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Perfectly said, and this is why I haven't watched. I can't even watch the clips on youtube because I know all they'll do is piss me off.
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I find it funny that people keep saying Dante and Kristina need to wake up and see Sonny for who he really is, cause unlike Michael who actually idolized Sonny growing up. Dante and Kristina are the first to always hold him accountable for his wrong doings. Dante and Kristina will be there to support their father but won't just look the other way when he commits a crime like other people in town.
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I shouldn't enjoy watching Dex get beaten to pulp.
And yet here I am.
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"New Tomorrow Institute"
Nope, not a cult name at all. Nothing to see here, move along.
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Also I swear Laura agreed that Cyrus had to have had something to do with Austin's murder and now she's suddenly on his side?
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What is just killing me about GH right now is that it is just constant "Sonny is a vile evil scumbag and he needs to die/go to jail for what he's done"
Did I really need to see Laura approach Cyrus fucking Renault and go "What Sonny did to you was wrong, want to press charges against him?" even after Cyrus admitted his hand in what caused Sonny to beat him up.
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I don't want to watch this schlock anymore
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I saw the Drew and Nina scene
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Yeah okay, that Joss/Krissy argument was dumb.
1) Josslyn does not hear herself. Calling Sonny a violent thug and a murdered is rich when she idolizes a violent thug and murderer herself and even used to date one! And to act like Cyrus is some helpless old geezer is crazy because she knows he isn't and even offered to have Sonny deal with Cyrus to help Trina! And once again, Dex was not forced to do anything when he worked in the mob, and he said as much! Enough of this "Dex is helpless against Sonny" narrative!
2) There is absolutely no way Kristina is that unaware of Sonny being a mobster. She's known forever and has been in the thick of that violence (esp compared to Joss)! And now suddenly Sonny's business is brand new information to her? I don't buy that - I know they dumbed her down to make Joss look better.
3) Molly with the point! Sonny is Kristina's father, and she has every right to love and defend him: same for Joss if someone came at her about Carly like that. And Joss continuing to prove how much of a child she is by pouting and deciding to not apologize because how dare someone not conform to her worldview?
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I need the Bensons to go.
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I want to like Cates! I really do! I can appreciate that we have someone who has actually Good reasons to hate Sonny. Especially when for the past few years, the ones condemning Sonny usually went "he cheated on my mom >:("
But...they are absolutely gonna say that Cates was the villain all along in this whole story.
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Been thinking about this one for a good while because with the recent Sonny talk going on for the past few episodes, but now I gotta talk about it.
So right now we got some characters (Joss, Anna, Dex) villifying Sonny's attempt on Cyrus' life, which like I get, but it's just got me thinking about how aside from 2 moments which I'll talk about in a little bit--nearly all of Sonny's crimes for the past few years have been done to generally shitty people.
Oh, Sonny tried to fatally poison a man in prison? Oh that's terrible, it's--oh, it was done to Peter August, a crazy murderer.
Oh, Sonny had a man beaten to a pulp in an alley? Horrifying! How could he--oh wait, that man is Smoltz/Felty, who tried to profit off of Sasha's suffering.
Oh, Sonny tried to assassinate a man in their hospital bed? What the--oh, that's Cyrus, a guy who held a mother and daughter hostage and all-around untrustworthy dude (plus isn't Laura and others legitimately suspicious of him???)
Now, to give credit to the Anti-Sonny side on this, the last one Sonny did to pretty much cover his ass when he thought Cyrus would press charges for his violent temper tantrum, but it's still just a bit...confusing to me that THIS is the part where everyone in Port Charles draws the line.
Now the two things I mentioned earlier are torturing Dex in the Meat Locker Incident, and the Pikeman Deal. Yes, torturing Dex was pretty messed up and inexcusable, but at the time, Dex seemed to be the prime suspect in the Hook Killings (him being present at Ava, Brando, and Diane's stabbings, and him being a complete stranger to PC). As for the Pikeman Deal, yes that is not good, but I SWEAR, the show initially said that "Oh yeah, the deal is actually Legal."
So I just find this whole "Oh we GOTTA bring Sonny down because he tried to kill a villain" thing strange.
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Honestly I really hope the new writing team hit their stride soon because this just feels... Bad.
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I get they're trying to make Dex a messy bitch now by revealing just about everything he's done since coming into Port Charles to Anna, but he's only doing this because Joss dumped him. He's a pathetic little loser.
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In 2021, Joss belittled Cam for thinking that Jason killed Franco, pointing out that the mob hitman is a professional killer who would've never been so "sloppy."
In 2024, Joss is absolutely shocked to find out that Jason, a mob hitman and a professional killer, is, in fact, a mob hitman and a professional killer. Just like she was shocked to find out that Dex, a mob enforcer and technical professional killer, acted as a mob enforcer and professional killer.
She is the dumbest bitch out there. Bar none.
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