dawaytoamarillo · 19 hours
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based off a post that blew up on twitter
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dawaytoamarillo · 21 hours
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i know what they bonded over but imagining how they started hanging out at all got me wondering and pondering
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don't tell anyone about this.
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dawaytoamarillo · 2 days
I bet on losing dogs...
Making sims vent art is INSANE anyway sims vent art dropped 😝
Before anyone says anything: I KNOW THIS IS NOT POSSIBLE ON THE SIMS, just let me be
Cw: Mention of acephobia and arophobia
Ok sooo maybe I reflect a little (too much) on this lmfao. I am a grey-romantic and asexual person, but I feel horrible when I realize that I have feelings for other people, I think it's mostly because of fear of not knowing what my real identity is; having acquaintances of mine make fun of my asexuality-greyromanticism has caused distrust in myself, which has led me to years of doubting my sexuality, I don't know how to explain this feeling, but it's like I feel alienated from my own being. I have the HC that Nervous is demiromantic and he was developing feelings for Pascal, but for fear of not recognizing himself, he decided to withdraw into himself, in addition to not knowing how to digest these emotions. My poor guy I'm so sorry 😓
I will never understand why allo people seek to disparage asexual/aromantic people and shame them for their sexual/romantic life, believing that just because you have never had a partner/you never had sex you are not aro/ace at all. Aro people can love, ace people can feel, people just think we're resentful or some shit like that.
AUGHHH SORRY, I'm just tired of the IRL mockery about my sexuality, they always call me either heterosexual or lesbian, when I don't give a damn about people's gender. A "friend" gave me a female condom to see if it would take away my "asexuality" and I've felt disgusted ever since :(. I like to say that I am proudly asexual and grey-romantic, but sometimes it is difficult for me to understand myself
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dawaytoamarillo · 3 days
hearing the sims being called a "cozy game" is so ??? because i grew up playing the sims 1 and thats one of the most evil games ever created. and no, not intentionally evil, this is beyond will wright's hands. what i'm saying is that a foul fae spirit invaded the sims files and has permeated every sims 1 installation since. there is a malicious, foreboding presence in that game hiding behind the quirky, comic-sans labelled veneer, and if you meditate quietly for too long in its presence something tragic will happen
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dawaytoamarillo · 3 days
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dawaytoamarillo · 4 days
shipweek day 2: shopping humiliation
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“wow it looks terrible” ofcs it looks terrible i did it in a couple of minutes
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dawaytoamarillo · 4 days
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dawaytoamarillo · 4 days
Love affairs in The Sims 4
Sim A: *Woohoo sim C in front of sim B, his partner*
Sim B: *Doesn't even notice it but if he notices it he gets sad for a few hours and then forgets everything forever*
Love affairs in The Sims 2
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dawaytoamarillo · 4 days
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i hope the weatherman from the ts2 weather channel has a good day
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dawaytoamarillo · 6 days
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danny posts sims 2 art. real?
i played house of ashes recently and, my god, do i have brainrot. so ummm strangetown house of ashes au 🚨🚨🚨🐛 might crawl out of writing block hell to write something for this
very rough and lenghty summary below cut lol
after sim nation fell into war with the planet sixam, everything fell into disarray.
the grunt family has fled strangetown to join the forces in pleasantview and the once quaint desert town becomes a hub for sixam's own military. sixam recruits the willing townspeople to fight for both planets as to restore their peace.
before strangetown knows it, general buzz grunt returns with his own team to scope where the enemy might be storing their weapons, with sixam's technology being way ahead of earth's it would equal their forces and maybe grant them victory.
he finally confirms the weapons to be stored at an abandoned military base just at the edge of the town and hidden between the mountains. but once they close in on the place, it becomes very clear that this base hasn't seen a living being in millenia and they are ambushed by strangetown's military.
when they're about to surrender, surrounded by the enemy, the ground swallows them all whole, vines wrap around them and they're pulled through layers of sand until they're let go and fall into the world, thats stranger-than-strangetown, below and are forced to face an ancient evil.
team's get split and old friends and enemies reunited. will the two opposing sides decide to work together? or is the war's divide too great?
who knows, they might even meet a familiar face below the sands.
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dawaytoamarillo · 6 days
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hello the queers two fandom i made this
sorry for the inactivity hhe7ejeo
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dawaytoamarillo · 6 days
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you know what that means
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dawaytoamarillo · 7 days
I'm sorry
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dawaytoamarillo · 8 days
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- Secrets Post #003, January 12th, 2008
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dawaytoamarillo · 9 days
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danny posts sims 2 art. real?
i played house of ashes recently and, my god, do i have brainrot. so ummm strangetown house of ashes au 🚨🚨🚨🐛 might crawl out of writing block hell to write something for this
very rough and lenghty summary below cut lol
after sim nation fell into war with the planet sixam, everything fell into disarray.
the grunt family has fled strangetown to join the forces in pleasantview and the once quaint desert town becomes a hub for sixam's own military. sixam recruits the willing townspeople to fight for both planets as to restore their peace.
before strangetown knows it, general buzz grunt returns with his own team to scope where the enemy might be storing their weapons, with sixam's technology being way ahead of earth's it would equal their forces and maybe grant them victory.
he finally confirms the weapons to be stored at an abandoned military base just at the edge of the town and hidden between the mountains. but once they close in on the place, it becomes very clear that this base hasn't seen a living being in millenia and they are ambushed by strangetown's military.
when they're about to surrender, surrounded by the enemy, the ground swallows them all whole, vines wrap around them and they're pulled through layers of sand until they're let go and fall into the world, thats stranger-than-strangetown, below and are forced to face an ancient evil.
team's get split and old friends and enemies reunited. will the two opposing sides decide to work together? or is the war's divide too great?
who knows, they might even meet a familiar face below the sands.
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dawaytoamarillo · 10 days
special interest, my belov - [game crashes]
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dawaytoamarillo · 10 days
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i love drawing the most insignificant characters like puck's deadbeat biological parents
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