diluge · 7 minutes
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thank you Juilliard trained Val Kilmer we all say in unison
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diluge · 55 minutes
today on the list of things that are gonna keep me up at night (courtesy of depthsofwikipedia ig)
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I don't think this is actually her but this is a photo of a specimen from the same species that comes up when you search for her.
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A reminder that humans can and do form years - DECADES - long relationships with creatures much smaller and much different than us.
Rest easy, Number 16. You were taken from us too soon.
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diluge · 1 day
"you should be at the club" i should be sleeping peacefully at sunningrocks
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diluge · 1 day
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[https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/49766069] Mediterranean Banded Centipede || Scolopendra cingulata Observed in Bulgaria
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diluge · 2 days
This month, every bug is gay
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diluge · 2 days
Alright everybody
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diluge · 2 days
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Jodie Foster as Clarice Starling in The Silence of the Lambs (1991)
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diluge · 3 days
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I cannot stop thinking about these tags and extended monologue is running in my head.
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diluge · 3 days
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SR-71 Blackbird and F-14 Tomcat
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diluge · 3 days
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diluge · 3 days
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This is how you get blocked. I am very passionate about my love of hated species and very petty about online bug vitriol.
Reasons mosquitoes are good:
Mosquitoes pollinate
Mosquitoes can repopulate and restore dead wetland because their larvae don't need oxygenated water. A mosquito boom is step #1 in restoring wetland
Mosquitoes drive caribou migrations and prevent overgrazing and overpopulation
Mosquitoes are an unbelievably important food source for birds, amphibians, and predatory insects like dragonflies and diving beetles
Mosquitoes are able to feed on megafauna (like deer), and can move nutrients from the top of the food chain down to the bottom of the food chain without killing megafauna. Mosquitoes allow birds and dragonflies to eat deer, and no deer has to die in the process
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diluge · 3 days
My snack. You can't have it
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diluge · 5 days
it's always so funny to see a bug just fucking booking it across the floor. like girl where are you going. bug plans
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diluge · 8 days
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why is this about to make me sob
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diluge · 10 days
If I had mandibles I'd clack them together like tongs all the time
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diluge · 12 days
i think people who hate wasps are just misogynists. why do you hate women
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diluge · 1 month
when people say "ok but x bug has no benefit to nature" I bet they can't even name 5 facts about the bug they're shitting on. so how could they Possibly know what its function is in the environment and if it's "useless" or not
wasps being the perfect example, I still get people saying "oh bees are cute and pollinate :) yay. but WASPS ARE EVIL and they don't contribute ANYTHING!!!" and it's like buddy. wasps pollinate too. they also control spider populations. they do a lot of great valuable things. but even if they didn't, they're still worthy of being here. I see SO much hatred toward wasps and I wish people would try to learn a little more about them.
I'm mainly talking about paper wasps here because these are common ones we run into in daily life and most commonly deemed "aggressive". but wasps have body language. and if you learn to read this language and learn how to properly act around them, things will go a lot better for you! wasps can be curious creatures and they may come up to observe you, especially if you're wearing something brightly colored. this can be startling for sure, but my best advice is to just be still, DO NOT SWAT or wave your arms. try to just back away or sidestep so it loses interest and leaves. swatting is just gonna make them feel as if they are being attacked and increase your chances of being stung.
many stings happen due to unfortunate but accidental circumstances. unknowingly getting too close to a nest, stepping on a wasp on accident, one getting stuck in clothing, etc. I got stung once while gardening, went to pull a weed and the wasp was on it, so I grabbed her without knowing and she stung me because she was scared. this doesn't mean "oh wasps are AGGRESSIVE and EVIL" it means you stumbled into an unfortunate situation where the wasps felt threatened and defensive. instead of being like "FUCK all wasps" go forward trying to learn about common nesting areas, be wary of holes in the ground, wear gloves while gardening, and if you do have to be around a nest, try not to make a lot of noise. if the nest absolutely needs removed, call a professional.
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