diyplanneruniverse · 6 years
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I’ve always loved making my own planner and being able to customize it, so I decided to invest in a create365 planner happy planner! I am so excited to finally create a Tumblr dedicated to all my planner needs and maybe help some people get ideas along the way. I’m totally a beginner at this so I hope to be able to look back to this very post in the future and see some growth. Today I decided to go into some dangerous territory... Hobby Lobby. I got some fun stuff for this next year that is coming up super quick! 2019 is a new year which means... a new planner :) I sat down and decided to add some stickers and spice things up a bit! I can’t wait to do some more updates as my planner gets filled with some goodies. I am in college so most of my stuff will be centered around classes (tests, quizzes, homework, appointments, etc) with the exception of a few fun activities, working out, as well as the common household tasks! 
Next time I post hopefully my planner will be a bit more decorated with some new stuff!
xoxo :)
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