dathomirafterdark · 6 months
Nothing fits him anymore after he's transformed: normal clothes, normal armour, a normal-sized bed, doorways -- the poor guy is carrying around all this extra powerful bulk but he keeps running runnels into the ceilings with his horns.
And I bet sometimes he just has a sit, and thinks about how nothing fits like it should, and he can't figure out why there's so much discomfort in it because he doesn't remember the time before the Nightsisters woke him up with ichor.
All he knows is that it must have been different even if he doesn't remember the particulars.
And all that is so short-lived because the brother he brought back from Lotho Minor is a handful and it takes all of Savage's energy to keep Maul from getting assassinated by those fucking Mandalorians and those annoying Jedi guys and that creep that used to be Maul's Master, and then in his last breath as the ichor seeps out of him, Savage feels all that extra tension leaving him and suddenly his body fits him again.
That's really cruel.
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dathomirafterdark · 6 months
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And I will Always Love You Brother
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dathomirafterdark · 6 months
Season’s greetings dear-favorite-fandom writer-I-discovered-this-year 🧣
The snows are melting and I’ve been thinking about your one-shot Three Dathomiri Tales for Midwinter, Three Kings. It’s magic itself. The imagery, the taglines, and the cadence characteristic to your writing. Just 👌🫶
Want to read it again badly but know it’s going to break my heart into pieces. Hallo help
Happy holidays to you, Herbalina!
I love that ficlet!
It's based on the pagan myth of the Holly King and the Oak King, but rather than fighting each other, "Reader" is the Winged Goddess guiding the three god-kings along their path so that the seasons can continue changing: Maul is the Winter King, Savage is Autumn, and Feral is Summer and Spring.
When one brother steps down in his reign, the next takes over so the others can rest.
We have deep winter for another couple of months, so Maul is still fighting the good fight over here yet. Whatever that is.
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dathomirafterdark · 6 months
Dad!Savage canon confirmation.
Have you ever noticed? Part 2.
What we see here? In the Selection one zabrak from the four die, which is part of the trials. Savage kneels down to check the other nightbrother, and with this act he broke the defensive formation. It wasn't a necessary act, the others just looked at the dead nightbrother and focused back to the fight.
He did it immediately and I think that was an instinctive act from him. He was caring and protective for Feral, but not just for him. This act shows us the other nightbrothers were important for him too, and he cared what happen to them.
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dathomirafterdark · 6 months
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Feral and Kai @aftergloom
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dathomirafterdark · 6 months
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Trick or Treat!
Full Piece HERE
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dathomirafterdark · 6 months
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“You won’t believe who we ran into! :D”
Edessa taking little Feral to the bar she used to work at. Something something, she forgot the planet time difference. Maul possibly doing some voodoo shit in mother’s hoarder cave.
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dathomirafterdark · 6 months
Subculture au 🪻🥥
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Featuring punk Maul, cottage core Feral and funny shirt bimbo Savage!!
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dathomirafterdark · 7 months
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Through the glass, he can feel an echo, Feral’s quick, cocky smile, a flicker of somewhere that’s dark and full of dripping water, men in armor and Feral drowsing against the shoulder of a clone in blue.
I drew this for I've got my teeth in you by @blackkatmagic. I loved the idea of Jedi Feral napping on a clone.
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dathomirafterdark · 7 months
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I found an absolutely BLESSED image of a "draw your OC in this outfit" challenge (original below cut), and I really wanted to put Maul in this one.
Anyways... I'll see myself out :P
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dathomirafterdark · 7 months
Who needs flowers when he'll bring you a rancor carcass?
I'd marry him.
Zabrak boyfriend dropping the carcass of his latest kill on your doorstep is a courting ritual.
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dathomirafterdark · 7 months
How strong are the Nightbrother's physically before and after their infusion with ichor?
Your ask implies what happened to Savage Opress in the aftermath of his Selection was a common practice but I don't think that's the case.
TW: Oppression (Nightsisters), violent death (Feral's)
Ventress and Talzin had a very specific agenda to get revenge against Dooku, and they needed a tool that would be powerful enough in the Force to be considered an acceptable offering by Sith/Dark Acolyte standards, but loyal to them, hence Savage's conditioning (which is why Feral's murder was the final test of Savage's devotion, because if he'd been in his full faculties, he wouldn't have snapped the neck of his beloved brother. Think about that for a second: Feral wasn't choked to death. His spine was broken one-handed. That's not an effortless death.)
I suspect that the Nightsisters aren't so generous unless it serves their ends specifically, because not only was Savage's size, strength, and speed bolstered, but he was also given an ichor-infused weapon (a pike made by some variety of conjuration), and presumably his armour was also enchanted (because it evanesced at the time of his death along with the changes made to his body.)
For the before and after aspect of your ask, things are going to get a bit more speculative from here out because of the details introduced by Ahsoka about the Witch Kingdom of the Dathomiri, and specifically what physiological differences exist between Dathomirian and Iridonian zabrak, and their consistencies.
To date I've assumed that there are similarities between the two species, as both Dathomirian and Iridonian zabrak are warrior cultures familiar to the often brutal conditions of their homeworlds, but Dathomirian zabrak also have the misfortune of suffering the harsh conditions of living beneath their oppressors. I think Nightbrothers were largely self-sustaining and share similar values with ancient warrior-centric civilizations (Sparta comes to mind, as two-second answers go, but this is a tangent) which might've influenced how they trained and fought and lived as a brotherhood.
Apart from the standard: faster, harder, more acrobatic, more resilient, more resistant to pain than humans, how much of that comes from biology and evolution and how much is a product of their aptitude to survive against all odds is up to you to hash out with the new information we're getting.
The tl;dr is that I think Nightbrothers were a hard people whose values allowed them to survive some pretty shitty conditions, but their circumstances didn't allow them to thrive, and there isn't a Nightsister out there who, with an instinct for maintaining the status quo, would give their power to the people they've enslaved.
I do think about what might happen if the Nightbrothers gained control over the ichor, though, specifically with the intention to do exactly what you're proposing, and more. I think about what it might be like if they could wield it. I think about insurgence and uprising, and overthrowing their oppressors. I think about how it might've allowed them to change the game, to take back their power.
I think about that a lot, actually.
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dathomirafterdark · 7 months
Trick or treat!
Feral, please
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Happy Halloween!
He's never had candy before! He thinks he likes it. (Also wow, my man has some complicated tattoos. Probably why they killed him so fast sjdghfj)
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dathomirafterdark · 7 months
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Different pieces of concept art used for s3e13 of The Clone Wars titled “Monster,” featuring people of Dathomir.
Happy Halloween!
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dathomirafterdark · 7 months
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Symmetry portraits commishes!
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dathomirafterdark · 7 months
ALL of the Zabrak Jedi: Maul and Eeth Koth's Species
Although Darth Maul is arguably the most famous Force user of the Zabrak species, quite a few prominent Zabrak Jedi exist as well. In fact, one of the founders of the Jedi Order is a Zabrak. Several Jedi Council Members and other powerful Jedi are members of the species as well! A Zabrak is a carnivorous near-human species divided into two subspecies: Iridonian and Dathomirian. A series of small…
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dathomirafterdark · 7 months
Zabrak boyfriend dropping the carcass of his latest kill on your doorstep is a courting ritual.
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