diablotmpst · 14 hours
I am actually so serious I think it really messes with a childs creativity and joy to tell them to never make a mary sue OC. Like that unbridaled form of joy where you make a self insert OC who super cool and everyone loves them and they have every superpower in the world SHOULD be something a kid makes, it nourishes their ability to create things for fun and not be stifled by "oh but what if my character is too overpowered and cringey...". whatever
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diablotmpst · 3 months
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diablotmpst · 7 months
I like to think that milim was full on bawling and would not leave her dragon egg friend alone when she got it back for the entire duration of her stay in tempest (which is until it hatched and dungeon shenanigans)
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diablotmpst · 7 months
Words can not describe how much I love tensura for how not great it is.
This novel series has plagued my mind for almost two years. My tiktok account is only tensura, my discord account is purely tensura, my twitter account? Tensura. Even my old wattpad account that I don't use is based around tensura.
And sure, I get interested into other things aswell, but they come and go (except space, the love of my life) but Tensura hasn't even wavered.
The amount of love I hold for this series about a stupid slime with stupid ideals and stupid friends is absolutely unbelievable.
Now, it's not that I think Tensura is the greatest thing ever, far from it. With just the anime alone, I've watched plenty of other animes that are far better written, eg, Hunter x Hunter, Bungou Stray Dogs, One Piece, etc.
This series is everything to me.
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diablotmpst · 7 months
⚠️ MINOR (like tiny) LIGHT NOVEL SPOILERS ⚠️ you'd have to squint to see it.
Note: This is going to be incoherent. It's 2am and I'm tired.
Note 2: This was longer than I expected it to be.
Note 3: I'd like to inform everyone that is using this app under the age of 12, I will indeed be using bad words.
So we all know the story (if you don't know what are you doing here????) of Milim being born to Veldanava and Lucia. Veldanava gives Gaia to her. Parents die/go missing. Gaia gets killed by this asshole (his name is Jahil btw, fucking JAHIL). Milim gets angry, blah blah blah. Gets comforted by the love of my life, Guy Crimson and the Queen herself, Ramiris. Somehow, gets new clothes between this time frame??? She seals Gaia. Becomes Demon Lord.
But people don't realise how heart-wrenching it actually is BECAUSE THIS FANDOM IS FULL OF POWERSCALING ASSHOLES WITH NO SELF RESPECT (no offence) !!!! I also blame the anime, fuck you 8-bit.
First off, Gaia was Milim's only source of comfort and love, something very important for a child, especially one as presumably needy as her. In fact, Gaia was her only 'true friend' for more than 2,000 years, far after Gaia had died. This hurts, sure, but it gets a lot worse.
Let's go back to the point about Milim's extremely dead and very much not alive parents. Who took care of little Milim? You may ask. Is it her unstable Dragon uncle? Her unstable Dragon aunties? Or her stable and capable human uncle? Servants, of course, why would her very alive and very capable uncle do so? He won't be very capable for very long.
That's not all. Remember Milim's whole rampage? How she decimated a country, made a whole ass region uninhabitable (partly Guy), and made an entire species go extinct? You'd assume there wouldn't be many survivors. And you'd be right. That includes the servants, the very people that raised Milim. She killed her caretakers. This Dragonoid has very large guilt issues.
Let's not forget what happened to Ramiris! Something that has most definitely not helped Milim with her guilt in any way. Our traumatized queen.
In conclusion because this is getting too long, and I want to sleep. Fuck Jahil, fuck 8-bit, love Milim, she's underrated.
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diablotmpst · 8 months
There's a person working at the UN called Guy Ryder. Imagine naming a child that. Like yeah here's my newborn called Dude Fucker
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diablotmpst · 10 months
PleasepleasePLEASEEEE tell me someone else here has read the tensura light novel I am mentally unwell about it and need to talk to someone about it
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diablotmpst · 11 months
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diablotmpst · 11 months
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it's grimace milk...
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diablotmpst · 11 months
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jealous 🥹
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diablotmpst · 11 months
im still not satisfied for my coloring style.
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Also i forgot how to draw rimuru with the manga style again lol.
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diablotmpst · 11 months
Coming into a fandom late
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diablotmpst · 11 months
God I’m a sucker for characters who are so utterly loyal to someone that they’re completely unhinged. Characters who have no moral compass except their overwhelming devotion to whoever they’ve chosen to listen to. That’s the good shit
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diablotmpst · 11 months
God I’m a sucker for characters who are so utterly loyal to someone that they’re completely unhinged. Characters who have no moral compass except their overwhelming devotion to whoever they’ve chosen to listen to. That’s the good shit
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diablotmpst · 11 months
God I’m a sucker for characters who are so utterly loyal to someone that they’re completely unhinged. Characters who have no moral compass except their overwhelming devotion to whoever they’ve chosen to listen to. That’s the good shit
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diablotmpst · 11 months
God I’m a sucker for characters who are so utterly loyal to someone that they’re completely unhinged. Characters who have no moral compass except their overwhelming devotion to whoever they’ve chosen to listen to. That’s the good shit
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diablotmpst · 11 months
God I’m a sucker for characters who are so utterly loyal to someone that they’re completely unhinged. Characters who have no moral compass except their overwhelming devotion to whoever they’ve chosen to listen to. That’s the good shit
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