dj-li · 3 years
Unexpected pregnancy and miscarriage at the same time. The joy lived short😢
Pregnancy timing can be detected in Bazi chart. I use this method to identify ideal timing for pregnancy.
Bazi derived from birthday and the chosen date to conceive works for chart owner and not for other people. Some chosen dates are just around corner if coincide with good timing. Or the dates could drag few months later or even next year.
It depends on individual chart.
Rather than keep trying without knowing the result and worrying about it, feel free to contact me. I will help you to analyze your bazi.
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dj-li · 3 years
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Free ebook to those who are interested in plants decor and feng shui.
It covers:
✅ Feng Shui Introduction
✅ Qi explanation
✅ Plants characteristics
✅ Worst plant position in the house
✅ Guide to place the plants.
If interested, please DM or input email address below. Will send ebook to your mailbox.
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dj-li · 3 years
Confession: My company don't have SOP workflow and I find it hard to work with especially those that didn't have clear guidelines and SOPs.
Those who portray such behaviour usually have too little output elements in Bazi. They couldn't perform well if there is no instructions or assigned duty to them. As if they are lost sheep. Whether good for doing business or under employment depends on their bazi structure and decade luck. For sure, they can perform provided if your company have clear workflow or SOPs.
Pls PM me with details if you'd like to confess and interested to know what is the root cause in terms of Bazi or Purple Star perspective.
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dj-li · 3 years
In bazi, common mother's chart hard to conceive:
✅ Output element very little
✅ Output element is clashed/combined
✅ Weak day master with little output
✅ Strong day master with heavy resource element and or no output
If you find yourself hard to conceive, higher chance to fall in one of the categories.
The solution is to select a day that support output element based on your bazi chart. By doing this, you are taping universe energy and will have a good news in few months time.
#infertility #conceive #baby #pregnant
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dj-li · 3 years
Someone asked: Is there a need for Feng Shui audit every year?
The answer is absolutely yes if
✅ There are changes of external house:
-is there construction/renovation going on?
-is there a new plant or plant not doing well?
-is there any inauspicious looking near your house?
✅ There are changes of internal house
- more stuff than previous year
- for unknown reasons, house appliances/ furnitures always broke down and need to fix
- there are issues with health/relationship/wealth/career
Additional notes
- In flying star, star #2, star #5, and star #7 fly to different sector of the house every year. These stars are inauspicious which causes bad luck rundown, illness, savings down. Funny enough, not everyone in the house will get it😜.
*Warning! Do not anyhow place the cures for these stars. Will activate something else instead.
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dj-li · 3 years
Today, 7 Jun 2021 at Wu hour. Strong fire day. This month, Jia Wu month easily form sanhe Yin Wu Xu. If fire element is favourable in your bazi chart, good things will happened to you this month.
What kind of good things? It depends. Fire could be friend, wealth, skills, career, spouse, etc.
If fire is career to you. Your career is smooth or good opportunities coming to you.
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dj-li · 3 years
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Still single and pressure by parent? All friends are married except you? No ideas where to find?
Start searching ‘my other half’ using Purple Star! Don’t miss your chance to meet your other half.
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