deadcitygazette · 1 year
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Wednesday 13's latest LP from 2022, 'Horrifier', is one of my all-time favorites of his solo work.
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deadcitygazette · 1 year
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This that wicket shxt! 🤘🏻
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deadcitygazette · 1 year
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deadcitygazette · 1 year
What's the news? 📰🤘🏻
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deadcitygazette · 1 year
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“I am, at the moment, stunned and emotionally recovering from having seen it,” Bird said. “I think it is going to be a stunning artistic achievement, and I have hopes it will actually stimulate a national, even global conversation about the issues that Oppenheimer was desperate to speak out about — about how to live in the atomic age, how to live with the bomb and about McCarthyism — what it means to be a patriot, and what is the role for a scientist in a society drenched with technology and science, to speak out about public issues.”
That's historian Kai Bird who co-wrote the Pulitzer-winning “American Prometheus: The Triumph and Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer,” working alongside the late Martin J. Sherwin. The screenplay for Nolan’s film is adapted from the book, which serves as a biography of J. Robert Oppenheimer, the American physicist who led the Manhattan Project in the creation of the atomic bomb.
That's the whole article & you can watch the trailer for Christopher Nolan’s OPPENHEIMER, coming to theaters on July 21st, below.
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deadcitygazette · 1 year
#NowPlaying🎧 my new favorite band: Darkcell. They're an Australian Industrial Metal band and they kick total ass! Heavy & loud, but also infectious & fun!
This is their self-titled sophomore effort:
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Unfortunately Darkcell seems to have fallen off the map of late. Their most recent Instagram post is from 10 weeks (!) ago. But as you can see here, they appear to be on a hiatus due to the pandemic (?), even though that ended quite awhile back.
Here you can see that this was posted over a year ago:
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But while we wait for Darkcell's triumphant return to the stage, and to the studio (!), me and these other 12.7K people are going to listen to what we already have been gifted with! 🤘🏻
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deadcitygazette · 1 year
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25 posts!
Is this a big deal on here? Bc I cum from the blue bird app & on there I was a pretty prolific poster. The point is, I hope posting a lot is OK here bc I haven't even gotten through my first week here & I'm already at a "milestone." LoL. 🤷🏼‍♂️
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deadcitygazette · 1 year
OK this movie looks legit scary AF. 😱
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deadcitygazette · 1 year
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So the story goes, Mike Riggs, an American heavy metal guitarist, was the original guitarist for Rob Zombie when he first went solo. And he did work on Hellbilly Deluxe, The Sinister Urge, American Made Music To Strip By, Hellbilly Super Deluxe, and Past, Present & Future. He then moved on to form his own shock rock band where he used not only his skills as a guitarist, but also as a vocalist, and producer for Scum of the Earth.
The band's name comes from a 1978 episode of the television series WKRP in Cincinnati. The Hoodlum Rock episode is about a concert being promoted at the station, of a "hoodlum rock" band called Scum of the Earth.
Anyways, 'Sleaze Freak' is to Scum of the Earth as Hellbilly Deluxe is to Rob Zombie. This is his magnum opus. And it's a great album. 🤘🏻
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deadcitygazette · 1 year
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My all-time favorite song by Rob Zombie. Also my favorite movie of all time, but that's for another post. Ah! Dr Satan! Yeah! Dr Satan!! 🤘🏻
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deadcitygazette · 1 year
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Queer characters can be messy and chaotic and slightly, mostly evil.
Let them murder people.
A lot.
What are you, catholic?
Catholics won't like you for being gay anyway. You might as well kill and steal and fuck.
Might as well read about queer characters killing and stealing and fucking.
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deadcitygazette · 1 year
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[Let the children sing]
1-2-3-4-5- SIX SIX SIX
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deadcitygazette · 1 year
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Take this from me
Hate me, hate me
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deadcitygazette · 1 year
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The High end of Low.
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deadcitygazette · 1 year
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"Everyone will come to my funeral to make sure that I stay dead." ~ MM
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deadcitygazette · 1 year
I remember the summer of 2015 very well. I was working at Whole Foods that summer & had good times & good friends there. I remember the day that SCOTUS declared that gay marriage had been legalized at a federal level, thereby allowing millions of gay & lesbian couples to finally be able to get married. It was a wonderful & exciting time to be alive & I will always remember the smiles on everyone's faces. A truly monumental & joyous occasion.
Flash forward to now, the summer of 2023, 8 long years later. The Before Times ended over 3 years ago. Now we no longer talk about LGB, now we only talk about TQIA+. Specifically, we talk about the T. A lot. At least Conservatives are. Especially on Twitter. Except for this time, the latest rainbow campaign isn't promoting sexuality & marriage equality. No, this time they are promoting trangenderism & sex changes for kids.
To be extremely clear, I have been Queer-identifying my whole life. I've identified specifically as gay, bisexual, & pansexual at varying times throughout the 4 decades of my life so far. I also have an affinity for trans women if we're being completely honest here. So I have skin in the game & a right to say something when it comes to LGBTQ issues since I've been Queer longer than a lot of these young people have even been alive.
That being said, although I do support trans people & their rights to live, love, & exist in our society, I have to draw the line at involving kids in such matters. A lot of these surgeries, procedures & treatments provided as a part of gender-affirming care are irreversible & have the potential to sterilize their recipients, as this type of care is still experimental for the most part.
There's also the "social contagion" element to all this. While I believe there is such a thing as a trans kid, I believe that "trans" is also in vogue right now amoungst our nation's youth, especially in the big cities & especially in Blue states like California. So clearly there's a social contagion element where kids just want to be cool, or fit in, or receive special attention. I was a Queer teen once & I remember feeling all that.
So I know that a lot of these so-called trans kids aren't trans at all. 4 out of 5 of them are probably just gay. But an ideology & adults with agendas pressured them into thinking that the only thing that will "fix" them is to change genders. Because then they won't have those "shameful" gay feelings anymore because they'll have transitioned genders to be straight. And that is exactly what has become so chic nowadays amoungst the youngest & most vulnerable in our society.
Bottom line: We simply must do our best to protect our kids & youth from exposure to aggressive ideological movements that seek to indoctrinate the vulnerable with all sorts of extreme ideas about gender, race, sex, sexuality, religion & so on. There are people in this world that want to harm children. They are predators & they must be stopped.
But ultimately, I would have to say that people should be placed before ideology. People matter. Trans lives do matter. Black trans lives do matter. And these are real people who exist & live & breathe the same air as every other American. We must show humanity to our fellow humans.
So I would say the answer is to support transgender adults' rights to make adult decisions about their own bodies but protect "under 18s" from potentially harmful ideologies that can oftentimes confuse & irrevocably change them, oftentimes for the worse.
I don't know how you, the reader, will receive this. Hopefully, you understand that I fully support LGBTQ, especially when it is involving consensual adults & their rights to live & love how they see fit. I'm totally down with all of that as I am a part of the Queer Community myself. And trans men & trans women should be afforded the same rights as everyone else.
But, please leave the kids out of it. Kids are under immense pressure as it is from their own culture & peers. We don't need to be further trying to influence or manipulate them or worse, *groom* them into something they are not. Let gay kids be gay. Just because a boy likes other boys that doesn't necessarily mean he's a girl. Just because a teen girl likes dressing & acting "boyish" doesn't mean she should get her breasts removed at age 15.
Let gay boys just be gay.
Let gay girls just be lesbians.
Let children grow up free from ideological influences of ALL kinds.
We were born this way, remember?
Let humans just be themselves.
Show love.
Fight for equality.
Protect the vulnerable.
Learn to live free of ideologies.
Peace. Love. Tacos.
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deadcitygazette · 1 year
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It's Arma-goddamn-motherfuckin-geddon!
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