dazbooks · 3 years
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dazbooks · 4 years
Even Kenji didn't have much depth in this book compared to the novellas. We dont really see him working through his inner issues and he could've given a good outlook on the state of their world as well as other characters but that fell short too. And if he was was gonna focus so much on Warner and his mental state why not just have a Warner POV?? I would actually like mafi to explain her thought process behind all this because I've honestly never been so confused about a book like this
Totally. I feel like she didn’t know what to do with this book and just had to churn something out for the publisher. It wasn’t properly paced out; they all overcame main obstacles in the last book, therefore this book was just unecessary and confusing.
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dazbooks · 4 years
Hey I came across your review and just wanted to say this cause I got in into this series again and read imagine me. I was very disappointed as well. The plot was confusing, a lot of the book was just a whole lot of nothing. I was most surprised how the main characters were treated in this book because I knew like with Adam and James they were kind of pushed to the side. But even then I expected them and the supreme kids to play a bigger role. My big question after reading was just WHY???
I know sameeee! I was so surprised by how bad Imagine Me was. So disappointing how Mafi messed up and left us with basically a book about Kenji. There are so many questions that we’ll never know the answer to and it’s so frustrating. I almost wished she finished the series at defy me instead of opening a can of worms :(
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dazbooks · 4 years
Imagine Me review (spoilers)
first of all I just want to say that I love the Shatter Me series and really respect Mafi as a writer.
However.... I was very disappointed with the final installment of the series. I was so excited for this book and as much as I have tried to feel satisfied I cant help but feel that Imagine Me was just not it.  Overall, Imagine Me lacked the prose and feeling that made me fall in love with the series years ago.
here are my biggest points:
1. WARNERS POV- I loved hearing Warners thoughts and feelings in RM + DM, and I really missed it in IM. The whole time i wanted to hear warners thoughts, especially at the beginning. However we just got a shallow one sided description of his reactions that made him out to be an asshole . I know Mafi is capable of beautifully conveying warner and I honestly dont know why she didnt do it. I feel like Warner was relegated to a side character in Kenjis story and deserved to be heard. I also feel that Warners reactions were out of character; after all he’s been through, making him revert back to his original self was just disappointing. Warner grew and overcame the majority his emotional boundaries in DM; eg his relationship with his father (which had been central to the storyline). My guess is that Mafi realised this too late and didnt quite know what to do with him in IM
2. ADAM??-  I honestly dont even know. There was the whole memory of Juliette and Adam in Oceania that didnt have much of of an explanation. (maybe im just thick) And his sudden transformation into a weirdly happy guy at the end just felt like a cop out. Once again, Mafi had an opportunity to explore a really good arc and emotional journey and she just chose not to touch it.
3. PLOT HOLES AND LOOSE ENDS- there were a few things that just didnt add up and werent explored 
Anderson doing an ‘operation’ on himself: I guess it means he was trying to give himself Adams powers, but it was really unclear and never revisited. 
what happened when Anderson came to the sanctuary: Where did Warner put Juliettes body? How was she discovered? what was the whole french thing with Haider? This is were Warner’s narration could have been very useful
Castle felt weird idk
stephan and the other supreme kids? I demand answers
4. NO K + J-  My favourite part of SM was Kenji and Juliettes friendship. All I wanted was to witness one more of their iconic witty yet deep convos and I would have been okay. But we didnt get that, nor did we get much of a development of Kenji and Nazeera’s relationship
5. the last two chapters in Warner’s POV were cop outs. Mafi used the equivalent of “and they all lived happily ever” basically. She probably knew that people would be upset about Warner’s POV being excluded from the main plot so she used the last 20 or so pages to hastily wrap everything up. We got a snippet of Warners head (if that) and There was no confrontation between the Anderson brothers (Adam seemed to cured of his PTSD after being tortured by his father??) I know we cant expect everything, but come on.
the writing style just felt glossed over; my favourite parts were the sections that repeated the lines from the previous books (good touch though)
Juliettes POV was barely there because of Emmaline or ‘Robo J’ I feel like we only got a glimpse into the J we know and love. The book just wasnt the same because her complex and poetic inner thoughts which Mafi usually portrayed so well just werent there. I find this the most heartbreaking. I kept waiting for a chapter of Juliette that wasnt tainted by something but I guess that it just wasnt meant to be
BASICALLY, (if youre still reading) I feel like this would be okay if it wasnt the finale or it had been split up into 2 books w/ Warners pov. I had to keep reminding myself that these plotholes would not be explained in the next book. There was also no character growth like there was in Defy Me, therefore I feel that Defy Me better showed the characters’ final developments (even if they were all wrecked in Imagine Me) 
I guess I feel that the readers and characters deserved more of a goodbye to the series than what they got. The characters (beside Kenji) just werent the same as they were in other books. My feeling is  that Mafi was under a time crunch and could only do so much in so little time to make everyone happy. Also, how could you possibly say a final farewell to such complex and developed characters? But it just feels like the whole changing Juliette into somebody else and not having Warners POV was a lazy way of truly coming to the end of their journeys. Almost as if Mafi couldnt even try.
It breaks my heart to say this after loving this series without fault: SHATTER ME fell at the last hurdle in the race to become a near perfect (in my opinion) series. I will always love SM but I suppose I just feel a little cheated out of the finale I believe the series deserved.
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