djriter · 7 years
#Supergirl #AlexDanvers #MaggieSawyer #Sanvers #SavingAlex #Episode19 EPISODE 19 - Saving Alex-A Supergirl fanfic
Like most Supergirl and Alex Danvers fans, my imagination has been running away with since first hearing about upcoming Episode 19 in which Kara and Maggie must team up to save Alex. I have a whole story plotted out in my head as to how I envision this might unfold tomorrow night. So, for the first time since I wrote fanfic for Lois and Clark, I decided to write my story down and share it. Unfortunately, it’s only partially finished due to a run in with a broken tooth and having to have a tooth pulled. As I said I have a complete story plotted and will complete it soon, in the meantime please enjoy what I’ve written so far. Feel free to share with friends. 
EPISODE 19-Saving Alex - 
The warmth of the morning sun shining through the blinds woke Alex Danvers. She rolled over and smiled at the figure softly snoring beside her. How her life had changed in the nine months since this woman had come into her life. And through it all, besides her sister, one person had been by her side. Maggie. Maggie had been there for her through all the recent changes in her life, when she’d discovered the truth about herself and when her father had returned then betrayed everyone. Alex decided maybe it was time for one more change.
“You’re thinking too loud, Danvers. It’s our day off, go back to sleep,” Maggie mumbled without opening her eyes.
Alex chuckled and leaned over to give her a quick kiss on the cheek. Maggie opened her eyes and smiled.
“Well, now that’s a nice way to wake up.”
“You know, you could wake up that way every morning, I mean if you wanted to. You’re already here most nights anyway, and…”
Fully awake now, Maggie sat up, “Alex?”
She always called her Alex in their more intimate moments, “Are you asking me to move in with you?”
Alex hesitated, rushing and stumbling over her words as she often did when she got nervous with Maggie. “Well, only if you wanted to, I mean, if you don’t think it’s too soon.”
“You want me to move in before we’ve even said….” Maggie started before being interrupted by Alex’s phone ringing.
Alex took a quick glance at the phone, even though it was her day off it wasn’t unusual to get called in to the DEO.  But it wasn’t.
“It’s Kara, I’m sorry I’ll be quick, we’re supposed to have a sister’s lunch today to catch up since we’ve both been so busy lately, maybe she’s finally decided,” she said, before sitting up against the headboard of the bed.
Maggie grinned, “Your sister and her food.”
“Kara, hey, where are we going for lunch? Oh, ok. I guess so. No, no, it’s okay we’ll go another time. Good luck.”
Disappointment clearly showing on her face, she turned to Maggie, “She canceled, she has to meet someone about a possible lead on a job, now where were we…before we even said what?”
Just as Maggie was about to answer, the text notification on Alex’s phone chimed.
“Know you were disappointed about lunch, pushed meeting back, time for late breakfast at Noonan’s before meeting. Meet me there, 30 minutes? Bring Maggie.”
Alex showed Maggie the text and asked, “Want to come?”
Maggie shook her head, “No this is your sister time, we’ll all have plenty of time together later. You go, enjoy, I’ll run by the station and catch up on my DD5’s and other paperwork my captain’s been complaining about, then I’ll meet you later at the DEO because I know you want to check in on that experiment in your lab and we can finish our conversation.”
“Promise?” Alex asks.
“Promise, go meet your sister.”
With a quick kiss, a smiling Alex hopped out of bed to dress, “What would I do without you?”
 An hour later Maggie was parking her bike in her spot at NCPD headquarters when the department’s SWAT team van came roaring up to the entrance. The SWAT Team, lead be Sergeant Carruthers rushed out in full tactical gear and headed toward the van.
Carruthers spotted Maggie crossing the parking lot.
“Sawyer! With us!”
Maggie rushed over to him, asking, “What’s up?”
“Silent alarm triggered at First National City Bank, four armed suspects, at least one ID’d as alien. They’ve already killed the bank guard, and are still inside the bank.”
Maggie hopped in the van without question.  Ballsy, Maggie thought as the van raced through the city streets. First National City Bank was just six blocks from police headquarters.
A short time later the van screeched to a halt in next to the squad cars that had already arrived on scene. Carruthers and his men took their strategic positions and Maggie jumped out to take a position behind the unit closest to the bank doors.
They didn’t have long to wait.
Four heavily armed men, wearing combat gear, came out of the bank shooting. Three were of average size Maggie noted, carrying automatic weapons, but the fourth was definitely alien. A massive hulk, close to 7 feet, carrying a nasty looking alien weapon.
“NCPD, freeze! You’re surrounded, put down your weapons and surrender,” Carruthers commanded through a bullhorn.
They all stopped, but the 7-foot alien scanned the scene as if looking for someone, he stopped when he spotted Maggie.
“Detective Maggie Sawyer!” he bellowed.
Her weapon drawn and pointed at the alien, Maggie stood. The alien began walking toward her.
“Stop, or I will shoot!” Maggie commanded.
The alien kept coming, “You’re not going to shoot, detective. In fact, you’re going tell all these officers to stand down and let us go.”
“And why would I do something crazy like that?”
He stopped just in front of Maggie and reached into a pocket on his sleeve, he dangled what he had in his pocket in front of Maggie’s face.
“Because if you don’t, she dies.”
Maggie blanched and lowered her weapon. She snatched the item from his hand and turned to the officers, “Stand down, everyone, stand down, let them go.”
“Sawyer, are you crazy? Nobody move!” Carruthers bellowed.
“I said Everyone stand down and stand down NOW!” Maggie screamed. She turned to Carruthers and held out the item the alien had tormented her with, the bloodied ID badge of DEO Agent Alex Danvers.
“They have a hostage.”
Carruthers took one look at Maggie’s face and the badge she gripped in her shaking hand and nodded at his officers to stand down.
The gang scrambled from the scene into a waiting panel van, the alien paused a moment.
“A pleasure, Detective Sawyer.”
“If you hurt her…,” Maggie growled.
“She’ll live, as long as the NCPD, and Agent Danvers associates at the DEO, oh and their pet alien Supergirl don’t interfere while my associates and I conduct more business while we’re in town.”
He got into the passenger side of the van, stopping long enough to taunt Maggie one last time, “We’ll be in touch Detective.”
Stunned, Maggie could only stand and watch as they drove away.
 Following a heated argument with Carruthers that resulted in the NCPD staying at the bank to gather evidence in hopes of identifying the kidnapping bank robbers, Maggie raced to the DEO to fill J’onn, Winn and the others in as to what was happening.
She paced, like a caged tiger ready to pounce, as Winn tapped in to the security cameras at Alex’s apartment to see if they could pinpoint when she was taken, but there was nothing, just a seemingly happy Alex coming out of the building to get on her bike and leave. They’d had no luck tracking Alex’s phone, which Winn deduced meant they were dealing with someone who had some technological savvy.
He tapped into the security feed outside of Noonan’s. They watched in horror as they witnessed the three human goons from the bank surround Alex as she got off her bike behind Noonan’s where she usually parked. Alex didn’t go quietly, putting up a fierce battle and almost escaping when the 7-foot alien stepped in and knocked her out with a wicked right cross. Winn clenched and unclenched his fists, and J’onn’s Martian eyes began to grow red in anger as they watched the alien then rip Alex’s ID from her belt and then viciously kick the unconscious woman in the ribs twice before instructing the goons to pick her up. One of the goons draped the limp Alex over his shoulder like a potato sack.
Maggie watched stoically, growing dangerously quieter and they disappeared down the alley and out of sight of the video camera.
Which is when Kara strolled in, nonchalantly calling, “Hi, guys, what’s up?”
That’s when Maggie unleashed the tiger. She stormed across the room and shoved Kara, actually managing to knock the Girl of Steel off balance.
“Where the HELL were you?” Maggie screamed, the tears she’d been fighting to hold back finally streaming down her face. “Why didn’t you stop it? You’re supposed to protect her? Don’t you even give a damn about her anymore?”
Confused, Kara gently pushed Maggie away.
“Stop what? Care about who, Alex? J’onn? What’s going on?”
J’onn stepped up and put a reassuring arm on Maggie’s shoulder, “Easy, Maggie. Kara, a word, we need to talk.”
Winn turned from his console and handed Maggie the phone she’d dropped when she’d charged after Kara. She hadn’t even noticed the phone had rung while she was yelling at Kara.
“Maggie, it’s Carruthers, he needs to speak to you.”
Maggie fought to gather herself then nodded at Winn and stepped away to take the call.
“Sawyer,” she answered.
Kara then took note of the palpable tension in the room and it didn’t escape her notice there was one person missing. Her heart was in her throat.
“J’onn, what’s happened to my sister?”
DEO Director Henshaw steps back and Kara and Alex’s adoptive dad, J’onn Jonzz took Kara by the arm and led her up the steps to the balcony overlooking the city.
Kara was really beginning to get scared.
“J’onn? Where’s Alex?”
“We don’t know. Apparently early this morning she was taken hostage by a part human/part alien team of bank robbers. When Maggie and the police arrived, they convinced them to let them go by showing Maggie this.”
He handed her Alex’s blood-stained  DEO badge.
Kara could barely breathe, her eyes locked on the blood smears on the badge.
“Is that her….?��
J’onn nodded and with a slight smirk, “You know Alex, she didn’t go quietly.”
He used the tablet in his hand to show Kara the security footage from Noonan’s. Kara fought to control herself wanting to fly off the balcony to find her sister, but knew she had to be smart, that’s what Alex would want her to do.
J’onn continued, “They told Maggie, Alex would stay alive as long as the police and the DEO….AND Supergirl didn’t interfere with whatever business he and his team were conducting in town.”
“But I don’t understand what was Alex doing at Noonan’s? We were going to meet there for lunch, but I called her this morning and canceled because I had a lead on a job.”
“Maggie told us that, then she said Alex got a text from you asking her to meet you for breakfast.”
“Text, what text? I never sent her a text!” Kara said becoming more agitated by the moment.
“They must have had someone hack her phone and used your number to text her to draw her out.”
Kara started stripping out of her outfit to reveal her Supergirl costume.
“Maggie’s right, this is all my fault! If I hadn’t canceled, I would’ve been with her, I could have stopped this. I’ve got to go find her!”
“Kara, wait!”
“No, J’onn, that’s my sister, I’m going to find her, she needs me, I love her!”
J’onn stops her from flying off the balcony with a simple, “You’re not the only one who loves her. Someone else needs your strength right now.”
He nodded down to the floor of the DEO where Kara watched a distraught Maggie pacing back and forth while talking animatedly to someone on her phone.
“She loves her, too.”
Kara shook her head, “I know she cares about Alex, but love? She’s never said anything.”
J’onn nodded, “Look again, trust me. Alex would want you to take care of Maggie.”
Watching Maggie finish her phone call and then after, making sure no one was looking, seemingly fall into herself with grief, Kara realized J’onn was right. Maggie loved her sister too.
Kara hurried down the stairs.
With tear stained eyes, Maggie looked up at Kara. And as Supergirl embraced the detective, they both said, “I’m sorry, this is my fault.”
Kara pulled back, “No, Maggie, this is my fault, if I hadn’t canceled lunch, I would have been with her.”
Maggie shook her head, “But you sent her a text to meet you.”
“No, I didn’t” Kara handed Maggie her phone, there was no text sent from it.
J’onn joined them and said, “We think they somehow hacked into Alex’s phone and were listening in to her calls then sent the text.”
A light bulb went off in Maggie’s brain, “Bring Maggie!”
Maggie was excited, maybe they’d gotten their first real break.
“The text said, Bring Maggie! It makes sense now! That was the SWAT team leader on the phone, they ID’d one of the goons from the bank by a stray fingerprint he left when he grabbed a donut from the bank’s courtesy bar. And through that, we think we know who the alien is! They weren’t after Alex, it was a trap, to get me!!!”
Being able to start putting the pieces together seemed to help Maggie regain her calm, “Apparently kidnapping someone to use for leverage is this gang’s MO, National City is the third city they’ve hit in the last year. The leader is a Caldorian by the name of Drago. What they’ve done in the past is kidnap a high-profile police officer with each city’s police department and use them as leverage to keep police from interfering in their robberies. They usually pull three high dollar jobs, then leave usually within 24 hours, they were targeting me, the text said Bring Maggie, and I didn’t go, so when just Alex showed up they must have decided to take her to keep the police AND Supergirl out of their hair, this is all my fault, I should have gone with her!”
“Then they might have taken both of you! It’s not your fault Maggie,” Kara said, but she could tell there was something more.
“What happened to the hostages?”
Looking more frightened than Kara had ever seen her Maggie said, “They killed them, all of them, they’ve had Alex nearly 6 hours, she doesn’t have much time left!”
Kara put a reassuring arm around Maggie, “We’ll find her Maggie, together.”
 Behind them, an agent came up to J’onn and handed him a small package wrapped in plain brown paper.
After a brief conversation, he turned and held out the package.
“Detective Sawyer,” he said softly, “it’s addressed to you.”
Steeling herself, Maggie reached out for the package and tore it open, inside was a cell phone with a cracked screen, on the screen was taped a message, “Play video.”
Supergirl gasped, “That’s Alex’s phone.”
Maggie held the phone up in a shaking hand, “How the hell do I see this video?”
Winn gently took the phone from her, “Let me.”
He sat down at his terminal and hooked the phone up to his computer. A first a snowy image appeared,
then it cleared to show a darkened room, and in a single spotlight is a person, a black hood over their head slumped over in a chair, their arms tied behind their back.
Maggie’s heart raced, she stepped behind Winn to get a closer look, Supergirl and J’onn close on her heels.
Before they could make out if the person in the chair, they knew it was Alex but didn’t want to admit it, was alive or injured, Drago’s alien profile appeared in the frame. The camera shifted so they could see both him and the person in the chair.
“Detective Sawyer,” he began smugly, “I’m sure by now you know who I am, and what I am doing in your fair city. Just so we are very clear about what I want, I thought a little demonstration of what happens when people defy me were in order.”
He gave a slight nod, and behind him, two of the other men from the bank robbery grabbed the arms of the figure in the chair. One yanked the hood off to reveal a now awakened and very angry Alex Danvers. She fought against them and their bonds.
“Alex!” Maggie said, stepping even closer to Winn’s screen. Supergirl slid in next to her, putting one arm around Maggie’s shoulder, the other gripping the metal desk the screen sat on.
“She’s alive, Maggie,” Supergirl whispered to her, “and fighting.”    
Maggie gave her a slight nod. She couldn’t speak, her heart was in her throat, her eyes transfixed of the image on the screen, Alex, her Alex, her brave Alex, not a shred of fear in her eyes.
A third man appeared on and slid a table with a large tub of water on it in front of Alex’s chair.
From behind them, Maggie and Supergirl heard J’onn mutter, “Dear God, those bastards.”
“Now,” Drago continued, “my associates and I will be making a couple of more withdrawals within the next 24 hours. There will be no interference whatsoever, from the NCPD, the DEO, and especially you Supergirl. And don’t bother trying to find our location. I’ve done my homework on you Supergirl, where we are can’t be seen by your x-ray vision and I’ve also had it soundproofed. So remember, any interference, from any of you, and this is just a sample of what will happen to Agent Danvers.”
With another wave of his hand, Drago stepped out of frame.
Maggie, Supergirl, J’onn and Winn watched in horror as the third man grabbed Alex by the back of her hair and shoved her head, face first, down into the water and held it there as Alex struggled. After what seemed an eternity he pulled her head out of the water.
Drago stepped back into frame but addressed Alex, “Tell them, Agent Danvers, tell them to not interfere.”
Water dripping from her face, a gasping Alex looked Drago square in the eyes and defiantly said, “Go to hell.”
Then she directed a determined gaze directly at the camera lens, “You’ll find me, get him!”
Drago laughed and nodded. The man holding Alex’s head pushed it down into the water again, holding it under even longer this time.
Maggie didn’t breathe this time until the thug pulled Alex’s head from the water a second time, and watched her gasp for air. She felt Supergirl tighten her grip on her shoulder and honestly, she was thankful to have the support standing, she was barely hanging on. Maggie marveled at how the superhero was maintaining control. The arm she had around her shoulder was firm but gentle, but there was now a Supergirl sized impression where the hand gripping the edge of Winn’s desk had crushed the metal like paper.
No one else said a word, but she could see from J’onn tense posture and Winn fighting back tears that she and Supergirl weren’t the only ones this affected. Alex was special to all of them.
Her own eyes brimming with tears, Maggie turned to Supergirl and the others and declared, “When we find her…. he’s a dead man.”
Afraid of breaking down in front of everyone she stalked off.
Supergirl started after her, but J’onn stopped her, “Give her a minute.”
 Maggie stumbled through the halls of the DEO finally finding her way to one of the empty sparring rooms. She closed the door behind her and stalked over the sparring dummy. She hauled back and hit the dummy, letting loose the fury building in her.
She hit the dummy again.
“Dammit!” She hit the dummy twice.
“Dammit!” She unleashed a flurry of hits and kicks, there was no finesse to her moves, just raw rage, and somewhere in the middle of her physical release, came the tears streaming down her face. She couldn’t lose her, she couldn’t lose Alex now. Not after this morning, not when she realized what she had and hadn’t said to Alex. What she still needed to say.
Tears streaming down her face she cursing the sparring dummy, punching and kicking it until she fell against it, drained and slid down to the floor to her knees. That’s where Supergirl found her, on her knees sobbing.
Supergirl got to her knees next to her, putting a hand gently on the sobbing detective’s shoulder.
Maggie looked up with a start and hurriedly tried to brush the tears from her eyes. She’d never let anyone see her cry, not since the night her father had thrown her out.
“Did you find something?
Supergirl shook her head, “No, I’m sorry. J’onn and Winn are going over her phone to see if they can find anything. I just came check on you. It’s what she, it’s what Alex, would want me to do. To take care of you.”
Maggie shook her head, “Always taking care of everyone else, that sounds like Danvers, that sounds like Alex.”
Suddenly, the girl of steel grabbed Maggie in a tight hug, dissolving into tears.
“What if we can’t find her in time?”
Maggie took her by the shoulders and looking her square in the eye said, “We will, we’ve got our orders, from her. So, why aren’t you flying around out there looking for her?”
Supergirl shook her head.
“I can’t. I’m scared Maggie, I couldn’t bear it if someone hurt her like that again…or worse if they saw me out there looking.”
“That’s not what she’d want, Kara. She’s already told them to go to hell, and she told US to find her. We have to be strong, we have to be brave.”
Supergirl shook her head, “Alex is the strong one, the brave one.”
Maggie got up and held out her hand, “Then we’ll have to help each other be strong, for Alex. Isn’t it about time someone started taking care of her?”
Supergirl was reaching out to take Maggie’s hand when Winn burst in the room.
“Silent alarm just went off at the National City Diamond Exchange, 4 armed gunmen reported, one of them alien.”
“That’s them,” Supergirl said leaping to her feet.
“That’s not all, NCPD has units and the SWAT team on their way to the scene!”
“No!” Maggie shouted, “We’ve got to stop…”
Before she could finish her statement, Supergirl dashed from the room.
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djriter · 7 years
I promise I have a point...
Episode 1x06- Cat: “1 second of my time is 90 times more valuable than your pointless, sad, pathetic…” Kara: “Don’t talk to me like that! Please! I work so hard for you. I don’t ask questions. I don’t complain. And all you do is yell at me and tell me I’m not good enough, and it’s mean. Why are you so mean?!”
Episode 2x12 Eve: “You look like me the day I forgot to get Ms. Grant’s coffee and she made me call the Dean of Yale to admonish him for having given me a diploma, sad and disheartened.”
-Throughout season one, feel free to correct me if I missed an instance, Cat has only called Kara her correct name twice, once in 1x11 and another time in 1x20.
-Cat tried to fire Kara in 1x01, 1x09, and 1x11.
-She called Winn “Toyman Junior”.
-She constantly insulted Kara’s hair and clothes.
Kara and Eve both have been canonly portrayed as offended and hurt by what Cat has said. BUT SOMEHOW AS A FANDOM WE UNDERSTOOD THAT IT WAS A TOUGH LOVE RELATIONSHIP AND CAT ISN’T A HORRIBLE/ABUSIVE PERSON.
My point when I say this, is to show how ridiculous it looks when some people say that Mon El and Kara’s banter or their relationship is abusive. They come nowhere close to verbal abuse. They both tease each other. It isn’t one sided, and more than half the time they’re smiling. So if you thought Kara and Cat didn’t have an abusive relationship while Mon El and Kara do, then take a seat unless you’re willing to fall on your self righteous sword.
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