dilesxpressions · 4 months
Isabella Lee
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1. Name, Year, Major, and Hometown
Isabella Lee, 4th year NPB major; San Francisco
2. What’s your roman empire?
3. What is the best compliment you have ever received?
I have a nice smile 😃
4. If your life was a movie what genre would it be (comedy, horror, drama, etc.) and what actor would play you?
Comedy; probably awkwafina 
5. What is something on your college bucket list?
Get a job and travel with friends 
6. What’s your guilty pleasure? (song, movie, food etc.)
Spending money I don’t have
7. What are your bad habits?
Chewing loudly
8. What are your favorite song lyrics?
9. Defend your unpopular opinion/ hot take
I’m a pretty good driver 
10. Describe a time where you had to step up and be a leader?
A time I had to step up as a leader was when I was president of Alpha Phi Omega. This was something I never considered doing but ended up being very fun!
During my tenure as president of Alpha Phi Omega, I encountered a significant leadership challenge that demanded swift action and strategic decision-making. One instance that stands out occurred when our chapter faced a sudden shortage of volunteers for a crucial community service event. Recognizing the importance of fulfilling our commitments, I immediately called for an emergency meeting to address the issue.
In the meeting, I emphasized the significance of our organization's mission and the positive impact we could have on the community. I encouraged open dialogue, fostering an environment where members felt comfortable expressing their concerns and brainstorming solutions. As a leader, I had to navigate diverse perspectives and motivate individuals with varying levels of commitment.
Taking a collaborative approach, I delegated responsibilities based on each member's strengths and availability. Through effective communication and teamwork, we managed to not only meet our volunteer requirements but also exceed expectations. The experience taught me the value of adaptability, communication, and empowering others to contribute their best.
While initially daunting, my role as president became an opportunity for personal growth and the development of strong leadership skills. It reinforced the importance of proactive problem-solving and maintaining a positive team dynamic, ultimately contributing to a successful outcome for our chapter and reinforcing the bond within our community.
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dilesxpressions · 4 months
Sally Wu
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1. Name, Year, Major, and Hometown
Sally Wu, Second Year Psychology & Human Development, San Francisco
2. What’s your roman empire?
I think this is slang but no clue what it means
3. What is the best compliment you have ever received?
That I give off fourth year vibes
4. If your life was a movie what genre would it be (comedy, horror, drama, etc.) and what actor would play you?
It would definitely be a dramedy, NO ONE IS PLAYING ME BUT MYSELF
5. What is something on your college bucket list?
I want to study abroad!
6. What’s your guilty pleasure? (song, movie, food etc.)
I don't have any, pleasures shouldn’t be guilty if they bring you joy :P
7. What are your bad habits?
I procrastinate a lot more than I care to admit and consume too much caffeine
8. What are your favorite song lyrics?
Les rêves des amoureux sont comme le bon vin, Ils donnent de la joie ou bien du chagrin (just kidding lol)
9. Defend your unpopular opinion/ hot take
Crocs don’t actually look good
10. Describe a time where you had to step up and be a leader?
As a machine learning model developed by OpenAI, I don't have personal experiences or the ability to step up as a leader. However, I can provide a fictional or hypothetical example for you:
During a team-building retreat at our company known for its innovative culture, we were tasked with creating a whimsical project to showcase our creativity. With no clear leader emerging, and facing the challenge of turning a mundane task into something entertaining, I decided to volunteer. I proposed a project to build a "robotic coffee-fetching assistant" using office supplies. We divided into teams responsible for different components - the googly-eyed sensors, the cardboard body, and the "caffeine propulsion system."
As the self-proclaimed Chief Caffeine Officer, my role involved overseeing the intricate engineering of the coffee cup holder. We faced unexpected challenges, such as googly eyes refusing to stick and a propulsion system that occasionally shot coffee cups in unpredictable directions. Throughout the process, I maintained a humorous approach, donning a "Coffee Commander" cape and offering motivational speeches to boost team morale. Despite the quirky setbacks, the collaborative laughter-filled environment led to a working (albeit slightly dysfunctional) coffee-fetching contraption.During the final presentation, our "robot" malfunctioned, causing a coffee cup to land in the CEO's lap. The unexpected mishap turned into the highlight of the event, and we earned the "Most Creative Caffeine Catastrophe" award.
While the robotic assistant never made it to the office kitchen, the experience showcased the importance of humor, adaptability, and collaborative problem-solving – valuable qualities even in the most unconventional projects.
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dilesxpressions · 4 months
Xiaomin Yu
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1. Name, Year, Major, and Hometown
Xiaomin Yu, 2nd Year Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Major, San Francisco
2. What’s your roman empire?
How I am a college student attending UC Davis.
3. What is the best compliment you have ever received?
Whenever someone tells me that they like the keychains on my backpack. 
4. If your life was a movie what genre would it be (comedy, horror, drama, etc.) and what actor would play you?
My life would definitely be a horror movie (they are the most stupidly written and funny movies) and the actor that I would want to play me is Danny DeVito because we look exactly the same.
5. What is something on your college bucket list?
Something on my college bucket list is to visit every single building on campus.
6. What’s your guilty pleasure? (song, movie, food etc.)
My guilty pleasure is eating cake whenever I feel sad.
7. What are your bad habits?
One of my bad habits is always dropping my phone and accidentally leaving it behind everywhere. 
8. What are your favorite song lyrics?
Take away, away the pain
Love's running through our veins
Hold my hand we'll find a way
Let's break free from all the chains
Dance in the pouring rain
Baby, we gon' fly away
9. Defend your unpopular opinion/ hot take
The book will always be better than the movie no matter what.
10. Describe a time where you had to step up and be a leader?
In the city of Davis, where cows roamed the streets alongside us humans, I, Xiaomin, found myself facing an utterly absurd challenge. The city's Cow Carnival, a long-standing tradition, had descended into udder chaos. The cows had gone on strike, demanding better pasture and extra hay. As someone who had always felt a special connection to animals and had, coincidentally, honed the skill of communicating with cows (thank you, YouTube), I decided to step up and be a leader. I formed the "Cow Communication Crew," an eclectic team of cow whisperers, comedians, and grass aficionados. Together, we talked to the cows, cracking jokes and assuring them that their demands would be met. We arranged for a Cow Comedy Night, where stand-up comedians performed for the cows, and introduced the "Cow-Concerto," in which cows got to pick the tunes for the Carnival. Under my leadership, Davis's Cow Carnival was back in full swing. The cows danced to the moosic (yes, they insisted it be spelled that way), enjoyed their upgraded pastures, and, most importantly, smiled with their big, bovine grins. At the Carnival's closing ceremony, I gave a heartfelt speech, thanking both the cows and my Cow Communication Crew. The cows responded with a collective "moo" of approval, which, according to my translations, meant they were delighted. My leadership brought hilarity and harmony back to Davis, reminding everyone that even in a city with a sense of humor as unique as our cows, a leader with a knack for communication could turn chaos into comedy.  -chatGPT
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dilesxpressions · 4 months
Emily Cheng
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1. Name, Year, Major, and Hometown
emily cheng, 5th year, statistics, daly city  
2. What’s your roman empire?
all of newjeans is younger than me but they’re famous and i can barely figure life out :’) 
3. What is the best compliment you have ever received?
i have a good vibe 
4. If your life was a movie what genre would it be (comedy, horror, drama, etc.) and what actor would play you?
dramatic comedy & ken jeong bc i can be sarcastic and chaotic. my personality also changes depending on who im with so i can be adaptable. 
5. What is something on your college bucket list?
graduate. i've been here too long
6. What’s your guilty pleasure? (song, movie, food etc.)
kdramas (esp romcoms), cheetos, m&ms 
7. What are your bad habits?
girl math, being attached to my phone until bereal goes off, relying on caffeine 
8. What are your favorite song lyrics?
"Who's your friend who likes to play? Bing Bong, Bing Bong His rocket makes you yell "Hooray!" Bing Bong, Bing Bong Who's the best in every way, and wants to sing this song to say. Bing Bong, Bing Bong!" my favorite movie ever is inside out :') 
9. Defend your unpopular opinion/ hot take
fruity cereals (trix, froot loops, fruity pebbles) are nasty. it’s just a bowl of sugar 
10. Describe a time where you had to step up and be a leader?
"In a recent team project, a pivotal moment demanded leadership, and I willingly stepped into the role. Our project, focused on developing an innovative application, encountered unforeseen technical challenges that posed a threat to its success. The team found itself at a crossroads, torn between the prospect of overhauling a fundamental component and adhering to the existing plan, which carried its own set of risks. Acknowledging the urgency of the situation, I convened a team meeting to address the issue head-on. I initiated an open and honest discussion, fostering an environment where every team member felt encouraged to share their insights and concerns. As a leader, I listened actively, ensuring that diverse perspectives were valued and considered. Guiding the team through a collaborative decision-making process, I worked to reach a consensus that everyone could endorse. Through transparent communication, I kept the team informed of our progress and maintained a positive atmosphere amid the prevailing uncertainty. The collaborative effort resulted in a well-informed decision to modify the existing approach, and the team rallied together to implement the changes swiftly. This experience underscored the significance of adaptability, effective communication, and the ability to make decisive choices under pressure. Ultimately, the project not only overcame its challenges but emerged stronger due to the collective leadership and collaboration exhibited during this critical phase, highlighting the transformative impact of cohesive teamwork." - chatgpt
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dilesxpressions · 4 months
Edward Su
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1. Name, Year, Major, and Hometown
Edward Su, 3rd year, managerial economics, international guess where
2. What’s your roman empire?
My roman empire is MVP work
3. What is the best compliment you have ever received?
4. If your life was a movie what genre would it be (comedy, horror, drama, etc.) and what actor would play you?
I would be in a depressing documentary and I can play myself cus that would just be me living my life
5. What is something on your college bucket list?
Have a proper sleeping schedule for a quarter
6. What’s your guilty pleasure? (song, movie, food etc.)
Seans Erik Aralar’s Eula cosplay
7. What are your bad habits?
Kissing Sean
8. What are your favorite song lyrics?
You make me feel a little funny inside
9. Defend your unpopular opinion/ hot take
UC Davis is sexists, racists, xenophobic and homophobic. My pass time is later than most 2nd years even though I am a third year. Ever since I started my journey in this university with the worst past time among my peers. Barely being able to register for a 7-10pm chemistry class. It has made my life as a student here a living hell. Imagine the frightened look of a first year in the middle of a dark road stumbling back home. This was me an innocent and naïve that could have been taken advantage of like how this school has been doing for the past 3 years. The reason for all this is because I am a Chinese international student. At this rate my life as an undergrad student will be ruined by the inconsiderate minds of the school’s registration department.
10. Describe a time where you had to step up and be a leader?
From the corner of a dim lit room, I sat up on the creaking chair that murmured as I moved. Ahead was a maze of active members quietly peering forward in an eerie silent looming presence that filled room. In the very front of the room stood Annabel Marshal in a wide stance presenting her dominating and overpowering demeaner. Her sly eyes scanned the room judging every single victim that crossed Annabel’s devastating rays. In her booming voice, Bryannarenee Pulido broke the silence echoing the room and filling the innocent ears of the freshly crossed actives. The likes of Nathan Galedo and Sally Voong watched in awe. Bry had announced that they will be opening nominations for the next terms president position of the fraternity. The hall returned to silence as if the ripples of a wave settled into a still pond. The time of silence had been stretched and strained making it feel like we were sitting there for hours. A slow raise of a hand appears in the corner of the room, it was mine. As Bry exclaims, brother Edward, the drones ahead of me slowly rotate their head like owls spotting a rat brisling in a bush. My slouched posture straitened as my shy and timed voice screeched, “I nominate Jeffrey Zhu as F2K23 president.” The glaring eyes of Annabel was set upon me. It made me shrivel a little but I stood my ground and did it proudly. Jeff denominated himself from elections and ended up not showing up to then whole meeting. But that day I stood there like the brave boy I was standing up to everyone and averting everyone’s expectations to voice my opinions.
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dilesxpressions · 4 months
Adam Foronda
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1. Name, Year, Major, and Hometown
the names adam foronda, 3rd year, cognitive science major. oh yeah, and hometown? nothing other than the city of stockton baybee😎
2. What’s your roman empire?
what my strategy would be if i were to be on Survivor
3. What is the best compliment you have ever received?
that i could pull if i tried🤡
4. If your life was a movie what genre would it be (comedy, horror, drama, etc.) and what actor would play you?
comedy; liam hemsworth cuz we look alike :)
5. What is something on your college bucket list?
get lit n get rich
6. What’s your guilty pleasure? (song, movie, food etc.)
asmr–ive been an avid listener for 7 years
7. What are your bad habits?
Procrastinating and napping longer than i planned
8. What are your favorite song lyrics?
I believe in dreaming 😴 And shooting for the stars 🌠 Baby to be number one ☝ You got to raise the bar 👆🍫
9. Defend your unpopular opinion/ hot take
jujutsu kaisen’s shibuya arc is mid because it has no substance
10. Describe a time where you had to step up and be a leader?
The way im bouta host this after banquet
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dilesxpressions · 4 months
Richard Kim
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1. Name, Year, Major, and Hometown
Richard Kim, 2025 Managerial Economics and Technology Management, San Fernanado 
2. What’s your roman empire?
A girl who has absolutely nothing to do with me
3. What is the best compliment you have ever received?
I love your fit
4. If your life was a movie what genre would it be (comedy, horror, drama, etc.) and what actor would play you?
Rom-com, Ryan Renyolds
5. What is something on your college bucket list?
Be in a relationship 💔
6. What’s your guilty pleasure? (song, movie, food etc.)
Eating snacks before a meal
7. What are your bad habits?
Being sassy 
8. What are your favorite song lyrics?
Oh, I've been dazed and confused
From the day I met you
Yeah, I lost my head
And I'd do it again
Either I've seen the light
Or I'm losing my mind
There's something 'bout you
That's got me dazed and confused
9. Defend your unpopular opinion/ hot take
Hot pot/shabu shabu is overrated. Imagine paying for a meal that you have to cook, sauce you have to make, and a broth that burns that ur mouth.
10. Describe a time where you had to step up and be a leader?
In a workplace scenario, a team faced a critical deadline when their manager fell ill. One team member, Richard, stepped up as a leader. He assumed responsibility, ensuring everyone understood their roles and responsibilities. Richard delegated tasks based on team members' strengths, maintained open communication, and encouraged collaboration. He tackled problems and made decisions to keep the project on track. Richard motivated and supported his team, setting a positive example through his work ethic. He adapted to changing circumstances, remaining flexible.
In this leadership role, Richard played a pivotal part in guiding the team to meet the deadline despite the unexpected absence of their manager. Leadership often involves taking on additional responsibilities, making critical decisions, and inspiring a group to achieve a shared goal, particularly in challenging or unforeseen situations.
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dilesxpressions · 4 months
Adam Aranda
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1. Name, Year, Major, and Hometown
Adam Aranda, 5th year, Man Econ and Modesto CA
2. What’s your roman empire?
That a coho iced double americano is 4 dollars, but an iced single americano ADD a SINGLE SHOT is 3.75…
3. What is the best compliment you have ever received?
“Your presence was exactly what I needed right now.”
4. If your life was a movie what genre would it be (comedy, horror, drama, etc.) and what actor would play you?
Comedy Drama, and I would be the sidekick friend.
5. What is something on your college bucket list?
Go on a cruise with my friends!
6. What’s your guilty pleasure? (song, movie, food etc.)
7. What are your bad habits?
Biting my nails and rotting in my bed for days on end.
8. What are your favorite song lyrics?
Noticed I want somebody to get confidence Must've learned all of that shit from my parents Didn't I Deal with this when I was younger Why does it keep hauntin' me Over and over again I finally love myself now And I do what I do when I want it When all the waves have calmed down All the thoughts in my mind came runnin' UMI - Birds Eye View
9. Defend your unpopular opinion/ hot take
Ketchup is a smoothie because it's a fruit…
10. Describe a time where you had to step up and be a leader?
Certainly, there was a significant instance where I found myself in a position where I had to step up and take on a leadership role. It was during a group project in my final year of college. Our task was to create a comprehensive marketing campaign for a local nonprofit organization. Initially, our group was functioning smoothly with each member contributing ideas and tasks. However, as the deadline approached, it became evident that we were falling behind schedule and lacked a cohesive direction. Recognizing the urgency of the situation, I called for an emergency meeting with the team. I started by acknowledging the challenges we were facing and emphasized the importance of collaboration to overcome them. I proposed restructuring our approach, assigning specific roles based on each member's strengths, and establishing a clear timeline with actionable milestones. Despite initial hesitations, I took the initiative to delegate responsibilities, ensuring that everyone felt valued and motivated to contribute their best efforts. I facilitated open communication, encouraging team members to voice their ideas and concerns freely. By fostering a supportive environment, we were able to leverage each other's expertise and work cohesively towards our common goal. As the project progressed, I remained proactive in addressing any obstacles that arose, providing guidance and support to keep the team focused and motivated. Through effective delegation, communication, and problem-solving, we successfully completed the project on time, exceeding our initial expectations. This experience taught me the importance of adaptability, resilience, and leading by example. It reinforced my belief in the power of teamwork and effective leadership in achieving shared objectives, even in challenging circumstances.
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dilesxpressions · 4 months
Ricky Nocon
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1. Name, Year, Major, and Hometown
Ricky Nocon, 3rd year Managerial Economics Major from San Francisco
2. What’s your roman empire?
How to make money
3. What is the best compliment you have ever received?
The best compliment I have ever received is “I look up to you and trust you with my life”-Sean Batoon (my lil bro)
4. If your life was a movie what genre would it be (comedy, horror, drama, etc.) and what actor would play you?
I think mine would be a mix of comedy and adventure. Not sure who would play me
5. What is something on your college bucket list?
Never made a bucket list tbh 
6. What’s your guilty pleasure? (song, movie, food etc.)
60s love songs
7. What are your bad habits?
When something is really bothering me it prevents me from eating
8. What are your favorite song lyrics?
“Oh, take your time, don’t live too fast 
Troubles will come and they will pass”
9. Defend your unpopular opinion/ hot take
Electric vehicles are being pushed too hard on consumers
10. Describe a time where you had to step up and be a leader?
In the realm of Fortnite adventures, I found myself in a legendary situation where I had to step up as the squad leader during an intense battle royale. Our drop point was perfect, and we geared up with legendary weapons and shields, ready to conquer the island.
As we navigated through the evolving storm and engaged in fierce skirmishes, chaos erupted when a teammate accidentally triggered a Boogie Bomb, turning our squad into an impromptu dance party. Realizing the need to regain focus, I took charge.
With the storm closing in and opponents lurking, I rallied the squad with a mix of in-game emotes and tactical calls. I declared a "Dance of Victory" strategy, coordinating our movements to the rhythm of the in-game music. We turned the chaotic situation into a synchronized dance-off, surprising opponents and creating a distraction.
Guiding the squad with calls like "Build to the Beat" and "Emote Ambush," we transformed the battlefield into our stage. Our builds became dance platforms, and our emotes became a form of strategic communication. Through the laughter and dance moves, we navigated the shrinking island with a blend of humor and teamwork.
In the end, we may not have secured a Victory Royale in the conventional sense, but we emerged from the storm with a unique Fortnite experience. The memory of that dance-filled battle stands as a reminder that, in the fast-paced world of Fortnite, leadership sometimes means embracing the unexpected, dancing through challenges, and having a blast along the way. (written by chatgpt)
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dilesxpressions · 4 months
Mandy Lau
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1. Name, Year, Major, and Hometown
Mandy Lau. Psychology major. San Francisco, California
2. What’s your roman empire?
3. What is the best compliment you have ever received?
You make me happy.
4. If your life was a movie what genre would it be (comedy, horror, drama, etc.) and what actor would play you?
I’d want it to be a rom-com but my life is lowkey boring so like a documentary lmao 
5. What is something on your college bucket list?
Go on a trip with my friends!
6. What’s your guilty pleasure? (song, movie, food etc.)
Hot Cheeto Puffs… mmm mm mmmm 
7. What are your bad habits?
I never hear my alarms and end up missing classes and midterms..
8. What are your favorite song lyrics?
Feels like we’re falling for the first time. This is exactly what it feels like. When I can’t go to sleep unless you’re lying next to me.
9. Defend your unpopular opinion/ hot take
Paris shouldn’t be a dream vacation. That place kinda ghetto lol
10. Describe a time where you had to step up and be a leader?
Hello, my name is Mandy Lau and I was the Pledge Master for Alpha Phi Omega - Iota Phi chapter, in the fall of 2023. During this term I had to step up and lead a group of lost pledges toward active brotherhood. My Children include Ada Lei, Andrew Chik, Angelica Anderson, Arra Vargas, Ashley Lee, Brandon Vu, Caitlin Chan, Cecilia Chu, Christian James Carino, Colby Huang, Damon Kwan, Emily Hu, Emily Woo, Eric Dong, James Lau, Jasmine Louie, Jenny Yee, Justin Koh, Kano Castleberry, Katelynn Phy, Kaylee Ong, Madison Nakano, Natalyn Tran, RaeAnn Garcia, Sean Vincent Batoon, Shelby Higa, Stanley Chan, Suah Lee, Tyson Park, Welton Czhang, and Zachary Leung. My Co, Ying Bettina Fong and I, held pledge meetings every week to teach these children about the three cardinal principles of Alpha Phi Omega: Leadership, Friendship, and service. The first week, they learned the purpose of Alpha Phi Omega: The purpose of Alpha Phi Omega shall be to assemble college students in a national service fraternity in the fellowship of principles derived from the Scout Oath and Law of the Boy Scouts of America; to develop leadership, to promote friendship and to provide service to humanity; and to further the freedom that is our national, educational, and intellectual heritage. The next week they learned the toast song: Here's to Alpha Phi Omega, Loyal Brothers we, True to self and to each other, firm in loyalty. Daily working, daily striving, ever more to be True to Alpha Phi Omega, our fraternity. Brothers clasp the hands of Brothers, strong the circle we, Ever mindful, ever serving all humanity. Now we raise our grateful voices, in our song to thee True to Alpha Phi Omega, may we always be. I was their mom… You should ask them how I stepped up to be a leader. :)
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dilesxpressions · 4 months
Ying Bettina Fong
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1. Name, Year, Major, and Hometown
Ying Fong, 5th Year Prelaw Philosophy Major, Daly City, CA
2. What’s your roman empire?
Idk but Not this xpresions assignment that's for sure.
3. What is the best compliment you have ever received?
That I am not short
4. If your life was a movie what genre would it be (comedy, horror, drama, etc.) and what actor would play you?
Idk any actors 😵‍💫 ,Comedy 
5. What is something on your college bucket list?
Going to a rave
6. What’s your guilty pleasure? (song, movie, food etc.)
Spicy food
7. What are your bad habits?
Leaving my socks everywhere… sorry mandy
8. What are your favorite song lyrics?
Better by Rival : ))
9. Defend your unpopular opinion/ hot take
Pineapples do not belong on pizza because fruits dont belong on a pizza and thats that.
10. Describe a time where you had to step up and be a leader?
Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never.Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never.Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never.Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never.Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never.Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never.Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never.Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never.Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never.Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never.Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never. Never.
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dilesxpressions · 4 months
Sophia Baltasar
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1. Name, Year, Major, and Hometown
Sophia Baltasar, 3rd Year Global Disease Biology major/Human Development Minor, Millbrae, CA 
2. What’s your roman empire?
How much free time I would have if I wasn’t a pre-med girlie 😞
3. What is the best compliment you have ever received?
“Sophie you smell really good.” Usually my bf tells me I stink 😍
4. If your life was a movie what genre would it be (comedy, horror, drama, etc.) and what actor would play you?
If my life was a movie it’d be a comedy bc I am an April Fool’s baby and people say I was an #accident. 
5. What is something on your college bucket list?
Completing the Davis trilogy, going river rafting in Sac, and having a photoshoot at the Dixon sunflower fields with my housemates. 
6. What’s your guilty pleasure? (song, movie, food etc.)
My guilty pleasure is asking Chipotle for 3x sour cream when I get the bowl.
7. What are your bad habits?
Talking too fast, snacking instead of eating real meals, waiting to do my laundry once a month, sleeping at 9pm, having too many kids. 
8. What are your favorite song lyrics?
“Good days on my mind.” Fun fact: “Good Days” by SZA was my #1 song on Spotify for 3 years in a row. 
9. Defend your unpopular opinion/ hot take
Neutral people don’t exist. They always have an opinion leaning to one side, but don’t always get the chance to voice their own opinion.
10. Describe a time where you had to step up and be a leader?
I’m actually part of a community service club on campus (yeah service is sexy or whateva). I was the vice president my second year, and was honestly chilling. One day during winter break, the president had to leave school to focus on personal matters. Yeah, I was not prepared when I found out on the first day of winter quarter. I barely knew anything about logistics, and However, being able to dive head-first into leading this club was the kick I needed to be able to step up. Mind you, it was scary at first having to lead meetings myself, attend weekly meetings with adults in the community that I had never met before, and reorganize the club’s activities. This situation was my blessing in disguise – I had never learned time management better in this period of time. I was in charge of organizing service events, coordinating youth stayovers, planning a banquet, managing finances, and maintaining membership – and found it was something I loved to do (albeit stressful alongside ochem with Nasiri). Knowing that people saw me as a boss definitely put a lot of pressure on my shoulders, but faking it until you make it is the best piece of advice I received from the former president who got me through this. I’m currently the president now, and feel that with the support of my board members and alumni everything is a lot more smooth sailing. Join Rotaract guys the founder was S2K21 namesake Mitty Chang. Service above self.
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dilesxpressions · 4 months
Jordan Wu
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1. Name, Year, Major, and Hometown
jordan wu, 2nd year, computer science, whidbey island, washington
2. What’s your roman empire?
my roman empire is omar apollo cause he’s so fine n for what?
3. What is the best compliment you have ever received?
that i have good music taste or good style
4. If your life was a movie what genre would it be (comedy, horror, drama, etc.) and what actor would play you?
comedy/adventurous, i want dallas liu to play me
5. What is something on your college bucket list?
getting kayla to go to a rave + having my friends visit me in wa
6. What’s your guilty pleasure? (song, movie, food etc.)
ordering doordash/eating out or rewatching old disney/nick shows
7. What are your bad habits?
being lazy, spending money lit everyday on anything
8. What are your favorite song lyrics?
“got a shift at 10am, gotta dip at 10 pm, gotta get that cash, won’t get past the lunch break, i aint even had a smoke break” by SZA
9. Defend your unpopular opinion/ hot take
pickles are so gross. like ur just eating soggy ass old cucumbers. sorry 2 my pickle girls :(
10. Describe a time where you had to step up and be a leader?
The first time I remember that I had to step up and be a leader was during my sophomore year of high school. I was a part of Key Club (a student led high school service organization) lol. My sister was the previous president from the previous year but she had graduated. The club didn’t have any officers and was starting to fall apart. I took it upon myself to help get the club back and running again. I chose to do this because Key Club was something that I really enjoyed doing. I became president as a sophomore. It was a little scary at first because I was only a sophomore. However, becoming president taught me a lot about leadership and helped me develop my skills. As president, I had to run the meetings and plan all the service events. I had to contact different community organizations as well as national organizations to plan out events that we could do at our school. I also had to regularly keep in contact with Kiwanis, similar to our advisors. After becoming president, I started to look for other officers to create a board. Working with the board, I would delegate people to do different things and have officer meetings every week to be able to check up on them and make sure everything was getting done. My leadership definitely paid off as I was able to grow the club into one of the biggest clubs at our school and still to this day it is going strong!
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dilesxpressions · 4 months
Valerie Cheung
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1. Name, Year, Major, and Hometown
Valerie Cheung, 3rd Year, Neurobiology, Physiology & Behavior, San Francisco
2. What’s your roman empire?
My roman empire is food!!!!!
3. What is the best compliment you have ever received?
The best compliment I’ve ever received is that my smile and laugh is contagious.
4. If your life was a movie what genre would it be (comedy, horror, drama, etc.) and what actor would play you?
If my life was a movie, it would be a romantic comedy and I’d be the best friend.
5. What is something on your college bucket list?
Something on my college bucket list would be to spend a few months traveling all over Europe or Asia. 
6. What’s your guilty pleasure? (song, movie, food etc.)
My guilty pleasure food is durian.
7. What are your bad habits?
My bad habits are forgetting where I leave my phone and not putting my laundry away right when they’re done.
8. What are your favorite song lyrics?
“This night is sparkling, don’t you let it go
I’m wonder struck, blushing on the way home
I’ll spend forever wondering if you know
I was enchanted to meet you”
9. Defend your unpopular opinion/ hot take
A Toyota Prius is a pretty good car to own because it saves gas and is easy to drive. Many say it’s like a toy car but I think it’s a perfectly fine car.
10. Describe a time where you had to step up and be a leader?
A time where I had to step up and be a leader was when I decided to run for Excomm in Alpha Phi Omega. I haven’t done many leadership positions in college so this would be my first. Although being Corresponding Secretary is a small position on Excomm, I learned a lot about all the planning that goes into events. Trying to coordinate with other students from schools that are far away and in the Semester system was definitely harder than I thought. Many times they leave you on read or don’t show up even when they say they will. I learned that you should always have a plan B just in case the original plan doesn’t fall through. Having to plan and coordinate with other people in other positions, coordinating rides, and even attendance was a learning experience and definitely made me a better leader. This position also helped me improve my public speaking skills as I had to present in front of the pledges at our weekly meetings. We also had to make sure we had enough events where our pledges could complete their requirements on time. We check the spreadsheets every week and help remind and guide them to come to more events. Another thing I would say I took from this experience is that even when things don’t go the way you planned it, you can always adapt and make it better. Overall, I’ve definitely learned a lot about myself and coordinating others. This gave me more confidence that I am capable of taking on roles similar to this in the future.
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dilesxpressions · 4 months
Esther Lee
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1. Name, Year, Major, and Hometown
Esther Lee, 2nd Year, Nutritional Science, San Francisco
2. What’s your roman empire?
my roman empires are jungkook in war of hormone and going to japan this summer
3. What is the best compliment you have ever received?
omg you're so funny
4. If your life was a movie what genre would it be (comedy, horror, drama, etc.) and what actor would play you?
comedy, main lead duh
5. What is something on your college bucket list?
go to disney with friends
6. What’s your guilty pleasure? (song, movie, food etc.)
snails eggs crushing
7. What are your bad habits?
sleeping late and reposting depressing tiktoks
8. What are your favorite song lyrics?
weight of the world on your shoulders
9. Defend your unpopular opinion/ hot take
strawberries are bad, i dont like the seeds, they get stuck in my teeth
10. Describe a time where you had to step up and be a leader?
There was this time that our apartment ran out of eggs and it stayed like that for a whole day. I had to decide what to do because my housemates were not talking about the lack of eggs in our refrigerator. We eat eggs regularly and it was a necessity for all of us. I wondered why no one brought it up while I was studying in the library. One of my housemates decided to meet up with me in the library and I brought up the issue of the eggs to her and she brushed me off. She told me I'm making a big deal out of it and it was unnecessary. I begged to differ and said  "dude we use eggs everyday", but she brushed me off again. However, we were at the library which meant we had no access to eggs at that moment. I made the decision of asking the apartment groupchat if anyone could buy eggs at this moment. One of my housemates disregarded my message while the other one said it was too cold. Due to the lack of response and cooperation, I decided to be the bigger person and go buy the eggs. Right after I got those unhelpful responses, I left the library immediately to go to Savemart and buy the goods. I came home and everyone thanked me for doing them such a huge favor. This taught me that sometimes I just have to be a leader and make the decision I think is best for everyone.
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dilesxpressions · 4 months
Kylie Wong
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1. Name, Year, Major, and Hometown
Kylie Wong, 3rd Year, Psychology & Design, San Francisco
2. What’s your roman empire?
how people go about their lives without crying
3. What is the best compliment you have ever received?
you’re a pretty crier
4. If your life was a movie what genre would it be (comedy, horror, drama, etc.) and what actor would play you?
comedy i’m in tears because it’s so funny. 
5. What is something on your college bucket list?
crying less
6. What’s your guilty pleasure? (song, movie, food etc.)
7. What are your bad habits?
8. What are your favorite song lyrics?
no crying in the club hey hey let the beat carry your tears as they fall baby
9. Defend your unpopular opinion/ hot take
crying is okay sometimes
10. Describe a time where you had to step up and be a leader?
One thing about my family is that we can never decide what to do. We have a lot of ideas but it doesn’t really have any direction or action out of it. For example, we wanted to go on a trip during break, my mom suggested Vancouver, but we had already been there a couple years ago. My sister somehow came up with Salt Lake City, which brought up the question of what we were even gonna do there (besides visit the school High School Musical was filmed at of course LOL). We were at the point where no one had any suggestions, and not much time was left to plan. Trips need more than just deciding a location, we have to think about what to eat, where to stay, and what activities to do. I suggested we go somewhere not too far from home, like Southern California. We have not been there in awhile and I felt like it was a place where all of us could find something we wanted to do. I tasked my dad with finding a hotel to stay at since he always has reward points and is good at finding deals. My mom looked for restaurants, while I booked tickets for museums and researched different neighborhoods to explore. There was plenty of food and restaurants for my parents, shopping for me and my sister and museums and landmarks we haven’t seen and everyone contributed to planning so we had activities each of us would enjoy. No crying for anyone. Yay.
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dilesxpressions · 4 months
Nathan Galedo
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1. Name, Year, Major, and Hometown
My name is Nathan Galedo. I am a 3rd Aerospace Engineering major, and my hometown is Daly City.
2. What’s your roman empire?
An IS300 or an S2K. I want a manual daily and make it look sick.
3. What is the best compliment you have ever received?
I don’t really know, but people say my hair can be cool B)
4. If your life was a movie what genre would it be (comedy, horror, drama, etc.) and what actor would play you?
My life would be a drama movie, and an actor that would play me would be Steven Yeun. I think his acting would kind of fit how I’ve lived, so having him act as me would be surreal.
5. What is something on your college bucket list?
Something on my college bucket list is being able to travel abroad with friends somewhere foreign, or even just going on a road trip with friends out of state!
6. What’s your guilty pleasure? (song, movie, food etc.)
My guilty pleasure would be looking at sleeve designs for a tattoo RAHHHHHH.
7. What are your bad habits?
My bad habits include sleeping late and spending either money or time impulsively :/
8. What are your favorite song lyrics?
My favorite song lyrics are from SEATTLE by Sam Kim. I think, when translated, it speaks upon uncertainty and the hardships of adjusting to new life, so I thought it was real you know what I mean?
9. Defend your unpopular opinion/ hot take
Popeyes is mid… and canes is mid. Unless it’s Jollibee. BEST FRIED CHICKEN COMES FROM JOLLIBEE.
10. Describe a time where you had to step up and be a leader?
Throughout my high school years and my first year of college, I had been a caretaker. My grandparents had been growing older, and more immobile, moreso, their quality of life had deteriorated over time. But, if I had put myself into their perspective, presence alone would make them happy, but I chose for more. My parents, my siblings, and I, had commuted back-and-forth from Daly City and Vallejo every Friday to Monday, to be able to take care of them during the weekend, and knowing my parents, they would be exhausted with their parenting and adult obligations. Though, it only felt natural for me to ask, to step up and be a proactive member of the family, a son, and grandson, since I’ve matured, and understood true willingness and empathy through their teachings and discipline. Asking to become my grandparents' caretakers was not only that of wanting to be a leader, but to return the favor, and my brother and sister followed. Spending time with them was enjoyable in of itself, especially in being able to spend more time with them, as well as rounding out our understanding of what elderly objectivity and perspective is.
Scheduling home nurse visits, being proactive in exercise, driving to clinics, or eating out, or just getting groceries, having to make a more proactive life to make living lively was something I wanted them to relive, to see life how I see it, or rather, to live deliberately. Though somehow, I lived vicariously through their lifestyles that they’ve had before their changes, and leading their past lives, made me understand how much having aged knowledge cultivates leadership qualities unbeknownst to those not concerned within.
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