dclifton · 3 years
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Pathway/rotation portfolio 1/2
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dclifton · 3 years
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Pathway/rotation portfolio 2/2
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dclifton · 3 years
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dclifton · 3 years
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Weekly checklist
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dclifton · 3 years
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Project proposal
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dclifton · 3 years
Overall, I have found my project to be successful. I feel from looking at my proposal to the final outcome there is a clear journey that has been taken to achieve a positive result. I wanted to choose water scarcity as I felt it was an issue that doesn’t get enough coverage and people are not educated enough on the issue. I wanted to create an outcome which highlighted how bad the world could become by the year 2100 and the effect water scarcity could have. Through the final outcome I think this was achieved.  Starting off the project with research into different creative responses to water scarcity I was able to start to visualise a creative outcome. A big inspiration for the project and something I heavily researched and referenced was ‘Mad Max: Fury Road’ a film directed by George Miller which is set in 2050 after many wars over water. The film’s plot and aesthetic matches my project and therefore was a key influence. Through the research looking at short videos and films I was pushed into making the choice to producing a video of my own. I think the video works well with the idea of showing what the society and atmosphere of 2100 could be like if water scarcity becomes a major issue which it is projected to be. The video and posters are both aesthetically pleasing as well as having a meaning which related to the project. A continuous use of the words ‘POWER’, ‘FREEDOM’ and ‘CONTROL’ through the two mediums was used to highlight what water can give you in 2100. I think through creating the video I have learnt some key skills in the film making which I can expand on in the future. However, I think in the end the video was effective. The triptych posters made through photoshop were very successful in my opinion, the placement of the images and words give great balance to the pieces while the colour scheme also works well in referencing the connotation to the heat and dryness of the landscape in 2100. Screen printing the posters was successful and as well as giving an extra texture to the pieces it also is a reference to the technology of the world in 2100 taking a step backward. This was also why I chose to lino print the words used in the video. In conclusion, I feel the project was a major success. The journey taken through research to experimentation and then looking at creating my final outcomes is clear and I feel there is a clear reference to the research in my final work. Through weekly reflection and evaluations of stages as well as receiving peer feedback throughout the project my level of performance has stayed at a high level.
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dclifton · 3 years
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Posters in virtual gallery
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dclifton · 3 years
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Final posters
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dclifton · 3 years
Final video.
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dclifton · 3 years
Second part of video.
This part of the video is slightly more abstract and looks to cover the atmosphere of 2100 due to the wars over water and the problems that have arisen due to the scarcity. This is represented through the fast paced imagery. The movement of the imagery is done to not only highlight the conflict and chaos but also the migration of people across dry regions. The imagery is formed by using short clips of cracked ground I took during a dry period of England in the last month. I like this part of the video as not only is it visually appealing it also has meaning. The audio also compliments the piece with its faced pace. Overall, I think that the piece is successful and highlights the mood and atmosphere of 2100.
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dclifton · 3 years
First half of the video.
I think that this half of the video is effective in displaying the society of 2100. Looking to capture three themes of inequality, conflict and homelessness within tis part of the video, the clips encapsulate the problems faced by those who live in 2100. I wanted to have the first half of the video build momentum to then lead up to a lull and finally explode within the second half of the video. This was done to highlight the speed at which things move at in 2100 and the greatness of the problems they face. The change in speed was done by starting with a longer clip of a bottled water factory then leading into a mass of cuts to clips and also a barrage of audio. The audio was taken from news clips and shows discussing either water scarcity or governmental problems. This was done to provide the project with a sense of legitimacy and cohesion. I think that the audio really adds to the piece and helps the audience to understand what the piece is commenting on. Overall, I think the first half of the final video is a success in displaying the society of 2100 which is what I wanted it to be.
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dclifton · 3 years
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Explanations of why each scene was chosen for the first half of my video
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dclifton · 3 years
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I came to the conclusion of using the same effect as the posters I have created. This was done to give a sense of consistency to the outcomes and a more unified finish. The effect is visually successful and communicates well. I wanted the video to start with a slower pace and build up towards the second part of the video which accelerates the speed rapidly. This was done with lots of little cuts to the videos used. This worked well and increased the speed with the increase of of audio as well.
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dclifton · 3 years
Some experimentational video created to show the cracks of the earth due to water scarcity. I think this is an interesting and quite abstract approach to bringing awareness to water scarcity. I think it will be effective if people see cool visuals and wonder what is this about. Then they can read a description to understand the video and learn about water scarcity that way. The video, created on adobe premiere pro used different effects and blend modes to create this enthralling video which uses yellow and red which connotes to the dryness and heat which links to water scarcity. I think this type of abstract video could be an effective way of engaging with an audience to highlight the problems of water scarcity.
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dclifton · 3 years
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Screen printing the posters previously created on photoshop.
I wanted to screen print the posters as I feel it relates to my subject of in the future where the technology has taken a step backward. I feel width hand screen printing the images the level of imperfection becomes greater however to me this gives the posters more character due to the texture and rough edges. Therefore, with the posters I feel they work very well and could of been made in 2100 to highlight what water gives you which is ‘power’, ‘control’ and ‘freedom’. The fashion of the times is also showcased through the images as the mask and glasses are worn to protect the people from sandstorms seen in the dryest of regions. This is as well as the leather jacket worn to highlight the need for ruggedness of 2100. The posters came out reasonably well. The blue on the white pages pops and stands out in contrast to the coloured backgrounds which struggled with bringing out the colour. The added texture is a bonus and underlines the struggle of living in 2100. Overall, the posters work well in highlighting what water scarcity has done to the planet in regards to the new fashion and how having water can give you such importance over yourself and others.
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dclifton · 3 years
Another experimentation of effects, this one also looking at the different blend mode and layering in different videos. I thought this was quite engaging with the two columns fading in and out. I also altered the colour to make the ground I filmed more related to the dryness caused by water scarcity. I think this is effective and has good connotations to the project. However, same as the previous video I feel this is limited to maybe one clip in the video as a whole and therefore would look severely out of place.
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dclifton · 3 years
Experimentation of effects changing the blend mode and layering two videos. I think the video is interesting and has colours which connote to my project. The video is meant to highlight the wars over water which will ensue before the year 2100. In this sense, accompanied with audio I think the video is effective as visually it is an interesting piece which also highlights a topic in my project. I also think the jumpiness and speed change during the clip is effective and highlights the unhinged nature of the future. However, while experimenting with different effects I have realised that the most effective video is one with a continuous effect and I feel this could be one that directly links to my posters.
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