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Your blood is flowing through my body …
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Don't ask me about it... It'll take a bit to explain the whole plot.
me talking about my school:
▶ 🍪———————————– 00:54
me talking about Diabolik Lovers:
▶ 🍪———————————– 4:36:53
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This is hilarious... I can actually imagine this scenario. XD
Ayato: dad, I can’t sleep I’m scared…
Karlhienz: oh son don’t be scared~
Ayato: …..
Karlheinz: BE TERRIFIED *screams to scare him*
Ayato: *screams cause he scared*
Ayato, Karlheinz: *both screaming*
Cordelia: (눈_눈)…
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The boy's favorite musical? And maybe favorite song from it?
Shu: Miss Saigon
Reiji: The Phantom Of The Opera
Laito: Cabaret
Kanato: Beauty And The Beast
Ayato: Jekyll & Hyde
Subaru: Wicked
Ruki: Les Miserables 
Kou: Heathers (or Hairspray)
Yuma: Grease
Azusa: Annie
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For the Question-Meme! 1, 20 and 29 pleaaaaaase!
1. Ruki Mukami.20. Since I love such powerful creatures like vampires, I researched about the best vampire animes in some top 10 videos. I liked the how the animation was so smooth and the story plot seemed pretty interesting. That's how I got into the series.29. Once again, Ruki. I would look forward to have a nice and calm conversation wtih him. Maybe we could get to know each other better while having a coffee.
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Aww, babies... ;-;
Hi! Can you do a scenario of the S, M & T boys reacting to their s/o having a miscarriage?
Sorry for the wait! 
Ayato: Unlike his usual disposition, Ayato would be much more quiet and reserved. He’ll throw in excuses to make himself look tough, but you know he is hurting.
Laito: Laito would hide behind a cheerful and calm facade, his words distant and uncaring. But in reality, he would be heartbroken with the loss.
Kanato: Kanato would feel a little disappointment at the loss, but he would remain uncaring and aloof for the most part. If the child was born, then that’s just another thing that takes away your attention.
Shu: Shu would be in a state of shock and may fall even further into his depression. He’ll become much lazier than before and you’ll often see him sleeping much more than his usual.
Reiji: When alone, Reiji is filled with sorrow and grief. He has shed tears, and deeply mourns for the loss of his child. In front of others, Reiji manages to keep his composure calm, and unperturbed.
Subaru: Subaru would be stricken with grief and would react violently to the news. His demeanor would be more rough, and violent than usual in order to cope with the loss. If he’s feeling extremely distressed, he may even isolate himself from you for a period of time.
Ruki: Inwardly, Ruki would be very distressed. He wouldn’t dare show that to you of all people, though. He very much dislikes showing his weaknesses in front of you.
Kou: Kou is in a state of misery, and despondency. He’s become much more reserved and subdued, as opposed to his normally buoyant, and loud personality. It’s one of the few times you see him so vulnerable.
Yuma: Yuma reacts violently to the news, and his behavior becomes more brutish, and rough than usual. Yuma is more prone to bouts of anger, and harming you.
Azusa: Azusa is dispirited, and crestfallen with the news. He is quieter than usual, and you occasionally see him shedding tears and mourning for your deceased child.
Carla: Carla would be absolutely devastated. The fact that he lost another member of his bloodline, and more specifically, his own child, greatly damages both his psyche and pride.
Shin: Shin is overwhelmed with grief. In this state of distress his behavior tends to become much more rash, and reckless. He is less likely to listen to reason, and is more prone to getting angry.
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Ayato Sakamaki Aesthetic
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Woooo!! 😊
Diabolik Lovers Questions Meme!
I’m bored and wish to procrastinate, so ask away these questions or reblog them!
Which diaboy would you bring home to your parents?
What would you do to survive in the Sakamaki family’s mansion?
Which diaboy would you want to meet in real life?
Unpopular opinion about the series?
Something you want to see in the series in the future?
Favorite DL game so far?
Would you stay with the Sakamaki, Mukami, or Tsukinami family?
Nicknames for the diaboys?
Favorite thing about the fandom?
Least favorite thing about the fandom?
Got any merchandise from DL?
Opinion on the new character, Kino?
One thing you would change for the entire series?
Favorite OST from the anime?
Favorite song from the DL soundtrack?
Are you a sadist or masochist?
How do you contribute to the fandom?
Opinion on Karlheinz?
Who do you think would make the best Vampire King?
How did you get into the series?
Who would you want as a friend at school?
Who would you not date at all?
Any words of wisdom for any of the boys?
One hobby you share with any of the boys?
If you met Yui, what would you do?
Who is your favorite character?
Any duet combinations you want to see one day?
Most surprising fact you’ve heard about in DL?
Who would you want to go on a coffee date with?
How would you entertain your favorite diaboy for a day?
Have fun! Send me some too! :)
-Admin Yuuzuki
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Oh, HELL YES. (Reiji’s hand tho... *snort*)
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Rejet x 電撃Girl’s Style 差し替えジャケットポストカード (Replacement Jacket Postcard) Vol.1 12 枚入り (DIABOLIK LOVERS X 6 枚 • 剣が君 X 6 枚 )      
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Oh, God. Verbal violence.
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Y'all so salty
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                           “Livestock… M-Neko-chan… Sow… Eve…”
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Innocence. Keep it. Please.
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Interesting... xD
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Jsuki; DIABOLIK LOVERS “5th Anniversary” Book - Ruki’s Special Interview
(Managed to get an early night home from work so I got to translate stuff! :D)
── Right now, what are you into?
Ruki: Fountain pens. I bought mine a long time ago, but I wasn’t able to use it well and there were many times I stained my hands with the ink. I’m not using it recently, but I’m still holding onto it preciously right now.
── What in your fashion are you particular about lately?
Ruki: If I can, I’ll like it to be form-fitting. Clothes that are too large don’t really fit me well. Kou also told me it’s better this way, so for now, I’ll pick things that better fit me. ── What habits do you have that you’ll do without realising?
Ruki: I’m not sure if I’ll go so far to call it a habit, but I do twist pens in my hand often. Especially when something’s on my mind, and my hands have nothing to do.
── How do you spend your off-days? Ruki: I usually read or do housework. If I’m doing something in the house, my off-day will completely end instantly. I sometimes go out to do some shopping, but it’s really only when there’s something necessary to buy. ── What do you wear to sleep?
Ruki: I wear regular pajamas. Because I wear similar stuff all year round, there are times where the others get shocked when I put on a T-shirt once in a while. I don’t really have many pieces, and I tend to go for comfortable wear that makes me feel relaxed.
── What do you definitely do before sleeping?
Ruki: I do stretches and read. Afterwards, my eyes usually get tired, so I’ll prefer warmer surroundings. I understand it’s not something we need, but it makes me feel good… by the way, previously, Yuma got a shock when he walked in on me putting on a warm towel above my eyes. ── What is one part of your body that you like best? Ruki: I often get praised for the side of the eyes. But when I ask if it’s because (other people) like them, the replies are usually…lackluster. I don’t really take notice of it much though.
── What’s something you like in your room?
Ruki: I don’t dislike huge windows. If the room is a little small, huge windows make it feel more spacious. In order to control the light that pours in from outside, I go for darker coloured curtains as well.
── Tell us one memorable impression that you have of your brothers.
Ruki: Ah, there’s plenty but…if it’s something recent, it’s that all of us got together to clean the house. When Yuma was moving stuff, we found an old wooden chest, and everyone got noisy wondering if there’s treasure inside. When we opened it up with a key, it turned out to be empty, so all my younger brothers felt down. I was more bothered about since when did we have (that wooden chest)…but well, it doesn’t help anything to be overly bothered.
── What do you think of Karlheinz?
Ruki: I think he’s someone great. Plus, he took us all in, raised us, and we’re indebted to him. Such kindness can’t be easily repaid, can it? That’s why, if that person wishes for it, I shall- no, we, shall do anything.
── Where will you go if going on a date?
Ruki: I don’t like anywhere that’s too crowded. Places such as art museums or libraries are good. To admire paintings, read a book, then speak about our thoughts over a meal doesn’t sound too bad.
── What does a girl do that makes your heart skip a beat?
Ruki: Seeing the back of her form while she’s asleep makes me happy. Above anything else that she does, her being as vulnerable as such is somehow quite interesting. For her to show such a side before me, isn’t it fine to be taken by it?
── How does her blood taste?
Ruki: It’s a bit hard to put it into words…it’s not a persistent taste, and there isn’t a bitterness like when you suck from other people. When you mix the emotions in, the taste changes as well, and that makes it fun once again. It makes me want to keep her by my side often.
── Which part do you like to suck from best?
Ruki: I like taking her blood from her shoulder. It’s a thinner part of the human body, and it isn’t too thick, so you can get a good sound out of her. Since it’s also close to the ear, she can hear the sounds well and will often react to them. There’s no problem at all since we all don’t hate it there, right?
── What is her existence to you?
Ruki: I used to think she was just a livestock in the past… but, it’s all different now. Pulling myself away from the fact that she’s Eve, she’s special to me and is someone that I think of protecting. Of course, I’m not throwing away my role. To have such thoughts is probably unforgivable…but I’m not able to give it up now. That’s how important she is to me.
Translated by me, requested by anon-san. Originally from my own copy of the DL 5th Anniversary book. Ayato’s interview also translated in full HERE.
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I am laughing so hard right now...
How would the S and M boys react to their sacrificial bride being a cute old lady
-at the Sakamaki’s-
Shu: *hears faint little knock at the door and sighs* Reiji…someone is here…
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Reiji: So you couldn’t get up yourself and open the door???  Such a deadbeat…It must be the new sacrifice…*opens the door*
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Old lady: Well hello there young man! Someone told me to come to this address. Do you think a handsome little chap such as yourself could explain to me what’s going on?
Reiji: …I think you have the wrong-
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Old lady: *links arms with him* would you mind leading me to the bathroom? It was quite a long ride here.
Ayato: Ha! Reiji who’s the new girlfriend? I knew you liked mature women but I didn’t expect this!
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Old lady: Aren’t you a cutie! *pinches his cheek*
Ayato: Tch, don’t touch me you old grandma!
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Old lady: *angrily taps him with cane* Disrespectful brats like you would be spanked when I was a kid!
Shu: Ha. She got you good “disrespectful brat”.
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Laito: Ah~ What’s all that noise? *comes down only in a towel* Could it be we got a new Little Bi-….
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Old lady: *gasps and covers eyes* Young man cover yourself! I was obviously sent here to teach you problem children some manners!
Reiji: *sighs* Believe me…I tried teaching them manners for over 10 years…and they’re still the same.
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Old lady: Obviously you’re not a good enough teacher!!! Now children, as long as I am in this house I expect respect and maturity!
Kanato: *angrily walks in* Who’s this hag trying to run things around here!?!
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Old lady: Now I’m going to go bake some cookies if you excuse me.
Kanato: Nevermind let’s keep her around more.
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Subaru: Don’t worry Reiji, you won’t have to worry about sending her back. She’ll go running off soon after spending just 5 minutes in this hell of a household…
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-at the Mukami’s-
Ruki: *answers door and sees old lady* …may I help you?
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Old lady: Hello young man! I was sent here to stay with you folks for a while. Mind if I come in?
Ruki: Sorry but I think you have the wrong address. I’ll drive you home.
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Kou: Is it another fangirl here to visit me? How adorable. I have fans of all ages!
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Old lady: *squints at him* I have no idea who you are.
Kou: *laughs it off* Maybe you have bad eyes. Maybe if I play a song it’ll jog up some memories! *plays one of his songs*
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Old lady: *cringes* Is this what the new generation listens to?  No wonder why their brains are full of garbage.
Kou: *eye twitches* So you’re definitely not a fan….So why don’t we just get rid of yo-
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Old lady: Oh my!!! *walks over to huge window revealing garden* Such a beautiful yard you guys have! Absolutely gorgeous!!
Yuma: *walks down the stairs* Huh…who’s the grandma?
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Ruki: *Death glares him* She’s our guest…who I will be taking home very soon. She seems to take an interest in your garden.
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Old lady: *turns to Yuma* Young man did you do this? Such splendid work! You have looks and discipline don’t you!! A strong young boy is capable of a lot.
Yuma: *blushes* It’s nothing…Yknow…I can walk you around and show you more if you want.
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Azusa: *comes down* hm? We have a guest?
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Old lady: Well, aren’t you a cute one!
Azusa: Oh hehe…thank you Ma’am.
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Kou: *pouting angrily*
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Sign me tf up, hun. 
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Katsuhiko Ibuka as Laito Sakamaki from Dialovers Stage Play
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