deepdaleducks · 3 years
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An adorable bastard, back at it.
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deepdaleducks · 4 years
Just letting you all know that I've decided to start a new blog and have a fresh start with tumblr. Football tumblr has been so fun and I've made so many friends on here I'm sure I'll have for life but I feel like since moving back to my hometown my heart has fully gone back to being a Preston fan and as I'm the sole member of Preston tumblr (aside from alice who was forced to join) it's not really as fun for me on here anymore. I feel weird about just changing this to be a blog about different topics hence why I wanted to start fresh and make a blog that is just about all the things I enjoy from the start.
If you want to follow my new blog it will be at @peterpanupinthesky for the foreseeable future. I'll still talk about football occasionally on there and will be writing about things I've been working on in secret that arent fanfic.
I'll probably log back into this occasionally to check how everyones doing.
Much love,
G x
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deepdaleducks · 4 years
lads I know you're not gonna fucking believe it but Preston North End Football Club just won a game of football for the first time since the 22nd of February
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deepdaleducks · 4 years
HT: So far we've played substantially better than our last two games combined and yet we're still not all there. Need to remember that the big white thing is called the goal and we need to aim at it
2nd minute: harrop is playing today so how many times do u reckon I'll say "josh... hun"
also precious baby loml ryan ledson is playing and I dont think I've seen him play since january #alicerights
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deepdaleducks · 4 years
2nd minute: harrop is playing today so how many times do u reckon I'll say "josh... hun"
also precious baby loml ryan ledson is playing and I dont think I've seen him play since january #alicerights
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deepdaleducks · 4 years
2nd minute: harrop is playing today so how many times do u reckon I'll say "josh... hun"
also precious baby loml ryan ledson is playing and I dont think I've seen him play since january #alicerights
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deepdaleducks · 4 years
right then ladies game commentary today then
I dont really post about anything atm but if someone wants me to give championship commentary I'd be more than happy to come back and post
I say you go for it! The anon would love you to!
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deepdaleducks · 4 years
that 3cm difference is very important😂
your mutual (me) and how they meet their new man?xox
I feel like I should still tag you because it’s tradition! I know I said it’d be long but I still baffled 😂
@deepdaleducks & Christian Pulisic; the opportunity for your best friend to take on new experiences in another country was something she couldn’t let go amiss. Germany was the destination, and in all honesty, your best friend’s German isn’t the best - and yours isn’t any better, so when the two of you are Skypeing every day - it’s much easier to stick to English. And for at least the first hour she’s babbling about the city of Dortmund, how different it is to your hometown, how cold the coldest days really are, and lastly how she ended up going to watch a football match. 
“oh, how was that? who did you watch play?” “dortmund and some other team, i can’t pronounce the team’s name. and then dortmund are letting the fans watch them train tomorrow so i may go to that,” and your best friend did. the weather nicer than expected as she strolls towards the training ground’s gates alongside diehard dortmund fans. as she waits for the players to exit the changing room, her thumb hovers over your name before she taps in, and after the third ring, your face appears on her screen. 
“these footballers take longer than i do to get ready,” she huffs, and you laugh back, your eyes averting from your phone for only a split second until you hear. “ah, look, there they are!” and your friend’s instantly turning the camera around, you’re met with the sight of footballers in bright yellow and black, some of them entering the pitch in clusters but your eyes stay locked on the one who’s last to enter the field. not the tallest of them all, but he sends a smile and a wave to the fans behind the gates so your immediate thought is that he’s a kind and humble one. 
and for once, your instinct seems to be a telling one. the same footballer you marked as ‘kind and humble’ is the one who’s scoring three goals and nutmegging his teammates during a game of el rondo. and at the end of it all, when these footballers with perfect skin are out of breath, they’re still walking over to the fans to sign shirts and take pictures.
it’s months that pass by, your best friend back to the UK after her trip to Germany, and in that same month, Sky Sports are announcing Chelsea’s new big signing. Christian Pulisic, the young winger from borussia dortmund, and when he appears on your tv screen you immediately make him out to be the one who you spotted on the Skype call to your best friend. 
a week later, your best friend’s back to her travelling adventures, keeping it much closer to home and deciding a trip to London will do. it’s whilst you’re almost in the capital that you decide to give her a call. “three’s usually a crowd isn’t it?” you’re asking as you step off the train, getting the first taxi that you see to the hotel that you’ll be staying at. “nah, chris said the more the merrier. he hasn’t been to England before so i’m sure he wouldn’t mind the company,”
it’s when you get to your hotel that ‘chris’ happens to be Chelsea’s new signing Pulisic. and maybe you should’ve noticed that before you made the journey, but you’re more surprised that your best friend had actually stayed in contact with him. 
you enter the hotel and your best friend spots you in an instant, drawing you into a hug before she walks you over to the table she and Christian are sat at. and that’s when you meet him the first time. a beaming smile on his face, it only takes him to say a soft “hello, nice to meet you,” for you to pick up his American accent. as the two of you pull each other into a greeting-like hug, you see the *barely noticeable* height difference between the two of you. and it’s after your introductions that your day begins, and you’re hitting it off with this footballer better than you expected. the constant teasing you give him about his American accent is something he can’t help but laugh at as he questions the multiple differences between the UK and USA - and your best friend watches the two of you fondly; it wasn’t her intention to get the two of you together, but since it seems you’re on your way to doing so, a gentle nudge in the right direction wouldn’t be a bad thing.
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deepdaleducks · 4 years
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Did I mention I don’t like you very much?
—Charlie Baker, Cheaper by the Dozen
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deepdaleducks · 4 years
Auntie ro-ro did so well 🥺 that has a better vibe than uncle chi-chi 😂😭 i know its a series but i was like no way a newborn looks like mac. Newborns look like hairless rodents 😭 - 🍕
hahaha that's so true, newborn babies are so gross to me😂😂 but yes omg auntie ro-ro!!
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deepdaleducks · 4 years
That’s sad, I thought you’d stay friends forever
not to get deep but I really struggle to make permanent friends/attachments and it causes a lot of probelms relationship wise
I've been best friends with my best friend since we were like 3 and so my brain is like why do we need new friends when we have her
and I think online friendships are also very difficult to maintain but I shall definitely message them and see how they're doing
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deepdaleducks · 4 years
Do you still speak to your Dele anon, you two were so entertaining 🤣
omg I actually dont. Miss tonic water. I feel like I hardly speak to my friends on here anymore, even the ones I have on Instagram:((
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deepdaleducks · 4 years
Brooklyn is sooo good. Have you watched the latest season. I don’t want to spoil anything 👀 - 🍕
Yesss I have! I loved it. I'm slowly rewatching season 7 with my dad atm. That finale was so soft🥺🥺
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deepdaleducks · 4 years
what's your fave football memory? 😘
100% 2015 league one play off campaign
nothing could top it to be honest
I used to always talk about how much Preston has brought me a community on here and that memory really emphasizes that
We all went on the coaches from deepdale and the family who own the sweet shop next to the ground opened at like 7am so everyone could go get their sweets to take to Wembley with them
And we saw our local reverend as we were waiting for the coach and my mum was like LOOK GOD IS ON OUR SIDE
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deepdaleducks · 4 years
Your kinda stuck with me now, i’m your pizza anon 🍕
bless you pizza anon
it's kinda good that you got me talking about what foods I like bc I was having bad thoughts about not eating so I could make myself go hypo which is very unhealthy and so it's good to talk about foods I like as a reminder that I like to eat
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deepdaleducks · 4 years
what's your fav show and why?
oooh I have so many fave shows, I'm trying to think of something I've loved long term that I always go back to and I'm kinda blanking
Brooklyn 99 is defo up there tho and my brother loves it too so we'll watch a random episode if we're both eating tea together
I loved cheers and frasier growing up and I've seen all the episodes so I feel like those will stick with me for life
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deepdaleducks · 4 years
Thats not basic! The trick with amazing pizza is not to over do it imo.. mageritta (lmao hoped i spelt is right) is the ine
my dad has like 10 toppings on his pizza, could never be me
honestly though like its just sweet and simple and hits just right
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