devildom-diaries · 4 years
The idea of mc being a gen z is just *chefs kiss* 👌🏻 can you imagine the bros just walking in the kitchen at 3 am just to find mc making chocolate pudding for everyone 😂
Hmm. You know what, I think you’re onto something here anon... 😼
Sidenote; whenever i hear the words ‘chocolate pudding’ my mind immediately goes to that one scene from the Cinderella II movie (please tell me that at least ONE of you knows what I’m talking about 🙃 )
The brothers react to MC making chocolate pudding at 3 am
- Wut in tarnation is going on here
- “MC, let me get this straight... you are up at this hour concocting some chocolate based substance at three o’clock in the morning because ‘you are AnXiEtY’ ?” ... make it make sense
- This really can’t be good for your sleeping schedule, but he is not in the mood to deal with your antics right now
- “Fine, I’ll excuse your strange behavior just this once. But if you let me catch you pulling a stunt like again, I’m going to have to intervene.”
- Says that he “just so happened to walk into the kitchen” but he was definitely searching for you around the house after he wasn’t able to find you in your room
- Bugs you every 2 seconds trying to sneak a taste and- MAMMON I SWEAR TO FUCK I WILL ADD YOU INTO THIS MIXTURE AS AN INGREDIENT IF YOU DON’T BACK UP
- Instant puppy dog eyes because he really wants to try some, but he can’t exactly eat the dessert if he is the dessert
- Pouts and sulks in the corner until you give him his pudding AND complimentary head-pats
- Was pulling an all nighter, binging his most current anime, when he all of a sudden started to get tired - but SCREW THAT HE NEEDS TO FIND OUT WHAT HAPPENS IN THE NEXT EPISODE
- Headed towards the kitchen to get some DevilBull to boost his stamina when..
- { insert spider-man pointing meme here } “What are you doing up so late at night?!”
- Tries to seem uninterested in what you’re doing but keeps looking over at you: “It’s not like I want any or whatever!! But if you decided to give me some, I wouldn’t say no...”
- Well this is strange ؟؟؟
- When he showed up to the kitchen, to make himself a soothing cup of tea, the last thing he expected to see was you dancing around the room, cocoa powder in your left hand and a whisk in your right
- Can’t tell if this is actually real life or if he’s just hallucinating..
- Simply states: “I am not dealing with this right now, I’ll see you in the morning” and DIPS
- “MCCCCCC... the bed is so cold without youuuu. What are you even up to so late at night?”
- “If you wanted to do something this late I could’ve given you something better to do” ;-)
- Puts his head on your shoulder as you stand over the stove, resting his eyes (because we all know how important beauty sleep is to Asmo)
- Takes advantage of your distracted stance and takes a good whiff of you because nothing beats the smell of pheromones
- Are y’all really surprised? I mean he was probably in the kitchen way before you even showed up lol
- You are his SAVIOUR
- No really, he truly believes that you must be his fairy godmother, because just when he was wishing that somebody would make him something to eat *POOF* you appeared
- You made this for ALL of the brothers? Nah that’s his now, so have fun with that
- Woke up to the sound of clattering pans and utensils in the distance (despite popular belief, he’s actually a pretty light sleeper. He just pretends to stay asleep for longer in order to avoid everyone else’s bullshit 🙂 )
- Quietly watches you while you work because he is a good boy...
- Him being so well-behaved definitely has nothing to do with the fact that you’re stirring a pot of boiling chocolate, which could be flung at him without warning, if he were to be a salty little brat right now
- Makes you spoon feed it to him because wow how convenient he’s all of a sudden “sleepy” again ( liar )
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devildom-diaries · 4 years
may i request a headcannon for the undateables? i dont see them getting a lot of content 😔 shaisksjxs how would the undateables react to the MC (gender neutral) being apart of Gen Z? 👀
Side Characters react to MC being a part of Gen Z
*** ALL SIDES ***
- Absolutely loves it to nobody’s surprise 🥴
- Constantly asks you to repeat vine and tiktok references which goes like...
“MC, repeat the thing you told me earlier!”
“...stupid fucking dinosaur?”
“BAAA HA HA HAAAA!! Excuse me? ExCUSE ME?”
- Will try to join in but ultimately fails because he is just a grandpa in a hella hot bod
- Ends up sending you 2010 style memes cause he genuinely can’t tell the difference rawr xD
- Does. Not. Get it.
- “What did you just say...oh....that’s nice”
- Tries to keep his mouth shut but we all know that he’s lowkey judging - but you do you boo 😌💅
- Will create a file on all of Gen Z humor as “research on human mannerisms” (he really just wants to know wtf is going on with you cause crikey)
- Begs you to not traumatize Luke by saying anything strange in front of him
- Secretly finds it funny but holds back on his reactions because wow that joke was not holy
- Will laugh at most jokes, but literally just stares at you blankly when it’s anything of the sexual variety
- “I am an angel MC...a literal ANGEL. FROM HEAVEN. I’M BEST BUDS WITH MICHAEL YET YOU STILL HAVE THE AUDACITY TO TEST ME LIKE THIS” aka silence wench, i do not wish to be horny
- Coming from the human realm, he actually GETS IT
- Will definitely have a billion inside jokes with you that nobody else will be able to comprehend
- Hey Solomon, do you mind throwing this in the trash for me? “Sure MC, not a problem...”  *ahem*  “YEET”
-His pure little soul emotionally can’t handle it, like what even is this?
- “Barbeque sauce on titties?”  
💦 C R I E S 💦
- Who in the hell put the muffins in THA FREEZAH ~ “It wasn’t me I swear! Why would anyone put muffins the freezer of all places I DON’T UNDERSTAND?!” ~ I don’t understand bitch, i don’t understand 🎶 ~ “HOW DO YOU KEEP TURNING EVERYTHING INTO A SONG, STOP IT I’M SCARED”
- Poor baby is traumatized oops 🙈
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devildom-diaries · 4 years
Please send in requests!!
I’m having such a blast answering all of your asks so be sure to send some more my way ~ I’d love to see what else you sinners can come up with whether it be fluffy or spicy
Remember - asks can also be sent in anonymously if that’s what makes you feel more comfortable, this is a no judgement zone so please ask away!
Looking forward to hearing from you all ;)
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devildom-diaries · 4 years
Hello, yes, I NEEEEED to know what kind of pets the bros would have or what kind of animals they like 🐱
I bet that there are a shit ton of you who’d want to volunteer as tribute, but right now we are focusing on ANIMALS ok?? 🥴🥴
The Brothers and what kind of pets they would want
*** MAIN 7 ***
- Do humans count? 💀
- Honestly he thinks that pets are unnecessary and a hassle to take care of... but if he had to, I could definitely picture him with a SNAKE
- He just gives Slytherin vibes - plus, I can 100% see him purposefully trying to freak you out with the snake for his own pleasure
- Ok so hear me out guys... HAMSTERS
- First of all: Mammon = cute + fluffy therefore his PET needs to be cute + fluffy
- Also you cannot tell me that he wouldn’t take advantage of their baby making skills. Like each time that mama hamster pops her pussy, you know that he’s selling those babies for 20 Grimm each
- This is already canon in the game but this man likes them FISHIES
- Not only do they fit the aesthetic of his bedroom, but he also thinks that they’re just super neat to look at
- Plus with the amount of hours he’s busy playing games, it would be kind of difficult for him to give any other type of pet much attention especially since he already has to give YOU attention
- Also already canon in the game but SOMEBODY PLEASE GIVE HIM A CAT
- They’re cute af and also extremely intelligent so he’s just like: me too
- Secretly watches cat compilation videos when he thinks that nobody’s looking (sometimes he even hides his phone behind the book that he’s “reading” just to get his quick fix of kitty time)
- Um are we in Beverly Hills? Cause Asmo wants a CHIHUAHUA
- Can you picture: cute shoes, mini skirts, hats and jewelry galore? Let’s just say that this is going to be one pampered pooch (they’d probably even go to couple massages together too)
- Chihuahuas are already pretty demonic enough as it is, so they’ll fit just right in at the Devildom 🥰
- Baby Beel should get a BUNNY
- He genuinely enjoys the fact that they CRONCH food the same way that he does (bunny ASMR??)
- Beel is such a gentle giant, so a bunny would give him the perfect outlet to release his soft side
- Belphie would want a TURTLE
- Finally, there’s somebody in that household with a pace that he can keep up with
- Turtles can also live up for a pretty long time - which he appreciates since he doesn’t really like going through the heartache of losing a pet 🥺
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devildom-diaries · 4 years
Some fluff HCs for our sleepy boy Belphie 🥺
Ofcccc! We love our sleepy rAgE FiLLeD baby don’t we 🥺
Fluffy Belphie Headcanons
- Can’t fall asleep unless he’s playing with your hair
- Doesn’t really know how to show his affection but always tries his best even though he struggles sometimes
- Hums lullabies to you when you’re having trouble sleeping
- You wanna take a nap together? So does he. 24/7. No questions asked.
- Cuddles anything that smells like you when you’re gone / busy
- Gets the both of you matching sweaters cause why not
- He really appreciates your legs, and often traces shapes onto them without even noticing sometimes
- Will never admit it to you, but he really wants you to make him one of those cute bento boxes for him (Levi was watching one of his animes on the TV and it was just something that stuck with him ever since - it makes him feel cared for)
- Makes soup for you when you’re sick (mostly because that’s the only thing he can do to make himself feel useful)
- Admires you while you sleep, lovingly observing every single detail ~ your movements, the way your lips are parted and how it almost hurts to not be kissing you right now
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devildom-diaries · 4 years
Hiiii! Love your writting style 🙌🏻 Anyway, how would the bros react to mc out of nowhere dying their hair a crazy color :D
Aww thank you so much!! I’m glad you enjoy my writing 🥰
(Even if it’s just me simping over 2d characters 🥵)
Brothers react to MC suddenly dying their hair a crazy color
- Yikes 😳 he is not a happy camper
- Seeing as he often has to boss his brothers around, he also expects to do the same to you - hence the pissy reaction to you doing something without his permission first
- On the other hand though, he does enjoy a good lecture / punishment every now and again... So this gives him the perfect excuse to indulge
- “Oi MC did’ya dye your hair or somethin’ ?!” Well yeah no shit Sherlock 🥴
- Didn’t think you could get any hotter but BOY DID YOU PROVE HIM WRONG
- Might bug you for not dying your hair to the same color as his, cause I think we can all tell by now that Mammon is a SIMP for matchy-matchy couple shit
- Takes him a while to notice since he assumes that you’re just wearing a cosplay wig
- But once he realizes... “Waahh MC you look exactly like (insert anime character name here) now!!”
- This leads to him immediately starting to work on making you a costume of that character to complete the look uwu
- Is definitely shocked and at a loss for words at first
- Don’t worry though, it’s not a bad shock. He’s just... surprised
- Thinks that you’re really ballsy and confident for being able to make such a huge change to your appearance so suddenly without giving a shit about what anyone else says which he thinks is sexy
- Kinda hurt that you didn’t consult him at first since obviously he believes that his taste is elite
- He will come up with a way for you to make it up to him though 😏
- “But MCCCCCC, I wanna try all of those things with the new (insert hair color) haired MC!!”
- Definitely blushes at first since he doesn’t really notice a lot of things, but this was kind of impossible NOT to notice and wow you look good
- Prepare for the food-of-the-same-color related nicknames e.g you went for yellow? You are now his lil’ french fry 🥰
- Ngl he will ask if he can eat it, that’s pretty much inevitable
- Wakes up to you with a completely different hair color and doesn’t even reali- WAIT WHAT I’M AWAKE
- Asks if you like it and will just respond with “me too” when you say that you do, a slight blush appearing on his cheeks cause he thinks you’re cute and is glad that you’re happy with it
- Lowkey teases you for getting so much dye stained onto your neck though like bruv have you ever heard of VaSeLiNe??!
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devildom-diaries · 4 years
Side Characters react to an MC who’s an Aerial Contortionist pt. 2
izzieg3987 requested:
@devildom-diaries can you do this with the undateables (including luke) too, please?
Ask and you shall receive my dear!!
WARNING: Super duper tinyyyyy reference to NSFW
*** ALL SIDES ***
- “Hello Barbatos? Yes, I would like to redesign the armory. What kind of design? Hmm let’s make it a  C I R C U S!” 🤡🤡🤡
- No but for real though he will have aerial silks and hoops set up all around the castle so that you can entertain him whenever he wishes
- Until they arrive from DPS (Devildom Postal Service) though, the castle curtains will have to suffice
- Will defnitely brag about all the positions that you’re able to put yourself into which goes a little like:
Barbatos: I don’t think that is appropriate for you to mention my Lord...
Diavolo: Nonsense, I have every right to brag about MC’s talents!
Barbatos: As you wish my Lord 🙄
- He finds your talents intriguing to say the least
- Isn’t able to attend your performances due to his servant duties, however he will slip away into your practice sessions whenever his schedule will allow
- Admires the balance of strength and elegance needed to perform such tricks, making you appear that more alluring to him
- Would definitely offer to help you out with your stretches to make sure you don't accidentally hurt yourself and other unholy reasons of course but we don't talk about that
- Says that you remind him of the “angels that go flying about in their flowing robes back in heaven”
- Always watches in pure silence, taking in every twist and turn as he wonders how such a delicate human is able to contort their body in such beautiful ways
- Can’t help but accidentally compliment you out loud while watching you do your thing
- Threatens Solomon for making suggestive comments while watching you do your thing (don’t mess with Simeon - he’s got the power of God AND Anime on his side)
- Teases you like HELL about it once he finds out, but also ends up begging you to let him watch you practice some time
- Constantly uses it as an excuse to flirt with you “Wow MC, you can put your body in what position?” 😏
- He asks to have a go and he’s?? surprisingly good at it??? tf????
- No seriously why is he so good at everything this isn’t fair lol, this man is a beast and even gets an offer to join the circus just because of his charisma
- Like Mammon, he doesn’t really know that being an Aerial Contortionist is a thing, so when he shows up to your practice session to hand deliver some sweets, he kinda freaks the fuck out
- Once you explain it to him and reassure him that you won’t get injured though, he’s absolutely fascinated and asks you to show him some tricks
- Whenever he attends your shows, he definitely brags about knowing one of the performers (you) to all of the people nearby cause he is ✨ proud ✨
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devildom-diaries · 4 years
Hey there! Could we get some headcannons for the brothers (and maybe undatables) reacting to mc being an aerial contortionist? Nobody talks about us circus people lol~
I’ve never been to a circus and that is TRAGIC ~ someone please take me 😿
Also just a reminder, I only write for either the bros OR the side characters at a time (unless it’s something really short like ranking them) cause doing them all in one go is a nightmare
So I only included the main 7, but feel free to send in the request again if you want a version for the side characters too!
Brothers react to an MC who’s an Aerial Contortionist
*** MAIN 7 ***
- He’s never been to the circus either and the only reason he showed up to your “circus club” was to inform you of some tasks that he needed you to get done
- As you twist through your ribbon though, he finds himself caught off guard, not realizing that watching you would be so hypnotizing
- Reconsiders your request to get an aerial hoop installed at the House of Lamentation because that was magical
- Screams and nearly pisses his pants the first time he sees you doing your thing
- Wasn’t aware that you were trained to do this and thought it was some type of adrenaline junkie suicide (forgive him he’s an idiot)
- Emphasis on idiot when he begs you let him try and nearly breaks down the entire building in the process
- “Ya think we can get people to pay to watch you do this?! Don’t worry MC, I’ll handle the business side of things, you just focus on not dying while you’re up there haha”
- Thinks it’s dumb at first because wtf he can do practically the same thing with his bed sheets, so he’ll try to make fun of you for it
- This is the part where you take him to the practice center, showing him just what you’re made of
- He is SHOOK. Literally doesn’t even know what to say and just stands there, jaw dropped to the floor
- “Since you think it’s so easy - your turn Levi~~” “H-huh um no way! Do I look like I have a death wish or something you stupid yet talented normie?!”
- When you first mentioned that you were an aerial contortionist, he was the most impressed (probably had something to do with the fact that he was the only one who even knew was it was)
- Obviously he needs to know everything about being an Aerial Contortionist now because to him knowledge is power
- Will try to be helpful by giving you tips and such that he learned off of Demonpedia - and let’s just say that humans aren’t exactly able to do that hun
- Hehe you guys already know where this is going don’t you
- He is obsessed and can’t get enough of watching you twirl so elegantly through the air, it’s a gorgeous sight to see which is a refreshing change from the Demon World
- Obviously watching you perform such acts gives him some inspiration for some other ideas that he has in mind
- Will without a doubt have aerial silk set up in his bedroom / bathroom (i mean have y’all seen his bathroom it’s HUGE) to make sure that he gets his share of private performances
- Shows up to all of your events because circus snacks~ DUH
- But he’s also just a supportive baby who wants to be your #1 cheerleader
- Goes to your practice sessions too so he can catch you just in case you fall
- So obviously you fall on purpose every now and again because mmmf Beel’s arms 🤤
- Are you kidding me? THIS BITCH LOVES THE CIRCUS
- Legit might ask you to try and teach him because he’s desperate to join the circus squad
- Gives up eventually for obvious reasons (no Belphie you CANNOT use the aerial silk as a hammock I’m afraid)
- Also goes with you to every performance since he absolutely adores the circus atmosphere and is stunned each and every time
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devildom-diaries · 4 years
Literally anything with Solomon lmao
Low standards... I LIKE IT
Wasn’t sure whether you wanted headcanons or a scenario so I just went with the 2nd one to mix things up a bit 😉
So here you go!!
Surprisingly  enough, the “Human Lifestyle” course at RAD was a bit more difficult  than you expected it to be. You were already embarrassed enough since  you - A HUMAN - were failing a class that should’ve been a breeze; but  to make matters worse, Lucifer even threatened that if you didn’t raise  your grade soon, he’d have to personally tutor you, which is absolutely terrifying.
So  instead, you opted to ask the only other human in the Devildom for  help... Solomon. Despite him being a know-it-all, smart ass, little shit, you couldn’t deny the fact that he was still a know-it-all who managed  to ace every Human Lifestyle exam.
So that brings you to right now, as you sat at the café Solomon texted you the address of, waiting for you knight in educational armor to show up.
“It’s a pleasure to see you MC” he suddenly whispered from behind you, making you jump at his sudden presence.
“Yeah well it would’ve been a hell of a lot nicer to have seen you 20 minutes ago; aka the time you told me to show up!” you retaliated, scolding him for his lateness.
He looked up at you with a sly smirk on his face “Aww, did you want to spend as much time with me as possible? Don’t worry dear, I can stay with you for as long as you like”.
“What! N-”
But before you had the chance to defend yourself, he was already sat beside you, instructing you to open up the textbook to page 107. You knew that he was there to tutor you, yet you didn’t really expect him to be so formal about it. In fact, you didn’t really know why he accepted to help you at all.
You studied his face intently as he ordered both of your drinks.. Just what was he up to now? If he agreed to help you out so willingly, then there must be some sort of scheme going on behind the scenes right?
“Enjoying the view?” he chuckled, snapping you out of your curious daze.You pondered whether you should just confront him about his intentions or just wait it out to see what trouble ensues.
After a moment of hesitant silence, your curiosity got the best of you. “Solomon, why exactly did you agree to help me with studying today? I’m sure that a “talented sorcerer” such as yourself would have much more important things to take care of. So there must be some sort of catch and I want to know what it is that you’re up to.”
He raised his eyebrows in surprise to your bluntness, soon to be followed by a light laugh. “Wow MC, do you really think that I would take advantage of a desperate classmate who put aside their pride to ask me for help?”
You sat there quietly and stared at him in awe, wondering if he was truly doing something out of the kindness of his heart for once. Maybe you were too quick to judge his intentio-
“..well of course I would, and I’m glad to see that you’ve managed to observe my behavioral patterns so keenly”. He continued his sentence with the same smirk that he always has plastered on his face. Of course he was up to no good!
A sigh of frustration escaped from your lips as you continued your interrogation, “If you’re planning to get something out of this then you’d better tell me now, cause there is no way that I’ll be able to focus until you do.”
He watched your face in amusement as you ranted about his mischievous ways and how he shouldn’t enjoy toying with people as much as he did.
His hand slowly reached over to yours, catching you off-guard, stopping you once again in the middle of your sentence. “All I want is from you is one thing...”
“And what exactly would that be?” you snorted, expecting him to demand the impossible from you per usual.
“All I ask for.. is a real date - with you.” His demeanor was calm and collected, as if he’s said this a thousand times before. You, on the other hand, were a blushing mess, completely taken aback by his straightforward request.
“A DATE?!”
Oh boy, things were about to get a whole lot more interesting during this study session; ESPECIALLY in regards to your relationship with the white-haired human that sat beside you...
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devildom-diaries · 4 years
Hiyaaaaaa :3 just wanted to ask how you think Diavolo and Simeon would react to a lover who's into really cute things like stuffed animals and such xx
Since you asked for 2 out of the 5 side characters I thought that I might as well just do them all so enjoy!!
Side characters react to a Kawaii MC
*** ALL SIDES ***
- Ngl I'm very tempted to say that Diavolo would probably take the whole kawaii thing too far and make it his own personality trait cause why not
- Often finds himself giggling (idk can he giggle?? maybe a chuckle would be more accurate) at your passion for everything adorable - but at the same time he respects your devotion to the cutie lifestyle
- You can bet your ass that he has an entire shipment of all that is adorable arriving at the castle doorsteps every week, just to see your face light up
- He too wants to be kawaii, so someone please just give him a pair of bunny ears so he can live out his dreams
- Doesn’t really understand your affection towards these kinds of things but respects it nonetheless
- He’s 10/10 the most helpful when it comes to decorating and organizing your room to ensure optimal cuteness
- Would research to find any “cute cafés” in the Devildom if he’s in the mood to spoil you a bit
- Lowkey gets pissed when you replace his usual gloves with a lacy pastel pink pair, but let’s be honest - he most definitely secretly enjoys that you’re going this far to get his attention
- Your little space of cuteness is like a refreshing getaway for him from the dreary atmosphere of the Devildom
- He calls your room his “little slice of heaven”
- Spends time learning all of the names that you’ve given to your stuffed animals, so that he may appropriately address them
- Would 100% convince you to do some type of photo shoot fully dressed up for him, so that he can get Luke to teach him how to make it his new phone background
- Finds the contrast of your personalities to be highly interesting
- This leads to him “studying” you in a way, as he wishes to understand more about your fascination for everything fluffy
- Would go out of his way to learn magic that can bring the toys to life or add a little ✨sparkle✨ to them just to hear you praise him
- Daydreams about how your head would literally explode if he were to ever take you to Harajuku -> cue googling the next flight out to Japan
- “Bitch did you just try to add me to your stuffed toy collection? I think the fuck not!!”
- Ok well he didn’t exactly put it that way but he more or less has said the exact same thing...
- He loves the pastel design of your room so he often just randomly shows up at your door when trying to come up with new ideas for his sweets and pastries
- At the same time though, he’s also traumatized of going in there since Solomon and Simeon once forced him to do an entire photo shoot wearing one of your frilly bunny onesies while you weren’t home sooooo 💀
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devildom-diaries · 4 years
Ask box is OPEN!!
So be sure to send in your requests 🥰
( Since i’m a new blog I don’t have that many at the moment, so please flood the inbox if you want to ~ I’ll be very grateful 😭😭 )
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devildom-diaries · 4 years
How would the boys react to hurting MC's feelings? Do they apologize or what lol
hahahahaa i’m dying at that last part
Thanks for the ask hun, answers are down below
Brothers react to hurting MC’s feelings
*** MAIN 7 ***
- Considering that he’s the Avatar of Pride, it’s pretty rare to actually get an apology out of him
- Would probably think that you’re being silly for getting emotional over something so small at first
- Once he realizes that you’re not letting go of this anytime soon, he'll start to feel a bit guilty, wondering if he really did cross a line this time
- Would leave a small yet expensive gift waiting for you on your bed to show that he feels bad for being so harsh with his words
- He will have been waiting for you to see his gift, so once you show up he’ll sneak up from behind and wrap his arms around you
- He’ll put an end to the whole fighting situation by whispering in your ear “I hope you appreciate this token of my affection, I assume that you are satisfied now?”
- This idiot just can’t keep his mouth shut so it’s pretty inevitable that he’ll say something dumb to hurt your feelings at some point
- Argues with you about how he “didn’t even say nuthin’ that bad! You should spend a day in my shoes and deal with all the crap I get!!”
- Sulks after getting kicked out of your room, muttering to himself about how him hurting your feelings is actually hurting his feelings even more
- Vows that he won’t talk to you until you come apologizing to him first...
- Doesn’t even last 30 minutes. He’s already at your door with a dvd, a blanket and some snacks as a “truce” to mend the feud
- With his face a blushing mess, “h-hey I don’t wanna fight anymore so can we just act like it never happened.. LOOK I EVEN BROUGHT THAT STUPI- uh I mean that NOT stupid movie you’ve been wanting to watch haha”
- “Eh?! Are you really mad at me?" He doesn’t really think of the consequences of his words so he’ll genuinely be surprised that you’re upset and ask you to confirm
- Is actually quite salty about it at first and just holes himself in his room for a while
- Binge plays a bunch of games to distract himself from missing you
- Eventually missing you becomes too much for him to handle so he uses the dating simulator games that he’s played before as a guide on what to do to fix this
- Based on his research, he goes with the classic bouquet of roses and box of chocolates. He approaches your bedroom door, trying to hide his blushing face behind the flowers “L-look I didn’t mean it so can we just forget about it?”
- As an intellectual, he’ll tend to over-analyze the situation at first, making you even more upset than you were to begin with
- Your anger then ends up triggering his own wrath, putting a scowl across his face
- In this situation, he’d actually present an eerily quiet type of anger. However, anyone within a mile’s radius can sense the irritation radiating off of him
- “We’ll discuss this later” Since he’s had to deal with his anger before, he’ll actually leave the room knowing that he might say something he regrets if he stays. After cooling down a bit, he’ll text you to meet him in the library
- Once you’re there, he’ll straightforwardly apologize since he knows that that’s the most efficient way to end the situation and offers you cuddles by the fireplace to make up for it
- “I appreciate you honestly expressing your emotions to me so I’ll make more of an effort to be considerate towards those emotions in the future. For now though, can I just hold you?”
- Out of all the brothers, i think that Asmo would be the most emotional about upsetting you
- You wouldn’t even get the chance to leave the room because he’s already got his arms wrapped around, you wailing for dear life
- “Waah i’m so sorry darling I really didn’t mean to say that! Please forgive meeee! If you don’t, I’ll cover you in a million kisses until you do”
- He really can’t stand the idea of you being mad at him
- Spends the rest of the night trying to make it up to you. He’ll follow you around the house wherever you go like a lost puppy, not giving you a single second without him by your side
- “Are you still mad at me? Just tell me where it hurts and I’ll kiss it better..”
- However depending on the situation, he might actually use this an an opportunity to ~ s p i c e ~ things up in the bedroom but let’s not go there for now
- Because of Beel’s blunt and straightforward nature, he often doesn’t realize that he’s said something hurtful, since 98% of the time he didn’t actually mean what he said in that way
- Will often just be confused as to why you’re upset with him in the first place, so he’ll usually go ask his brothers for advice
- “Ok Beel, now word for word what did you say....mhm....ok....OH..WELL OBVIOUSLY THEY’RE UPSET BECAUSE-”
- Would probably buy you a dessert from the nearest bakery as a peace offering before coming over to apologize
- Scratches the back of his head while explaining to you that “I don’t really get why you humans think like that but I understand that you’re upset so I’ll try not to do that again. Here- I got this for you”
- Once you signal that everything is fine he’ll pull out a second fork from behind him and continue “Well actually, i got that for US... hehe i thought sharing could be romantic”
- Would actually be more upset than he lets on, but he’ll play it off by acting distant and uninterested while you’re telling him why you’re upset
- “Hmm are you done now? I’m actually quite exhausted from all of your petty human ranting so I think i’m going to take a nap now”
- Marches over to his bedroom but the second he lays down, his thoughts start spiraling, not letting him get a single wink of sleep as planned since he can’t stop thinking of you
-Eventually gives up trying to sleep out of frustration, knowing that he’ll never be able to rest knowing that you’re mad at him.
- Struts back over to your room and hugs you from behind. “Ugh how troublesome.. fine, fine, if it makes you feel any better I’ll apologize” (Actually he’s really saying that to make HIMSELF feel better but he’d never admit that to you)
- Cuddles you extra tightly that night
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devildom-diaries · 4 years
Masterlist + Scenario Guidelines
*** THOSE ON MOBILE CAN SEND IN REQUESTS USING THE LINK BELOW *** https://devildom-diaries.tumblr.com/ask
The Masterlist is officially up to help make navigating the posts in my blog a lot easier!!
- Those on a laptop can access it by clicking the “MASTERLIST” tab at the top of my page
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Happy Sinning Everyone <3
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Hello lovely people, welcome to my blog!
Below are a few notes, regarding how I run my blog, to keep in mind when submitting suggestions:
- No game spoilers please!!
- If you request a scenario for “the boys” / “the bros” / “they” I’ll assume that you’re referring to the Main 7: Lucifer - Mammon - Leviathan - Satan - Asmodeus - Beelzebub - Belphegor
- Please specify if you want me to write something for one of the side characters: Daddy Diavolo - Barbatos - Simeon - Solomon
- Luke can be involved as a side character for scenarios however nothing NSFW or romantic for him because he is baby
- Short scenarios/Headcanons/Reactions can include either all of the main 7 OR all of the sides (You can always request the same scenario twice if you want me to write something for all of them though so dw)
- Longer “Reader x Character” scenarios are limited to 1 or 2 characters at a time
- Most of my writing is written in the reader’s perspective so I’ll try to keep gender vague in order to be inclusive to everyone
- If you want the scenario to be something specific to a certain gender, please specify
- Any content that can be considered “triggering” will have a warning written above to ensure that everybody is comfortable and doesn’t accidentally read something they don’t want to
- Feel free to submit as many requests as you like, there’s no limit so don’t be shy~~~
And most importantly...
- This is a safe space so please be kind to each other and have fun <3
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Now let’s cause some mischief!!!
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