dawn-for-boken-souls · 6 months
Imagine your favorite character coming home from a long and tiring day at work and just curling up on your lap as you rub on their shoulders and back.  “Mmm, (Y/N), you have magic hands, I swear,” they groan as you work out a sore spot.  They sit up suddenly and kiss you gently, wrapping their arms around you.  “I might feel better if you used them on more than just my sore neck.“  The two of you spend the evening making slow, sweet, cuddly love under the blankets and eventually fall asleep still wrapped up in each others’ embrace.
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dawn-for-boken-souls · 6 months
Coming back to your f/o after years apart, reuniting and feeling like everything is complete, like your world is whole once again. Nothing in the world seems to compare to the bond you have with them, romantic, platonic, familial, or otherwise. And to be here with them again? It’s the greatest thing .
Life isn’t always kind, and you may sometimes go long periods without each other, but that’s alright. Because despite the aching longing that may surface, the feeling like nothing is right, or other such emotions that have haunted them and you, you get to see them again. And when you do it’s like no time has passed, like everything has finally fallen into place. Isn’t it wonderful?
stolen from an anti
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dawn-for-boken-souls · 6 months
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cute and/or mundane things to imagine doing with your f/o(s)!
cooking and/or baking together
cleaning together
organizing things together
visiting a park together
finding cool rocks together
going for a walk together
looking at flowers and other plants together
cloud watching together
stargazing together
going grocery shopping together
going thrifting together
picking out candles together
building furniture together
trying out new crafts or art forms (pottery, wood carving, etc.) together
playing multiplayer games together
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dawn-for-boken-souls · 6 months
quick reminder that even on days where those thoughts linger, your f/o(s) will stay by your side no matter what. there's no rush for you to feel better, and you'll never be a burden to them. loving you and taking care of you is what they're here for. it doesn't matter how many times a day you ask for reassurance that they love you, they'll continue to remind you whenever you need it, because it's the truth. they love you more than there are stars in this universe, even if they might not always say it.
Stolen from an Anti. Proship please interact
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dawn-for-boken-souls · 6 months
Shoutout to self shippers whose s/i is literally just them. Like you might change how you look a bit but it’s just you. Being in love with your f/o
stolen from an anti
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dawn-for-boken-souls · 6 months
whether you stick close to canon or not at all doesn't matter. your f/o loves you in every universe !!
if you insert yourself into the story in a way that fits it that's really impressive. your f/o would definitely adore you if you were a canon character !!
and if you rather prefer to chill with them in your own little world that's just as valid !! it's so nice to see ppl writing their own stories with their loved ones 🎶
both ways and everything inbetween are such wonderful ways of creative outlets and it doesn't matter at all how much you've established. either way your selfships will always be so canon
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dawn-for-boken-souls · 6 months
thinking about moving in with your f/o. decorating your new house however you want, buying things for your house together, and just sharing a place with your love. but most importantly feeling like you finally have a home, a place that you can be safe and comfortable in. and sharing that place with the person that matters the most to you.
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dawn-for-boken-souls · 6 months
shout out to selfshippers who dislike ships with their f/os
shout out to selfshippers who like ships with their f/os
shout out to selfshippers who struggle to find content of their f/os without it being a ship
shout out to selfshippers who ship their f/os together and include themselves in that ship
shout out to selfshippers regardless of how they feel regarding ships including their f/os
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dawn-for-boken-souls · 6 months
for every time you doubt yourself and what you are capable of, your f/o finds ten things they love you for and what they find admirable about you btw !!
imagine when you're feeling down your f/o reassures you the way you need, whether it's through gently embracing you in a hug or just being beside you when you need it
imagine them telling you that it'll be ok and listing all those things that they love about you
imagine them reminding you that they'll always be by your side
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dawn-for-boken-souls · 6 months
Your f/o wants you to know that you arent a horrible person. You may think so, You may look at what you've done, What you do, And think you don't deserve more than a rat. They don't agree. They know you better than you know yourself, And while your in their arms, Could you really be so bad if they smile at you so genuinely?
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dawn-for-boken-souls · 6 months
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imagine; cuddling with your f/o at night.
You found yourself in their arms, nestled comfortably in their embrace with the gentle sway of their breath lightly brushing your hair. You can feel the soothing beats of their heart against your body as you snuggled closer to them, your legs intertwined beneath the blanket.
"Hey," they murmured, "can't sleep?"
You shook your head.
They shifted slightly and planted a soft, gentle kiss on your forehead, "It's okay," their whisper like a melody in your ear, "we can stay up late together."
And so you talked. About everything and anything. You laughed, you cried, you smiled. Until the dawn broke before you two know it. They chuckled and gave you another kiss, this time on the lips.
"Thank you," they said, ever so gently, "that was really nice."
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dawn-for-boken-souls · 6 months
stolen from an anti
Imagine the absolute lovesick look on your romantic f/o(s) face when they see you in the outfit(s) you've wanted for such a long time. The clothing style you've always wanted, they absolutely adore you in every single outfit you have.
They love the absolute joy on your face when you're finally comfortable in an outfit you're wearing. You absolutely make them swoon over you, no matter what you look like, dress like. They love seeing you, the actual you <3
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dawn-for-boken-souls · 6 months
stolen from an anti
Imagine your f/o holds your hand and looks you in the eye. Nothing needs to be said, your intimacy is shared just with a simple touch.
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dawn-for-boken-souls · 6 months
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dawn-for-boken-souls · 6 months
stolen from an anti
Imagine your f/o crawling into bed next to you while you’re half asleep. They try not to disturb the blankets or mattress too much as they slide themselves under the covers, letting out a slow breath while they do. They turn towards you, assume you’re asleep, and give you a gentle kiss on your cheek. They sigh, and finally settle down with their arm around you. They fall asleep first, and you soon follow their lead with a soft smile on your face.
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dawn-for-boken-souls · 6 months
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Imagine being married to your f/o
ʚ so finally your f/o popped the question, or maybe you did, you have been loving each other long enough to know that you wanted to spend this life and all the others to come together.
ʚ imagine being able to wake up everyday next to your f/o, hearing their morning voice and annoyed pout because they want to spend all day in bed with you but instead you have responsibilities to take care of.
ʚ imagine your f/o intertwining fingers with you, gazing at your wedding rings, whispering to your ears how proud they're of being your spouse.
ʚ imagine making breakfast together, this time as a married couple, and although it's not the first time you make breakfast together, it just feels different when you get to do it with your f/o as a wife or husband.
ʚ imagine your f/o introducing you as their spouse. ♡
ʚ imagine your initials and theirs engraved on the ring followed by a "forever yours in every lifetime" written in their native language, and yours.
ʚ imagine the cold silver, gold, bronze or metallic feeling of their wedding ring on your neck when they go for a possessive kiss.
ʚ imagine their romantic gesture of kissing your knuckles then your ring finger, their satisfied smirk as they look at it.
ʚ in case that you agreed to take their last name, imagine them calling you Mr/Mrs (their l/n) 
ʚ or imagine them taking yours and you being the one who get to call them that way.
ʚ imagine them just casually rolling the ring between their fingers as they're focused on a task and fidgeting with it makes them think better.
ʚ oh but imagine their broken heart and sad eyes when you take your wedding ring off after an argument, a ring that has never left your hand until that day.
ʚ imagine them putting your wedding ring back in your finger making you promise you will never take it off again.
just imagine being married to your f/o
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dawn-for-boken-souls · 7 months
For my fellow chubby/fat proselfshippers:
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💙 Your F/O adores how soft you feel!! Your hugs make them feel right at home, your cheeks feel like sweet clouds and they love peppering kisses all over them. Every part of you is absolutely stunning to them
☁️ You’ll never be “too heavy” for your F/O!! They’ll always pull you to their lap when they want to hold you, resting their head against your chest and listening to your heartbeat, it makes them feel like they’re in heaven
💙 Everything about your appearance is perfect to your F/O!! Nothing about your body is “unattractive” to them, the idea that you could ever see yourself in that way absolutely baffles them. Every curve, crook and part of you is absolutely breathtaking and mesmerizing to your F/O
☁️ Your F/O knows that you deserve to feel confident!! Your F/O wishes they could make you see yourself through their eyes, so you can finally understand how amazing and perfect you are. They wouldn’t change a single thing about you and they know you deserve to feel happy about yourself
💙 Your F/O will always hype you up when you try out new outfits!! To them you always look gorgeous and they know that you deserve to express yourself and feel comfortable in your own skin!!
☁️ Your body isn’t something your F/O has to “put up with”! They don’t expect you to change, what matters is that you’re your own authentic self with them and your beauty is definitely a huge bonus for them! They love you unconditionally, now and forever!
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