dating-simp · 2 years
Otome Ramblings - Nightshade
Goemon's route:
very necessary cleavage
Is my first route going to end up being my favorite again?
Hey, the ruler DOES look like a weasel!
Gekkamaru has joined the party and volunteered to third-wheel. Hilarity ensues.
Kuroyuki dropped in and dropped out because there's only one room for comic relief.
If you are sleep deprived and don't know who the game's antagonists are (because this is your first route), good luck not breaking down.
ropes? kinky... pull it tighter plz
rip Hanzo's dignity. He's probably the first to get the antidote. I doubt he or his master died
don't say it don't say it don't say it... last surprise intensifies
Hanzo's route:
Goemon causally escaping in front of Ishida is *chef's kiss*
I was going to do Kuroyuki's route last, but I'll do his next.
"strip" Hanzo being blunt as always
Enju's shinobi gear has a hole in the back
Kuroyuki's route:
We already have two upbeat characters, Goemon and Ennosuke. Would it be repetitive if there's another-
If you say "feed from the same breast" ever again
don't say it don't say it don't say it... megalovania intenifies
I don't think this route is the best for Kuroyuki...
He wields scythes and chains, so he's like the grim reaper.
If he is a mage, he'd have instant death spells and low strength/stamina.
character redemption arc?
He can always make new memories. And he already have friends who would forgive and support him.
He was "loving a shadow" ...but also literally.
Chojuro's route:
Why the cleavage in shinobi gear?
please stop saying the word "cousin"
My ot3 Enju x Gekkamaru x Goemon. What route am I in again?
Gekkamaru is kinda scary for a sec. Why do I like it? Now I'm more interested in his route.
Two characters must die, so the ship may sail. Dang... Gekkamaru third-wheeling in the grave too? jk we add another third-wheel. This one is a bit toxic tho.
I don't think this route is the best for ...a lot of characters
Chojuro could ramble and talk a lot if he let himself.
Weasel man is like "I live b*tch. Anyways, let's end this battle royale."
Gekkamaru's route (not completed):
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dating-simp · 2 years
I just love continuity and tiny details.
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dating-simp · 2 years
[Note to self: split this draft into separate posts]
Otome Ramblings - Men of Yoshiwara: Kikuya and Ohgiya
The order I played: Takigawa, Asagiri, Utsusemi, Gakuto, Ageha, Takao, Hayabusa, Kagerou, ...
Recommended order for the first game (Kikuya): [I didn't finish yet]
Recommended order for the second game (Ohgiya): Gakuto, Utsusemi, Ageha, Asagiri, Takigawa
Different terms: Kikuya used the terms “gentlemen of the night”/ “courtesan”, “-san”, “brothel”, “parlor”, “customer”/”client”. Ohgiya used the terms “geisha”, “Miss”, “geisha house”, “teahouse”, “client”
-oh no he's my type…
-permanent cat smile :3 :3 ^w^ (I know it just the art style, but it’s more obvious on him.)
-the hot-blooded maniac pixie dream guy
-has some undiagnosed disorder, mood swings
-as expressive as an Ace Attorney character. Example: his blushing, surprised, and angry face. Would probably flip his pipe or shake his two fingers if he has an idle animation (imagine cross-examining this guy)
-“b-b-baka” blushing face
-his name is Takao because he is ta cash cow of Kikuya (more bad jokes to come)
-will fight (or tease) anyone
-“prideful, but will eat his words” vibes
-is probably fun to fluster
-leg, but is never mentioned again after the prologue
-spoopy bedsheet ghost sprite, a very discreet disguise. I can easily tell who you are from your smile…
-the dreaded inc*st scare, probably has a sister complex
-While they stowaway on the ship heading to the mainland (to talk to Takao’s father about …possible blood relations), you might be wondering …if this ship will sink. ba-dum-tss (mc’s parents runs a shipping agency, of course I’m going to make the joke.)
-tried to hook our parents up. Imagine: In-laws get married, and already married couple suddenly became step siblings
-dad was really like “now make me a grandson” and locks the door. Ah sh*t. Looks like we're stuck here for 9 months.
-the reliable sneaky troublemaker in other routes, but also a tattletale; Rules for thee, but not for me ^w^
-“He can’t keep getting away with this.“ But then he does.
-dad got a sprite, but not mc’s mom
-I internalize that funky theme as his theme
-suddenly appears in other routes with his funky theme (including Takigawa’s route from the sequel!), because why not?
-(in Takigawa’s route) falling in love quickly is a weird flex for a top geisha/courtesan, but okay
-Unlike the others courtesans, he probably didn't change his name. Also, It sounds like taco.
Tokiwa [not completed]
-the a-hole friend
-the foreign part-white guy
-possible yandere vibes?
-mole under mouth
-Kagura fanboy
-shounen rival vibes
-must exert dominance
-sister gets sprite, but not mc’s mom
-coat cape
-Hey, is that lore for Takao's dad and mc's mom in the sequel story? Sorry Takao, looks like history repeats :3
Kagura [not completed]
-refined guy
-pretty boring in other routes so far
Iroha [not completed]
-screen should have shook when he shows his angry sprite. When he does get angry, you can say “It’s all ogre now”. haha
-(insert Shrek joke here)
Hayabusa / Hayato
-not-blood-related-so-it’s-ok, onii-san vibes
-definitely has a sister complex
-He feels dangerous(?), like he’s trying to exploit our shared past to get me to join his pyramid scheme or something, but I kinda like it? I wish the writer would lean into that more, but I guess it's unintentional.
-that seductive stare…
-feeds you candy and calls you a good girl
- birth name sounds like a car
-the smooth flirty one
-moderately arrogant
-is probably pining for mc in other routes :(
-sexy tattoos. “That's so sad. Musashi, play One-Wing Angel.”
-suddenly in Asagiri’s route, and my heart wasn't ready
-shows bare chest, but back is a no-no
-Who's the one who cut his kimono in half anyway? I'd say it's the cat from the "sequel" story
-mother, brother, and cat has no sprite
-surprise childhood friend
-probably fun to annoy
-token bi vibes
-stays there by choice
-third wheeling in Ageha’s route
-loves his friends
-missed opportunity for one eye jokes
-mole under his singular eye
-secretly soft boi
- dot dot dot…
-possibly the cause of murder in other routes. But that’s just a funny theory I have.
-poor guy got the worst route :(
-loves his friends to a fault
-unaware that we're basically sacrificing Ageha for his and mc’s happiness
-shounen protag vibes
-easier to compare Takao to him than Takigawa. Maybe it's the red color scheme and the mischievous look.
-What?! A murder?! Two murders?! Alrighty then…
-blurt stuff out without thinking. Useful for giving depth to other characters
-suddenly sexy in Utsusemi’s route, where we sacrificed him
-We only see it in his other sprite, but… moles shaped like a colon on neck :
-suddenly a murder happened in his route. Okay then…
-Asagiri third wheeling in his route
-that haircut. Lorenz?
-What age is Ageha anyway? This joke only works in text.
-scenario for hypothetical route: he got knocked out while escorting mc home, is captured, got amnesia, and sold to Ohgiya. mc tries to jog his memory by visiting him
-Why does he have a sprite but not other npc’s in MoY: Ohgiya?
-like both mc’s, Kagerou, and Ageha, his age is an enigma. His history and how he become a bodyguard ON THE ISLAND is too.
Final thoughts:
-I usually like the underdog characters, so I’m surprised my favorites are the “popular” ones.
-You can tell who my favorites are by how much wall of text I have dedicated to making fun of them.
-The title in Japan is Gyakuten Yoshiwara. So it can technically be translated as Turnabout Yoshiwara or Reverse Yoshiwara.
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