diabolicum · 1 year
Twitter user Radio_Overlord has stolen media from @dementedstatic​ and posted the artwork I’ve drawn exclusively for them on their half assed Alastor RP blog on Twitter. That person is not either of us nor do they have permission to use our stuff. Especially not my artwork which has only ever been posted either here or on my other blog goodspiritradio. It would be very helpful if this person was reported and taken down. Unfortunately, my twitter has no identifying features that connect it to any of my tumblr blogs and i barely use it. This isn’t the first time my shit’s been reposted on Twitter which is why my blogs aren’t searchable via google so clearly this person has been following our blogs and fishing through them. 
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diabolicum · 1 year
I sensed a disturbance in the force and it’s @dementedstatic ‘s fault. ]]
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diabolicum · 2 years
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     The sound of glass shattering. Like something was banging on a window, so hard it should hurt. Several seconds went by, and they felt like hours. Every hit, a little more of the seal broke away.. until finally it gave way. With a crinkling, tinkling sound that was far more delicate than what followed.
     Unholy screeches, manic laughter. The sound of flapping wings, spears and swords being unsheathed. And at the head of the flock.. floated a large, and in charge Dominator. Its helmet dripped with blood, clearly because it was somehow dug into the angel’s person and was using its blood to fuel it. Slowly it floated down, wings flapping once in a while to keep it aloft.
     Slowly the angel’s arm raised, pointing a wicked looking halberd towards the center of the Pentagram,
     “ 𝕷𝖆𝖒𝖎𝖓𝖆 𝖛𝖊𝖘𝖙𝖗𝖆 𝖈𝖆𝖓𝖆𝖓𝖙 𝕲𝖑𝖔𝖗𝖎𝖆𝖒 𝕯𝖔𝖒𝖎𝖓𝖎 𝕯𝖊𝖎 𝖓𝖔𝖘𝖙𝖗𝖎! “ And with screams of rage, the angelic host surged forward while the Dominator turned towards the Palace.
     There was only one target in its view: the King of Kings.
     �� 𝕷 𝖀 𝕮 𝕴 𝕱 𝕰 𝕽! ”
;; @diabolicum​
​Intuition was Lucifer’s proudest weapon. A keen skill honed to the sharpest tip amidst a sea of predictability. Eons upon eons or repetition again and again-- never ending. Never to end. Even in attempts to test fate and prove himself wrong, the scales would always tip towards the known. And it was because of this that it was also a cumulation of dread.
The sky need not shatter to reveal to him who came knocking on his door step. In fact, preparations had been made. In quiet. Secret. The only clue of something being amiss lying in the king’s sudden fondness to travel the nine circles and beyond. There were no orders to evacuate. No emergency broadcasts. The horn of the Harbinger had already been blown and those who would wish to participate in the hunt lined the streets in anticipation to gorge themselves in violence and revelry. Some even to protect their own. They had their battles to pick. Their fun to have.
But their king laid the playing field above their heads. Shimmering seems woven five times over blanketing the majority of Pentagram City invisibly. And beneath it, two distinct barriers fall without warning as the cry of the Dominator shattered the heavens. The first encompassed the entirety of Magne Citadel. And the second, to the surprise of many, enclosed itself around his daughter’s hotel, fully and completely. Attempts to enter or leave either location were rendered impossible
And as for the King himself?
He could be seen in a glory not witnessed by most in this age. The magnificence of thirteen wings spread cleanly from his back and in his hand appeared to be what was none other than a celestial weapon. His weapon. One once left to rust on the displayed halls of his own manor now risen to meet the brunt of his brother’s pointed attack. How heavily burdened he was, his blows weighted with a will he could not contain.
“....to think I was actually beginning to miss your visits,” the king chirped, sharpened grin splitting his features. But soon his voice lowered, echoing quietly between the two of them as cascades of their lesser kin flooded into the streets below. “How does it feel to have His Will forced into your head? You’re better than that halo you covet so much, Michael.”
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diabolicum · 2 years
So I'm scrolling my dash. Minding my business. And I get blindsided by the most horrifying urge to picture Lucifer as a Faerie and construct a bout of lore that comes down to heaven and hell dont exist. It's just the fae being neighbors and the christians ran with it. Angel's? Lmao you ever met a pure light court seelie of the highest order before? The fauns of the western wood dont take kindly to being called demons u know. What do you mean the emissaries of "god" were just curious elves who wondered far from their homes? It's the crazy haired dude yelling aliens meme except it's just FAERIES
But then I remember I already have a fae OC somewhere vibrating in place as I continue to ignore him. 😏
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diabolicum · 2 years
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Never before had Lucifer cared to be explicitly aware of the whereabouts of his spontaneously estranged brother. No. He would not extend that kindness. Because he never needed to. He was always everywhere in his own way, filling the heavy burden of the seat Lucifer had left vacant in a time before time itself.
But the air was absent of the usual humming of Michael's presence for too long. It wasn't right. And what wasn't right for the King of Kings meant only one thing.
The sky now stood poised for something horrific. Lucifer's back burned in anticipation of a repeated memory. No wonder he couldn't feel him or see him. To be blind to the will of Creation was to be blind to those who were bound to it in absolution. Strings of golden chains would pull their puppet's limbs, shining bright against a sky now barred by his own seal. And soon that seal was to opened as it did every year. Like diabolic clockwork. Though this time the Flock that would descend would not be aimless. It would be led.
"Never once have I wanted my intuition to be wrong. Surely you do not want this, do you, Michael? To draw both my hand and my ire like this..." { @archangclum​ }
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diabolicum · 2 years
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                Oh, well– No one can say he didn’t lose a shoe that day. Funny how that works. Of course he’s already wearing both his shoes so the meaning being his thought process is beyond you and me. “And not a sole was lost this day! Hah!”
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Okay he laughed at that one. A distinct chortle if you will. Absent of the slapping of knees of course. “Certainly not! Perhaps next time you should lace it up with something a bit more daring for my (lack of) taste buds and I’ll enjoy it thoroughly.”
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diabolicum · 2 years
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                   “What’s the matter, darling? Not going to finish your shoup?” He says, pointing expectantly at a shoe full of shrimp chippewa.
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Goddammit, Alastor that was a good one. But he won’t say it. Instead he shows his delight by taking the shoe and yeeting it across the nine circles.
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diabolicum · 2 years
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diabolicum · 2 years
reblog this and make a post with 🐻 to let your mutuals comment nice things about you and/or your portrayal on!
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diabolicum · 2 years
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HER CHEEKS BLOOM IN A BRIGHT RED at the king’s casual comment on her being hunted. Maybe she DID like it but still if the end goal was to spend time with the demonic beast then running away TECHNICALLY would be the opposite of what she wanted. “WELL, as long as he won’t kill me at the end of it I’m down.” Hell, maybe she could see about staying with Cerberus for the extermination. Protection and some FUN?
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The king’s grin widens with glee. “Oh please. Being a chew toy doesn’t hurt at all.” ( Big ‘he don’t bite’ energy you got there Lucifer. ) “Broken bones never stopped anyone. Think of it as a bonding moment. And I’ll have you know, my Cerby takes very good care of their chew toys if they like’em. Give the old beast a good show and it’ll be worth your while.” His wink is almost audible. And Cerberus is already leaping in Loona’s general direction.
Hellhounds are their favorite after all.
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diabolicum · 2 years
“Damn right, Lucy! cuz’ everyone n’ their ma’ are too chicken shit ta’ race against Cerberus. I got bigger balls than ‘em.” He replied, glancing up at the menacing shaggy hellhound towering him.
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“Oh please! y’know sonic? I’m faster than tha’ spikey blue rat shoe wearing freak.” This was a piece of cake! or so he thought.. Rip Angel Dust. It was nice knowing you.
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Lucifer’s booming, jovial voice is accompanied by the sound of a distinct slap against the giant canine’s leg. The ground shakes, no order needed to surge the beast full of a god’s worth of adrenaline before it’s charging head on at Angel Dust with frightening gusto. “Don’t eat anything I wouldn’t eat, Cerby!”
Run, spider, run.
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diabolicum · 2 years
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Do Not Reblog unless you’re Diabolicum
How I imagine what Lucifer’s Cerberus would look like. Messy doodle~! and there’s Angel small self lol
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diabolicum · 2 years
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“WOULDN’T THAT BE THE OPPOSITE of the goal?” She asks, ignoring the way her tail started to wag behind her. “Why do I need to outrun them anyway?”
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“Oh goodness, me. And here I thought you had a thing for being hunted like an animal-- no shame in that really. All kinks are good kinks. REGARDLESS, it’s purely for entertainment purposes. Call it a precursor to this weekend’s extravagant festivities if you will.”
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diabolicum · 2 years
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This might be self explanatory, but- 
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diabolicum · 2 years
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“IS THERE A Mrs Cerberus?”
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“Yes, you are absolutely welcome to get stuffed like a thanksgiving turkey if that’s what’s on the menu to night, sweetheart! If you can outrun them.”
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diabolicum · 2 years
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Glances down at his legs - shaking one for good measure. Yep, still long.
“…how much money, an’ for how long?”
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“How much do you think your legs are worth? Triple it.” He’s a man of his word. Better take advantage of that while you can still walk.
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diabolicum · 2 years
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“Doesn’t sound too hard. Could have some cash in my pocket.”
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“I like your spunk, kid. Can’t call yourself a denizen of mine without having no sense of self preservation!” That big three-headed fun hound is making earthquakes with how much they want to play. “Let’s see how far those skinny legs’ll take you.”
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