defiantdrxgon-blog · 7 years
Nahyuta is caught off guard when he is told that he's in completely the wrong building, and he feels his cheeks heat up from embarrassment, especially as the other laughs at him. He regains his composure quickly, however, and raises his hands in a prayer pose.
"Perhaps the holy mother simply intended me to find myself lost in the wrong building. She is not above making errors in her guidance. Especially in unfamiliar lands." He gives a sigh, and shakes his head a few times. "No matter. So the correct building. Where might it be?"
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As soon as Nahyuta hears a voice, he turns his head. He pauses in hesitation, and considers how he should answer the question about being lost. He thinks over saving his pride, and not making it to his destination, and decides very quickly that it is a rather idiotic idea. He sighs, and approaches the stranger, a small frown on his face, with an unintentional doe-eyed expression he had picked up from Rayfa. “Yes, I assumed I knew these buildings more than I do unfortunately. Do you happen to know how I can get to the Chief Prosecutor’s office?” There’s no use being hostile toward someone offering help, and so he does his best to keep his voice sounding neutral and calm despite his internal dilemma.
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He takes a glimpse at those doe-eyes. What a pretty boy. “The Chief Prosecutor’s office is in a whole different building, dude.“ He says, while refraining from laughing, admittedly struggling a little with it.
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defiantdrxgon-blog · 7 years
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As soon as Nahyuta hears a voice, he turns his head. He pauses in hesitation, and considers how he should answer the question about being lost. He thinks over saving his pride, and not making it to his destination, and decides very quickly that it is a rather idiotic idea. He sighs, and approaches the stranger, a small frown on his face, with an unintentional doe-eyed expression he had picked up from Rayfa. “Yes, I assumed I knew these buildings more than I do unfortunately. Do you happen to know how I can get to the Chief Prosecutor’s office?” There’s no use being hostile toward someone offering help, and so he does his best to keep his voice sounding neutral and calm despite his internal dilemma.
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Nahyuta is lost. That is not something he will admit openly unless necessary. He is only trying to find his way to the Chief Prosecutor’s office, but without a guide to show him the way, he somehow ends up in the Criminal affairs department, looking horribly out of place, and terribly confused.
He’s also managed to walk around in a big circle, and when he finds himself in front of the evidence room for the third time in the past half an hour, he gives a sigh of frustration. He now realises he didn’t know the way as well as he’d assumed, and wishes he hadn’t spent so much time talking to his guide last time he were visiting so that he had actually managed to register the directions to Edgeworth’s Office.
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Finally. Daryan hangs up the phone and sighs. “That guy sure loves to listen to his own voice … Almost as bad as Gavin”, he murmurs to himself almost inaudible, while quickly moving towards the evidence room. “Alright, alright. Back to work. The Emma Johnson case. F42 is-…”  
Suddenly he stops his movement to take a somewhat amused look at the - obviously quite confused - perhaps lost, little mess in front of him. Damn, it doesn’t take him 5 seconds to initiate a conversation. “Hey hey hey. Lost, aren’t you?”
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defiantdrxgon-blog · 7 years
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Nahyuta is lost. That is not something he will admit openly unless necessary. He is only trying to find his way to the Chief Prosecutor’s office, but without a guide to show him the way, he somehow ends up in the Criminal affairs department, looking horribly out of place, and terribly confused.
He’s also managed to walk around in a big circle, and when he finds himself in front of the evidence room for the third time in the past half an hour, he gives a sigh of frustration. He now realises he didn’t know the way as well as he’d assumed, and wishes he hadn’t spent so much time talking to his guide last time he were visiting so that he had actually managed to register the directions to Edgeworth’s Office.
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defiantdrxgon-blog · 7 years
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defiantdrxgon-blog · 7 years
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