disasterghaster · 15 hours
The body still had enough ghaster matter for filling in eye sockets and providing hands so, at least there was that. Still, face like that would fit in with cannibal town. Very blank and empty stare to go with expression.
It lifted head to face Rogier, first of all. Phone? Phone. Brain chemicals had to dance around a little bit before it got up and went to the kitchen. Only to reach into it's own pant pockets to take out cellphone. It just needed to retrace some memory pathways to get there about it.
Phone. It came back and held the device out to Rogier. He'd asked. He'd want? Seemed logical to Body.
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All the better for Rogier that he had not seen Alastor before. But the radio demon knew better than to try to assert himself in a place where he'd already been warned contained something untoward if he opted to get ornery.
So he remained polite, despite the faint crackle of static that emanated about him as he lifted a hand to greet the other.
"Hello there, my strange and unknown friend! I am here on a particular mission, to be quite frank about it. Your associate - Devang, I believe it was - has sent me here to secure an object of importance. A cellular device, if I am not mistaken. From her unmanned body."
A strange assortment of words he had not anticipated saying on this day but there it was.
"Would you happen to be in the right position to assist me with that, hm?"
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disasterghaster · 1 day
"I didn't think this far ahead on my plan of being a silly goof."
"You've given me at least seven years of that. Minus the financial misery."
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disasterghaster · 1 day
Deities & Some Mythos
This is by no means an entirely comprehensive list. Dekropolis’ Middle Region is often the focus of these details as it is the most worked with area of the world. Even then, Dekro’s situation as a reality with thin dimensional borders and interstellar travel, there are many non-Native deities being melded or carried to Dekro. Dekro is diverse in its cultures and how they fit with each other, this includes the religions, however this pantheon is to denote what IS native to Dekro and considered the official pantheon borne of the time before stable inter- dimensional/stellar travel.
I won’t include a whole lot of minor/melded deities. We’d be here too long.
Dekro Pan-Pantheon
King God of the Heavenly Court. Descendant of Beeltha and Jaana and twin brother of Diablo. He presides over the whole of Dekropolis’ pantheon as well as the world. He is omnipotent and omniscient, but not omnipresent. The omniscience requires a bit of focus. If he does not think to know something, he does not know it. Mirthos, as a deity, is capable of creation and protection. He is worshipped as a God that presides over the concept of Justice. Seen frequently as a type of entity that one should aspire to be in matters of kind and even handed judgement as well as wisdom. He is considered to rule over abstract concepts and has very little earthly connotation–he does not preside over natural phenomena at all.
King God of the Hellish Court. Descendant of Beeltha and Jaana and twin brother of Mirthos. He presides over the Hell of Dekropolis and other negative dieties/spirits. He deals directly with the ‘damned’ while the rest are sent to Tuyan-Vahe. He is omnipotent and omniscient, but not omnipresent. The omniscience requires a bit of focus. If he does not think to know something, he does not know it. Diablo, as a deity is capable of destruction. This includes the destruction of all things including the very souls of people. He is known for operating like a standard Devil in that he will deal in souls for ones desires. He is another ‘idea’ rather than ‘natural occurrence’ deity. His original Name was Morkath, but once other-worldly immigrations happened there was a shift in his name due to the overwhelming repeating ideas throughout existence. He is functionally similar while his brother has less overbearing commonality. Diablo is also known to have taught a handful of people something called a “Diablo Punch”. A small fraction of his martial arts ability that he has created and mastered in entirety.
God of Valor and The (quintessential) Warrior. Son of Mirthos and Lekosis. He presides over the realm of those that died in honorable, righteous, and good conditions known as Vahe. He is the patron of all soldiers and warriors. When one wishes to be triumphant and strong in battle, they invoke Tuyan. He is the Heavenly Courts law enforcer, also. He is sent to deal with those whom have over stepped their bounds in Dekro. One such time was when Dominion Ezko was captured by Tuyan and taken to Heavenly Trial to be sentenced for the grievous level of destruction Dominion inflicted on Dekro. Tuyan is omnipotent, but not omnipresent or omniscient. He has never been beaten in combat.
Goddess of Wisdom. Considered a minor deity and consort to Mirthos. Invoked primarily by sages and mages. Those seeking mental fortitude to understand. She is thought to be the origin of letters and paper as well as memory.
Former God of the Ocean and Tides. Represented as a type of aquatic Lung Dragon. Able to control large bodies of water, their weather patterns, and creatures that dwell in it. He is prayed to by sailors and navy men for safe passage. He is rarely seen since the Omega Wars. (Yorime, for his services during the Omega Wars, granted Valta a mortal life. He founded the Ezko Clan.) Though he is no longer seen, he is often still worshipped–though foreign gods are more often attended to than him anymore.
Bonna Yorime
Goddess of the Moons. Dekropolis has three moons and the Yorime has three faces or forms. ‘Bonna’ is a prefix that means something like ‘honorable boss lady’. She is seen as the source of all magic and internal energy/the soul, making her a pretty prestigious, powerful, and mysterious Goddess. She created Valtamara and it is thought that, due to this, she has power over the waters/tides–even after Valta’s descension to mortality.
Old Gods
These Gods pre-date the current pantheon.
Goddess of Creation. Jaana is one of many forgotten Old Gods. Her whereabouts are unknown, but she is written to have been the creator of the universe in which Dekropolis resides. According to the written legends, she and her chosen mate, Beeltha, fled their dimension of origin when their makers persecuted them for their union. To start anew she created Dekropolis and all that exists within it. A haven for the rejected of all other dimension and planes. Her and Beeltha had twins in the early days of Dekro’s conception. Unfortunately, the Omega Wars set into motion shortly after. Beeltha and Jaana have not been seen since. It is speculated she is no longer in Dekro.
God of Destruction. Beeltha helped in the making of Dekropolis. Without creation there cannot be destruction and without destruction there cannot be creation. She made the world and set in motion the things to come while Beeltha destroyed and set in motion the violent changes that would feed the things to come. It is believed that the warring and destructive nature of Dekro has something to do with Beeltha still being in Dekro while Jaana is absent. However, this is conjecture. Represented as a behemoth of a red dragon. Written to have been able to block the light of the sun with a single wing.
Steward of Forgotton Knowledge and Piety. Though not a deity, he is a very powerful servant of Beeltha and Jaana and is often treated with the same respect as a god. He is omniscient. He, very literally, knows all (relating to Beelth/Jaana and Dekropolis). Having been brought from another dimension to serve Beeltha and Jaana, Hart is outside of the fabric of Dekro reality and rules. He is a forgotten being and resides in the ruins of an old Beeltha temple in the Northern Mountains. He maintains the temple and the complex tunnel work within in the mountain that houses an extensive library. And the cavern that houses a bound Beeltha .
Traveling Deities
others not listed here yet
Other than Ares, traveling deities come to Dekro and tend to their worshipers, but always shortly return to their reality of origin. Some even come to blend in with the populace anonymously at times.
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disasterghaster · 1 day
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Well, it was fun, lmao.
[ Hero Forge ]
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disasterghaster · 2 days
You know the ones.
[And left that there. She hummed ever so thoughtful while stepping through the door.]
Spoons? [She knows better. But she leaned into perceptions often.]
That's what you get when you play into your tropes, yeah.
[Stuck her tongue tip out a moment.]
Jazz? Amazing. Saxaphones.
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disasterghaster · 2 days
"If the request isn't payable in kisses, no."
"You've given me at least seven years of that. Minus the financial misery."
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disasterghaster · 2 days
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Halloween at the clinic has never been spookier.
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disasterghaster · 2 days
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disasterghaster · 2 days
"Yeah, just kinda...plain average guy-gal look. You know." Something she used to strive for, honestly. Blending in~
"Welp! You talk to anyone I know? I pay attention to that." Just in case anything happened. Like attempted murder or sudden addition to the polycule. "If not, then I'm stumped. And, Devang."
Offered out a gloved hand to shake upon her pert introduction.
"An... An NPC look?" That squint is met with a baffled look, her head tilting in response. "I... I honestly don't think we've spoken before?" Unless her memory was also shitty, but Ava likes to think she has a slightly better memory of faces than she has of names.
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disasterghaster · 2 days
"You've given me at least seven years of that. Minus the financial misery."
"It's fine. I'll probably change my mind in the six or more months it takes to get a court date anyway." She responded with the usual humor despite the wobble in her mental space.
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disasterghaster · 2 days
That's what you get when you play into your tropes, yeah.
[Stuck her tongue tip out a moment.]
Jazz? Amazing. Saxaphones.
Uh-huh, uh-huh. [Nodded along sagely.] Somehow I don't think you quite know the difference. Except sometimes you want to feel detached and other times you don't. [Pat the arm linked with hers.] Where's this place you're so hot to get to?
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disasterghaster · 3 days
oofies on the need for a nap
feel free to send asks, tag, or whathaveyou
like this post for a simple random starter when i wake up
specify for multimuse
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disasterghaster · 3 days
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disasterghaster · 3 days
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Done by a wonderful person who goes by McT421 and runs a certain Conrad Achenleck art blog.
They’re amazing. They have a dA.
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disasterghaster · 3 days
"You'd probably do good with some of those styles that low gravity centers and redirection. Judo's a good one. I still use a good bit of bastardized wing chun. Don't guess there's a lot of teachers 'round here, though. Good market, but then everyone knows how to fight good as you once you teach 'em." Too competitive a place. Population too small.
Place like this reminded her she didn't miss where she was born. Like, at fucking all.
"Nothing wrong with learning in Hard Knocks. That's usually the first teacher for everyone that starts scrapping. One way or another. Makes for a lot of scars, true enough."
They seemed to realize Devang didn't have anymore to say, so decided to move on as well.
Sometimes there were no words, and that was alright.
"Oh yeah it is. I'm a lot better at fighting now than I was five years ago." Ghost agreed. "Not something I often like to do, but pain is a good teacher, unfortunately. I've got a good number of scars from the last two years- that's when I've been getting into the most fights. Still got a few from before that, though."
They still needed to show those to Lucifer. Maybe they'd invite him over one day and show him.
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disasterghaster · 3 days
@sinshosted || liked for simple rando starter
"Having a swiss cheese brain day, I feel like I've spoken to you before..." Slight squint and peer. Touching chin with a finger. "But you do got a bit of an NPC look about you. No offense."
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disasterghaster · 3 days
Uh-huh, uh-huh. [Nodded along sagely.] Somehow I don't think you quite know the difference. Except sometimes you want to feel detached and other times you don't. [Pat the arm linked with hers.] Where's this place you're so hot to get to?
Woooow, tell me how you really feel. [ He would roll his eyes. He didn't have anything to gain at the moment by lying to her! ] You're not wrong, but it wouldn't be personal. I only do that shit for buisness.
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