where he buys a flower from her. Destiny soon brings them together yet again after Cloud falls safely to Aerith’s flower bed. Throughout the rest of disc 1, Cloud and Aerith share numerous romantic moments, setting them up for the ultimate curse of star-crossed lovers – death.
Fortunately, Final Fantasy VII added a unique twist on this classic romantic literary device: Cloud discovers he can one day meet Aerith in the Promised Land. After this revelation at the end of Final Fantasy VII, Cloud remains heartbroken over his Flower Girl, something Tifa Lockhart is acutely aware of. The  very root of Cloud’s guilt is tied to the romantic promise he made to be Aerith’s bodyguard.
However, at the end of Advent Children, Cloud realizes he will one day reunite with Aerith in the Promised Land – but that he is meant to live life without guilt until he is ready to return to the Planet. Aerith will be waiting for him in the Promised Land. As always.
Square Enix, "On the Way to a Smile”: JAPANESE: クラウドは女の友人であり、恋人であり FRENCH: “Cloud avait ete son ami, et son amant.” ENGLISH: “Cloud was the woman’s friend, and lover.”
Cloud x Aerith: A Love Story
9 non-optional / 2 canon Clerith Moments
A Brutal Take-Down of the Cloti Family Myth
Dispelling the myth Cloud and Tifa are in a relationship post-FFVII
50 Reasons for Cloud x Aerith
Common Criticisms of Cloud x Aerith debunked
Aerith Gainsborough: The Ultimate Heroine
Aerith’s Blessing? by FF_Goddess of the CxA Forums
Cloti Propaganda
Cloud x Aerith Forums
DEVOTION: Cloud x Aerith Resource Website
Common Misconceptions about Zack Fair / Zerith
The canon Clerith date vs. the variable Highwind scene
Aerith, the Non-Optional Girl by FF_Goddess of the CxA Forums
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dansantcaparet · 3 days
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That face you made earlier, what was that about? Don't know what you mean.
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dansantcaparet · 3 days
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FINAL FANTASY VII REBIRTH (2024) dev. Square Enix Bonus+
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dansantcaparet · 6 days
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'Forgotten City' Final Fantasy VII Cold Cast
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dansantcaparet · 6 days
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Stop trying to delegitimize my ship: Cloud x Aerith DID happen during disc 1 of Final Fantasy VII
Back in 1997, I heard about this amazing game Final Fantasy VII. My cousin watched her step-Father play it and then she, herself, played it. She told me about Aerith Gainsborough, the last remaining Cetra – a special race that possesses the ability to talk with and heal the Planet. I knew just from hearing about Aerith that she had a hidden power I couldn’t wait to experience. My cousin also excitedly told me she now wanted to grow up and become a Flower Merchant. We spent many months in 1997 playing Final Fantasy VII endlessly, always getting excited when we were able to re-start and experience disc 1 again. Though disc 2 and 3 are both amazing in their own right, disc 1 of Final Fantasy VII begins with a bang and keeps getting better and better, peaking with the most well-known and iconic moment of the entire game – Aerith Gainsborough’s death.
Everyone witnessed Cloud’s heart break when he was holding Aerith’s lifeless body in his arms. Cloud and Aerith had just received a romantic wedding prediction from Cait Sith, went on a ‘normally’ occurring date at Gold Saucer, and spent numerous romantic moments together. Cloud and Aerith’s entire star-crossed love story developed before our eyes – spanning all of disc 1. This clear-cut Clerith love story is why there has been an intentional and systematic campaign to delegitimize, discredit, and downplay disc 1 of Final Fantasy VII.
A convenient, fan-made theory has been created and crafted to remove Cloud and Aerith’s love story from disc 1 of Final Fantasy VII. This is done by delegitimizing all of Cloud and Aerith’s disc 1 moments. Cloti fans say that because Cloud adopted some of Zack’s memories/persona, all of Cloud and Aerith’s interactions during disc 1 automatically become illegitimate. According to them, it wasn’t Cloud developing feelings for Aerith – it was actually Cloud thinking he was Zack, Aerith’s first boyfriend. Following this logic, however, you could also say virtually anything and everything Cloud did during disc 1 was actually Zack. Ironically, this “Zack!Cloud” theory is [typically] reserved exclusively for the love triangle debate – exposing that this gross distortion of Cloud’s character is rooted in a bias hatred of the Clerith ship.
In a way, I don’t blame Cloti fans for trying to push this fan-made theory as fact. If disc 1 actually happened –meaning all 10 moments of romance between Cloud and Aerith– it becomes painfully undeniable: Clerith has been canon since the year 1997. This becomes especially true when we look at the official Yoshitaka Amano artwork that depicts Cloud and Aerith in 5 exclusive pieces together, or when we look at the Clerith cameo in Final Fantasy Tactics: two canon examples proving Cloud x Aerith has always been the intended pairing of the original game – Final Fantasy VII [despite retcons and their followers saying otherwise]
Cloud and Tifa fans say Cloud and Aerith’s love story was just another example of Squaresoft showing us Cloud’s jumbled memories. In other words… Cloud only fell in love with Aerith because he thought he was Zack. According to them, during the lifestream sequence, Cloud discovers he took on parts of Zack’s history/persona, which leads him to realizing he never loved Aerith because it was actually him thinking he was Zack, which then re-triggers his love for childhood crush Tifa.
Unfortunately, rediscovering an unreciprocated childhood crush that led to a strong-armed promise doesn’t automatically translate into present-day romance. Nor does it mean Cloud’s eternal feelings of love for Aerith suddenly vanish. Cloud can both re-discover a childhood crush *and* maintain eternal feelings of love for Aerith. The two aren’t mutually exclusive.
If you can believe it, though, Cloud and Tifa fans go even further and say Square Enix declared the high affection Highwind scene canon due to largely unknown and unread books mostly sold in Japan. Admittedly, these books do give the high affection version of the Highwind scene preferential treatment in some places. However, nowhere is the high affection Highwind scene stated to be the ‘normal’ outcome like the Cloud x Aerith Gold Saucer date is. Preferential treatment doesn’t equal canon – being stated to be the ‘normal’ outcome does make something canon [like the Cloud x Aerith Gold Saucer date is]
The theory that Cloud and Aerith’s love story is a huge plot twist merely to show us Cloud thinks he’s Aerith’s first boyfriend [the boyfriend Aerith tells Cloud she wasn’t very serious with while on her date with Cloud at the Green Park in Sector 6 // the same boyfriend Aerith moves on from during her canon Gold Saucer date with Cloud // “I think I must have seen him again, in you… But you’re different. Things are different… No, Cloud… I’m searching for you… I want to meet… you”] doesn’t match “real” Cloud’s behavior. In order to see if the “Zack!Cloud” theory holds up, we must examine “real” Cloud’s behavior:
“Real” Cloud’s heart cracked when Aerith died:
“It was the sound of Cloud’s heart cracking. It was the cry of his heart that could never be healed of the grief he had towards Aerith’s death, the blame towards himself and the hatred he had for Sephiroth…” ~Maiden of the Planet; Square Enix
“Real” Cloud discovers he can find Aerith in the Promised Land  [note: Cloud’s discovery of Aerith’s existence in his ‘supreme place of happiness’ occurs after the [variable] Highwind scene]:
“An answer from the Planet… the Promised Land… I think I can meet her… there.” ~Cloud Strife; Final Fantasy VII
“Real” Cloud experiences his heart breaking for the second time while visiting Aerith’s grave at the Forgotten City in Case of Tifa:
“Delivery Item – Bouquet Destination – The Forgotten City Client Name – Elmyra Gainsborough … But, going back to the place where he parted from Aerith might mean that his sorrow and regret was going to tear his heart again.” ~Case of Tifa; Square Enix
After Tifa confronts and fights with Cloud over visiting Aerith’s grave, Tifa wonders if Cloud loves her. Later, Tifa strong-arms Cloud into telling her he believes Aerith lead Denzel to him – the root of Cloud’s new-found happiness with his ‘family of friends’:
“Hey, do you remember what you said when you brought Denzel here?” “What did I say?” “A lot of things. Even if I opposed it, you would bring him back with you. I could just feel it.” “That…” Cloud was making a face like a kid who thought he would get scolded. “Tell me. I’ll decide whether I’m angry or not after I listen.” Cloud nodded and continued. “Denzel had collapsed in front of Aerith’s church. That’s why I thought Aerith lead him to me.” Saying all that in one breath, Cloud looked away. “You went to the church.” “I didn’t intend to hide it from you.” “You did hide it.” “I’m sorry.” “I’m not saying you couldn’t go. But next time, I’ll go with you.” “I understand.” ~Case of Tifa; Square Enix
After this conversation, Cloud leaves Tifa to live in Aerith’s Church – the place we see Cloud living in during the beginning of Advent Children [the same time frame in which Cloud wouldn’t return Tifa’s calls]. Some say this is because of Cloud developing geostigma. Yet Final Fantasy VII creator Kazushige Nojima tells us Cloud and Tifa’s problems likely have nothing to do with Sephiroth or geostigma:
Episode Tifa: Case of Tifa – first off, there’s the premise that things won’t go well between Tifa and Cloud, and that even without geostigma or Sephiroth this might be the same.“ ~Final Fantasy VII Creator, Kazushige Nojima; On the Way to a Smile interview; Square Enix
When Tifa discovers Cloud had been living in Aerith’s Church, she is shown to become jealous Cloud isn’t just dragging around the past, but that the reason might perhaps be related to her “love rival” Aerith:
“The thing which she is unable to hide in her irritation towards Cloud is the fact that he isn’t merely dragging the past around, but because that reason might perhaps be related to Aerith. Final Fantasy VII: Seeing Cloud and Aerith developing their world together before her eyes, she inadvertently lets slip her peevish feelings. Advent Children: Upon knowing that Cloud had been residing in Aerith’s church after leaving the place they had been living in together, her expression becomes complex.” ~Tifa’s character profile; 10th Anniversary Ultimania; Square Enix
“Tifa was close to Aerith, who can also be called a love rival. With that point in mind, they were also good friends. Nevertheless, it is not hard to imagine that she carries complex feelings as a woman toward Aerith, who had built up a special bond with Cloud that was different from Tifa’s. Tifa’s complicated feelings continue even in Advent Children, two years after Aerith had departed the world.” ~Tifa’s profile; Final Fantasy VII 10th Anniversary Ultimania; pg. 42-47; Square Enix
I can’t help but believe Tifa’s jealousy is [some] of what Kazushige Nojima is alluding to when he said Cloud and Tifa’s problems have nothing to do with Sephiroth or geostigma. The problems he’s alluding to likely have to do with Cloud’s heartbreak over Tifa’s “love rival” Aerith.
We need to look at these three factors not in a vacuum, but as a whole picture:
1. Examples of “real” Cloud’s heartbreak over his failure as Aerith’s bodyguard throughout Case of Tifa and Advent Children: A) Cloud’s heart breaking for a second time while visiting Aerith’s grave at the Forgotten City B) Cloud believes Aerith led Denzel to him, the root of his new-found happiness with his ‘family of friends’ C) Cloud going to live in Aerith’s Church after fighting with Tifa D) Cloud and Aerith’s hand reach/Promised Land “homage” in Advent Children.
2. Tifa’s continued and admitted jealousy over Cloud and Aerith’s relationship in both Case of Tifa and Advent Children. For example, if Cloud living in Aerith’s Church wasn’t coded with eternal feelings of love for Aerith, why does Tifa harbor feelings of jealousy when she finds out? Did Square Enix just want to make Tifa a delusional, stereotypical, jealous woman? Or was Tifa actually jealous of something real? Could Tifa perhaps be jealous of something that actually happened during disc 1 of Final Fantasy VII and continues throughout the entire compilation, exploring themes of life and love beyond death?
3. Final Fantasy VII creator Kazushige Nojima’s premise that things “won’t go well” between Cloud and Tifa, and that their problems likely having nothing to do with Sephiroth or geostigma.
Based on these three factors, it becomes clear Cloud and Tifa’s problems have, at least in part, something to do with Cloud’s eternal feelings of love for Aerith – the woman he wants to reunite with in the Promised Land [his ‘supreme place of happiness’]. Cloud and Aerith’s relationship extends beyond the physical world and reaches Cloud’s consciousness, the lifestream, and the Promised Land – connecting numerous Final Fantasy VII themes of life beyond death, the lifestream, and the Planet. Death doesn’t stop love from continuing in ones place of ‘supreme happiness’ – ones Promised Land.
Tifa see’s exactly what is right in-front of her and what is common sense to everyone that played disc 1 of Final Fantasy VII back in 1997: Cloud [not Zack] fell in love with Aerith. You can choose to have Cloud also love Tifa through one of two versions of the Highwind scene – choosing on an optional basis to rekindle a one-sided childhood crush. But Cloud’s non-optional behavior throughout the entire compilation is quite clear: Cloud and Aerith have a mutual romantic attraction that is undeniable, magnetic, and eternal.
Given the romantic nature of Cloud and Aerith’s relationship during disc 1 of Final Fantasy VII, it is no wonder Cloud and Tifa fans have attempted to systematically eliminate it. They diminish and downplay the importance of Cloud and Aerith’s 10 romantic disc 1 romantic moments, declaring them meaningless to “real” Cloud. And by doing so, everything we had just witnessed during disc 1 between Cloud and Aerith is now off the table, thus making Cloud and Tifa the default winner of the love triangle debate. What a clever tactic with a clear agenda. If only we didn’t have Cloud’s behavior after he regaining his memories to examine and see if this “Zack!Cloud” theory holds up.
Shockingly, despite Cloud’s “real” behavior, Cloti fans would actually look you in the face and say Squaresoft thought up an entire love story for fans say in the end, “Oh, that’s just Cloud thinking he’s Zack!”
These same Cloti fans attempt to say Cloud and Aerith’s relationship was too quick to actually mean anything. But what isn’t taken into consideration is that Cloud and Aerith’s love story plays out throughout the longest disc of the entire game – disc 1. We actually see Cloud and Aerith’s entire love story develop, progress, and play out before our eyes during the very best disc of Final Fantasy VII [rather than observing a one-sided childhood crush evolve into a one-sided adult romance]
The very proof that disc 1 makes Clerith canon is shown by how hard Cloud and Tifa fans try to discredit it. And what becomes painfully obvious is that “real” Cloud feels something for Aerith based on their disc 1 interactions – interactions that stem from a romantic agreement where Cloud agreed to be Aerith’s bodyguard for the price of a romantic date.
In other words, don’t ever let anyone tell you Zack makes Clerith illegitimate. He doesn’t. “Real” Cloud is shown to be heartbroken over Aerith – something Tifa is acutely aware of and becomes jealous of throughout the entire compilation. Cloud’s love for Aerith –the very thing that breaks his heart over and over again-- is the root of his guilt. For Cloud and Tifa fans to say this is solely “guilt,” is both a superficial and simplistic look at the surface of Cloud’s emotions. What we observe is a bodyguard that is heartbroken over not being able to fulfill a romantic agreement to a woman he fell in love with at first sight – Aerith Gainsborough.
The fact that Aerith remains such a heavy weight on Cloud’s heart during Case of Tifa and Advent Children, which is based on the interactions that took place during disc 1 when Cloud’s memories were jumbled, shows even more how much Aerith meant to the “real” Cloud. For Cloud to continue to harbor such emotions towards Aerith, despite his memories being jumbled when he was getting to know her, tells us Aerith was able to reach through to Cloud’s core. And she reached through to his core despite all of his memory issues, and she stayed with him in his heart long after he regained all of his memories. The fact Aerith was able to reach through and leave an eternal impression on Cloud despite his memories being jumbled is a testament to how much Aerith means to the “real” Cloud.
The guilt Cloud feels towards Aerith during Case of Tifa and Advent Children is rooted in disc 1 interactions that started with a love at first sight, and ended with a bodyguard failing his romantic agreement to protect his flower girl. Cloud’s heart breaks when Aerith dies and is torn again when he visits her grave.
At the end of the day, Cloud and Tifa fans wouldn’t be working so hard to discredit disc 1 if it didn’t make Clerith canon. However, due to the 10 romantic disc 1 Cloud x Aerith moments, which canonized Clerith back in 1997, Cloud and Tifa fans also love to say it was too fast of a relationship to mean anything. But that’s actually the point. It was a star-crossed love story between two soulmates that was given to us just as quickly as it was taken from us. That’s what made it so painful, and is exactly what Squaresoft wanted to convey through Cloud and Aerith’s non-optional, star-crossed love story.
But they also wanted to convey that though love can touch one time, it truly can last for a lifetime – especially in a world where we discover Cloud can find Aerith in the Promised Land.
Cloud and Aerith’s love story is essential to the main themes of Final Fantasy VII – themes of love and life beyond death and within the Planet, the lifestream, and – the Promised Land. I can’t wait for the Final Fantasy VII Remake to expand on Clerith moments that are microcosms of much bigger themes explored throughout the compilation.
”Real” Cloud:
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Square Enix; On the Way to a Smile: JAPANESE: クラウドは女の友人であり、恋人であり FRENCH: “Cloud avait ete son ami, et son amant.” GERMAN: “Cloud war ihr Freund, ihr Geliebter.“ ENGLISH: “Cloud was the woman’s [Aerith] friend, and *KOIBITO* [“lover” in Japanese].”
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dansantcaparet · 6 days
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The Forgotten City: A Bodyguard’s Heartbreak
“Delivery Item Bouquet Destination: The Forgotten City Client Name: Elmyra Gainsborough But, going back to the place where he parted from Aerith might mean that his sorrow and regret was going to tear his heart again.” ~Case of Tifa
“It was the sound of Cloud’s heart cracking. It was the cry of his heart that could never be healed of the grief he had towards Aerith’s death, the blame towards himself, and the hatred he had for Sephiroth…” ~Maiden of the Planet
“The Forgotten City is tied to Aerith throughout Advent Children. Here, Cloud is constantly reminded of Aerith – no matter how painful it is for him.” ~Kazushige Nojima
Fortune Telling with Deep Meaning: “What you pursue will be yours. But you will lose something dear.” As the storyline moves on to the events of the Forgotten City, the loss of “something dear” can be seen as losing Aerith……” ~Final Fantasy VII Ultimania Omega
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dansantcaparet · 6 days
—The Clerith moments are the most iconic moments in the Remake — “My hero!”
—The chapters with Aerith have been ranked as the best chapters in the Remake
—“Hollow” is a Clerith anthem (“This time, I will never let you go”)
—“Hollow” first plays during Aerith’s sector — Sector 5
—Cloud states he wants his own say on loving Aerith
—Tifa’s childhood promise is overshadowed by Jessie’s side-quest
—Tifa excludes Cloud at Seventh Heaven in the morning (and during childhood, too)
—Cloud and Aerith were both lonely kids who were outcasts — destined to meet as adults
—Aerith melts Cloud’s frosty exterior: he agrees to be her bodyguard, high-five’s her after earlier reluctance, picks flowers with her, and rescues her from Shinra HQ
—Cloud tells Aerith he isn’t romantically involved with Tifa
—Cloud tells Tifa that him and Aerith keep saving each other: “I saved her. She saved me. Round & round it goes.”
—When Cloud arrives at Seventh Heaven, Tifa asks him for the flower
—Cloud associates the flower with Aerith when it is on display in Seventh Heaven
—Tifa tells Cloud she knows Aerith gave him the flower
—The trophy for reuniting with Aerith is titled “Reunion Flower”
—The Clerith dream scene is in the credits
—Aerith states she is moving FORWARD from Zack
—Cloud’s Mom says to find an older girlfriend that calls him “silly” (Aerith is older than Cloud & tells him when he’s being “silly”)
—Cloud has visions of Aerith’s death and sheds a tear — showing more emotion than he has all game
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dansantcaparet · 6 days
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dansantcaparet · 6 days
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My Top 26 Reasons Why I Proudly Ship Cloud x Aerith
1. The Cloud x Aerith Golden Saucer date is confirmed in the compilation:
A. “In Aerith’s case, if you play the game normally,the partner that generally comes will be Aerith.”~Final Fantasy VII Dismantled
B. “Oh, Cloud…I enjoyed our date at the Gold Saucer. The view from the gondola that night was really beautiful. I’ll never forget it. I’ll never forget you, Cloud…” ~Aerith, Final Fantasy VII Dismantled, Square Enix
2. Aerith Gainsborough: “A girl with the blood of the Ancients flowing through her veins who is engraved in Cloud’s heart for the rest of his life” ~DoC game manual, Square Enix
3. “Cloud was her friend, her koibito (lover in Japanese) - a symbol of what was important to her, and someone to be protected.” ~Case of Lifestream: White, Square Enix
4. “The place where he awakens. That is Cloud’s Promised Land……When he awakes, there was his friends. There were the children, freed from their fatal illness. Tifa and Marlene, and Denzel asking for Cloud to heal his Geostigma— his family were waiting. Engulfed in celebration, he realises where he is meant to live. He realises that he was able to forgive himself. And when he turns around—- “she” is starting to leave. Together with the friend who had given Cloud his life. Cloud no longer has to suffer in loneliness… And so they too go back to where they belong. Back to the current of life flowing around the planet” ~Final Fantasy VII 10th Anniversary Ultimania, Square Enix
Cloud awakes in Aerith’s Church where he shares a spiritual connection with Aerith. Where Cloud awakes is his Promised Land — his supreme happiness. Tifa is lumped in as one of Cloud’s friends in this passage.  
5. “…I think I’m beginning to understand. An answer from the planet…the Promised Land… I think I can meet her… there…” ~Cloud Strife
6. “I never blamed you. Not once. You came for me. That’s all that matters.”~Aerith Gainsborough
7. “A story of a love that could never be…” ~Official Square Enix commercial referring to Cloud x Aerith
8. “At first when I met Cloud, I believed he was similar to Zack. Little actions, the way he spoke… his kindness. But Cloud is Cloud. I, now undoubtedly, love Cloud much more than Zack.” ~Aerith’s monologue in Gongaga, Final Fantasy VII Dismantled, Square Enix
9. Aerith brought Denzel to Cloud: 
“Denzel had collapsed in front of Aerith’s church. That’s why I thought Aerith lead him to me.” ~Cloud, Case of Tifa, Square Enix
10. Cloud to Aerith in Cosmo Canyon: “But, I’m -I mean- we’re here for you, right?” ~Cloud Strife 11. “Although in the beginning Aerith felt close to Cloud is because he behaves like Zack, her interest in Cloud himself grows and she is attracted to him.”~page 31, Final Fantasy VII Ultimania Omega, Square Enix 12. “When Aerith thinks of Cloud and Zack’s similarities, she sees that the present Cloud is not the real Cloud. Her meaningful lines like, “I’m searching for you” and “I want to meet you” all mean that she has discovered the existence of the real Cloud, although he’s not aware of it himself.” ~page 31, Final Fantasy VII Ultimania Omega, Square Enix 13. “First off, it bothered me how you looked exactly alike. Two completely different people, but look exactly the same. The way you walk, gesture… I think I must have seen him again, in you… But you’re different. Things are different…” ~Aerith, Final Fantasy VII 14. The hand reach scene at the end of Final Fantasy VII.   15. “After solving the puzzle about Cait Sith’s replaceable body, he tells one last fortune of Cloud and Aerith’s affinity. Cait Sith’s lines, which seem to expect Cloud and Aerith’s wedding, now makes it more painful.” ~Final Fantasy VII Dismantled, Square Enix “Looks good. You are perfect for each other!” “Aerith’s star and Cloud’s star! They show a great future!” — “Poor Tifa!” ~Cait Sith 16. Cloud is searching to be with Aerith in the Promised Land at the end of Advent Children. Cloud also keeps Aerith’s flowers on his desk in his single bedroom. 17. “Each carries their own feelings and love for Aerith. In this story, Cloud also carries his undying feeling for Aerith even to this very day…”~Nomura, Square Enix 18. “But if you play Kingdom Hearts, toward the end, some of the questions about the relationship between Cloud and Aeris in FFVII might be answered.”~Nomura, Square Enix 19. Cloud agrees to be Aerith’s bodyguard for the price of one date.   20. Cloud is living in Aerith’s Church at the beginning of Advent Children because that is where he finds peace after his diagnosis (living in a room by himself in a family of friends due to extenuating circumstances doesn’t cut it). Remember, Aerith’s Church is Cloud’s Promised Land — the place where he finds supreme happiness and shares a spiritual connection with Aerith.  21. (Note: this is a variable scene)
Marlene: Guess what? Guess what? Aeris was asking me lots of questions. Like what kind of person Cloud is. I bet she likes you, Cloud!
Cloud: Let’s hope so.
Marlene: I won’t tell Tifa. 22. In Advent Children, when Sephiroth asks Cloud what he cherishes the most, the first image that comes to his mind is Aerith.  23. “As for Cloud… He sees Aerith several times throughout the film. It’s not that he sees her because he feels her presence. He sees her because her consciousness lives on inside him.” ~Nomura, Square Enix
24. ”You should have… An older girlfriend, one that would take care of you. I think that would be the perfect type for you.” ~Mrs. Strife (Cloud’s Mom)
25. Cloud and Aerith share a date at Green Park in the Sector 6 Slum 
26. “It was the sound of Cloud’s heart cracking. It was the cry of his heart that could never be healed of the grief he had towards Aerith’s death, the blame towards himself and the hatred he had for Sephiroth…There was nothing she could do about Cloud’s suffering and the pain ached in her heart.” ~Maiden of the Planet, Square Enix
Cloud’s heart broke when Aerith died. 
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dansantcaparet · 6 days
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Important points and quotes to remember when a Cloti attempts to proclaim Cloud x Tifa is canon:
1) FFVII creator Kazushige Nojima speaks of a premise that things “won’t go well” between Cloud and Tifa:
“Episode Tifa [Case of Tifa] – First off, there’s the premise that things won’t go well between Tifa and Cloud, and that even without geostigma or Sephiroth, this might be the same.“ ~Nojima; On the Way to a Smile interview; Square Enix
Did you catch that last bit?
Even without circumstances such as geostigma and Sephiroth, things still probably wouldn’t have gone well between Cloud and Tifa. This means Cloud and Tifa’s issues likely have nothing to do with geostigma or Sephiroth. 
Interestingly, the two times Cloud and Tifa fight in Case of Tifa revolve around Aerith – the woman Tifa is constantly jealous over. 
The first fight between Cloud and Tifa is after Cloud visits Aerith’s grave. The second fight is after Cloud visits Aerith’s Church. Tifa has a BIG problem with Cloud visiting places where he connects with Aerith.
It seems the issue that continually complicates Cloud and Tifa’s relationship is Aerith; NOT geostigma or Sephiroth. One only has to look at the two fights Cloud and Tifa have during Case of Tifa, both of which revolve around Aerith.
Unfortunately for Cloti fans, Cloud and Tifa’s “relationship” doesn’t go well:
Nojima: “…there’s a premise that things won’t go well between Tifa and Cloud, and that even without geostigma or Sephiroth, this might be the same.”
Case of Tifa proves Cloud and Tifa aren’t compatible due to factors NOT associated with either geostigma or Sephiroth. The only other factor is Aerith – Tifa’s “love rival.” 
2) Nojima says the children MIGHT be able to help Cloud and Tifa sort through their problems:
“After Advent Children Complete, I guess Denzel and Marlene could help them work it out.” ~Nojima; On the Way to a Smile interview; Square Enix
Nojima isn’t 100% sure the children will be enough to help Cloud and Tifa sort through their problems. He seems very unsure and skeptical. 
3) Denzel has more to do with Aerith than Tifa: 
“Denzel had collapsed in front of Aerith’s Church. That’s why I thought Aerith lead him to me.” ~Case of Tifa; Square Enix
Cloud believes Denzel is a manifestation of his spiritual relationship with Aerith. In other words, Aerith is the root of Cloud’s relationship with Denzel; NOT Tifa. 
Interestingly, Tifa wonders if her and Cloud became a “real” family after Denzel arrived. Why? Because Cloud became a happier person once he felt connected to Aerith through Denzel. 
4) Tetsuya Nomura, one of the creators of FFVII, states he doesn’t have “any clue” if Cloud and Tifa are in a relationship post-FFVII:
“For example, I was frequently asked if there had been romantic relationship between Tifa and Cloud for two years, after Final Fantasy VII ended, but I don’t have any clue.” ~Nomura; Dorimaga interview; published at Flaregamer; Square Enix
5) Inside Seventh Heaven, Cloud has a room with a bed in it:
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Tifa sleeps in the same bed as Marlene:
“Marlene, who had always slept with Tifa, slept with her foster father Barret the night before he left. Their conversations could be heard late into the night. Early the next morning, Barret set off.” ~Case of Tifa; Square Enix
Tifa sleeps with Marlene. Cloud sleeps in the bed found in his room (obvious common sense). Cloud and Tifa don’t sleep in the same bed like a normal couple would. 
6) Tifa includes Cloud in a family she refers to as a ‘family of friends’:
“Friends were a necessity to me so that I could live on without being suppressed by the sins in my consciousness. Even if they were fellow companions that had the same wounds. Even if they were fellow companions who were burdened with the same sins. We couldn’t live without comforting each other and encouraging each other. Maybe you could call that family. We just had to keep the family together and do our best. Tifa thought she could get over anything while being with friends that she could call her family.” ~Case of Tifa; Tifa Lockhart; Square Enix
For emphasis: “…Tifa thought she could get over anything while being with friends that she could call her family.”
Later, Tifa admits they aren’t a “real” family:
Tifa turns away, disappointed. “I guess that only works for real families.“ ~Case of Tifa; Tifa Lockhart; Square Enix
Marlene also states to Barret on the phone that Cloud and Tifa “aren’t getting along very well,” and Cloud doesn’t respond to Tifa when she asks him if he loves her. 
5) The Highwind scene is inherently variable, which makes it weaker evidence:
“After stopping Hojo from going amuck, the conversation with Tifa before they rush into the Northern Crater diverges into two conditions, according to Tifa’s affection rating with Cloud. When it gets low, the conversation in the scene that they spend the night will be apathetic and ends short. Next morning in the cockpit, Tifa says “Were you listening?” and stamps on tiptoe. On the other hand, when degree gets higher, the conversation of the scene that they spend the night will have strong emotions. Next morning in the cockpit, Tifa will say “Were you watching?” and feels terribly shy” ~page 198; Final Fantasy VII Ultimania Omega; Square Enix
“Deviation – Two versions of the conversation before the final battle: Prior to the final battle, the contents of the conversation between Cloud and Tifa can change depending on the degree of Tifa’s affection. If the degree of affection is high, the contents of the two’s conversation will involve deep subject matter and strong feelings for each other. As well, the sight of the two seen by their companions the next morning will lead to an embarrassing scene for Tifa, and she blushes greatly.”  ~page 232; Final Fantasy 20th Anniversary Ultimania; Square Enix
“Another event is when the party was dismissed and after everyone left for their own places separately, Cloud and Tifa spent the night together. At that moment,according to Tifa’s affection rating with Cloud, the event of “dialogues exchanged between them from dusk to dawn” and “Tifa’s reaction and lines when she found out that everyone might see (or hear) that circumstance” will be different.” ~page 201; Final Fantasy VII Dismantled; Square Enix
Cloti fans love to say Cloud and Tifa expressed mutual feelings during the high affection Highwind scene. Sadly, the Highwind scene is an inherently variable scene with two versions, making it weaker evidence. 
On the contrary, Cloud non-variably agrees to be Aerith’s bodyguard for the price of a date, showing mutual romantic affection between the Bodyguard and his Flower Girl. Cloud and Aerith’s mutual romantic affection is non-variable.   
6) Barret is a member of the Seventh Heaven family: 
Barret turned round and shouted, “Do your best!” His voice was a little shaky. “Unite the family’s strength and keep at it!” ~Case of Tifa; Square Enix
“Upon finding out that Edge was under attack during the midst of his travels, he rushed over towards the crisis faced by his family and companions.” ~Barret Wallace’s Character Profile; Final Fantasy VII 10th Anniversary Ultimania; Square Enix 
Potential criticisms:
“When he awakes, there was his friends. There were the children, freed from their fatal illness. Tifa and Marlene, and Denzel asking for Cloud to heal his geostigma – his family were waiting. Engulfed in celebration, he realizes where he is meant to live. He realizes that he was able to forgive himself.” ~10th Anniversary Ultimania; Square Enix
The reason Tifa, Marlene, and Denzel are specifically mentioned in this quote is because Cloud leaves Seventh Heaven due to geostigma. Tifa, Marlene, and Denzel, as it says in the quote, are the ones asking Cloud to heal his geostigma so he can return to living with them. Barret, of course, isn’t living with them at this time, which is why Barret is omitted from this quote.  
However, Barret was also physically present waiting for Cloud, which is what the quote says: “his family were waiting.”
Barret also returns to living with Marlene in Dirge of Cerberus:
“Currently he is living with Marlene, the orphaned child of his best friend…” ~Dirge of Cerberus Official Complete Guide; p.21; Square Enix
In every quote that refers to Cloud, Tifa, Marlene, and Denzel “living” together as a “family” are the words “live,” / “living,” / “lived.” Barret isn’t included in these quotes because he is temporarily on a journey to settle his past. Barret isn’t living with them at that very moment in time. That should be obvious. 
However, Barret’s role in the AVALANCHE/Seventh Heaven family has been firmly established since the very beginning of FFVII. Barret is simply a traveling father – something many families deal with on a daily basis. However, just because your parent travels for a living doesn’t remove them from the very family they helped create. Remember: it is Marlene, Barret’s daughter, who officially invites Cloud into this family. 
Bottom line is: of course Barret isn’t included in the quotes discussing Cloud, Tifa, Marlene, and Denzel “living” together – he isn’t technically “living” with them. But you’d literally have to ignore everything in Case of Tifa if you actually wanted to remove Barret from the AVALANCHE/Seventh Heaven family – the family he literally re-built from the ground up. Remember, all of this was Barret’s idea to begin with.
Furthermore, Barret says to “unite the family’s strength” when he leaves on his journey, and he rushes back to “defend his family” when he hears they are under attack. Clearly, Barret considers himself a member of this ‘family of friends.’ 
Barret also returns to living with Marlene in DoC. So do Cloti’s actually believe Marlene belongs to two family’s? One with Barret? And one with Cloud and Tifa? Wouldn’t it make more sense that they all belonged to the same family?
Plus – if Barret isn’t included in this family, are Cloti’s actually admitting that Tifa is referring to herself and Cloud as a ‘family of friends’? That’s a pretty big omission by Cloti fans – that Tifa considers herself and Cloud to only be “friends.” 
To be honest, Cloti’s better hope to God that Barret is a member of this ‘family of friends’ because if he isn’t, Tifa has completely nuked their ship by calling herself and Cloud mere “friends.”
7) At the end of AC/C, Cloud rides his motorcycle through flower fields that represent Aerith:
“There are fields of flowers on both sides of the road, and the color –yellow and white– are the same as the flowers in Aerith’s church.” ~Nomura, Reunion Files, pg. 87
The final images of AC/C are of Cloud riding through flower fields that represent Aerith. Symbolism matters. 
Both the ending of FFVII (Promised Land) and the ending of AC/C (flower fields) show us that Cloud is on a quest to find and be with Aerith; NOT Tifa. 
Symbolism matters. 
8) Beginning love points:
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Aerith starts off with more love points than Tifa for a reason. And that reason is very simple: Squaresoft wanted Clerith to be the primary love story of FFVII. If that wasn’t the case, both Aerith and Tifa would have started the game with an equal number of love points. By starting Aerith off with 20 more love points than Tifa, the creators clearly favored Clerith over Cloti. 
9)  The hand reach scene between Cloud and Aerith in AC is referred to as a “homage” by Square Enix, highlighting the romantic relationship between Cloud and Aerith that has continued into the spiritual world:
“The ending scene of the battle with Bahamut, the scene where Aerith reaches out her hand, is homage to the last scene from a previous production. It was Tetsuya Nomura’s idea…”  ~Nojima; Reunion Files; Square Enix
AC took FFVII’s hand reach to the next level — Cloud and Aerith were finally able to lock hands, something they were so close to doing in FFVII.
So don’t let Cloti’s try to make this about Tifa “going with Cloud to the Promised Land to meet Aerith.”  
Despite Tifa’s presence in both scenes, she is not the primary focus. The primary focus has always been about Cloud seeking to be reunited with Aerith.
AC’s “homage” makes it crystal clear: the girl Cloud wished was reaching for him in FFVII was Aerith, the very girl he was finally able to lock hands with in AC.
“Poor Tifa.” ~Cait Sith
10) Tifa is not only jealous of Aerith in FFVII, but AC as well:
“Both of them share feelings for Cloud —  Tifa was close to Aerith, who can also be called a love rival. With that point in mind, they were also good friends. Nevertheless, it is not hard to imagine that she carries complex feelings as a woman toward Aerith, who had built up a special bond with Cloud that was different from Tifa’s. Tifa’s complicated feelings continue even in Advent Children, two years after Aerith had departed the world.” ~Final Fantasy 10th Anniversary Ultimania; Square Enix
“The thing which she is unable to hide in her irritation towards Cloud is the fact that he isn’t merely dragging the past around, but because that reason might perhaps be related to Aerith.
Final Fantasy VII: Seeing Cloud and Aerith developing their world together before her eyes, she inadvertently lets slip her peevish feelings.
Advent Children: Upon knowing that Cloud had been residing in Aerith’s Church after leaving the place they had been living in together, her expression becomes complex.” ~Tifa’s character profile; 10th Anniversary Ultimania; Square Enix
Tifa is the #1 Clerith of all-time. 
Not only does Tifa witness Cloud and Aerith’s “special bond” in FFVII, she also let’s her “peevish feelings” slip. 
In AC, Tifa continues to have “complicated feelings” towards Cloud’s continued spiritual relationship with Aerith – Tifa’s “love rival.” 
Tifa believes there are mutual feelings between Cloud and Aerith. Why don’t Cloti’s?
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dansantcaparet · 7 days
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Final Fantasy 7 Remake (2020)//Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth (2024)
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dansantcaparet · 7 days
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Clerith Modern AU
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dansantcaparet · 7 days
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“Never a dull moment with you”
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dansantcaparet · 7 days
Remake & Rebirth Callbacks
頼もしい! - You're reliable!
帰りは 大丈夫なのか? - Will you be okay on the way home?
大丈夫じゃないって言たら?- If I said I wouldn't be, what then?
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dansantcaparet · 7 days
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Still I know someday you'll come and find me
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dansantcaparet · 7 days
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A new day, a new selfie! 📸☁️🌸💕
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