dirtyd008 · 2 years
"One should always think the worst of people, Ragnar, especially of their own kin, that way they avoid too much dissapoint in life."- Floki
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dirtyd008 · 2 years
There are somethings that when people do to you, don't forgive them, don't take them back, I did nothing to you, right? Right.
Whenever you are coming here like I fuck your girl, I want you to know that, I didn't.
I wanted to you know that, before I cut you down. That this was long overdue, right? I want you to know, I only did this, because if you were in my shoes, you would have done this to me.
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dirtyd008 · 2 years
The music industry Sucked, so, I made the type of music I liked. It turns out, people loved it.
The movies industry Sucked, so, I made the type of movies I loved. It turns out people loved it, too.
I guess, it turns out, I got great Taste. Everything I touch turns to gold.
I was there for you, right? Right. I came through for you when you weren't popping. I put you on. I loved you like a bro or a sis. I made you. I was there for you, I want you to remember that...
You were suppose to give me a shout at, bare minimum, send me, my cut. Fame tasted good, doesn't it? How much did you get for leaving me hanging, dry and broke? Nothing? Ok.
You think you deserve it? All this cloud, for using My work for free? I once, waited 8 years to get my revenge, what is time to a Timelord?
Mine is always served cold-revenge. Enjoy your 15 mins under the sun while it last, cuz it's about to rain...
When you are done, I'll still be King. I am a creature of the night. Nocturnal.
I want you to remember that feeling, because all my love for You has turn to hate.
Rappers are dropping like flies, nowadays, R.I.P Takeoff.
When I come for you, no matter how sorry you are, no matter how much money you make, no matter how famous you are, it won't even matter if you pay, plus interest.
What matters is that the King in the Norf came for you, Personally.
And there are only 2 choices; I leave with your right hand and my bag or I leave with your life. You get to choose.
No one can protect you from me Now. You've already eaten from the poison tree
Ha ah ha ha ah ah ha!
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dirtyd008 · 2 years
I was teenage outlaw, with no worries on my mind,
Now I'm get older, my heart is getting colder, all the time
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dirtyd008 · 2 years
I cursed you on Halloween, when the veil between worlds is really weak. That how much you pissed me off!
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dirtyd008 · 2 years
What was the first name on that list again? It's time I get to work. Oh yes, Mark Zuckerberg.
Mark Zuckerberg, do you believe in witchcraft? How about voodoo or black magic?
Power, the things that come from the earth, you won't understand, you're not black.
I put a curse on you and your family, for 7 whole generation. May your food taste like ash in your mouth and may you lose everything you love on your happiest day. I curse you, I curse your family, I curse your friends, your friend's friends, your supporters and I even curse your pets and acquaintances. May everything you touch be fruitless, may everyone who shares a laugh with you, be curse too.
Up next, look at that, a girl, Sadie Penhale, you skyrocketed to 2nd place. Your sins are not so grave, but you will be cursed all the same.
I curse you with bareness and infertility and I curse your family for 3 whole generations, I curse everyone who ever dares to love you, boyfriends and husband's included, with nothing but back-stabbing and unfaithfulness. This is my gift to you and your family, for 3 generations.
Up next, Justin Trudeau- the whiteman with the painted black face. Justin Trudeau does not care about black people. I will get to you in a second, let me talk to my president.
President Paul Biya, won't you save face and name me your successor? Lol I promise not to kill you- humiliatingly, I will give you a soldier's death, quick and painless. I promise not to hurt your family. That is the only offer that is on the table. If nothing else, do it just to piss off the whiteman. Didn't you have a rebellious spirit when you were my age? I heard your daughter is hot...
Who am I kidding? When has someone with power in the history of the world, willingly relinquished it? Not everyone is Nelson Mandela. Not everyone is Mandiba.
If you are wondering what your other options are, you only got to see the fate of every other dictator before you. I have seen your future...timelord remember? It's written in stone.
November the 5th, started last month...
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dirtyd008 · 2 years
You should treat Me better than everyone, I am your King, don't make me proof myself, Again...
If you can't do that, treat me like everyone else, I don't mind. I am a man of the people. People call me People...
Whatever you do, Do not treat me like I am less than or slow or stupid, right? Right. I will make your whole universe really small.
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dirtyd008 · 2 years
Instagram is now forcing me to follow people by force. People who do nothing for me. People, I have outgrowned.
Sorry, I am going to be unfollowing you for the 5th time, this month. It's not my fault, it's the algorithm.
I only want to follow 12 people by the end of the year, you literally didn't make the cut.
Whenever you see mark Zuckerberg work, you know it's mark Zuckerberg's work because it doesn't make sense-the man did not go to school.
I wonder what he tells his shareholders after loosing billions in dollars: "it's Dirty D's fault, he refused to work for us for free- we were building the perfect metaverse for him"
"Excuse me, you shouldn't have. I have my own shareholders to answer to, if I lose so much as a penny of their money, they will straight up, kill me and my family. Very dangerous hombres- these people don't accept failure as an excuse"
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dirtyd008 · 2 years
Up next, I am unfollowing every famous person 🤪 except those that follow Me or I fancy.
You are not more famous than your King and you are not particularly going anywhere.
By now, you must have heard of Me and my prowess, choosing Not to work with me or follow me is also your choice.
I had a point and I made it.
In life, we try Not to make choices for others, except children. They are they future.
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dirtyd008 · 2 years
If you have to choose between real money or real power, yeah? choose power.
You could use power to get money but power that you buy will always Betray you to the highest bidder, especially in the face of pure unbridled Power.
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dirtyd008 · 2 years
And so, it was written, and so, it shall come to pass, as the seer foretold. We have a whole continent of black people, waiting to be excellent.
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dirtyd008 · 2 years
You want to know how I have managed to be King for the last 12 years? It's not because people haven't tried to defeat me or kill me or poison Me or throw dirt on my good name...trust me, I was in the military, me and friends used to waterboard each other for kicks. I got the scars to proof it.
It's because in all that time, I still haven't found my equal, even in my own family
My name is Dieudonne Wanka Asanji, true, long-lost King of Wakanda. I never yielded. In all my life, I never lost a single bout for the title of greatest king under the sun.
There are over 3 billion people in the world, that look like us-all black. We have the strength in numbers, in skills, and in physical prowess to defeat them all. Its our birthright. It's time for all us to unite.
No other race will stand a chance against us under the heaven, with me as the tip of the spear and the rest of you behind me, we shall take our rightful place under the heaven.
Who is the White man, if not for the black man? Are you not tired of being bottom, all your life? You should see the view from the top, come with me.
Wakanda Forever!!!! Ahoo! ahoo!
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dirtyd008 · 2 years
You see how these Jews rally to support their own even when they are wrong and not being persecuted... that is how I want all black people to support their own, even if they are wrong and guilty, if the want a future in the United States of America.
We are all innocent until proven guilty. But only the whites will admit it.
When the cancel us, we should stop using their services and cancel them too.
Adidas needs us, we don't need adidas, Facebook needs us, we don't need Facebook. blacks are their highest customers. We are the epitome of style.
Fuck Adidas. Adidas never did shit for me. Never buying from them again.
Kanye West is a fucking black, mad-genius. The epitome of black excellence. I will die on this hill. So what, he says the wrong thing all the time on national television?
Is it a lie though? Does George Bush, Mark Zuckerberg, CNN and Fox News care about black people 🤔?
You know the answer, deep in your fucking black heart. Because it black right? Right. And when, I pull up in hell and mark Zuckerberg is not there, I will kill Satan 😤
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dirtyd008 · 2 years
Deep down, in places you people don't talk about, you know I am not coming back to Canada right? Right.
The king in the Norf will return in the North after he has been paid, reimbursed, given free housing and staff.
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dirtyd008 · 2 years
When I start collecting my bag or my pound of flesh, you better stay passive right? Right.
Cuz if you become active & step up to me, I will cut you were you stand. I don't care that you the police, the military or God.
You didn't fight for me.
I am your King. The one crime I don't forgive is Treason. Treason will always be punishable by death.
I was the blood of the dragon, you denied me 3 times.
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dirtyd008 · 2 years
I'm tired of hearing how much you care about other people.
If you care so much about them, you could have care for me too, but you don't, so, you don't care enough, in my eyes.
Your love is fake, it's not inclusive, its discriminatory.
They people you care about, they are not they only ones suffering. Hell, they have a better life than those I care for, so, as far as I am concerned, we are like 2 ships, passing in the middle of the ocean.
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dirtyd008 · 2 years
The person who thought me everything about the law and crime, how to manuever and be a G, was a Jew.
The man was like a second father to me, in some ways I loved him more than my father because he never lied to me. He always gave it to me straight and was the first to see my potential.
I still remember the last time we spoke, we had gotten into a huge fight- over money of course. I told him; "the next time I point my weapon at you, I promise you, I will squeeze that trigger."
I never got the chance to kill him. His wife did the honors and skipped town. The man couldn't keep in his pants. It turns out, he was cheating on all his clients and the domino's pieces had started falling.
Now, I am stuck running his dilapidated empire. Most days I curse at him, but deep down, I know he made Dirty D.
I guess the point I was trying to make was, No particular group of people are beyond criticism. We are all bad people, pretending otherwise is lying to ourselves.
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