derailedinthenight · 10 months
The downfall of humanity has begun. Bots are everywhere. They generate web pages. They write messages. They post pictures and videos. They write news articles. They write books. They write and generate movies. They are on Twitter and Tinder. Who's in control?
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derailedinthenight · 1 year
As the universe ages, it seems to become more and more hostile to life. ~Shapiro
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derailedinthenight · 1 year
Wake up!
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My poster for Episode 30 of Batman The Animated Series
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derailedinthenight · 2 years
Wie viele Beine, Arme und Köpfe müssen noch abgerissen werden?
How many legs, arms, heads must be torn off?
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derailedinthenight · 2 years
#KillPutin #WantedDeadPutin
#NATO does not want to help #Ukraine. I am fed up with this lying, self-centered and greedy society. I quit. I don't care who rules here. Totally crazy #leftists or #rightists. Who cares? They all only care about themselves and money. The main thing is that the belly is full, right?
I also won't take any politicians seriously anymore when they get outraged again about some #HumanRightsViolations. They don't mean it seriously, it's all #symbolism.
Why do I care about this war? Unlike #Syria, this is not a civil war. In which various nations have intervened with their interests.
Here, a country was invaded without provocation. Not once was there an official declaration of war. This can happen to ANY country. If ever one needed a clear definition of evil, it is Putin's Russia.
He blamed #NATO for this massacre. So how could I not feel addressed. It is a human instinct to help and that includes stopping injustice. And this injustice on our borders is outrageous. We are all being f****d by #Putin right now.
Since this western world continues to allow this mental r**e, I turn away from it.
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derailedinthenight · 2 years
Why is the #West sacrificing #Ukraine?
- #Unification throughout the West. Economic strengthening of the #USA. #Europe's and #Russia's economies are destroyed.
- #Racist Europe is bleeding out. Finally Central Europe gets white replacements - from Ukraine.
- Russia can continue its crazy holy war while getting rid of potential insurgents. While the West gains time.
I'm just trying to understand the flimsy excuses of the West.
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derailedinthenight · 2 years
#Russians all over the world, you bear responsibility for the actions of your country. Fight against the #propaganda in your country. Take a stand. #Putin will fall. The question is whether your people can save face.
#China you sucked, suck and will suck.
Unfortunately, #NATO has degenerated into an unwanted #cheerleader.
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derailedinthenight · 2 years
I have donated to the #Ukrainian army and private people to buy #weapons.
These weapons (edit: TO PRIVATE PEOPLE) are bought in Poland. There where a right-wing party holds the reins and racism can be openly acted out.
These weapons will probably end up in the wrong hands and will kill people who have nothing to do with this war.
It makes me angry, but I have to do it because I can't do more as an individual because #NATO is happy that #Putin is killing people in #Ukraine and not here.
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derailedinthenight · 2 years
Sanctions will not stop a madman
I don't know why #NATO is not actively intervening. The behavior is antisocial.
Especially if you consider the history of Ukraine. In 1994 it gave nuclear weapons to Soviet Union. Uk, USA and Russia promised not to attack.
You can find the rest of Ukraine's dark, painful history by searching for #Ukraine + #Bloodlands.
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derailedinthenight · 2 years
#CloseTheSky or the #world will remember this.
How #NATO and the #EU stood idly by as #Russia invaded and captured democratic #Urkaine.
How Ukraine asked for help and got only a sword.
How the world took to the streets to show #solidarity while the people of Ukraine died.
You didn't take to the streets for Ukraine.
You were afraid that Russia would overrun the world with war and nuclear bombs. You thought only about yourselves.
And even now you think only of yourselves, or why is no real help given?
Every centimeter of ground that is bombed and every death on the Ukrainian side will be the responsibility of the EU and NATO alone.
Not even air support can you provide? What is this? http://www.openpetition.eu/!stopwar
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derailedinthenight · 2 years
Let #Urkaine join the #EU
Why are European politicians still so naive? Have they not even learned from immediate history?
#Putin cannot be negotiated with. Putin creates facts that are not negotiable.
The Urkaine has proven how united and strong they are. They want to fight for their #freedom, for their #democracy.
Take them into the EU. The Russian people, even apparently the military, don't know about #PutinsWar.
They will never launch nuclear missiles.
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derailedinthenight · 2 years
Next target #Germany?
#Germany has many #Russian-born residents who have been brainwashed by #Russia's state television. Of course, they are not happy now. Will #Putin come to save #Russian lives? Does #Germany even have a right to exist? Or does it exist only because #Moscow has allowed it?
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derailedinthenight · 2 years
Dark days
These are dark days for democracies, all over the world.
At the risk of sounding trite, I blame the U.S. because unbridled #capitalism has been taken the country apart piece by piece. Jobs were outsourced to China. After all, they had the tools and know-how to copy the products and sell them cheaper. Meanwhile, they even improve or steal ideas through industrial espionage
Tech companies like Facebook were able to influence the thoughts of millions of users unchecked.
All this for money!
The USA is starting to decompose and the scavengers smell their chances.
The #Republicans have shown their true colors. They do not represent the people, they represent themselves.
Career and power hungry people who have a 666 tattooed on their forehead and speak with forked tongue, as if their lives depended on it. The main thing is that they are re-elected.
In the land of Babylon, the little #Putins worship their #antichrist #Trump and wait for him to bless them.
Once this country was founded by educated people like #ThomasJefferson and #BenjaminFranklin.
Today half - obviously gone mad or dumbed down - follow an #OrangeHotAirBlower.
I blame the #EU, who have made their economy dependent on rogue states like #Russia and #China. They spout a lot of hot air, but don't lift a finger.
Yes they even go so far as to tolerate little Putins in their alliance. Hello #Poland, hello #Hungary.
You might remember how the #racists in #Poland let #refugees freeze to death at the border with Belarus.
A month later, the borders are wide open to white #Ukrainians.
And if anyone ever gets the idea that #Britain's promises are worth anything, slap them.
Meanwhile, the kingdom seems to be turning into a rather authoritarian system as well.
Welcome to Gangsta's Paradise - Made By You
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derailedinthenight · 2 years
China just gave #PutinsWar the green light: Go ahead, we agree with your totally logical reasoning. Because after the conquest of Ukraine, of course, there will be fewer #NATO countries on Russia's borders and all will be sympathetic to Russia afterwards. Two idiots among themselves....
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derailedinthenight · 2 years
Living in a #gangstersparadise
#Switzerland will not stop doing business with #Russia. #Switzerland will not #boycottRussia
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derailedinthenight · 2 years
I don't understand how European politicians can now pretend that they didn't know what Russia was going to do. FOR WEEKS, THE USA WARNED. Europeans prefer to trust a tyrant? Something is going hugely wrong here.
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derailedinthenight · 2 years
#Putin won
Putin becomes immortal. This #9/11-like event will be etched in the collective memory of the West. He will be mentioned in #Wikipedia with #Stalin and #Lenin. The worst thing for him would be for the world to erase all memory of him.
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