destinyxangel · 3 years
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destinyxangel · 3 years
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destinyxangel · 3 years
“You have a good point there,” he just hoped that she wouldn’t change her mind later. It was something that he was constantly afraid of, that people would just stop liking him, and that everyone would leave. It was probably because of his tough childhood, but he didn’t really voice that, not even to people that he was close to, “This one seems good,” he pointed at a movie that had Ryan Reynolds on the cover, “Seems to be an action movie, I heard really good things about it, it’s about a video game NPC, that doesn’t he’s one, I think we should watch that one.”
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Eyebrows elevated when Billy had chosen a movie, looking over the one in question curiously. “I’ve never watched this one before. We should go for it. I mean, Ryan Reynolds is a babe, so I don’t think I’ll complain when he invades the screen.” the blonde mused lightly, reaching for a pack of cookies and offering it to Billy after she’d pried it open. It was funny, she’d only just met him and yet, it felt like she could trust this guy - like they’d been having these movie dates for years since there was something about him that made Angel feel comfortable. 
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destinyxangel · 3 years
“Everyone’s capable of courage. Perhaps you just need a little encouragement.” Carter suggested with a small smile. “Yeah, that sounds like me.” He admitted with a small laugh. “Not always in my best interests though. Having caution isn’t a bad thing. But if you feel like it’s holding you back from what you really want to do we should find a way to help you overcome it.” He suggested as he jumped down from his bar stool again, finishing off his beer with a swift swig before holding out his hand to the woman. “Fancy a duet?”
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Eyes widened when Carter hopped off his seat and held out his hand to her, wanting them both to take the stage. Angel froze on cue, her entire body stiffening and wishing that she could just sink right through the floor. He wasn’t scared of anything, was he? This man was so confidently posed, facing things head on and it wouldn’t surprise her if there were zero things he feared. Blue eyes went from looking at the hand that was offered to her back to his face, almost looking at Carter with a pleading expression. She wanted to, but fear was always the one thing holding her back, forever Angel’s main culprit. ”... What if I can’t?”
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destinyxangel · 3 years
“Are you really sure you want to take me up on that challenge. Because I will lift you just to prove a point.” Jason warned with a small laugh, scooping up Alfie instead, the stocky dog panting happily as he was easily hefted into Jason’s arms. “Come on, you can’t be much heavier than this guy and I can bench press him with one arm easy.”
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”Dare you.” Angel challenged with a devious smirk blossoming onto her lips. It was fun to challenge Jason and push his buttons like this. It wasn’t like she was serious about him not being able to lift much of anything or him being weak - he probably knew she was only joking around. “Are you saying I’m a lightweight, Jason Todd?” the blonde questioned before her gaze landed on Alfie, hand brushing over the fur of his head gently, smiling at the dog. “I’m almost offended, but being in the same range as this adorable guy just makes it a compliment.”
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destinyxangel · 3 years
“Really? You haven’t hung out with the right people then,” he watched movies with his friends all the time, it was probably one of the things that he did the most when he hung out with them. There were times that they ended up talking too, but usually it was about the movie, and even when it wasn’t, they could still focus on both, or at least he could anyway, “We could search for one that neither one of us watched, there’s probably one in a streaming site since a new movie come out like every month,” he wished he had more time to watch all of them, but it wasn’t easy to keep up with them. He didn’t have the time not even when he was just a kid, since he had to become an adult really early on in life, since he was given powers when he was young.
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”Well, that’s why I’m hanging out with you now.” the blonde commented playfully. When Billy commented on searching for a movie that neither of them had watched before, Angel nodded in agreement. Pulling the iPad back up, she started browsing through the various movies and made sure that Billy could also watch the screen with her. At the same time, the metahuman kept reaching for the Cheetos here and there, continuing to munch away at them. It was rare for her to feel this normal, but it was nice. “Just tell me if you see anything you like.”
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destinyxangel · 3 years
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destinyxangel · 3 years
💡 a scared text.
Angel: Oliver, I need your help.
Angel: Because I think I got knocked out and I have no idea where I am.
Angel: I’m sorry, I just didn’t know who else to text and I’m freaking out.
( @themanbeneaththehood )
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destinyxangel · 3 years
“Too many times.” Jason chuckled at her question. “Never anywhere that felt like it was going to be permanent until now.” He clarified with a small smile. It was the first time since he lived in Wayne Manor that he felt comfortable calling a place ‘home’. “Hey, I did help.” He defended himself with a mock-affronted look. “These guns aren’t just for show. I can pull my weight.”
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”Yeah? I’ll believe that when I see it.” Angel challenged, smirk blossoming onto her features as she lifted her eyebrows for more effect. It wasn’t often that she got to banter around with people like this, but in the moments that she did, she highly relished in the feeling it gave her. It was a much welcomed distraction and it made her feel better about starting her new life. “Like, I bet you couldn’t even lift me. You don’t look like you’ve got a lot of game. Rory looks much stronger.”
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destinyxangel · 3 years
“One of the many things, yes.” Carter confirmed with a small smile at her question. “Finding joy in the little things makes it a lot easier to work towards the big things, I’ve found.” He shrugged, before cocking his head in curiosity at her. “What exactly about it do you envy?”
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”Just... your courage.” Angel admitted, which was true. She didn’t think that she was all that brave, constantly hiding in a corner whenever someone wanted her to sing in front of a whole crowd of people. She just couldn’t do it and it annoyingly stood in the way of what she really wanted. “I love singing, it’s my true passion, what I want to do in life, but... I can’t get up on that stage and perform in front of people. I freeze and I get terrified. That’s why I envy you. Because you seem like the kind of guy who goes for what he wants without anything stopping him.”
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destinyxangel · 3 years
“I would love to be your friend,” he wasn’t saying that he would trust her right away, it would take some time, but letting him watch a movie with her and sharing her snacks with him, especially the latter, was definitely a good start there, “You’re right, it’s the ideal, yes,” he smiled at her, “My name is Billy, it’s nice to meet you Angel,” he loved her name, it wasn’t a, surprisingly enough, name that was as popular as some may think. To be honest, he didn’t think he ever met someone else that was called Angel, “And I’m thrilled that you want to share both with me, I think that not enough people do that, you know? It’s sure a good way to start a friendship,” he watched movies alone sometimes, but having someone that you could talk about the scenes, was better.
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”Nice to meet you too, Billy. I haven’t had a movie buddy in a long time, so it’s nice to have one again.” the blonde commented jokingly. Now that she thought about it, Angel never really had any close and true friends before, in the life she’d shared with her husband. But now that she had a do over, maybe that could all change and she could do things differently. She’d already met some amazing people and it never hurt to meet even more and add them to the list. The only thing she was still looking for was someone who could help her develop her metahuman abilities so that she could use them properly. Angel wanted to use them in order to help others since seeing the future could come in very handy when fighting crime, but she was still such a rookie at being a metahuman and the blonde wanted that to change. “So what movie do you want to watch?”
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destinyxangel · 3 years
texting starters send a symbol for…
🌻 a worried text.
🐰 a goofy text.
🦋 a loving text.  
🧦 a half-asleep text.
🌳 a happy text.
🍎 an apologetic text.
⚠️ a text meant for someone else.
🕰️ an early morning text.
💫 a late night text.
🗑️ a text that wasn’t sent.
💡 a scared text.
💀 an urgent text.
🥇 a supportive text.
🔪 a hateful text. 
🌊 a sad text.
⚡ an angry text. 
🚀 a goodbye text.
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destinyxangel · 3 years
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destinyxangel · 3 years
“Usually anything that action is involved, most of the time Sci-Fi, they may be my favorite kind,” he wasn’t saying that he would be against watching a romantic movie, but if he was alone, and had a choice, he would pick something that had to do with aliens, or supernatural creatures, powers, “Not sure if I have a favorite movie,” he admitted, “That’s good, hopefully you already made some friends,” he noticed that could help when you were stuck in a new situation, he wondered if she really moved there or if she was there for the same reason he was, “I would love to.”
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”I think I might make one more now that he’s said yes to joining me on my movie binge.” Angel commented with a smirk brushing across her face, patently referring to the young man in front of her. He seemed friendly and harmless enough, though looks could always be deceiving. The blonde decided to take that risk however, the park was public enough anyway. “And if you’re planning on watching movies with me, we should at least know each other’s names, don’t you think? So I’ll start. My name’s Angel and I’m thrilled to have someone to share my movies and snacks with because I don’t do well with being and eating alone.” 
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destinyxangel · 3 years
“Not a horror movie kind of guy myself, though romance is not really a genre I would pick  to watch,” he admitted, he never watched Titanic before, because it never interested him, which was why he didn’t recognize it when he saw it on her screen. Was there any point in watching it now when he knew the end already? “Recently moved, it has been like a few weeks or so, maybe a month already, you?” he stopped counting, when he realized that he most likely wouldn’t go anywhere, that he wouldn’t be able to go back home, he stopped. It would only frustrate him if he continued to do it.
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”What’s your favorite genre then? And do you have a favorite movie?” the metahuman inquired, nodding in response when he filled her in on how long he’d been here. “I’ve been here a couple of months by now. I’m still adjusting though, but I think I’m getting there, slowly but steadily.” Angel admitted as she reached out to the iPad with one hand to turn the movie off. “Do you want to join me? I’ve got plenty of movies left to watch and I can’t eat all of this food on my own.”
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destinyxangel · 3 years
Carter rose an eyebrow in amusement when she latched onto his words - it sounded like he had hit a nerve. “Yeah, it wasn’t easy to pick myself up after.” He muttered. In truth it was an actual death experience - multiple times over each more traumatic than the last. “I struggled for a long time, questioning myself constantly, wondering what I was supposed to be doing with my life. I was lucky I had people around me to help guide me on the right path.” He told her with a small smile. The Waverider crew, Alex, Ada, Tommy. They had all helped pick up and glue back together the fractured pieces of all the people Carter had been until it felt like he was whole again. “And when I finally felt safe again… I decided I wanted to do everything I could to enjoy however many years the Gods will I have left.”
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Questioning yourself constantly and wondering what you should be doing with your life hit close to home since that was exactly how Angel felt now that she’d started a new life. Her old one was gone and as much as she desired to go back to it, she knew that wasn’t an option anymore. But knowing that someone else felt the same ways that she did made the metahuman feel less alone, like maybe some people would actually understand and not think she was crazy. “And karaoke’s a part of everything you want to enjoy?” the blonde asked before taking a sip from her drink, eyes still trained on the man. “I envy that, you know.”
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destinyxangel · 3 years
“Sort of settled. Honestly I still wake up sometimes and can’t believe we’re here.” Jason admitted with a small laugh. He had never really let himself think of any of the places he settled on his own as ‘home’. There was always the slim chance he would need to drop everything and move on one day. Now though there was no fear of discovery when everything was out in the open - near enough anyway. It was one of the benefits of the unfortunate developments that came from Ivy’s attack. “But we at least finished unpacking before everyone came over.”
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”What, you’ve never moved before?” she couldn’t help but tease with a smirk blooming onto her lips. Sipping from her drink some more, Angel nodded as Jason spoke further and she felt compelled to comment on that one too. She felt comfortable around him, like she could be herself and he wouldn’t judge her for anything. It also helped that he knew her story and still decided to stick around since his own past pretty much paralleled it. Angel didn’t think that there were many people in the world like her and Jason. “You mean, Rory did all of the unpacking while you sat back and watched with a bottle of beer in your hand? Or did you actually help and do some of the heavy lifting like a good boyfriend?”
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