disasterjolt · 3 months
Danganronpa V3 Animatic
Might finish it into a full animation (not anytime soon)
IT'S DONE, I'M SO EXCITED THAT I FINISHED IT AS FAST AS I CAN I felt like I was having a Danganronpa V3 open book exam as I kept rewatching certain scenes to figure out what to draw ejfnend
I once said that my dream is to make a long animation one day- I feel I'm one step closer to that dream! 🥺💖
I'm really happy with how this turned out, I'm posting to mark my improvement from Kaemugi animatic (which had too many close ups)
I've been studying animations I like and some anime scenes frame by frame to improve-
I'm not good at storyboarding, I actually tried and gave up- So I just jumped directly into making the animatic
I feel I planned really hard scenes to do for final as there are a lot of dynamic and perspective poses ekfjejd ESP THE FIGHT SCENE that part is my favourite wkfjd I RILLY LOVE ACTION IN ANIMES I didn't think I could pull it off, it looks really cool in the end! I feel I'm not able to do those hard poses now, but maybe in the future? >:3
Just gotta keep working hard and be patient and one day I'd reach my goal!
Ending: After getting crushed by a rock, Tsumugi reflects in her final moments about everything that happened
The mirror flashes back to her pregame self where she is forgotten by everyone for being too plain, all she has is Danganronpa to keep her going
It changes to Junko to show how Tsumugi was so lost in fiction that she copied Junko completely and forgot about herself
The mirror then changes to Tsumugi herself in her current state to show that Tsumugi finally accepts reality
The reality is she is herself and the fact that the killings were all real so she doesnt smile and dies together with her regret
^I know this is not a popular fandom view but if I'm going to pour my heart into something that could possibly take years to do, I'm going to do something that I truly want for myself and not just what is most popular and most welcomed I hope there will still be people who enjoy this though, thank you for all the support!🥰💖
-I want Tsumugi to lipsync the lyrics "I designed this rhyme" as it feels fitting of her role, the mastermind
-Himiko pulling down her hat before revealing she is crying is to symbolise how much she had repressed her feelings till now
This was inspired by a Warrior Cats animation btw! It's called "Swiftpaw AMV - In The End" by NekoVocalNote
I came up with all the scenes in this animatic myself (which I'm proud of akdjdj) but I was inspired by that Swiftpaw animation's action and how one can finish a full animation- I used the same song as it! My final is a bit similar to the ending of the Swiftpaw animation too!
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disasterjolt · 3 months
The messages in question my last post was based off of
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disasterjolt · 3 months
Based off a conversation with a friend from awhile back that I fished out lol
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They’re gay frenemies your honor
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disasterjolt · 3 months
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Happy femslash February im too lazy to make actual drawings at the moment so here’s itty bitty doodles of girls loving girls
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disasterjolt · 6 months
Tenkangie ftw!
Angie Yonaga Shipping Elimination Results!
🏆 Tenkangie wins! 🏆
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disasterjolt · 7 months
Consider this:
Danganronpa Despair Time, but Eden has a handgun.
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disasterjolt · 7 months
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Happy Halloween! We don’t talk about how I’m a day late to post this.
This was my piece for the Halloween Big bang for @drv3giftexchangeclub! I was paired with @jadeofblades and they wrote the wonderful fic this drawing is for!
Here’s the link, make sure to give it a read! https://archiveofourown.org/works/50788765
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disasterjolt · 9 months
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Listen, I have no idea who this character is, but she is my absolute favorite and if anything happens to her I will cry myself to sleep. (I am gay for buff woman)
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disasterjolt · 9 months
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disasterjolt · 9 months
Love how indecisive we all are for the fandom names for the new fangame.
I’ve seen ppl refer to the cast as numbers, ice cream flavors, colors, design aspects, fruits and everything in between.
✨ Fandom creativity at its finest ✨
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disasterjolt · 9 months
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Also two things my friend and I noticed, 1.
These two got the same eye type, siblings?
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Number two, this is the same thing min mentioned in her extra. Right?
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Im so obsessed with this rn u don’t understand
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disasterjolt · 9 months
What are with girls at my school whenever they see their friend in the bathroom they start giggling and hugging like they haven’t seen eachother in years like? Why y’all excited that you all decided to go piss at the same time??
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disasterjolt · 10 months
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[Emerges From The Wood Works To Share Doomed Yuri I Made For @drv3giftexchangeclub's Summer Gift Exchange And I Am Holding A Lemonade] Hello There : )
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disasterjolt · 10 months
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My piece for the @drv3giftexchangeclub for @solarskips! Hope you enjoy the age Tenkaede content!
I’m so glad I could join the gift exchange for the second time and I hope to participate again soon!
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disasterjolt · 10 months
I hope Eden turns out to be a normal fucking person so that I can dance on the hunched over bodies of everyone who thinks she's going to be evil /lh
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disasterjolt · 10 months
THIS. i love this.
Regarding the people being suspicious of Eden thing, it brings to mind a quote from The Incredibles 2: "Politicians don't understand people who do good simply because it's right. It makes 'em nervous." Anon would argue a lot of people in fandoms today are the same: they can't stomach the idea that there are genuinely kind people in the world, because that "makes them feel bad" for not being the same. So, Eden can't GENUINELY be a nice person, because then "they look bad in comparison".
//All of this is actually very interesting because Teruko and Arei both have very similar logic in Chapter 2:
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//They have a similar sort of view that kindness, friendship and optimism are naive at best and actively harmful at worst. They've bought into the lie that reality is unilaterally terrible and everyone is an asshole out to get to you, and the only way to survive is to be an asshole right back.
//And it's definitely not for nothing, especially when you look at who says these things:
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//It's a perspective I've seen in a lot of people who've been beaten down and dealt with so much awful shit in their lives that kindness feels almost alien to them.
//I've seen a lot of real people make those same conclusions, and they often decide that someone being kind is either too stupid to realize what they think they know, or they have ulterior motives.
//And like I keep saying, Despair Time is telling us that this perspective is wrong.
//Teruko's trust issues have only isolated her more and more from the others, and left her with far less information to work with than she would've had if she cooperated. Ace's antagonism and constant fights lead to him nearly getting killed. Arei actually did patch things up with Eden, and how that turned out...well, we can't really say for sure yet.
//It perplexes me how people have mostly latched onto the darkness and misery, and assume that this is some nihilistic misanthropic edgefest simply because the protagonist is the one who has to learn how to trust others. Or that David exists.
//Eden, meanwhile, is the person in the cast who best represents kindness and optimism, and instead of it being a two-dimensional platitude, it's her personal decision to be kind even though she knows how dark the world can be.
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//I say all this as someone who has dealt with depression and anxiety for well over a decade at this point: Eden is absolutely right. Bottling up your emotions, withdrawing from others, and only thinking about yourself is a recipe for extremely unhealthy behavior.
//And approaching this from a writing perspective, if this were the grimdark story so many seem to think it is, characters like Eden usually die in the beginning to firmly establish the tone. They don't get scenes like this.
//Now, obviously I have no idea where the story is going to go from here, but I highly doubt that putting so much emphasis on Eden here is meant to signify that this is somehow going to prove Teruko right. On the contrary, I'm still certain this chapter will prove Teruko's decision not to trust anyone is far more dangerous and unhealthy.
//Either people didn't actually pay attention to what was happening or being said in the game itself, or they think that, because a character is kind, that somehow means they're going to be evil.
//I honestly think Eden is the least likely to be the culprit in this chapter. You can quote me on that and throw it in my face if I turn out to be wrong, but I'm sticking to it from here on out.
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disasterjolt · 10 months
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Was playing gods will on Roblox. It’s just,, so them??
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