derangeduser · 2 years
Equivocal Intentions
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Hanna (2011) Fanfiction
Summary: When Erik Heller Johanna Zadeck ran away with little Hanna in tow, they also took along Erik’s little sister, Y/n, who has a rocky history with a certain C.I.A. agent. We’ll go on from there..
Marissa Wiegler x Erik’s Sister!Reader
Warnings for this chapter: Cursing, violence, and death
(Key isn’t needed, as this only briefly mentions reader, she’ll show up again in later chapters promise!)
Quick disclaimer!
I do not own the story Hanna, nor the characters, this is just an adaption with a reader insert.
Chapter Four
-Present Day-
Marissa, being driven on a cart, is talking on the phone.
“The targets escaped.”
Targets? Plural?
“How did that happen?”
“We were thinking Erik Heller got away in the thick snow, or-“
The woman begins to talk over him.
“One man. One operation. Just find him Lewis. Find him and bring him to me.”
“But he’s in the wind, and now I have four men dead, and three delirious. They’re all saying a woman attacked them, but she got away. Visibility was shit.”
Marissa thought she misheard him for a second, all air left her lungs.
“There was a kid -“
The woman could’ve collapsed.
“Things got out of our control. I’d like to see how you would’ve done it differently.”
She doesn’t respond, feeling somewhat of a ringing in her ear.
They weren’t supposed to know about you.
The ringing grows louder.
And a girl? She’s really going to have to play her cards right.
“Wiegler? Are you there?”
Then the ringing dissipates.
“Where is she now?”
Hanna wakes up on a stiff bed, lights on the ceiling blinding her for a moment. She’s now somewhat cleaned up, and is dressed in uncomfortable orange clothes. The girl squints, before sitting up slowly. As she does, she notices a man sitting in a chair across from her, with smile that doesn’t quite meet his eyes.
“Hello Hanna.” He says, his face stuck with that one expression.
“My name is Dr. Burton. Would you like to talk to me?”
Hanna now sits straight up, her legs dangling off the cot.
“I was told by my father to gain the upper hand.”
“That’s very interesting. What else did your father tell you?”
“Where am I?” She asks instead of answering, looking around her.
“You’re in holding.”
“I’ve never been in a room like this. It’s cement.”
“That’s right. This must all be very strange for you. How long have you been in the forest?”
“As long as I can remember.”
“Interesting. Were there other people there?”
Hanna’s blue eyes seem to stare up at the ceiling. He follows her eye-line to the cameras around them.
“Is that a camera?”
“Uh-huh. It’s taking our picture right now. How does that make you feel?”
Remembering her aunt’s lessons she speaks, “Camera Obscura, it’s Latin for ‘dark chamber’.”
“You should have visual on the psych evaluation now.”
Lewis says to Marissa, as she sits alone in the Langley observation room. Its late at night there in America. The only light coming from the screen in front of her.
On the screen, shows Hanna in the interrogation room, and Marissa watches intently.
“It was first described by the Arabic scientist Ibn Alhazen in the year 1021.”
Marissa raises a manicured eyebrow, swearing that she’s heard that fact before. She comes back to the present, and studies the blank face of Hanna.
On the screen, Dr. Burton continues to probe.
Dr. Burton continues to smile at Hanna,
“Can I get you something? What do you like? Music? Magazines? Just say the word. Anything at all.”
Hanna sits still, her face looks as if it’s stuck in one emotion. Which is no emotion at all. Her mouth, however, quietly says,
“I want to speak with Marissa Wiegler.”
Marissa sits up.
“Tell her I’ll be there tonight.”
“I can handle this.”
Lewis is really getting on Marissa’s nerves.
“Just do as you’re told.” She orders, irritated.
Hanna sits on her cot, her back slightly hunched, and her legs still dangling off it. She hears the door open.
She hears the clicking of heels, and the heavy boots of a guard.
“My name is Marissa Wiegler. You wanted to speak with me?”
Hanna looks up as the woman sits down next to her. She sees a smartly dressed woman, with fiery red hair that is cut short into a bob.
It’s a completely different woman, dressed in similar clothing as Marissa, but it’s not her.
The blond haired girl doesn’t respond, and looks towards the guard by the door.
The false Marissa follows her eyes and says to him, “You can wait outside.”
The guard nods and exits, leaving the two in the room alone, save for the cameras surrounding them.
Now that the guard is gone Hanna quietly asks, “Where am I?”
She stares directly into the false Marissa’s eyes, awaiting her response.
“You are in a safe place sweetie.”
Hanna’s not convinced.
“Where did you meet my father?”
The false Marissa pauses.
The false Marissa pauses, looking at Hanna. There’s a tiny microphone in her ear. The real Marissa immediately tells her,
“Erik. I met him by a news kiosk in Alexanderplatz, East Berlin. Say it was raining. He had just arrived from Prague.”
Marissa couldn’t mention you. She couldn’t. If they find out you are alive, it could fuck up everything.
She hears her copy repeat her words to the girl.
“You mean Erik?”
Hanna nods.
“Yes. I met him at a news kiosk. Alexanderplatz. In the rain. He had just arrived from Prague.”
Lewis watches as he gets a call from the military laboratory.
“Go ahead.”
“Sir we’ve completed the tests on the girl.”
“Who authorized tests?” Marissa cuts in, still watching as the false version of her questions Hanna.
“Do you know where your father is?”
Lewis, half watching the screen, talked into the intercom. “I authorized them. Blood, urinalysis, hair. It’s all standard.”
Eyes still unmoving from the screen Marissa orders, “Send the results directly to me.”
“Walt and Bob-“
“If Walt and Bob come asking, send them to me.”
Before Lewis can even try to deny her once more, the voice of the fake rings through the speakers.
“Did he tell you where he was going? We’re all worried about him.”
Hanna starts to cry all of a sudden.
The girl has tears streaming down her face, she looks distraught. The false Marissa, in an attempt to possibly comfort the girl, puts a hand on her arm.
That’s not enough for Hanna, so she proceeds to hug the fake ferociously, arms and legs around her as she cries.
“Agent keep your distance.”
“It’s okay. It’s okay.” The false Marissa tries to comfort the girl, though with an alarmed look on her face.
Hanna tightens her arms around the fakes neck, her tears soaking the woman’s blazer.
The false Marissa looks up into one of the cameras, concerned.
“You want me to give her something?”
Hanna continues to weep, her grip tightening.
“I think that may be necessary.” The fake says as she rubs the girl’s back stiffly.
Hanna hears heavy, almost frantic, footsteps outside the door. She grips even tighter around the fakes neck.
Then suddenly she pulls back, and with horrifying efficiency, snaps the woman’s neck in one swift movement.
That’s when the guards come in.
Y’all I am so sorry for the lack of updates. I went through something recently and wasn’t doing the best so I needed a bit longer. This chapter is short and I’m sorry for that too, but more will come soon I swear.
Thank you for reading, and I hope you have a great morning, afternoon, evening, or night wherever you are! ~ derangeduser
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derangeduser · 2 years
Equivocal Intentions
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Hanna (2011) Fanfiction
Marissa Wiegler x Erik’s Sister!Reader
Warnings: Cursing, sexual themes, angst, and dashes of homophobia but not really.
Y/n - Your name
e/c - Eye color
h/c - Hair color
Disclaimer: I do not own the story Hanna, nor the characters. This is just a reader insert, and my own adaption.
Valentines Special
(That is so fucking late :,) )
First Intention:
Marissa grasps the handle of the umbrella tighter as the rain begins to get heavier. She eyes the magazines in front of her before sighing, her breath being visible in the cold air.
“Irgendetwas von Interesse, gnädige Frau?”
(Anything of interest, ma’am?)
The vendor asks politely. He’s noticed that she has been standing there for awhile, and that she hasn’t even attempted to buy anything from the kiosk.
The woman stays silent for a moment, and the man would have thought he was being ignored if it wasn’t for her blue eyes that were trained on him.
“Nein, ich stöbere nur.”
(No, I’m just browsing)
He nods, and goes back to reading his newspaper. Marissa looks over the items one more time, before walking to the side of the news kiosk.
She looks at her watch impatiently, before hearing the sound of splashes coming towards her. The pale woman looked up and saw a man. Marissa was a bit shocked to see that he didn’t have an umbrella. The rain had darkened his clothes, and dampened his hair.
He stares at her cautiously with his dark brown eyes before asking,
“Marissa Wiegler?”
Her eyebrow raises. “Yes. Erik Heller?”
The man only silently nods, a strand of wet hair falling in front of his face.
He looks behind him, and Marissa looks as well. But she sees nothing.
“Where’s-” She begins, observing him. He’s pale, and his lips are slightly blue from the cold.
Before she can finish, your feminine voice speaks from behind him.
“Why do you have to be so stubborn?”
Clutching your umbrella, you bound towards him, an annoyed expression on your face.
You stand beside your brother, holding the umbrella over both of your heads.
“Look at you! You’re soaked.”
He rolls his eyes. “Don’t exaggerate. It’s only a little rain.”
“A little? You–“
You continue to bicker with Erik, not paying any mind to the curious set of blue eyes watching you.
Marissa looks you up and down, taking in your features. Even if she wanted to, she couldn’t look away for some reason.
Falling out of her trance, you finally take notice of her presence.
“Oh! Hi, you must be Agent Wiegler.”
You hold out a gloved hand to her, and she stares at it, before gripping it in a firm handshake. A charming smile consumes your face, and a warm feeling fills her.
“It’s nice to meet you, I hope my brother wasn’t rude.”
Erik glares at you, and you pay no mind to it only focusing on Marissa.
Said woman smirks.
“He wasn’t. Though,” She eyes his drenched appearance, “He could work on his first impression.”
Joyful laughter spills from you, and Marissa feels a twinge of pride.
Calming down you grin, nudging your brother, uncaring of getting your own clothes wet. “I like her.”
A light flush comes upon Marissa’s cheeks, though it’s barely noticeable with the shade of her umbrella.
Erik however, doesn’t look so impressed. His glare has softened, but irritation was still present.
“Don’t even think about it.”
His words confuse Marissa, but she doesn’t let it show.
You huff, “Not what I meant, Erik.”
Marissa doesn’t know if she wants to question this or not.
Though she doesn’t get time to, as you interlock your left arm with your brother’s right. “Anyways, we’d better get going huh?”
The woman in front of you hesitates, then nods, turning around. You turn to Erik and wink at him. He shakes his head at your actions.
You both follow when Marissa walks away, a smile on your face, and a stony expression on Erik’s.
Second Intention:
“I come from Germany.”
The two women in front of you struggle until they unconfidently blurt,
“I come from Germany.”
You smile encouragingly.
“Good job Johanna, Anna. Note how in English we don’t say ‘Deutschland’, we say Germany.”
Johanna repeats the phrase slowly, while Anna is too timid to try. You speak to them calmly.
“Eine neue Sprache zu lernen ist nicht einfach, und ich erwarte nicht, dass Sie einfach so Englisch lernen.”
(Learning a new language isn’t easy, and I don’t expect you to learn English just like that.)
You take both their hands gently in yours.
“Es ist völlig in Ordnung, es nicht zu verstehen. Denken Sie nur daran, Fragen zu stellen, wenn Sie verwirrt sind, okay?”
(It’s totally fine to not understand. Just remember to ask questions if you’re confused okay?)
They both nod at different times, and you carefully let go to continue the lesson. Your words seem to have calmed them a bit. In fact, one of them even raised their hand.
“Ja, Johanna?” (Yes, Johanna?)
“Wie sagst du ‘Ich liebe dich’?”
(How do you say ‘I love you’?)
You simper at her question. You motion to both of the women.
“Say ‘I’.”
Johanna says it first, and Anna shyly follows.
Again they repeat.
Johanna says the last word thoughtfully, and Anna looks embarrassed.
“Now say it all together. I love you.”
“I love you.” Their German accents stick to the words, but you feel happy nonetheless. Your watch beeps, and you glance at it. 11:40 am.
“Tolle Arbeit heute, meine Damen. Ich sehe euch beide am Mittwoch, stellt sicher, dass ihr übt.”
(Great job today, ladies. I’ll see you both on Wednesday, make sure to practice.)
You start to pack away papers in your folder, walking towards the door.
As you open it, a hand grips the sleeve of your blouse. Turning, you see Anna’s brown hair.
“Was ist das, Frau Baumann?”
(What is it, Ms. Baumann?)
“I-Ich wollte mich nur für Ihre Hilfe bedanken.”
(I-I just wanted to say thank you for your help.)
Leaning on the door and holding your files in your left arm, you pat her head softly.
“Es ist mein Job. Das tue ich gerne.”
(It’s my job. I’m happy to do so.)
She blushes and quickly moves away from you. You chuckle. Johanna watches you both in interest. Somebody from behind you clears their throat, and you jump.
Spinning around you see your superior, her eyebrow raised and arms crossed. She looks at you expectantly.
Sheepishly you rub the back of your neck, and bid your goodbyes to Johanna and Anna, as guards come to escort them to their rooms.
Facing the ginger haired woman, she stares at you silently. You still rub the back of your neck, a nervous gesture.
“Sorry, Ms. Wiegler. I know I was off schedule-”
She holds her hand up.
“No need. Just come by my office after your next session.”
You shake your head wordlessly, clutching the files to your chest.
The watch on your wrist beeps again, and you curse to yourself.
You were about to dismiss yourself when she speaks, “I’ll see you soon.”
“Yes ma’am.” You speak hurriedly as you rush off, your pencil skirt hindering your movement.
Fucking formal wear.
In your haste, you didn’t see the smirk on your superiors face.
“Adiós, Elena. Gran trabajo hoy!”
(Goodbye, Elena. Great job today!)
The woman cheerfully smiles at you, shocking you with a hug.
“Gracias, Y/n!” (Thanks, Y/n!)
You reciprocate the hug, patting her back. “No hay problema! No te olvides de estudiar.”
(No problem! Don’t forget to study.)
Staring as she walks off with the guard, you grumble when you remember that you might be in trouble.
Your heels click as you walk off, playing with the edge of your files absentmindedly.
Only once before had you been to Marissa’s office, and you only got a brief glance because you were on a tour of the headquarters.
Thankfully you have a great memory, otherwise you would’ve gotten lost with all the different rooms.
Standing outside her door, you pause.
You must be in trouble right? But for what?
Hitting your head lightly, you knock on her door. You wait until you hear a muffled ‘come in’.
Walking in cautiously, you observe your new surroundings. The room is quite monotone, and nothing particularly special sticks out to you.
Well, except the woman sitting at a desk. Her head is positioned downwards as she’s writing, and her hair covers her face slightly.
Without looking up she motions you to come towards her, and you stumble to follow her request.
Once she’s finished with whatever she’s writing, she looks up at you, her blank gaze scrutinizing you.
“Do you know why I want to speak with you?”
You instantly shake your head.
“No, ma’am.”
She gazes at you for a moment, then leans back in her chair.
“I’ve been informed that you have been…. unprofessional with the women you teach. Is that true?”
“Who told you that?”
You’d bet your life on Kevin. He’s always had it out for you since you rejected him.
“That’s not of importance. Well?”
You scowl. “Of course I’m not.”
A dark look comes upon Marissa’s face. “Are you sure? I saw you getting awfully handsy with Ms. Baumann.”
“She was just saying thank you.”
“And Ms. Ortiz?”
Your eyes widen. Was she watching you?
“She was giving me a hug, there’s nothing wrong with that.”
She eyes you blankly. You observe as she rises from her chair, and leans forward on her hands.
“While that may be true, you have a job to do here Ms. Heller. You are not here to make friends or more, are we clear?”
You tried to keep it in, you really did. If Erik could see you now, he’d be so impressed you managed to hold off for so long. But sadly, the damn had to break at one point.
“If I didn’t know any better Ms. Wiegler, I’d say you’re jealous.”
The words came out before you could stop them. You’re just so… frustrated.
You came here to help women learn English, not to be judged for who you are.
When Marissa clenches her jaw, you realize that you most likely won’t have a job anymore.
You were about to excuse yourself. Pack your things while you still had the adrenaline running through you, but instead Marissa carefully walks around her desk.
Your eyes widen when she treads past you and towards the door. The sound of a lock being turned makes you whirl around. You see Marissa leaning back on the door, her blue eyes trained on your figure.
“Ms. Wiegler-“ You stutter when she takes a step towards you.
“And if I was?”
She takes another.
“Uh-“ Instinctually, you back up.
“If I was jealous, what would you do?”
Another step. Your hips hit her desk.
“I-I uhm-“ She places her hands on either side of you, and you clutch the files close to your chest. A barrier.
“Yes?” Your noses are practically touching, and your breathing comes out labored.
Why have you lost your nerve so suddenly?
“Ms. Wiegler this i-is highly inappropriate-“
Choking on your words, she moves her lips to your ear. “You’re going to crumple your files, sweetheart.”
Your hands flinch when you realize that you are basically crushing the files in your hands. Your fingers loosen on them, and Marissa quickly snatches them from your hold, placing them on her desk.
You turn your head to locate them, and you jump when wet lips touch your neck. Cool hands grab your waist, and to steady yourself, your fingers grip the edge of the desk.
With a surprising amount of strength, Marissa grasps your thighs and sits you upon her desk. She moves between your legs, her front against yours.
She buries her face into your neck, her soft hair brushes your jaw. Kissing her way up to your ear she murmurs,
“Tell me to stop. And I will.”
A shiver trills through you when her fingers graze the edge of your skirt.
Swallowing, you face Marissa. Her eyes were blown, and a flush is present on her neck.
Calming down slightly, you let go of the surface below and reach up. You carefully cup her jaw,
and crash her lips into yours.
Third Intention:
“What are we?”
Marissa pauses her chewing, her eyebrow raised.
“I just mean… are we a thing? Or…”
The woman across from you swallows her food, placing her fork down.
“Why do you ask?”
“Well, you’re kinda my boss. Any type of romantic interaction would be considered unprofessional so…”
“That ship sailed awhile ago, darling.”
You blush, crossing your arms.
“But you technically didn’t answer my question.”
Your shoulders tense up, and Marissa notices. “Do you want to stop seeing eachother?”
Your mouth flies open,
“No! Its not that at all.”
She gazes at you thoughtfully for a moment, “Then what is it?”
Taking a deep breath you say steadily,
“I was wondering if… you’d like to be official.”
Silence engulfs your dining room, and your heart hammers in your chest.
This was it. Marissa was going to put on the rest of her clothes and leave your apartment. She was going to fire you-
A cold hand caresses your warm one.
Her usually blank face looks at you warmly.
“You beat me to it.”
You blink. What?
She leaves her chair and walks up to you. Marissa holds you jaw and lifts up your face to look up at her.
“I was going to ask you that.”
Leaning down, she locks her lips with yours. Her lips are soft, and you melt in her hands. She leaves you dazed.
“So..that’s a yes?”
Marissa huffs, exasperated.
“Of course it’s a yes you idiot!”
A wide smile appears on your face, and you break into fits of laughter.
Marissa shakes her head at your antics, and yelps when you pull her into your lap. You wrap your arms around her slim waist, snuggling into her neck.
Fourth Intention:
You wake up to the sound of buzzing.
Eyes still closed, you feel to the right of you, and frown when your hand comes in contact with nothing.
You sit up and rub your eyes, groaning. You squint, checking the clock beside you. 4:23 am.
Blowing a piece of hair out your face, you move the comforter off your body.
Following the sound, you blink when you reach the bathroom door.
A sliver of light is creeping from the open crack of the door, and you cautiously push it open a bit more.
You spot Marissa brushing her teeth, her electric toothbrush being the source of the buzzing.
Your shoulders sag with relief, and you were about to sneak back to bed, until you saw blood.
A quiet gasp comes from your lips as you see her bright red gums, and the blood trickling down from them.
Marissa seems unaffected, continuing to meticulously abuse her gums as the blood drips from her mouth into the sink below.
Once she’s satisfied, she rinses her mouth from red, checking her teeth in the mirror to see if there’s any lasting trace of it.
You don’t even try to run as she opens the door. She freezes, her blue eyes widened in shock. Gripping the door handle tightly she begins,
“Darling! I-I uhm– I didn’t expect you to be up.”
Marissa grows anxious when you don’t answer. She shuts off the light of the bathroom, effectively hiding her face in the shadows.
“You–you want the bathroom, right? I’ll leave you to it.”
She rushes past you, trying to run from your gaze. But your hand latches to her wrist. “Wait.”
She tenses, slowly turning. You keep a firm grip on her, taking a step closer.
Raising your other hand to her cheek you speak to her softly,
“Má lásko, are you– are you okay?”
(My love.)
The woman leans into your touch.
“Of course. Why wouldn’t I be?”
You eye her warily. “It’s just– I saw what you did in the bathroom.”
She inhales sharply, looking away.
“You’re mad, aren’t you?”
“Honestly? A bit. But I’m more worried than mad.”
You rub her cheek with your thumb gently. “Do you… do you know why you do it?”
Marissa sighs, glancing back at you.
She debates whether or not she should be honest.
“I don’t really know why. It’s just become… a habit of mine.”
You grasp her wrist and face a bit tighter. Not enough to hurt, but enough to gain her attention.
“A habit? You mean you do this all the time?”
“Not all the time-“
“But enough to call it a habit?”
She shuts her mouth at your words, and you sigh.
“You have perfect teeth, you shouldn’t be worried about them.”
“I know, I just– can’t stop. I have to keep brushing until the need is gone.”
Frowning you mumble, “If you don’t stop, then I’ll have to force you to.”
She chuckles, “How?”
Bowing your head in thought, you shoot up when you gain an idea.
“I’ll stop kissing you.”
Her eyes bulge out of her skull, as a disbelieving laugh leaves her.
You reiterate it to her.
Marissa shakes her head haphazardly. “No, no– I heard you. I mean well, why?”
“So it’ll give you initiative to stop that bad habit of yours.”
The older woman blinks her blue eyes at you incredulously. Then humor takes hold of her and she lets go of you to hold her stomach.
Your hands fall to your sides as you look at her, confused. She wheezes,
“That’s your plan, Y/n? Really?”
“I think it’s a good idea.” You mumble, a pout on your lips.
Marissa snickers in amusement, her ginger hair shaking with her head.
“It’s sweet of you to care, but I don’t think it’ll work.”
“We’ll see, won’t we?”
Your lover goes silent, slightly awed by your stubbornness. She smirks.
“Can I at least get one now before you condemn me?”
You laugh abruptly. “You make it sound like I’m guiding you to your inevitable death.”
Marissa pulls you in by your hips.
“You might as well be.” She teases, her voice low. She stares at your lips.
Exasperated, you push her away and say, “Then I guess you’re doomed, because you are not getting any kisses from me until you show improvement.”
Shrugging at your response, she folds her arms, bending towards you.
“Whatever you say, sweetheart.”
You just giggle at her reply, leaving her to go to the bathroom.
As she hears the sink start to run, doubt floods her.
You couldn’t possibly be serious. Right? You wouldn’t actually stop kissing her, you were probably just joking…..
You weren’t joking.
It had been weeks since you last kissed Marissa. After that fateful morning, your lips barely came in contact with hers at all.
It was fine on the first day, she’s not so pathetic that she can’t handle not being kissed for a day.
But then came the next day, and the next, and the next. Until 2 weeks went by, and Marissa got nothing.
The best she’d gotten was a hug.
You also had taken to checking her gums. It was just as weird as it seems.
Every single time, in the morning and at night you would check her gums to see if they were red, or if there were any lasting trails of blood on her teeth. You even check the sink.
At first this really annoyed Marissa.
Who wants their gums surveyed twice a day?
But she slowly realized that you were only doing it, because you care for her well-being. Which, irritatingly, made her want to kiss you even more.
And luckily, today might be the day.
For one week she hasn’t made her gums bleed once, and only flossed as far as her gums let her.
You took notice of her change, and felt smug.
You knew she couldn’t survive not having affection for long.
She waits in anticipation on your verdict, and you debate whether or not to hold off just a bit longer to mess with her.
But you can’t help it when she makes that adorable hopeful face.
“You’ve been very good this past week, Má lásko.” (My love.)
Involuntarily, she leans towards you at your praise. You chuckle.
“So I think it’s only fair that you get a reward.”
Marissa huffs, “About tim-“
You kiss her cheek.
…her damn cheek.
Her shocked face is making it hard to contain your laughter, but you hold strong, keeping a normal look on your face.
You crawl away to the other side of the bed, and start tucking yourself in, getting ready for sleep. Marissa’s head snaps to you, and you think she’ll get whiplash from how fast the movement was.
“What the hell was that?”
“Hm? What do you mean?”
“Oh you know damn well what I mean!”
“I don’t understand, you got your kiss.”
“That wasn’t what I wanted and you know that!”
You hide your smile in your arms, shutting your eyes.
“Be good for another week, and we’ll see what happens.”
You fully predict her to huff and reluctantly go to sleep. That’s what she’s done for the past two weeks.
What you didn’t predict, was her yanking your body towards her, trapping your arms in her grasp.
She straddles your waist, and looms over you, a dark shadow on her face.
“It’s been two weeks, and my patience is wearing thin.”
Getting closer, Marissa’s breath fans over your face. “So either you give me what I deserve,” her lips barely touch yours, “or I take it anyways.”
All you see is blue, her eyes having you in a trance. But the trance is broken when blue darts down to you lips.
You sigh dramatically, “Fine-“
Her mouth is on yours before you can continue. She takes advantage of your parted lips and pushes her tongue through, brushing against your own. You moan lightly, and Marissa smirks.
“Sounds like you want this just as much as I do.”
Breathing heavily you say,
“Not doing it, is not the same as not wanting it. I only stopped to help you.”
Her grip on your wrists soften, as does her face. “Y/n…”
She can’t help but kiss you again.
“I love you.”
You beam at her brightly.
“I love you too.”
Fifth Intention:
Walking through the threshold you call out, “I’m back, Má lásko!”
(My love.)
Shutting the door, you walk to the kitchen, placing your bags on the counter.
Dusting your hands, you leave the kitchen to roam around your apartment. Calling out to her again, you hear a muffled response coming from your office.
You open the door to see Marissa seated in front of your piano, back as straight as a board.
Silently you take steps towards her, sitting by the piano with her.
“I didn’t know you played.” She says.
“I do. Very well.” she rolls her eyes at your arrogance, “But I haven’t played in awhile.”
Marissa thinks before asking,
“Could you… play something for me?”
She smiles when you nod,
“Do you have an requests?”
“I’m not picky.”
Humming to yourself, you try and remember one of your favorites to play. It’s a bit cliche but…
You start to play ‘Can’t Help Falling In Love’ by Elvis Presley.
“Wise men say, only fools rush in.
But I cant help falling in love with you.”
Marissa gazes at you fondly, leaning her head on your shoulder.
“Shall I stay? Would it be a sin?
If I can’t help falling in love with you.”
You can feel her humming on your shoulder.
“Like a river flows
Surely to the sea
Darling, so it goes
Some things are meant to be.”
It seems you both were so caught up with the song, you didn’t hear the front door opening and someone call out to you.
“Take my hand, take my whole life too
For I can’t help–“
You slam on the keys, jolting. Marissa straightens up.
You swing your head around to see your brother standing in the doorway, keys dangling from his hand.
His brown orbs dart between you and the woman next to you, his face unreadable.
“Erik! Uhm-“
Your brother doesn’t scare you by any means, but his face gives you chills.
You rise to your feet, “I can explain-“
His eyes are stuck on Marissa, a silent rage. Still seated she stares right back at him, unaffected.
Erik wants to yank Marissa by the collar and throw her outside, but he knows that if he does this it will cause major problems. Instead he takes a deep breath and blankly says,
“Y/n, could you let Marissa and I talk alone? Please?”
You blink, and turn your head to Marissa. She nods, and watches as you hesitantly walk out, Erik closing the door behind you.
Now they are both alone, in complete silence. Marissa turns back to the piano, deciding that it was more important than the man behind her.
He bites his cheek and walks up to her, standing beside her.
“What are your intentions with my sister?”
“My intentions?”
He glares at her. “Yes. Intentions.”
The woman glances at him and replies coolly, “Other than to love her, I have none.”
He purses his lips until they’re white.
“Don’t bullshit me.”
Marissa’s eyes snap to his. “Watch your tone. I’m still your handler, whether you like it or not.”
“If you actually cared about that, you wouldn’t be dating Y/n.”
She stands to full height, bearing her teeth at him. “And if you actually cared about Y/n, you’d let her be happy.”
His nostrils flare. “I do care about her and her happiness, which is why I’m telling you to leave her alone. She doesn’t deserve to be hurt, Marissa.”
“Exactly, which is why I’m not going to end things with her.”
Erik’s eyes shrink into slits as he glares at her, his cheek hollowed.
He was about to say more, when a knock echoes in the room. Both individuals turn to look as the door opens, and in comes you.
“Darling.” Marissa says fondly, reaching a hand out for you to take, which you do. Erik’s eye twitches.
“You can’t stay with her, Y/n.”
Your eyes couldn’t have possibly rolled any further. “Why?”
Marissa wraps an arm around your waist. He stares at it before continuing, “Both of you could lose your jobs if you get caught.”
“That’s if someone reports us. And nobody else besides you, knows.”
Erik heard the unspoken question, and exhaled loudly, rubbing his face.
“I–… I won’t report you. But I need to know. Are you– are you happy?”
“I am. I promise you I am, Erik.” You’re quick to answer.
He observes to see if you’re telling him a lie, but Erik doesn’t see any signs of one. His shoulder slump,
“Fine. Marissa,” the woman raises an eyebrow at him, “you can date Y/n. I won’t get in your way.”
“Even if you did, I would still be with her anyways.”
“Yes well, you won’t have to worry about me.”
You audibly sigh of relief, gazing at Marissa who’s looking at your brother, unsure. You squeeze her hand comfortingly, and she squeezes back.
Her clears his throat, uncomfortable.
“Right, I’m gonna go. I’ll talk to you later, Y/n.”
You reply with an ‘okay’, as he leaves the room, then the apartment when you hear the front door close and lock.
You feel your hand being lifted, and you turn to Marissa to see her raising your hand to her lips, kissing the back of your hand softly. “Are you okay sweetheart?”
“Mhm. That was just really stressful.”
You chuckle without humor, more with fatigue. Marissa toys with your hand.
“…you really think he won’t tell anyone?”
“He’s my brother, and while he can be an ass, he cares for me nonetheless. He wouldn’t purposefully put me in harms way.”
You reassure her, pecking her cheek.
“And he’s fine with the fact that you…. that you date…”
“Women?” You finish for her.
“Yes. In fact, he’s met many of my girlfriends before. At first it was a bit weird for him but–“
Marissa zones out.
Girlfriends? Many? She wasn’t your first? How many were before her? Does she have competition–
“Marissa? Hello?”
Her ginger hair shakes as she snaps out of it. “Sorry darling, lost in thought.”
You huff, the corners of your mouth pulled up. “Anyways, he doesn’t have an issue with me being with women. So, now that that’s out of the way, are you hungry? I could make us something.”
You pull on her hand, dragging her out the office and towards the kitchen, a familiar pep in your step. You ramble on about what you should cook, and Marissa smiles.
It doesn’t matter if she wasn’t your first, she will be your last if Marissa has anything to say about it.
Sixth Intention:
You can’t focus on any of the words in front of you. For the past hour, you have tried reading the same page over and over, but the words just keep jumbling together, no matter how hard you try to understand it.
It also doesn’t help that for the past hour, Marissa has been staring you down. Though you can tell she isn’t focused either, because if she was, she would’ve teased you for being on the same page for so long.
Finally deciding to take a break, you shut the book without saving the page, slightly irritated.
Marissa blinks at the noise, and her eyes meet yours. “Is there something on your mind, Má lásko?” (My love.)
She doesn’t respond right away, head angled in a way that makes her hair somewhat shield her eyes.
“You could say that.” You dubiously gaze at her. Your eyes travel down, and you see her fiddling with her shirt, looking apprehensive.
All of a sudden she jumps to her feet, and quickly sits next to you on the couch. Your body flinches backwards a bit.
“I want to speak with you about something.” Oh that’s never a good way to start a sentence. You swallow, before nodding your head, urging her to continue.
“So we’ve been together for over a year now, and– uhm.”
You have never seen her so unsure of herself. You reach a hand out to grasp her arm, rubbing it up and down.
She takes a shaky breath before continuing, “I wanted to– I was wondering if– ugh.”
Marissa seems to be frustrated with her stuttering, and exhales emphatically.
“Take your time. I’m not going anywhere.”
Her rapidly beating heart slows at your words and she hastily says,
“I wanted to give you this.”
She reaches into her pocket, and pulls out a small box. Your lungs stop.
Wobbly pale hands carefully open the box, and there sits a black ring with a bright ruby jewel in the middle. Your e/c eyes go as wide as humanly possible, and your whole body freezes.
The ginger haired woman sees your struggle and blurts, “I know that legally, we can’t get married. But I love you, and even if the world wouldn’t acknowledge us as wives, I want us to.”
You still haven’t moved, eyes trained on the ring in front of you. Marissa was about to call out your name, shake you, anything to get your attention. But she didn’t need to, as you suddenly burst into laughter.
Marissa can physically feel her heart hurt, and the hopeful look in her eyes, quickly diminished. “I-I know. It was silly.”
Your giggles die down, and you immediately feel awful when you open your eyes to see her solemn face.
“Nononono, that’s not why I was laughing. Hold on, give me a second-“
She watches as you rush out the living room, and she hears you unzip your bag. The woman can’t help but feel agitation grow in her. What the fuck are you doing?
You zoom back to her side, holding an item in your hand. Her blue eyes turn to sauciers when she sees it’s a small box. You grin at her expression, a snicker escaping from you.
You open the box, and Marissa sees a gorgeous silver ring, with an emerald jem. A slight parallel to the ring she presented you.
“This is why I was laughing. We had the same idea.” You say gently.
You peer at her as she processes the information, then you fall back on the couch with an ‘oof’ when she tackles you.
“Don’t ever do that shit again. You almost gave me a heart attack.”
She speaks into your collarbone, as you brush your fingers in her short hair.
“Yeah well you nearly about stopped mine when you pulled out your ring.”
“You had the same idea!”
“Precisely why I was so shocked.”
The older woman groans on your chest, then lifts her head up to glare at you. “You’re lucky I love you.”
“I know.” You grin cheekily.
Rolling her blue orbs, she sits back up pulling you with her. She grabs the box that had fallen on the couch, and reopens it. “We’ll have to wear them on our right hand. It would be best that people at work doesn’t make the connection.”
You offer you right hand to her with a nod, and she slips the ring on your finger. It fits perfectly.
You take out the silver ring, and slide it on her own right finger. She gazes at it tenderly. “Do you like it?” You ask.
You spent so long looking for the perfect ring for Marissa, so you were a bit anxious if you made the right decision.
“Of course I love it, just like I love you.”
Her lips launch onto yours and you smile. You never wanted to stop kissing her. You would rather die of suffocation.
Though it seems Marissa wants to do a bit more than kiss.
She shoves you back down on the couch and wraps your legs around her hips. You gasp when she presses into your center, and she takes full advantage of it, devouring your mouth.
You reluctantly pull away and open your eyes. She looks so beautiful. Her lips plump and pink from your rough kissing, her pupils dilated, and a dark blush spread about her cheeks.
She kisses you once more, before sneaking her hands under your shirt and taking it off your torso….
Final Intention:
“They are children Marissa! Infants!”
The blue eyed woman clenches her jaw, shutting her eyes forcefully. Your teary gaze bores into her, and she can’t seem to look at you.
Her silence makes you feel even worse.
Your e/c eyes look off, and you hug yourself tightly.
“It would be one thing if we just–just let the women do what they had wanted. If we didn’t give them the chance to bond with their children.”
Pausing to take a shaky breath, you resume.
“But we did. And you’re just going to kill them, and their kids, without even batting an eye?!”
“It’s what my higher ups want. I can’t do anything.” She states from her desk, standing behind it. As if it’s a barrier, that’s shields her from you.
The calmness in her tone chills you to the bone. Her icy orbs still don’t look into yours, and you become fearful.
“Of course you can! There’s always something!”
“Well not this time Y/n!”
You gape at her in disbelief.
“How can you expect us to–to have a family if you can just do this without remorse?”
The ring on your finger starts to feel very cold.
Marissa exhales shakily. She focuses anywhere else but at you, your gaze making her feel somewhat sick.
“Y/n I-“
You cut her off, ferocious.
“And what about Johanna?!”
That’s when her eyes finally snap to yours. You ignore the shiver that comes upon you, “She has bonded so much with little Hanna, and so have I! We can’t just take that away!”
Marissa mutters something under her breath, and you demand that she speaks up.
“I bet you have bonded with her. Johanna I mean.” She says bitterly.
The laugh that escapes you, wasn’t humorous. It was exasperated.
“You’re bringing this up, now? You’re fucking kidding me Marissa.”
Her glare doesn’t falter.
Frustration fills you to a point where a headache starts to form in your skull.
“You are mine, not hers.” She growls, leaning towards you from behind her desk. The words that usually would leave you with a tingling sensation in your body, only made you feel queasy.
You step farther away, hands gripping your sides in a vice grip.
“I’ve told you before, and I’ll say it again. She’s. Just. A. Friend. Nothing is going on between us!”
“Does she think that?”
You want to scream.
“Fucking hell Marissa. Even IF she didn’t, that wouldn’t matter! Because I-“
Choking, the words that usually come so easily to you, can’t seem to come out. You sigh, closing your eyes. Reaching to pinch the bridge of your nose, you open them again.
“Marissa,” You look into the eyes that you’ve grown to love. “Please, please, reconsider.”
Pursing her lips, she glares down at the files on her desk. That action made you nervous, and you could feel the unease bubbling in your gut.
“There’s nothing to reconsider. It’s already confirmed. They just need to finalize it.”
Fresh tears fall from your eyes, and your lips tremble. You play your last card.
“The Marissa I love, wouldn’t care.”
Her eyes don’t move from the files.
She doesn’t even flinch.
“The Marissa I love, would find a way. Even if it meant losing her job. Even if it meant going against her superiors.”
She still doesn’t move. And your legs feel as though they could give at any moment.
Silence surrounds you both for a while, and you become anxious.
You were about to say something else, anything else to convince her.
When she finally looked up at you.
Her blue eyes stoically bore into you,
“Then maybe I’m not the Marissa you love anymore.”
Your world comes crashing down. It feels like you’ve been doused in cold water, and you can feel every bit of hope disappear.
Laughing wetly, you run a hand through your hair.
“Erik was right. Go figure.”
Marissa’s eyes widen with your words, as you storm off to the bedroom. Her heels clack noisily as she rushes after you. “What do you mean by that?”
You move past her, grabbing things from the dresser. “You know he isn’t your biggest fan. Figure it out.”
Anger flashes through Marissa as she thinks about your brother, and what he could’ve told you.
She sees you pulling out your bag, and stuffing your things inside.
Dread fills her.
“Darling what– what are you doing?”
Not answering her question, you go into the bathroom to take your essentials.
When you walk back in, Marissa is frantically unpacking your bag, her hair obstructing her face from your view.
You suck in your cheek, striding towards her. You grab her wrists, trying to stop her, but she struggles against your hold.
“Marissa-“ She still struggles.
“Marissa!” Her eyes flash to yours.
What you see, surprises you. Tears are trailing down her face, and her mouth is pulled into somewhat of a snarl. This is the first emotion she has exhibited to you this entire time.
You feel sick.
Exhaling shakily she says in a small voice, “You can’t–you can’t leave.”
Loosening your grip, you slightly soften at her words. “I’m sorry.”
Feeling her go limp under your hands, you sigh in relief as she seems to calm down.
Then her hands shoot up to grab either sides of your jaw, pulling you into a fierce kiss. Her lips are wet against yours, and you hear her whimper. The band on her right hand feels cool on your hot skin, and you instinctually kiss her back.
Kissing Marissa always leaves you with a feeling of longing, or lust.
But this time, this kiss is full of raw emotion. Desperation.
Her hands are tight around your face, and her tongue pushes past your lips forcefully.
She licks into your mouth, moving her hands down your body to your hips. A traitorous moan comes from your throat, and you want to yell at yourself.
You shouldn’t be letting her do this.
You shouldn’t be giving either of you false hope.
You shouldn’t even be here right now.
When she tries to push your body onto the bed behind you, that’s when you gain some sanity back.
Ripping your mouth away from hers, she whimpers again, lips chasing after you. You raise your hands to her chest to push her away.
“Stop it. Please.” Your eyes look off in shame. How could you let her do this?
Marissa makes a noise of disagreement when you duck under her arms, and grab the stuff she’s unpacked. Putting them back into your bag messily, the woman next to you seems to be frozen in place.
The sound of you zipping up your backpack, makes her physically shake her head, her ginger hair swaying with the movement. Her eyes flash with panic as you walk out the room, and to the front door of her apartment.
Hastily, she grabs your right hand with hers. Your rings brush against eachother, and you look down at them. Tears form in your eyes again when she speaks.
“Don’t leave me. Please.”
Her distressed tone makes your heart break.
“I’ll–I’ll do anything. Anything you want. Just please don’t go.”
Inhaling sharply, you continue to look down at her emerald ring.
“You know what I’ll ask for.”
Marissa chews her bottom lip, her sharp white teeth coming into view.
“I-I can’t do that.”
Nodding your head slowly, you sniffle. Glancing to the side you say with finality, “Goodbye, Marissa.”
Pulling your hand out her grip, you begin to open the front door. Helplessly she stutters out,
“But–But I love you.”
Pausing in the doorway, you don’t turn to look at her. Because if you do, you’ll give in. You’ll give in to her gorgeous face, and sweet words.
In most arguments you both have had, you were unable to stay angry long. You would eventually scoop her up in your arms, kiss her face, and coddle her until the tears dried and the tension eased.
But this isn’t like your usual arguments.
It’s the lives of mothers and their children at stake.
Of Johanna and little Hanna.
You wouldn’t be able to live with it. With the guilt. Not even with Marissa.
“And I loved you.”
You swallow, taking a second to think.
“….I’ll send in my resignation in the morning.”
Shutting the door behind you, you walk away. Away from the CIA. Away from her.
So heyyyyy…… I know this is so freaking late. Like valentines was over a week ago, but life’s been a bit messy. I apologize.
Though I’m quite proud of this.
This is just meant to be a cute, or sad backstory for Marissa and Y/n.
So I really hope y’all enjoy, and I will continue posting as soon as I have some free time! Have a great morning, afternoon, evening, and night wherever you are! ☺️ ~ derangeduser
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derangeduser · 2 years
Equivocal Intentions
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Hanna (2011) Fanfiction
Summary: When Erik Heller and Johanna Zadeck ran away with little Hanna in tow, they also took along Erik’s sister, Y/n, who has a rocky history with a certain C.I.A. agent. We’ll go on from there…
Marissa Wiegler x Erik’s Sister!Reader
Warnings for this chapter: Cursing, violence, and murder.
Y/n - Your name
e/c - Eye color
h/c - Hair color
Quick Disclaimer!
I do not own the story Hanna, nor the characters, this is just an adaption with a reader insert.
Chapter Three
-Present Day-
“We picked up an unencrypted signal. One of ours.”
“0632 Eastern Standard. Triangulated about 60 miles below the Arctic Circle. Near Kuusamo. We think it’s Erik Heller.”
“Erik Heller?”
“You were his handler, right?” The agent hands her the files.
“Sure. Name sounds familiar.” Marissa’s lips pull into a tight smile, taking the files and walking off in the opposite direction as the agent.
Marissa stands in front of the many windows, blue eyes boring into the outside view. She toys with the jeweled silver around her right ring finger.
She jumps as she hears a loud door open, briefly looking in the direction of the sound. Before staring back outside as she hears the random agent walk away. She clenches the files in her hold. “Fuck. Why now?”
She stands in the same spot for a couple more seconds, before turning around. She walks away from the window, the sound of her heels piercing the hallway.
“How does it look?”
You were so, so close to laughter. You were barely keeping it together, you could’ve split your lip with how hard you were biting it.
“Good.” Hanna responds after giving it a once over, and you lost it when Erik turned around to take a look at his new haircut.
Once seeing his new fashion forward hair, he glares at you as you laugh until your lungs collapse. Hanna giggles with you, realizing that it does look a bit silly on her father.
After you both calm down, she fixes his hair, making it look more… presentable.
Erik’s hair is now short, which in your opinion, suits him a lot better than the long hair he had before. “That looks great.” You compliment. Your niece grins and thanks you, dusting her hands. Your brother gets up, and you stare up at him and smile.
“Just like when we were younger, hm?”
He cracks a small grin, and shockingly laughs. “Yeah. Like old times.”
You smile, patting his shoulder, before hopping on the chair he just left. “My turn! This long hair is killing me.”
Hanna nods excitedly, and gets to work.
“Erik Heller. Recruited in 1991. Erik was a former FSK operative. He became integral to our counterintelligence ops in Eastern Europe and Central Asia.”
Marissa switches to the next slide. Her mind buffers when she sees your face. But before anyone can pick up on her struggle, she clears her throat.
“Y/n Heller. A skilled linguist who assisted the CIA. She is Erik Heller’s biological sister.”
The red headed woman quickly moves on,
“Their files end in ‘94. And there were no signs of life until April 18th, 1996 when Erik Heller’s fingerprints were found on a .22 caliber Luger found beside the body of one Johanna Zadeck. Y/n Heller’s blood was also found on the scene.”
“Is it known whether or not Y/n is still alive?” Lewis questions.
“A body wasn’t found only blood, therefore it is safe assume she is still alive, correct?” Walt questions.
“Most likely not. From what the files state, she lost a substantial amount of blood. Indicating she is most likely no longer with us due to eventual blood loss.” Marissa says nonchalantly, though her ringed hand grips the remote tight enough to break it.
She composes herself, and presses a button making the next picture come up. It was of another woman.
“Johanna Zadeck. Born 1970. German. She was spotted and developed by Erik Heller in 1994. Never recruited.”
“Why was she never recruited?” Walt asks.
“That’s not in the file. Let’s keep on task.” Diverting from his question expertly, she proceeds.
“Heller is a rogue asset. I propose we go in and pull him out.”
“We’ve got bigger problems than one man and a possibly dead woman, Marissa. Let Interpol pick ‘em up. They are no longer our responsibility.”
“Interpol nabs him, then exposes him to BND, FSB, France. Do you really want every intelligence agency in Europe scratching at this thread?”
“Lewis?” Before the man in question gets to speak she cuts in,
“I’m sorry but we need to keep this contained, gentleman.” She lightly slaps her hand on the files in front of her. “Keep it small. I worked with this man. He knows things I don’t think you wanna know.”
“Okay, I hear that.” Says Bob.
Marissa smiles.
These guys are fucking idiots.
Walt leans back in his chair, and thinks about the horrible things he knows and the horrible things he’s not supposed to know.
“One man, one day operation.” The man in the screen replies.
“Tell us again.” “Marissa Wiegler.”
“Then?” “Postcards.” “Then?”
Hanna pauses, “What?”
You help, “The address where we meet?”
“Wilhelm Grimm’s house Stephanstrasse 260. 10559 Berlin, Germany.”
Your brother continues, “What else?”
“Adapt or die.” You swallow at her words.
“Think on your feet.”
“Even when I’m sleeping.”
“Good girl.” You pat Hanna’s head whilst getting up, feeling light with your now shorter hair.
You missed having it this long.
Erik follows your movement, but quickly goes for his bag, putting it on his back. He goes to leave, but Hanna calls out, “Papa-“ he turns back to you both, “Remember what Y/n and I taught you. You’ll be fine.”
That clearly isn’t what she was going to ask, but whatever. You roll your eyes. Hanna replies, “I’ll see you there.”
He looks at her then you for a long moment, before rushing out.
You both stare after him, then you realize that you’ll have to go soon as well. You let go of Hanna’s hand, moving towards your bag and picking it up, setting it on your back.
You turn and immediately feel Hanna’s arms around you, you hug her back, kissing her head. “Remember the plan. Stay safe, be smart.” She blond hair moves up and down. You grab her face so she’s looking at you. “And remember that I love you, okay?”
She smiles before nodding, giving you one last squeeze. She lets you go, and you walk to the opening of your cabin.
“I’ll see you soon. You better be there when I get there, sweet pea.”
With one last look at Hanna, you sprint out the cabin, following the planned route from memory.
Once you left, Hanna started preparing. She constantly checked to see if anyone was outside, and since she couldn’t keep still she did pushups when she never saw anyone.
She was about to take a break, when she hears the sound of a plane outside. She rushes to a window, pulls back the curtain and sees multiple men hidden by the trees, with guns. Her eyes look on in slight wonder when she spots the helicopters in the sky.
Hanna couldn’t help but feel slightly nervous. One misstep and she might never see her father or you ever again. She takes a deep breath, and goes to hide.
She hears two men grow close, then enter the cabin their guns lighting up the room as they search. Hanna jumps out of her hiding spot, and quickly incapacitated them.
She hears more men coming, so she climbs up onto her bed. That’s when they come in.
“We’ve got men down! We need help! We need a medic!”
They look up from the bodies to see Hanna. They point their guns’ light on her face, and she squints.
To your luck, while you were following your planned route, you came across a group of seven men in arctic camouflage.
“Shit.” You curse to yourself, hiding behind the vast amount of trees.
You make a decision to hover around them, and for their sakes, hope that they don’t see you. They seem to be surveying the area to see if anyone is around. You chuckle.
It’s a good thing they seem to be horrible at it.
As you cautiously go around them, you hear them say in response to their earpieces, “A girl? And no sign of Heller?”
So everything’s going according to plan, perfect. You hope Hanna is okay.
You are so close to getting past the men, to getting to your goal, when you feel someone’s presence behind you.
“Don’t mov-“
You turn quickly and kick his legs from under him, he makes a loud noise as he hits the ground, alerting the others. You groan, and grab his fallen gun, pointing it at the men now in front of you. Out of pure instinct, or maybe habit, you pull the trigger.
You skillfully shoot the one directly in front of you twice in the chest, once he fell to the ground they started shooting at you. You quickly hide behind a tree to block out some of their bullets, before shooting another with the precision of a sniper.
Honestly you were getting quite annoyed, you were running low on time, and this was taking forever.
In one breath you pop out from your hiding spot, and without a care, you shoot the last four.
The ones still alive yell in pain, bodies falling to the floor, and the man you previously attacked gets back up again. He tries to hit the gun out your hand, and you let him. But then you punch his open throat with so much force, he falls to the ground, writhing in pain.
You don’t have time to bask in your win as much as you’d like, and you berate yourself for getting carried away. Old habits, die hard.
Your feet carried you all the way to the frozen ocean, and you run alongside it, the falling snow covering your footprints.
Hiya friends!! This is the second post for today, and then the ~Valentines special~. It might not be out until a bit later, but I promise it will be out!
Thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoyed!
Have a great day, afternoon, evening, and night wherever you are! 🥰 ~ derangeduser
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derangeduser · 2 years
Equivocal Intentions
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Hanna (2011) Fanfiction
Summary: When Erik Heller and Johanna Zadeck ran away with little Hanna in tow, they also took along Erik’s sister, Y/n, who has a rocky history with a certain C.I.A. agent. We’ll go on from there…
Marissa Wiegler x Erik’s Sister!Reader
Warnings for this chapter: Cursing. That’s about it.
Y/n - Your name
e/c - Eye color
h/c - Hair color
Quick Disclaimer!
I do not own the story Hanna, nor the characters, this is just an adaption with a reader insert.
Chapter Two
-Present Day-
“Laika, a mongrel dog from the streets of Moscow was the first animal to orbit the Earth.” Erik reads.
“She was launched into outer space on the 3rd of November, 1957. Scientists believed that humans was be unable to survive conditions of outer space, so flights by animals were viewed as an experimental precursor to human missions.”
You squeeze Hanna tighter as you hug her, her body lying in front if yours as your brother continues,
“Her rocket was not designed to be retrievable, and Laika had always been intended to die.”
“But she didn’t, did she?” Your niece spoke up, head lying on your front.
“They couldn’t bring the rocket back, remember?” Erik responds, and your lips form a hard line.
“I remember. But sometimes I wish you would read it differently.”
Your brother looks at her face for a moment, then his eyes go back to the book he was reading. You nuzzle the side of Hanna’s golden hair.
He begins reading another page,
“When a star collapses, the supernova explosion is 10 billion times brighter than other stars.” Hanna closes her eyes in thought.
“She’s a 100% gonna flip that switch.”
Your brother sighs at your words.
“What? You know I’m right. We left her alone in the cabin, this is a perfect time for her to do it.”
You state, following Erik as he hunts.
“I never said you weren’t right.”
Going silent, you survey the area around you.
Nothing but snow and trees.
You huff quietly. Erik moves his brown eyes to look at you,
“What’s wrong?”
Biting your cheek, you cross your arms. “There’s nothing out here.”
“I can tell that’s not it.” He silently thinks before saying,
“Do you think Hanna isn’t ready?”
On it’s own accord your mouths goes,
“God no! She’s more than ready.”
Erik stops walking, and you pause turning to him. “Then… do you think you’re not ready?”
Jaw clenched, you look away. His brown eyes widen. “Really?”
Looking back at him, you sigh
He takes a moment to process that single word before saying, “Its been years and you still-“ “I don’t know, okay?”
You cut in harshly. “I don’t know.”
His face doesn’t change, and this doesn’t calm you at all.
Fisting your gloved hands you continue, “Before everything, I really thought she was ‘the one’. That we’d be together for as long as we were able.”
Knitting your eyebrows together, you stare at your snow covered boots.
“I ended things so abruptly, that I never got a chance to actually acknowledge that everything was over.”
Unfisting your hands, you reach up to massage your forehead. “And after I finally did acknowledge it, it felt like I got hit by a train. Then right after we had to save Hanna and–”
Feeling a large hand on your shoulder, you look up at your brother. You exhale.
“Don’t misunderstand, I would do the same thing all over again. I just… haven’t had time to actually realize that I might have to see her face again.” You think for a second.
“Or deal with the pain of her being gone. For good.”
Your brother is silent, and you almost think he’s angry. He looks at the black twine around your neck, then calmly says, “I understand.”
You tense up under his hand.
“You do?”
“Yes, I do. It’s true I never liked Marissa, and that I disliked your relationship even more. But I could tell that you both were happy, and to have that happiness taken away can be…. disorienting.”
Your mouth could’ve fallen open, if it wasn’t for the fact that you were biting your cheek. You wanted to thank him, but your lips couldn’t seem to connect with your brain. He saw this. “It’s okay Y/n. Really.”
Finally snapping out of your haze, you grab him for a hug. He makes a disgruntled sound, before wrapping his arms around you, rubbing your back comfortingly. “Thanks Erik.”
You mumble in his shoulder. You feel him nod.
The both of you don’t move, soaking in this brief moment of affection from either of you. However, Erik separates himself from you. “I do believe Hanna is going to flip the switch. Today. So you may not have much time to get ready…”
Knowing this, you shake your head.
“I’ll try, I promise. Adapt or-“
“You won’t die.”
You blink. What?
As if reading your mind he repeats,
“You won’t die. You won’t, because you are Y/n Heller. And you don’t die.”
Your face hurts by how large you grin.
Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.
The sound of her alarm clock makes Marissa turn in her bed, and slap her hand on it, effectively stopping it’s incessant beeping. She stretches, her arms falling over the empty spot on the left side of her bed.
She then immediately starts her morning routine, which includes an excessive amount of dental hygiene. After looking in the mirror, satisfied with the results, she goes to get dressed for work.
After a couple more minutes of hunting, you decide it’d be best to head back and be alone for now. Your brother murmurs an ‘okay’ in response, leaving you to your thoughts.
Whilst walking back, you could feel the anxiety at the pit of your stomach slowly dissipate.
Usually you and your brother are the farthest from a sappy family. Though as Hanna grew older, you two seemed to have changed in that regard.
You walk through the opening of the cabin, taking your hat off, as you call out, “Hanna! I’m back.”
You look around to see Hanna, staring at you as she sat in front of the device. The red light glaring at you.
If you didn’t have the talk with Erik, you would’ve frozen in place.
But you did. So you steadily walk to where your niece is, and sit beside her, taking one of her hands in yours.
She says nothing as you run your fingers over her knuckles.
“Erik is still out hunting, though I doubt he’ll find anything. You did a great job with the deer, sweet pea.”
Silently she responds with a nod, taking a hard look at your face, before her head falls on the front of your shoulder. You didn’t flinch with the movement, as if her weight meant nothing. You move your hands, and card your fingers through her messy hair like you usually do. You let her lean on you before saying, “We should start dinner. Your father will be back soon.”
You don’t think you’ll get a response, so you go to get up. Proving your thought wrong she speaks one word, “Okay.”
Howdy folks! Happy Valentines!!
In spirit of the holiday, I’ve decided to post two chapters, as well as a valentines special.
That is why this one seems a bit short, so apologies for that.
The special shows a bit more background into Y/n and Marissa’s relationship, from the beginning to the ‘end’.
It’s 100% fine if you don’t have an interest in it, and it’s completely optional whether or not you read it. I just wanted to for fun!
I’m finding a lot of joy from writing, so expect more frequent updates if life permits it!
Anywho thank you all so so much for the likes, it means a bunch! I hope you all have an awesome Valentine’s Day! ❤️~ derangeduser
16 notes · View notes
derangeduser · 2 years
Equivocal Intentions
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Hanna (2011) Fanfiction
Summary: When Erik Heller and Johanna Zadeck ran away with little Hanna in tow, they also took along Erik’s sister, Y/n, who has a rocky history with a certain C.I.A. agent. We’ll go on from there…
Marissa Wiegler x Erik’s Sister!Reader
Warnings for this chapter: Cursing and violence.
Here’s the key:
Y/n - Your name
e/c - Eye color
h/c - Hair color
Quick Disclaimer!
I do not own the story Hanna, nor the characters, this is just an adaption with a reader insert.
Chapter One
-Present Day-
“I live in Leipzig. German City. Population 0.7 Million people. I live at Number 7 Weissingerplatz. I go to school at the Klaus Kohle Gymnasium and my best friends are Rudi Gunther and Clara Schliess. I like literature and sport, in particular tennis and athletics. I have a dog named Trudi.”
“Good girl. Again. In German.” You demand, blocking her fist. She recites it in German, and readies to kick your gut. You jump back catching her leg, squeezing her ankle, before throwing her on the ground.
She grunts in pain, and you feel bad for a second. Seeing this, she catches you off guard by getting up and quickly tackling you, using all of her weight. Once you got over the initial shock, you look up at her and smirk.
“That was good. But you know that only happened because I’m your aunt, right?” Her lips quirk up, before going back down again.
“I know. I’ll do better.”
You sigh as she gets up. Following suit, you spot your brother looking at you both in the distance.
“Looks like it’s time for your training with Erik.” Your niece nods, and starts walking away towards her father.
When she’s at a farther distance, you groan, pinching your nose.
The sun had set, and Erik had finally let Hanna have a break. In the cabin, you were humming to yourself as you watched them from the window. Your hair brushed your wrist, and you realized that it had grown very long.
“I’m really gonna need to cut it soon.”
As you say this to yourself, you spot Hanna and Erik walk through the threshold of the cabin.
“Can I do it?” Your niece asks as she walks up to you. “Soon honey. But for now you could braid it.”
She tilts her head, trying to remember what a braid is and nods. Smiling, you sit down, and Hanna stands behind you. She starts tugging at your hair, attempting to pull a braid together.
After a few failed tries, she finally gets the hang of it, and in the end you have a messy h/c braid attached to your skull.
Erik, who had been watching this interaction, says out of the blue. “It looks good.”
Standing up, you voice your agreement. “Thanks Han.”
She nods, dusting her hands off.
“So how was training?”
“She did well.” Your brother responds, stoking the fire. You grin, looking at Hanna.
The girl smiles shyly. You ruffle her hair, and Erik looks at you two for a while. He then says,
“We should head to bed, more things to do tomorrow.”
Both you and Hanna nod at him, and start getting ready for bed.
He looks after you two, then looks at the snow outside. He sighs, clenching his hands.
A hum comes from your lips when you feel a poke at your side. You open a e/c eye to see your niece’s face hovering over yours. “What’s up kid? Can’t sleep?” Your eyes feel heavy.
Her stony face nods before a shy smile comes upon it, “Could you sing me to sleep?”
Instantly, you’re fully awake.
“Of course honey. Have one in mind?”
You ask, sitting up slowly, legs crossed. Hanna puts her head on your legs, her hair sprawling on your lap.
She shakes her head, looking up at you.
“I’ll think of one then.” Your mind goes through the limited song choices that you remember. Toying with her hair, the perfect one comes to mind.
Making sure she was comfortable, you clear your throat. “Ready?” She hums in response.
“Isn’t she lovely?”
Damn your voice is hoarse.
“Isn’t she wonderful?
Isn’t she precious?
Less than one minute old.
I never thought through love we’d be, making one as lovely as she.
But isn’t she lovely? Made from love.”
It takes awhile for you to remember the rest, the last time you heard it was from when Hanna was first born.
This was one of the many songs that Johanna had sung to her as a baby.
“Isn’t she pretty?
Truly the angel’s best.
Boy, I’m so happy.
We have been heaven blessed.
I can’t believe what god has done.
Through us, He’s given life to one.
But isn’t she lovely? Made from love.”
Hanna had fallen asleep, her body going limp on your legs. You carefully move her so she’s more comfortable on the bed and off your, now numb, thighs. Resting your back alongside her, you stare up at the ceiling, a grin stuck to your face as you lightly play with the twine of your necklace.
You should be feeling some sort of grief singing this song, but all that’s attached to it is joy. You vividly remember Johanna hearing this song for the first time when you played it for her on the guitar, and she was hooked.
She was so excited to sing it for her daughter when she was born, and she begged you to teach her more English, so every word would be just perfect. You sung it with her, though she sounded a hundred times better, German accent and all.
Through all your reminiscing, you could feel sleep tugging on your eyelids. You didn’t fight it, as everything around you faded to black.
That’s until you had, quite literally, a rude awakening. Your genius brother decided to jump your niece in her sleep. In effect, bothering you.
She wins though.
Serves his ass right.
Finally, he leaves. Letting the poor girl get some sleep. You, however, can’t go back to sleep. So you climb down from your bed, just to see your brother getting dressed. He spots you and says, “Get dressed.”
You were about to sass him, until you looked at his face more closely. Slowly, you put on your jacket.
Once you are both dressed sufficiently for the cold, he goes outside with you in tow.
He starts in a specific direction, counting. You immediately know what his goal is. You run to catch up to him.
“Are you sure?”
Erik doesn’t respond at first, still counting. Taking a break from it he says,
“She said she was ready.”
“Yes, but do you think she is?”
He stops.
“Since when do you care about what I think?”
You try to think of a good comeback but to no avail. Erik takes your silence as an answer, and continues walking.
Snapping out of it, you jog up to his side. “Fine you’re right. But-“
“She needs to do this at one point,
Y/n. Maybe now’s the time.”
You didn’t say anything after that.
Deciding that you didn’t want to go with him after all, you grab his shoulder. “I’m gonna head back.”
His brown eyes look into your e/c ones for a while, before he nods and continues counting and walking. You intake a large amount of air, and your lungs immediately hate you for it.
Whilst coughing lightly, you walk away back to your cabin.
Instead of going inside, you choose to stay outside with the dark sky and cold air. Being a bit a ways from the cabin, you sit down on the snowy ground with your legs crossed.
Zoning out whilst staring into the vast amount of trees, your mind races.
Is it time? Are you ready? Can you face her again? How will she react?
These questions plagued you, and you cover your face, groaning. You hang your head low, e/c eyes trained on your lap.
That is until something nuzzled your side. Glancing to your right, you spot a familiar friend.
“Well, hello there.” You grin, as the rest of the pack of wolves trudge out the forest. You sit yourself up on your knees, and they butt against your hand, immediately recognizing you. You scratch behind their ears.
You didn’t realize that you had spent a long time with the animals, the sun now up. You heard the sound of crunching behind you, boots in the snow.
Recognizing the voice, you hum, still ruffling the wild dog’s fur. Hanna says nothing as she kneels beside you, eyeing the wolves. “Look who came to say hi to us?” The girl smiles at your words. Her hand then comes in contact with one of the wolf’s rough fur, and she cracks an adorable grin, ruffling it. You could’ve melted.
You both continue playing with the wolves, until you hear a loud noise from above. Hanna looks and gets up, eyeing the plane in the sky. She screams with it, and smiles the largest you have ever seen her. You go to get up as well, your legs almost giving out under you from kneeling for so long. To not ruin her wonder, you keep your cursing to yourself.
Once the plane is gone, she turns to you, eyes sparkling. “You saw it right?!”
Before you could happily agree, she speaks excitedly, “Let’s go tell papa!”
You frown but go with your niece as she grabs your arm with the force of a panther, yanking you in the direction of your home.
Damn this girl’s got a grip.
“Did you see it? Did you hear it? Like thunder. It was so beautiful, right aunt Y/N?”
You didn’t respond, as soon as you walked through the threshold, you spotted the device on the table.
Gripping Hanna’s hand, you swallow.
Her eyes follow yours, and falls on the object. “What is it?”
She reaches her pale fingers towards it.
“It tells Marissa Wiegler where we are. When you want to leave here, all you have to do is flip that switch.”
Her body moves, pulling yours with her, she stops right in front the switch her fingers twitching. Your eyes haven’t moved an inch. Erik clears his throat,
“But once it’s done, there’s no going back. She’ll never give up until your dead, or she is. You understand? Y/n and I won’t be there to hold your hand. So be sure. Be sure it’s what you really want.”
You finally blink your eyes when they get dry, e/c orbs move to your niece.
She looks… hesitant.
Erik stares at the both of you, then gets up. “It’s here. There’s no rush.”
He walks off, and you grip Hanna’s hand tighter. She grips just as tight.
You turn to her, and shakily sigh.
“He’s right, you don’t have to flip it straight away. Do it when you’re truly ready. Okay sweet pea?”
Hanna turns to you, eyes moving last, before her blue orbs travel around your face. “Okay.” She whispers.
You pull her into a hug, hands caressing her blond hair carefully.
It’s late at night. Taking the bed above, Erik and Hanna are now sound asleep side by side. You, however, don’t have such luck.
The fireplace is still lit with flames, and you lay by it, nestled in the soft furs of the cot next to it. Your eyes peer at the necklace hanging in your right hand, the ruby gem shining from the fire.
Many times you have contemplated tossing it into the cracks of frozen ocean, or into the crackling of fire, but every time you got close, something stopped you. Someone.
It frustrated you to no end. The fact that she still has some type of pull on you after so many years. Which could become a serious problem.
You drop the item into your left hand, now holding the black band between your index finger and thumb. Fiddling it back and forth, you chew your bottom lip, before staring at your right ring finger.
The tan line from the ring was long gone, your shaky hand looking very bare.
Before you could stop yourself, you slip the ring into it’s retired place. The cool feeling of the stainless steel creates a nostalgic feeling inside you.
You remember being so, so nervous to give her the silver ring you picked out. And when you two were alone and talking, you remember erupting with laughter when she anxiously handed you the ring currently on your finger.
The look of fear and confusion made you feel bad instantly, so you pulled out her ring as fast as possible. She had looked so relieved once she realized that you weren’t rejecting her, but cracking up at the irony.
As soon as you had both slipped your rings on, she kissed you. The first of many that night.
Your face heated up from the memory, and you felt a shiver go through your body.
You shake your head, lightly slapping your cheeks to snap yourself out of it. Taking a few deep breaths, you gaze at the ring on your finger.
There are many good memories attached to it. And many bad memories chasing after it.
Pulling the ring off, you place the necklace back around your neck, hiding it under your sweater.
You rub your eyes tiredly, as the fire finally burns out.
That’s Chapter One! I’m sorry that it’s shorter than the prologue, but I just felt good about ending it there.
I know Marissa has only been mentioned so far, but I promise she will show up in the next chapter!
Also thank you to the people who have liked and or read this story, it means a lot!
I hope you have a great morning, afternoon, evening, and night wherever you are! ❤️ ~ derangeduser
Song Used In Chapter: Isn’t She Lovely by Stevie Wonder
19 notes · View notes
derangeduser · 2 years
Equivocal Intentions.
Tumblr media
Hanna (2011) Fanfiction
Summary: When Erik Heller and Johanna Zadeck ran away with little Hanna in tow, they also took along Erik’s sister, Y/n, who has a rocky history with a certain C.I.A. agent. We’ll go on from there…
Marissa Wiegler x Erik’s Sister!Reader
Warnings for this chapter: Cursing, violence, death of an animal, etc.
Here’s the key:
Y/n - Your name
e/c - Eye color
h/c - Hair color
A few disclaimers!
I do not own the story Hanna, this is just my adaption of it with a reader insert.
This will be a story with multiple parts, and it will be somewhat lengthy.
I will be mixing between the film, and the screenplay, so things might not be the same as the movie.
To be a 100% honest, I’ll use google translate a lot for this story. If anything is wrong, I apologize!
This story does have romance in it, though it starts off slow in the beginning, so please be patient with me. :3
Views that the characters have, may not necessarily be my views.
Finally, I do not own any characters within this story, including you. I hope you enjoy. :)
-Present Day-
“It can cut you like a knife..”
You trudge through the snow as you sing,
“If the gift becomes the fire…”
You adjust the bow around your body, fingers used to the cold environment.
“On the wire between will and what will be….”
Your e/c eyes spot two figures in the distance tussling in the snow, a girl and a man, with the audience of an animal corpse.
A deer it seems to be.
“She’s a maniac… manic… on the floor. And she’s dancing like she’s never danced before…”
As you finished the song, the fight seems to come to an end. The girl is now on the ground, with the man standing above her.
That is, until he walks away…towards you.
Before he can reach you, you hide in the vast amount of trees, camouflaged clothing blending you in perfectly.
Once the man gets far away enough, you leave your hiding place, and start walking towards the girl. By this point, she had gotten up and starting hauling the mutilated corpse.
“Need hel-“
Before you got to finish your statement, she grabbed your hand from her shoulder, planning to flip you over her small frame.
You think ahead however, kicking the back of her right knee. She falls to the ground, and you yank her arm off your hand, grabbing its twin and turning her around. Once she sees your flushed face she sighs,
“Sorry Y/n.”
You smile, letting go of her hands, shaking your head.
“It’s no problem kid, you did a good job.”
“I lost.”
“Because you just fought Erik, you were tired.”
Hanna’s light blond hair shakes with her head as she looks down at the deer. “I always need to be ready, even when tired.”
A sigh comes from your pale lips,
“Whatever you say honey. But Erik’s too hard on you.”
You always hated that Hanna had to be taught these things at such a young age. Fighting to kill, expertly mutilating an animal corpse, to always be alert and never relax. It killed you that she never got a normal childhood. Instead, she’s confined to the vast snow of this secluded forest.
You fell out of your thinking when you saw Hanna begin to pull the dead deer’s body in the direction of your shared home.
You catch up to her, and grab on to one of the sticks attached to the make shift sled.
“Let me help.”
Her blue eyes look at you, unreadable.
“Papa said I have to myself.”
“Yeah well he isn’t here. What he won’t know won’t kill ‘em.”
Hanna’s face still didn’t move, until you see the small traces of a smile pulling at her mouth.
She lets you help as you start in the direction of your cabin.
Once you reach the cabin you drop the stick, stretching your arm.
“You do the rest. Don’t want your dad to get his head in a twist.”
The girl nods and continues pulling the deer as you walk inside, seeing your brother sat in front of the fire.
The look he gives you, makes you groan, your jacket falling away from your shoulders.
“You need to stop babying her, Y/n.”
Your e/c orbs couldn’t have possibly rolled any farther in your head.
“And you, brother, need to stop being a jackass.”
The chair across from him squeaks when you land on it.
He gives you a hard stare.
Hanna walks in and looks at you both.
Your eyes blaze, daring him to say something. Erik sighs, and gets up.
You stand up as well, still glaring.
He gives one last look to you, before asking the girl, “What’s wrong?” She gives him no response, hanging up her things. He grabs more logs for the fire.
“Are you hurt?” He sits back down in his original seat. “You were half asleep. You must always be ready. Even when you’re sleeping.”
You rub your eyes, exasperated.
Fucking hell.
“Think on your feet. Adapt-“
“Or die. I’ll do better next time.”
He looks at you, and you sigh.
“Kannst du es bitte auf deutsch sagen?” (Could you say it in German please?)
“Mach es beim nächsten Mal besser.” (I’ll do better next time.)
She responds to you immediately.
“Buono. Italiana?” (Good. Italian?)
“La prossima volta andrò meglio.”
(I’ll do better next time.)
“Española por favor, cariño?”
(Spanish please, honey?)
The girl sighs, her father watches expectantly.
“Lo haré mejor la próxima vez.”
(I’ll do better next time.)
“Est-ce que ça te plaît, connard?”
(Does that please you, you asshole?)
You say turning to Erik, who does not look impressed by your words. Hanna laughs, which gives you a pleased grin on your face.
“Oui, Y/n.” He gruffs out, rolling his eyes. You join your niece in her laughter, and you notice Erik looking at you both fondly.
He continues to tend to the fire as Hanna walks up to you, grabbing your warm hand.
Jesus her hand is fucking freezing.
You keep quiet, and look at her with kind eyes. She whispers, “He found out didn’t he?”“Probably. But I don’t really care.” You shrug, grabbing her other hand, wrapping the pair around your body in a hug.
She nuzzles into your chest, arms tight around your waist. “Aunt Y/n?”
“Could you read for me again tonight?” She speaks against your sweater.
“Of course, honey.” You couldn’t help but melt at her adorable self, tugging your fingers through her hair. She squeezes you one last time before letting go of you, going to retrieve her book.
You look after her for a moment, then your gaze moves to your brother, who was watching your encounter. Either you were finally going mad, or his mouth was turned up slightly.
“..would you like to join us?”
He takes a few seconds to react, and your patience almost wore thin, you then see him nod his head. You then smile a bright grin.
“The great blue whale, is the largest animal to have ever existed. It’s heart weights 1300 pounds, and a male has 7 gallons of testicles.”
Erik freezes up at the last word, and Hanna laughs quietly. Smirking you continue,“The blue whale’s music can be heard for over 500 miles. A blue whale’s tongue weighs over two and a half tons-“
“What does music feel like?”
You pause at the question, before turning the pages of the book. You grin once you’ve found what your looking for.
“Music. A combination of sounds, with a view to beauty of form and expression of emotion.”
“Like when you sing?”
A chuckle comes from your throat as Erik responds, “Yes, exactly that Hanna.”
The girl looks off in thought, you eye her face curiously.
“I would like to hear other types though.”
You took no offense. She reminds you a lot of her mother. Always curious. And you fondly remember her having a much better voice than you.
“We have all we need right here.”
Erik’s voice cuts your thought short, you glare at his response.
Hanna talks back to him before you could, “It’s not enough.”
A sense of pride washes over you.
She then looks at you and her father.
“I’m ready.”
And it instantly washes away into dread.
-Five Years Ago-
“Aunt Y/n, have you ever been in love?” Hanna asks as she looks through her Grimm’s Fairytales.
The water you were drinking went up your nose, throat erupting in coughs as Erik firmly pats your back. Hanna’s eyes widen in concern, before you wave her off.
You wipe your nose and mouth, clearing your throat. Suddenly, the necklace around your neck feels very heavy.
“Uh why do you *ahem* ask?”
Hearing a quiet chuckle come from behind you, you glare at Erik making him stop. Your niece looks back at her book now that you’re ok.
“The princes and princesses in these stories… I’ve always wondered what love was like, and if you’ve ever.. experienced it.”
Now your eyes were the size of sauciers, you anxiously scratch the back of your h/c hair. “Why me?” Why not target your asshole of a brother?
The young girl shrugs, turning the page of her book. “I don’t know. I just have.”
Your throat still hurts from your shock earlier, you swallow to relieve the irritation.
“So?” She presses.
“Right. Well I guess you could say that… I have.”
Your brother resists the urge to laugh at your suffering. You elbow him in the gut, when Hanna questions, “You guess?”
Realizing that your niece won’t let up until you give more details, you look at Erik. He stares back at you for a moment before murmuring,
“Only if you want to.”
At this point, all of your hair will fall out with the amount of times you’ve tugged at it. You spot blue eyes looking back and forth between you and your brother. “It’s best sh- you hear it from me.”
You look directly into Hanna’s eyes, yours now holding some type of edge.
“I was in love. Once.” Erik rolls his eyes. You pretend not to notice.
“And.. what happened?”
“We both… didn’t see eye to eye on something. I ended things with her a long time ago.”
Hanna’s eyes didn’t show disgust, but genuine curiosity. Your smile, usually bright and cheerful, seemed tight. Your thoughts raced…did you and Erik teach her about gay people yet?
“Yes. Her.”
Her blond head nods, looking back at her book, gloved fingers tracing over a picture. You turn to gaze at Erik behind you, but he isn’t looking at you. His eyes are trained on his enclosed hands, jaw clenched.
You turn away and sigh, looking at your own hands. You spot crescent shaped indents in your palms, your niece then asks,
“What was she like?”
Those indents quickly trickled blood.
You went pale, and not because of the cold. Finally Erik interjected, “Alright, that’s enough. Time to go to sleep.”
The only thing that portrayed her annoyance was her icy blue eyes, but she pushes it down and closes her book. As she puts it away, you get up to go and get bandages. Erik stops you, grabbing your wrist. By this time, Hanna had climbed up into your shared bed and lied down.
“You alright?”
It took all of you not to tease him. Typical big brother.
“Of course I am. I knew we’d have to tell her at one point. Better now than later.” He nodded, but didn’t let go of your wrist.
“Uhm may I have my wrist back? I kinda need it.”
“In a second..”
He pulls you into a hug, and you are inclined to think that your brother is possessed. He’s certainly feeling affectionate today.
You slowly wrap your arms around him, forehead on his shoulder. You stay like that for a few seconds, before you break the moment by saying,
“Okay but seriously, I need to bandage my hands because they are currently bleeding.”
Instantly, he wretched away from you bringing your palms to his face, he sighs deeply. “Sit.”
You do so, smiling sheepishly. He goes to your limited medical supplies, and grabs some bandages. He walks back to you, and starts unwrapping them.
“You don’t have to do that you know, I can do it myself.”
He doesn’t respond, wrapping your palms in the somewhat scratchy texture. You sigh.
Once he’s done, he puts away the rest and speaks,
“Are you sure you’re okay? I know how you get with.. her.. involved.”
“Me? What about you?”
You brother raises a bushy brow,
“What about me?”
“If there was anyone who had the most feelings about my relationship with her, it was you.”
Erik attempts to deny your claim before you spoke again,
“Don’t even try to deny it. Since the beginning you didn’t like her.”
“I was justified in the end, wasn’t I?”
He asks rhetorically, and you take on a wry grin. “You got me there.”
The man sighs as he watches you fidget with your bandages, looking at nothing in the distance. He was about to say something else until you both heard a noise from above.
Your eyes dart to your bed, as you see blond hair quickly duck.
You feel your legs move and get up from your seat, walking towards your bed. You pause when you hear your brother, “It’s not your fault you know.”
Back still turned to him, you continue walking, climbing up next to Hanna.
The girl is feigning sleep. You gain a devious idea. Slowly, you move your hands to her sides, and start to tickle her adamantly. She erupts in giggles and screams, “No! Agh stop!”
Once she’s out of breath, you ease up falling to lie next to her. “That’s revenge for eavesdropping.”
Still catching her breath she heaves,
“I-I’m sorry.”
You boop her nose. “No big deal kid.”
Nodding, she tries to regulate her breathing. After a bit she asks,
“So you’re a lesbian, aunt Y/n?”
If you had more water, you’d spit it out. But you didn’t, so instead you just about choked on your spit. “How do you know what that is?”
Did you tell her about it and just forget?
Whilst your in your thoughts Hanna responds, “Papa told me about them.”
Your eyes almost bulged out your skull. “He did?” “Mhm.” “Oh. Well I guess I am.”
Damn. You’re really gonna need to thank him for that.
Silence consumes you both, save for Hanna’s heavy breathing and the crackling of fire below.
You felt the weight of sleep start to fall upon you, before it’s lifted off you.
“Did she hurt you?”
You bite your chapped lips, and turn towards her. She’s staring right back at you. “The woman you loved. Did she… hurt you in some way?”
You move back and forth between blue, not knowing which eye to look at, before deciding it’s best to just close your eyes. “In some ways, yes.”
The girl stays silent, but you can feel her breath on your face. It seems slightly rapid. You open your e/c eyes, just to see her blue ones filled with something akin to anger.
You grab her small face with your hands. “I’m over it. It’s been years since then. There’s nothing to be concerned about.”
Her breathing has calmed, though the glint in her eyes didn’t change.
“I want to protect you.”
You feel like you’re choking, and you feel the urge take your necklace off. You almost had the nerve to say,
“Well if your goal is to protect me from my ex, then it’s perfect she is the one hunting you isn’t it?”
Though you didn’t want to give the poor girl a heart attack.
A sigh comes out your nose, “What she did to me doesn’t matter, you don’t need to protect me from anything. Okay Han?”
You give her a stern stare, and she relents. “Okay.”
“Thank you. Now sleep, before your father fucking kills me.”
She laughs, and closes her eyes.
You gaze at her face for a moment, the bliss on her face filling you with an emotion you don’t want to define.
Then you follow suit, closing your own eyes, surrendering yourself to sleep.
That’s the end of the prologue folks! I know that it’s a bit rough, but I hoped you liked it regardless. If you have any ideas for or theories about the story, feel free to tell me, I’m all ears.
Anyways I really hope you enjoyed reading, and that you stick around for the future. Thanks for reading! Have a nice morning, afternoon, evening, or night wherever you live! ✌️~ derangeduser
Song Used In Chapter: Maniac by Michael Sembello
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