denoxia · 5 years
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Passing through Stormsong on a mission given to her by Nathanos Blightcaller, Denoxia pauses to look at the beauty around her. Certainly it is an improvement on the swamps of Zandalar, or the barrens of Voldun. She never did feel comfortable there. Though her resolve was as cold as ice, the rivers and valleys of this place warmed her. She wonders what it might be like to belong here, what it might be like to speak to the people here, to understand them . . . But everyone, Horde and Alliance alike, must surely have wondered this at some point. And the Sunwell called to her heart. The golden halls of her people must be protected, and the will of the Dark Lady must be done.
The pages of the book are still bring written. Denoxia continued on her journey.
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denoxia · 6 years
Seriously though, how nice is this?
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denoxia · 6 years
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Does anyone else feel the need to make sure their character is always somewhere safe and comfy before logging out? I don't want Denoxia to think I've abandoned her.
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denoxia · 6 years
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“My girl has some serious resting bitchface.” Denoxia the Blood Elf Mage, right at the start of her career. 
Hello friends!
Just a quick bit of background before I get this blog rolling.
To say I’ve ‘never’ played World of Warcraft isn’t *technically* true. I played about 8 years ago, not long before Cataclysm came out. WoW players might recognise that as ‘the time before everything about WoW changed’. My whole family - mother, brother, stepfather, and all our family friends - played WoW, were in a guild, and were, of course, Horde. I was finally convinced to play, after holding out for many years. It was. . .interesting. I played a blood elf mage, and my brother and his guild took me through the paces very quickly. We were getting triple experience points since I was totally new. They got me up to level 60 within a matter of days, and the level cap at the time was 70. I never made it to 70, and in fact, I never even made it to buying the Lich King expansion. Burning Crusade was where my short time as a WoW player started and ended. I was unfamiliar with anything outside of doing instances with my guild, and couldn’t for the life of my understand how anyone enjoyed it. Queing for instances with strangers was nothing short of infuriating, and I soon rage quit, and that was that. 
Or so I thought. 
Looking back, I reckon that I should have explored more on my own. I moved through levels too quickly for a noob, and really didn’t stop to enjoy the scenery, or really understand the mechanics. 
Even though it’s only been about a month since I started playing again, I can’t for the life of me remember why I decided to give it another go, but here we are! I’m playing a blood elf mage again, since I thought it would be a good idea to start with something familiar. I’ve been endlessly amused so far with my exploration of Azeroth, and I’ve been driving Callum crazy with questions about the incongruous lore and history of World of Warcraft. 
Let us explore this world as if it were totally new! 
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