How to Market Your Self on Social Media in 6 Steps
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This blog was originally posted on our official blog at Design Proficient
Marketing yourself on social media is just like a no-brainer, requires little intelligence but gives worthy consequences. In fact, there are many social media agencies which are using social media platforms to market their products.
Here are some of the many effective steps to market on social media:
ALSO READ: 5 Things to make your website SEO Friendly for Professional SEO Company
Understand each social media platform
With more than 3 billion active users worldwide, social media is becoming a breeding ground to market yourself. Each platform is different and plays by its own rules. Facebook with two billion users is the most prominent platform to know competitors. Twitter with 328 million monthly users getting lots of attention in a marketing circle. Photo-sharing app, Instagram has higher engagement rates on posts than any other platform. Choose the best and relevant platform for your marketing.
Target Audience
Identify your target audience. Understand their inside out. Do research as much as possible and know who they are, what they do, what makes them feel good, what makes them tick, what they expect, and what they think of you.
Determine your Goals and Objectives
Goals are broad, intangible, and abstract whereas objectives are tangible, concrete, and measurable. A good objective should clearly answer what, why, when, where, who, and how. Setting goals and objectives you can improve the overall effectiveness of social media marketing.
Add Compelling Headlines
Headlines matter and work significantly in changing the way we think about the content. As most of the readers skim headlines and irrelevant headlines lead you off course. Write headlines first and ask yourself about if they conclude the story if it engages the readers and all. You can also conduct A/B testing to know which headline works more in engaging users.
As Felix Salmon suggests “Even with the most appealing headlines in the world, for every individual who clicks on it, there are hundreds, if not thousands, who see it, absorb it, and simply move on. People get their news from headlines now in a way they never did before.”
Be Who You Are
Don’t astray your followers by portraying yourself as a fake personality on social media. Be who you are. Be genuine and reflect your authenticity to the posts.
Post on the Right Time
No matter how good your post is, timing matters. If your post is for the right readers and on the right time only then you’ll see results. Schedule your post at the best times without making assumptions. Start with targeting your audience, know them, consider their location, use the right scheduling tools, maintain consistency on posts, continue to test, and keep an eye on the competitors.
So these are six steps to market yourself in social media.
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5 Things to make your website SEO Friendly for Professional SEO Company
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This blog was originally posted on our official blog at Design Proficient
In today’s world it is no longer a wonder that more than 70% of businesses possess online existence in the face of websites. Unfortunately, only few of them know the importance of making a website search engine friendly.
What does SEO friendly website really mean? Simply it is a website that is easy to read and understand by the search engines. SEO friendly website is actually a visitor friendly website.
Some of the important characteristics of SEO friendly websites are:
To be responsive
To be not too fussy or ornate to read
Should be User-friendly
Should be mobile-responsive
Should possess optimized images with the text
Having clear hierarchy and text-based Navigation Structure
ALSO READ: 2 Ways Voice Search Turn Your SEO on its Brain
Responsiveness is a key to make your web page look appealing on all browsers and devices- desktop, mobile phone, and, tablet. Responsive design has three principles to be executed to work properly: Fluid grids, Media queries, and flexible images. To be responsive actually means to be adaptable.
2. Optimizing Images
Another way to make your site SEO friendly is to optimize images with texts.Just name your images descriptively, optimize your alt attributes, choose image dimensions, optimize thumbnails, use image sitemaps and test your images.
In fact, there’re many compression tools available that make the art of image optimization possible. ImageRecycle, OptimiZilla, Tinypng, giftofspeed, and kraken are some of the examples to compress multiple images or files in one go.
3. Videos and Infographics
Info graphics are a visual representation of data beneficial to the website. Because more than 85% of information transmitted to brain is visual.
The act of embedding videos to the website is best way to get your message across. By putting interactive and interesting videos you can get heavy traffic on your site. As 44% of Google search results feature video.
4. Great UX Leads to High Ranking
Users are prior and good user experience help your site to convert more. If users coming your site find any distractions and difficulty, they’ll abandon. On the other hand, site having appealing look, intuitiveness, easy to navigate with clear instructions get more chance to engage users.
5. Make your URL’s User Friendly
It is not only your responsive web layout or good content but also URL that should be user friendly. It is easy to read and understand. User friendly URL help people to remember the web address, increase click through rate and even influence social metrics.
Just keep it short, use relevant keywords, use real words, be descriptive, and not to prefer using tracking parameters.
At the end, these five elements are enough to make your site SEO friendly. But there are many other things you can do, like:
Incorporating social media elements into your website
Add 2–5 relevant keywords to the single web page
Use JavaScript in restricted manner, do not use it for whole site design
Do not use too much flashy elements, it can be distracting
Create page hierarchy properly
Write unique titles and meta descriptions
Reduce Code bloat, HTML table Usage
Lessen the number of on-page links
Implement proper heading tag and structured data
Use properly Coded lists
Keep an eye on your security certificate renewals
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2 Ways Voice Search Turn Your SEO on its Brain
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This blog was originally posted on our official blog at Design Proficient
Voice search is also known as voice-enabled search. It allows you to use a voice command to search anything on your devices — desktop, phone, or tablet. Today, voice search is mostly used in directory assistance, local search, and for many other things. Search by voice is on the rise and two-fourth of the adults are using voice search per day and it is expected that more than 50% of searches will happen in voice by 2020. In fact many best SEO companies are using voice search to produce more traffic and make conversion better.
Voice search is often considered as interactive, convenient, and fast more than the text. According to the study, Man can speak 150 words per minute and type 40 words per minute.
On search engine optimization voice search has many benefits, according to the business stats:
Two-fourth of the Google searches are made via voice.
More than 80% of US B2C marketers think voice search and virtual robots will play an important role in coming three years.
More than 50% of the US mobile users worry about voice-enabled technology prying on them.
Voice labs found that there were a total of 33 million voice-first devices.
Voice search stood at the 3rd spot.
Google CEO said that 20% of the queries on Google are voice searches.
How Voice Search Turn Your SEO on Brain
Voice search has an extended mileage. It is more convenient and handy for a user to speak than to type. This is how it turns your SEO:
Semantic Search Is the Today and Tomorrow
It relates to the study of words and logic. It is data that seeks to improve search accuracy and produce relevant results. Unlike other search engines, semantic search is done by understanding a searcher’s intent through concept matching, natural language algorithms, and contextual meanings.
Semantic search as a science of meaning, has many benefits:
Improves the experience of users on the page
Visitors are happy when they find their required answers
Business intelligence is improved
Provides the better chance for enterprises to build a strong relationship with their clients
2. Voice Search Is Becoming a Norm
Voice search as already mentioned is easier than typing. It is trendy for today and will be useful in future. This means voice search will not be going away. Voice search is becoming the new norm for business marketing because:
Users want to collect their information in less or no time
Voice search on a mobile phone is a genuine and personal form of search.
In coming few years Voice search will impact more than the local search
Voice-enabled search is growing day by day and it is expected that it will be on top among other search engines in few years.
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So your boss asks you to audit your Google Analytics Reports, but when you dive headfirst into your accounts, you notice your seemingly robust traffic is… spam. A lot of it. This will likely happen to you at some point in your career, and it will be intensely frustrating. Trying to keep up with ever-evolving spammers is like playing Whack-a-Mole in the dark with one of those little rubber mallets you see in a doctor’s office, and that’s just as exhausting and confusing as it sounds. Fortunately, there’s a quick and pretty simple way to get your spam referrals under control with Google Analytics filters. It won’t solve all your spam problems forever, but it’ll put you on great footing early in 2017. And you deserve that.
Create New Views
The very first thing you should do before you tinker with your account is set up three Google Analytics views. The first should be a completely untouched, unfiltered accounting of your website traffic. The second should be a test view, where you’re going to screw around with filters and potentially break everything. The third should be your carefully vetted filtered view, which you’ll use for reporting purposes.
Google Analytics Filters
Start by navigating into the Admin panel in your Google Analytics account.After that, select “View Settings,” click the dropdown for “Create New View,” and get all three set up. From there, you can go into “Admin” and “Filters” to create new filters. Easy!
Set Up Comprehensive Filters
There are a variety of filters you could use, but for our money it’s tough to beat this guide from Analytics Edge. We’ve used this on our own site and for several clients, and we’ve found it removes 99% of the spam referrals we were seeing upon application. That includes all the most famous players, like semalt and heyclickhere.net.
Monitor Vigilantly
Once you have your views and filters set up, you’ll need to watch the test view carefully for a few days to ensure you’re getting the traffic you should be. You can also see any clever spam referrals that are sneaking through. If all is working as it should, apply that exact set of filters to your Filtered view. You can also simply clone the Test view (if you haven’t added any other odd filters) and reap the benefits.
One thing to note: These filters do not apply retroactively, so you’re still going to have to report on historical data with that annoying spam present. One of the easiest ways to do this is to consult your list of referrals, in particular, and look for anything from the Analytics Edge list of common spam sources. You can then then go to Customization and create a filtered report (filtering by Source) that removes those common spam referrals. It’s a little tedious to set these reports up, but it’s worthwhile.
Because spammers are constantly changing their tactics, this is never going to be a set-and-forget solution. Be sure to check resources like Analytics Edge on a regular basis to see what’s changed. If you do spot a new source of spam traffic, add it to your filters. This is the best way to ensure your reporting is based on clean, accurate data. Shockingly, your marketing efforts will benefit from that over the long haul.
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How To Break Spam Traffic With Google Analytic Filters
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This blog was originally posted on our official blog at Design Proficient
So your boss asks you to audit your Google Analytics Reports, but when you dive headfirst into your accounts, you notice your seemingly robust traffic is… spam. A lot of it. This will likely happen to you at some point in your career, and it will be intensely frustrating. Trying to keep up with ever-evolving spammers is like playing Whack-a-Mole in the dark with one of those little rubber mallets you see in a doctor’s office, and that’s just as exhausting and confusing as it sounds. Fortunately, there’s a quick and pretty simple way to get your spam referrals under control with Google Analytics filters. It won’t solve all your spam problems forever, but it’ll put you on great footing early in 2017. And you deserve that.
Create New Views
The very first thing you should do before you tinker with your account is set up three Google Analytics views. The first should be a completely untouched, unfiltered accounting of your website traffic. The second should be a test view, where you’re going to screw around with filters and potentially break everything. The third should be your carefully vetted filtered view, which you’ll use for reporting purposes.
Google Analytics Filters
Start by navigating into the Admin panel in your Google Analytics account.After that, select “View Settings,” click the dropdown for “Create New View,” and get all three set up. From there, you can go into “Admin” and “Filters” to create new filters. Easy!
Set Up Comprehensive Filters
There are a variety of filters you could use, but for our money it’s tough to beat this guide from Analytics Edge. We’ve used this on our own site and for several clients, and we’ve found it removes 99% of the spam referrals we were seeing upon application. That includes all the most famous players, like semalt and heyclickhere.net.
Monitor Vigilantly
Once you have your views and filters set up, you’ll need to watch the test view carefully for a few days to ensure you’re getting the traffic you should be. You can also see any clever spam referrals that are sneaking through. If all is working as it should, apply that exact set of filters to your Filtered view. You can also simply clone the Test view (if you haven’t added any other odd filters) and reap the benefits.
One thing to note: These filters do not apply retroactively, so you’re still going to have to report on historical data with that annoying spam present. One of the easiest ways to do this is to consult your list of referrals, in particular, and look for anything from the Analytics Edge list of common spam sources. You can then then go to Customization and create a filtered report (filtering by Source) that removes those common spam referrals. It’s a little tedious to set these reports up, but it’s worthwhile.
Because spammers are constantly changing their tactics, this is never going to be a set-and-forget solution. Be sure to check resources like Analytics Edge on a regular basis to see what’s changed. If you do spot a new source of spam traffic, add it to your filters. This is the best way to ensure your reporting is based on clean, accurate data. Shockingly, your marketing efforts will benefit from that over the long haul.
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This blog was originally posted on our official blog at Design Proficient
Social media has now become the backbone of marketing activities. Various platforms are available where ideas, products, services and brand`s names are promoted. Almost all kinds of audiences are available on social media and marketers only have to drive their attention towards a certain goal.
Like any other medium, there are several marketing trends of social media as well which kept on changing with time and market nature. Selection of right trends at the right moment as per the market requirements related to the product or brand is the key to success in the world of social media.
Here are five unexpected social media marketing trends of 2018.
Negative marketing by your social media company
There is a boost of negative or immoral activities to promote the brand or product. Even popular names of the market are involved in such activities. Negative marketing through social media is easy, and such posts get viral at a faster speed than any other mean. Somehow such tactics are supported by some negative-minded audience, and a debate between moral and immoral activities is stated, and the huge audience participates in giving their views.
However negative marketing through social media is a big risk because sometimes the mess ends up with a mammoth loss like the one recently happened with Snap Chat for misusing Rihanna and Clark’s personal issues.
Support of Positivity
On the other hand, 2018 trends also include support of positive campaign and initiatives by different organizations or people. Social media marketing gave a boost to campaigns that are thought-provoking. Even very small issues or cultural practices are being supported in the name of marketing of brands and products. The companies link their product to something indirectly to promote the cause and their brand, both at a time.
Sensitive Issues
Many branding strategies include debates and discussions related to sensitive issues of the society. For example, there are several brands who took the initiative to feature fat, short-height, disable, syndrome patients as their models for promotion of their fashion products. They started such trends by posting some modeling pictures on social media and getting a view from the audience.
Promotion of Local Art and Culture
Now, social media marketing is not for a brand or product promotion, but it is also linked to the countries from where the organization belongs. People appreciate and love the posts, images, and ads which promote local art and culture of any country. Artists, who are not legends and too famous but still have good talent get a platform to showcase their strengths meanwhile companies get the attention of the audience.
Photography and Illustration
Copy-pasting of images is now an old way to carry out your marketing activities via social media. Now people want to see the real images of your product. Quality of product photography is also linked to an increase in sales and lead generation.
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5 Unexpected Social Media Marketing Trends in professional social media services2018
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This blog was originally posted on our official blog at Design Proficient
Social media has now become the backbone of marketing activities. Various platforms are available where ideas, products, services and brand`s names are promoted. Almost all kinds of audiences are available on social media and marketers only have to drive their attention towards a certain goal.
Like any other medium, there are several marketing trends of social media as well which kept on changing with time and market nature. Selection of right trends at the right moment as per the market requirements related to the product or brand is the key to success in the world of social media.
Here are five unexpected social media marketing trends of 2018.
Negative marketing by your social media company
There is a boost of negative or immoral activities to promote the brand or product. Even popular names of the market are involved in such activities. Negative marketing through social media is easy, and such posts get viral at a faster speed than any other mean. Somehow such tactics are supported by some negative-minded audience, and a debate between moral and immoral activities is stated, and the huge audience participates in giving their views.
However negative marketing through social media is a big risk because sometimes the mess ends up with a mammoth loss like the one recently happened with Snap Chat for misusing Rihanna and Clark’s personal issues.
Support of Positivity
On the other hand, 2018 trends also include support of positive campaign and initiatives by different organizations or people. Social media marketing gave a boost to campaigns that are thought-provoking. Even very small issues or cultural practices are being supported in the name of marketing of brands and products. The companies link their product to something indirectly to promote the cause and their brand, both at a time.
Sensitive Issues
Many branding strategies include debates and discussions related to sensitive issues of the society. For example, there are several brands who took the initiative to feature fat, short-height, disable, syndrome patients as their models for promotion of their fashion products. They started such trends by posting some modeling pictures on social media and getting a view from the audience.
Promotion of Local Art and Culture
Now, social media marketing is not for a brand or product promotion, but it is also linked to the countries from where the organization belongs. People appreciate and love the posts, images, and ads which promote local art and culture of any country. Artists, who are not legends and too famous but still have good talent get a platform to showcase their strengths meanwhile companies get the attention of the audience.
Photography and Illustration
Copy-pasting of images is now an old way to carry out your marketing activities via social media. Now people want to see the real images of your product. Quality of product photography is also linked to an increase in sales and lead generation.
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This blog was originally posted on our official blog at Design Proficient
Logo design agency has been changing and progressing day by day. Things that were cool or appealed people of yesterday may not be interactive for today’s folks. In this trend-changing environment, designers have to face many difficulties in creating a market-competitive design that will stay interactive for a long period.
The designer must know what concept of designing or strategy is productive to compete for the present market. For this, I’ve collected ultimate logo design trends that are being used by some of the best logo design companies in 2018.
Spruce up Logo for your custom logo design company
Go with simplicity to avoid scruffiness in design. It is all about to make the logo elegant and neat by trimming all the unnecessary details and leaving only the essentials.
Logo simplification makes a huge impact as we all want simplification in things. Modern technology has made quite easy to generate a cleaner perception of the logo.
2. Monochrome Logo
The monochrome logo is another hot trend for this year. It is made up of a single color. It is also called one-color logo. Mostly used color is black and white. Prodigital, Myphilosphy, and Toyka are some of the examples of the monochrome logo.
3. Simple Geometrical Shapes
If you’re using complex shapes in logos, you need to check this new trend. Now trend has changed, you have to change too. Design logo with simple shapes. Start with clean lines, points, and circles then add some decent colors. Consider the designs of Nike, Fendi, Giorgio Armani, Mitsubishi, National Geographic, and Cisco logos. They could be a big inspiration for your new logo design.
4. Letter-Stacking Logo
Creating a stacked-type logo is becoming more common today. Most of the designers are using this newest trend with contrast colors. It is used to make viewers unravel what is being said, providing them easiness to remember with creating visual hierarchy in the logo.
5. Hand-Lettering Logo
The trend of creating Hand-lettering logo has been dominating for the last couple of years. Interestingly in 2018, the importance of this trend remains the same. In fact, it is an ultimate technique allow the designer to sketch his tails, serifs, ligatures, and loops to create an emotional connection with the audience. The hand-lettering logos of FedEx and Cocacola are one of those hand-lettering logos that are depicting a vivid brand story successfully.
6. Add Features and Wings
Opting this trendy logo style is enough to make your logo memorable and stand out in the completive market. Add some wings or features and make your design fly high among other logos.
7. Monogram Logos
Monogram logos are considered as an evergreen type of logo. It has been around since ancient Greece era but prospered in the late 19th century when fashion industries started using it.
Monogram Logos are made up of two or more letters to form one recognizable symbol that can depict your brand or business identity.
2018 is with us, brought great things and still has many things in store for custom logo designers. I’ve revealed some of them, now it’s your turn to hunt more and choose the best way to design. You can consider these trends also to make a killer logo.
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This blog was originally posted on our official blog at Design Proficient
Social media is a pool of online communication channels with more than 2.5 billion users, it can be a perfect means to socialize and gain massive engagement.
Indeed, SEO and social media are two main things in marketing that cannot be ignored. Being a marketer, you should know how important it is to have fine expertise in social media networks.
Remember each platform is different, one cannot go with same strategies and apply them on all. Using each platform wisely can benefit you more than your expectations.
To be very honest social media posts aren’t used directly for optimization. But still, the importance is vital which cannot be ignored as both strongly correlate with each other according to the current search metrics report.
Using best social media marketing services — SMM
You can improve your SEO with SMM. Remember SEO and social media aren’t two different things. With Social media marketing strategies and social media posts, you can make many customers quickly. All you have to do is to start with a plan and set your goals. Develop social strategy and see how social posts can help you in optimizing.
Make yourself well-known
With 3.2 billion users, the Internet is a crowded place where you have to make serious efforts to stand out from others by using content wisely. With high-quality content, you can make yourself well-known in the eyes of people. The content related to your brand message is the only way to increase your business organically and so for optimization.
Social Media — perfect staging for backlinks
We all know how the wise use of relevant backlinks is essential for site optimization. But most of us don’t know that social media is one of the important ground for it. As around a third of entire population are interested in reading or sharing content that they think interesting.
Social Media — as a search engine
The post of social media also works as search engines through which one can search you. People nowadays are using social media posts more than the Google or any other search engine to search anything.
For example, people can search you by using hashtags you used in your Instagram stories. Similarly, they can also search anything on Facebook just by keywords.
The online presence of your company on each platform is crucial. Most of the people search you by your name on social media platforms to know what type of online presence you possess.
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This blog was originally posted on our official blog at Design Proficient
We all know that 2017 was the year of digital marketing. But 2018 is even brighter than its preceding years for digital marketing. To promote a business using mobile phones, social media platforms, and other digital means is becoming crucial as 4.021 billion people are using the internet today.
SEO, SEM, SMM, Content Marketing, email marketing, and viral marketing are some of the digital marketing types used by many professional social media services.
The importance of digital marketing is still the same as earlier. In fact, 2018 has brought new productive ways to make the task of a marketer much easier.
In today’s blog, I’ll explain you how digital marketing makes headway in 2018 using different marketing techniques:
SMM, Get Professional Social Media Services
With the wise use of Social media platforms, one can connect with its brand’s customers more quickly, can increase brand exposure, and broader customer demographics.
Start with proper planning. It can help you to move successfully, prevent failure and makes your brand well-known more quickly among customers.
Study your audience, try to know what they can expect, like or prefer. Allow them to participate in your post by acknowledging their reviews.
Know your competitors and study what they’re doing to attract customers to the product.
Post compelling content for the people. Do not bore them by talking only about your business. Rather see how you can appealingly convey your brand message without losing their attention. I would rather suggest you go with memes and interactive videos.
Video Marketing
If you want to grab more attention of the customers towards your brand then, nothing would be more productive than the interactive Videos. Whether it is Facebook, Instagram or any other social media platform, videos are being viewed or shared more than any other thing. In fact, more than a billion users watch videos daily.
Try to make the video relevant to the product. Keep it short in between 10–20 seconds and make these seconds unforgettable for your audience. Remember the video with boring theme or plot won’t help you in any way.
Email Marketing
Another way to convey your brand message to the masses can be email marketing as more than 50% of the earth is using email currently. In fact, the number is projected to reach 2.9 billion users in next few years.
All you have to:
Start with goal
Build your email list
Select the best email marketing campaign
Structure your first campaign and ensure if it’s relevant to the subscribers
Then, Measure and compare your results
Today more than 80% of best social media companies are using digital marketing to promote their business and getting desirable results in this way.
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Goals are crucial in life, and one must have. Without which one cannot go with success in his/her life. Goals help you to motivate and focus on the essential things, allow you to measure progress, and help you overcome procrastination
Begin with the end (goal) in mind.
– Stephen Covey
Especially, being a designer, you cannot go without setting goals. In fact in designing, if you fail to set a goal, you plan to fail.
Creating a website that appeal masses must be a primary goal of any businessperson or designer. Remember a great site doesn’t only looks good but must have more than it.
So, if you’re going to design a website then read this blog carefully.
After spending hours on the internet, I’ve collected some useful goal-setting elements for your new website, so read on:
Always try to create a user-friendly or user-centric website that helps visitors to navigate or search things on the site easily.
Try to focus on visibility, maintain the white space on your website and make your site pleasant with visual design. Bring consistency in typography and also use relevant interactive visuals with the text. Give attention to each thing; it can help you produce a user-centric site.
UX sins to be avoided:
Inconsistency in typography
Use of irrelevant images and videos on site
Neglecting Prototyping
Avoid proper alignments
Give a messy perception of the website to the visitors
Your customers or users are everything. Don’t do anything that hurts or harm UX. Just read the canons of UI/UX, and follow them properly while designing.
What’s your brand persona or niche is? What your targeted customers are? These two questions should be given importance when making a website. As the site is your brand’s online existence in the market, it should represent your brand’s accurate persona and be capable of interacting with the customers/audience.
I’ve already discussed the importance of audience and user-centric site. So I won’t discuss it for long, but the website should be about your brand.
Who are you?
What your business nature is?
How can I stand out my website in the competitive market?
What character traits help me to make site outshine
Consider these questions, address them and make your site accordingly.
Make sure that your new site is free from extra load. Adding excessive elements/things on the site make it overloaded and take more time to load.
Slow-speed is a UX killer, can drop viewership by 50%. Test your website speed and if it’s running slow then lessen or eliminate excessive elements from the site.
Here are some useful tips to speed up your site:
Choose a good host
Optimize large images
Avoid bulky visuals
Minify resources
Enable Compression
Lastly, I would say that creating a website isn’t as simple as you think. You have to start with a SMART goal.
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This blog was originally posted on our official blog at Design Proficient
So it is 2018, New Year, new things on the way. Many things have transformed and are still changing. The way of thinking about digital marketing also changes with trendy strategies.
After spending hours on research, I’ve compiled seven interesting digital marketing strategies that are expected to be common this year. So go through and choose the best one for your product marketing:
Increase Use of Voice Search
With the increased use of smartphones or tablets, voice search is also increasing. In fact more than 20% of online searches are conducted through voice search and the rate is expected to increase by 50% in coming five years.
Text-based or voice search are equally important and can significantly affect SEO as well other aspects of marketing.
The huge shift from text-based search to the voice search suggests marketers alter or tweak the way they provide information online.
2. Mobile-Friendly Website
It is crucial for your business to possess online existence or visibility in the market. Your business must have a website that should be both mobile and desktop friendly.
We all know how mobile-friendly sites have been becoming important today. In fact, according to the 2018 business stats, more than 60% of search, browsing or sales happen on mobiles.
3. Video Marketing
Video content strategy is another hot trend of this year. Grabbing your customers’ attention via interactive video has been considered as one of the most successful digital marketing strategies. Two-fourth of the businesses are using video content for marketing and get more than 50% of leads annually.
You have many options in videos from live streaming to explainer videos and Vlog to animation videos. Try to study every video type and choose the most fruitful one according to your brand persona and niche.
4. Artificial Intelligence
Interestingly Artificial Intelligence has been becoming powerful means where marketers can expect high growth in their business.
The technology has already been impacting our daily lives. Whether it is about automated transportation or taking over dangerous jobs in the world, A.I works everywhere.
In marketing A.I helps you to build a strong relationship with the customers. The technology is being used to grasp customers’ behavior and even helps in decision-making.
5. Blog
No strategy can work more than writing a blog about your brand. If people know who you are, what you are doing, how you’ve struggled, how you’ve launched your brand, then they’ll show more engagement in your product.
Creating a brand’s blog is trendy. I’ve seen many businesspersons writing blogs about their products and getting decent engagements.
6. Social Media Platform
Social media platform- Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram is being used for marketing purpose. In this year, the use of social media platforms for digital marketing will be given more importance.
Conduct a poll on your product story in Instagram; create and use brand hashtags on every post; go live on Facebook and say something about your business; advertising or paid marketing are some of the things one can do to promote his/her brand.
Lastly, digital marketing is a need of today’s business. Marketers must know ongoing trends through which they can promote business.
Hopefully you now have an idea of what is and is to come with regards to Digital Marketing strategies in the coming years.
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Web designer must not forget that they have 10 seconds or even less to grab the visitors’ attention on the site. That means they have no chance to make any mistakes while making web designs.
The nonfunctional website is a big headache which is an outcome of our own mistakes. One can deal with it by ignoring the below-mentioned blunders while creating a web design:
Making Your Site Overloaded
Heavy content or adding unnecessary things like excessive pop-ups, advertisements, plug-ins, and visuals can give your site a messy look. In fact, these things would be damaging for your site. Try to do performance/stress testing of your existing site and check if it’s free from load.
2. Not Mobile-Friendly
When it comes to the perfect site, it is not an easy task. It should be both — desktop and mobile friendly. Unfortunately, most of the designers do not know that more than 40% of sales happen on mobile. And if people cannot approach your site via mobile than it’ll lose a big chance of traffic, ROI or sales. So check out if your site is handy for mobile or tablet users by testing it on suitable mobile-responsive checker tool.
3. Using Inappropriate Typography
The use of inappropriate typefaces or unreadable fonts (use of too large or too small fonts) on the website is the not-to-do thing that we commonly do.
It is your task to offer people a website which has readable content. Use appropriate font size. Use bright colors against the light background and light colors against dark colored-background.
4. Avoid Simplicity
Making things overcomplicated on site is another mistake most of us do, that should be sidestepped. With simple layouts, illustration, and the familiar language you can make things easy-to-understand and simple for your customers.
5. Poor Navigating System
The site built with the strong navigating system is considered as successful. On the other hand, if people find difficulty in searching or getting their required information, they will abandon the site.
Creating a navigating system on your site is not enough. Rather one has to maintain its performance. Poorly built navigation bar can make things horrible for your visitors and so for you.
6. Adding Excessive Backlinks
Adding Backlinks is useful but too many links on your webpage is against strong UI/UX designcanon. Excessive backlinks can distract readers to engage with your website. Unfortunately, I’ve seen many people doing this. I would suggest not to add more than two backlinks in a single web page.
7. Ignore Headings- H1 and H2
Most of the designers ignore the importance of headings and emphasis more on the content; it is UX killer. Remember more than 80% of visitors read the headings of your site and judge content. Aappealing headlines can give you a better chance of higher viewership. The site should possess clear, indulging headings and subheadings through which website can rank.
8. Having No or Unclear Key Information
Who are you? What services you’re offering? How you deliver them? How people can contact you? These are some of the things your visitors may want to know immediately after landing on your website. Unfortunately, most of us missed these things to mention clearly in sites and got poor outcomes in the face of low traffic or sales.
9. Putting Irrelevant or Less Interactive Visuals
Images and videos could be more interactive than those wordy texts written on your site if they’re being used wisely. Most of us, sometimes, emphasizing more on the text do not give importance to the relevancy of the visuals. Remember poor selection of visuals can ruin the overall website design.
So, these are the common but serious mistakes we often use to do while designing. Hopefully you have found these things helpful enough.
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This blog was originally posted on our official blog at Design Proficient
Instagram is a message, photo or video sharing application, launched just seven years ago. Currently, it has more than 750 million users. In fact, it has been gaining more popularity day by day. According to the current business stats, Instagram is projected to reach one billion users in the next year.
The popularity of Instagram is huge and it will get more users than the Facebook messenger, twitter, or even Whatsapp in the near future.
But what are the reasons behind its huge popularity?
It is because, the use of the app isn’t just restricted to the common individual. In fact, companies with the big names are also using Instagram for their products’ marketing.
There are many useful Instagram features which can be used as a marketing tool for business development or progress in 2018.
So here are some of the amazing Instagram features use for the business:
This feature is enough to blow your mind and make your business rise to the level you want without any stress. If you have to showcase multiple pictures of your product in the single post, this feature is ideal for you.
The respective style allows you to share up to ten pictures in one post. It is like an alteration of slideshow showcasing multiple images and videos for the storytelling.
If you’re a marketer or any businessperson you cannot afford to ignore Hashtags. Hashtags are in trend and used everywhere nowadays.
Putting the relevant hashtag allows you to make stories more indulging and you can get more views with it. Even one can easily find your stories using these hashtags.
There are two types of hashtags; Campaign hashtag and Brand Hashtag.
Companies make their brand hashtag with their name and use it for the brand’s promotion. Take an example of Cisco, it made its brand hashtag with the line of #WeAreCisco.
Coca-Cola’s #ShareACoke is one of the successful examples of the campaign hashtag.
Another Instagram feature is a poll sticker. It is a fantastic feature that allows you to engage with other people in your picture or story.
All you have to do is just click the image of the product or write a story and conduct a poll on it. The feature allows you to ask questions from others and collects people’s reviews.
Bring excitement and colors out and make your business stories more prominent. Story or a post on Instagram with the colorful background is considered as more appealing than the stories without.
Instagram algorithm update faced many changes in the past. Despite many changes, still, it is a powerful feature for your business.
It compares your posts with your previous posts on the basis of engagement and also put the latest story on the top. It cares about both how much engagement your story gets from the people and also how quickly you get that engagement.
With acknowledgment of engagement you can know what strategy can work best for grabbing customers’ attention.
So, these are some of the many amazing features one must consider for his/her business using Instagram.
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This blog was originally posted on our official blog at Design Proficient
Everyone wants their website to be successful. Unfortunately, most of us don’t know much about how to make a site stand out in the competitive market.
It is not only a good web-design but also usability that makes your site successful. But, sometimes we neglect the customers’ ease of use and give more importance to other things.
A successful website is one that gets popularity and provides you with significant ROI. It is not always about the design but about the mix of everything that is suitable according to your niche. As you have created the website for customers and users, so it is essential to make it appropriate for them. A user-friendly approach to designing, developments, sorting and content generation can play a vital role in creating a website accessible and popular.
Remember, people when visiting your site shouldn’t be confused about a single element; whether it is about content, page-loading, navigation, color or anything on site. If visitors get confused or find any difficulty using your site, they leave, and your site will get a poor reputation.
So, if you have been struggling for the user-friendly website, then read mentioned information carefully and try to implement these as well.
ALSO READ: 5 Ways to Improve Your SEO Strategy
In today’s world where mobile web browsing becomes more common than desktop. It becomes a necessity to create a mobile-friendly website.
It is a task of a designer to test his/her website both on desktop and mobile. There’re many testing tools available in the market that are considered handy for both newbies and experts.
W3C mobileOK Checker, iPhone, iPad Peek, Gomez, MobiReady, dotMobi Emulator are some of the several tools which allow you to check speed, accessibility and overall performance of the site.
Being a web designer or developer, you must know how important your site loading time is. If it takes more than 5 sec to load, then it won’t be considered as a user-friendly site. Moreover delay in page loading may not only affect website’s usability but also it’s ranking.
Avoiding the additional videos, images, and plugins on the site can work more than wonder for your site. Furthermore, I would also suggest you check your website speed with KeyCDN Speed Test, Pingdom, Gtmetrix or any reliable tool you want.
If the website looks unorganized or cluttered, then users may find hectic to get their required information from the site.
All you can do to make a site organized and synchronized for users are; make your website layout or design simple enough; always put organized or relevant content; add relevant or useful call-to-action to the site, follow a single theme for every page.
The website you’re creating should be user-centric. In other words, it should be designed while keeping user’s behavior, choices, preferences, and their comfort in mind.
Users feel comfortable when they find each and everything consistent or relevant on site. It is your job to maintain consistency and familiarity with elements, design, typography, color, navigation on the website.
Creating a visual web design is another way to make your site user-friendly. Visual design is all about how you aesthetically bring color, images, typography and other elements together to improve the user`s experience.
Pulling all the website elements altogether also requires the wise use of white space, line, shapes and showing the hierarchy between different items.
Strong market research is essential for creating a user-friendly website, with the help of which you can:
Target customers that are relevant to your brand.
Consider approaches that can give you good Return on Investment.
Conduct prototype testing which will allow you to avoid future errors.
Well, there are many other elements you can go through to make your site more user-friendly. But the elements mentioned above are vital which you cannot ignore.
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5 Ways to Improve Your SEO Strategy
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This blog was originally posted on our official blog at Design Proficient
SEO of a website is mandatory for business because it allows consumers to find you easily on Google or other search engines. When are visible on top rankings people don`t have to find you particularly. Your accessibility is improved and you can earn more money.
There are many things you can do to bring your website up to your desiring ranking on Google. So read on:
ALSO READ: Why AMP is Important for your Website
Being a website owner, it is up to you what type of content you’re putting on your site. Whether it is about technology, science, health, politics or any other topic. Just make sure you’re putting high-quality material relevant to your business.
Adding relevant content isn’t just enough instead you should also add keyword on the page. To understand the strategy of behind which keyword would be suitable and which is not, just think about your customers or readers. How they’ll search your content from Google and what keywords they’ll write. After acknowledging right keywords apply them on your webpage, wisely. Remember adding excessive keywords can be destructive for your site. Don’t add more than six keywords in a single page.
Try to update your content on a regular basis. Frequent posting on the website not only give your site a new life but also allow visitors to view or share fresh content. In fact, most of the website’s owners follow the same tactic just to assure if they’re getting chance of better ranking in Google. Wikipedia is one of the famous sites which updates its content very frequently.
Your web-page loading speed is an important matter which you cannot take for granted. If a website takes more than 2-sec in loading then probably it will lose a high chance of ranking in future. The delay in page loading can bother users, adversely affects bounce rate, conversion, sales and overall hurts site’s SEO.
Don’t worry. You can easily protect your site by lessening or eliminating all the bulky-size videos, images, and additional plugins.
Uploading a high-quality content with relevant keywords is essential. But, adding outbound links on the content can also work more than wonders.
Just make sure, you’re linking an appropriate or relevant site on your webpage. Don’t add extra backlinks, as excessive backlinks discourage readers to grasp the content.
Outbound Links not only help you with your site ranking but also help you to build a strong relationship with other sites.
It is a mistake to think, ‘intricate, complex and difficult text as classy’ about which designer has to be very clear. Remember, it is not an appropriate way to go. Instead, you should use clear, simple, vague-less, familiar, and readable text or content to grab visitors‘attention.
Making your web content up to the canons of readability is another way to get better position or ranking in Google. According to some experts, Google considers readability of your website in raking.
You can check your site’s readability through these sites:
The writer
Improving a site ranking isn’t that difficult just use the tips as mentioned above. Hopefully, they will work enough for your site ranking.
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Why AMP is Important for your Website
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This blog was originally posted on our official blog at Design Proficient
AMP refers to Accelerated Mobile Pages and its now being backed by Google as well. When we open a website on the desktop it loads comparatively faster than our cell phones. It is because your desktops have supportive programs. Also, RAM and memory are more than that of mobiles. Another factor is that processors of desktops are faster and efficient than mobiles. All these reasons not only affect the speed of loading of website but also disturbs the user experience.
According to Rudy Galfi, AMP’s project PM affirms
“The median load time for AMP is 0.7 seconds, the time it takes for your eye to blink twice. By contrast, the median load time for non-AMPs is 22.0 seconds, the time it takes for you to leave the site and never come back.”
Here are some benefits of AMPs and how they can affect the commercial world.
ALSO READ: 5 Unique Ways to Upgrade Your Website to Keep Building Brilliance
More views more customers
When a website takes too long to load, viewers mostly switch the page off and go for some other options. No one likes o wait. AMP allows the website to load almost four times faster. More people can view your website easily. More views eventually help companies to have more customers.
Efficient system
AMP technology is efficient in many ways. It allows videos, pictures and sound clips to load faster and improves data consumption system. It also helps users to view more in less time. Speed efficiency enables clients to view videos which they usually use to skip because of long and protracted buffering time.
Better Ranking
Google recognizes AMP websites more valuable for the users. Google mark AMP websites and their placement rankings get improved. Convalescent content distribution and top rankings on Google allow website owners to expand their business quickly and efficiently.
Standard for Publishers
Accelerated Mobile Pages is an open-source coding standard for publishers. AMP forces you to use a streamlined version of CSS also it doesn’t allow Javascript. You are provided with an off-the-shelf Javascript, you can use features from there.
Hopefully, you liked reading the mentioned information related to AMP benefits for your website and will try this new technology to improve the loading speed of your websites when are being used via mobiles and tablets. This technology is good to promote your business as well because more the people view the details on your website they feel more convinced to purchase particular product or services.
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