dncinginthemccnlight · 5 months
jack o'connell, 33, agender, whatever floats your boat — did you see Kay Jawson walking down main street ? the tabloids say that the draki is known to be mad and capricious, but who knows if that’s true. the bouncer seems to fit the vibe of a too-wide grin, bandaged hands, a bed that is never slept in
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Name: Kay Jawson
Nickname: Jaws, KJ
Age: 33
Pronouns: He/him, they/them, whatever you choose
Species: draki (dad is a dragon)
Position: bouncer at Eternal
All Kay’s life, they’ve heard ‘Why can’t they...? Why do they...? Why won’t they?’ At first, it wasn’t as if Kay tried to make things harder, they just seemed to have a knack for trouble and a short temper. Kids have a way of being cruel and Kay’s buttons were always so easy and fun to push; mention that they’re father wasn’t around, that they weren’t quite human but weren’t quite anything else and one was sure to bring the devil out in Kay Jawson.Their mother had explained what they were, a draki: child of a dragon and something else (his mom was human). The unanswered question: why didn’t my father want to stick around and raise me, was glazed over with their mother’s love. Her love, though, didn’t knock the anger at their abandonment out of Kay, nor did it settle their place in the world. Draki could bond with dragons and Kay wondered, if they got stong enough, if they could bond with their dad; they trained and trained and trained. They learned they were good at fighting and fighting gave them purpose, especially fights that seemed unwin-able. Unfortunately, all the fights in the world seemingly have not made them enough for their dad to take notice, but Kay keeps fighting anyway.
Wanted Connections:
Friends in low places: Kay loves shady things and terrible places, those who push them to indulge in their worst impulses. This person and Kay get into shit whenever they are together and neither of them would have it any other way.
Better Angel/Partner: I would love it if Kay bonded with a dragon that is personality wise the complete opposite of them. I would love if this person was the reason to Kay’s madness. Think Jem and Will from Infernal Devices or Kirk and Spock.
Ex: Kay has probably had people try to get close to them and then give up when they realize the true extent of their self-destructive ways. These could have ended with drama or bad feelings or a lot of love depending on what we plot out.
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dncinginthemccnlight · 5 months
jon bernthal, "400-ish" he stopped counting awhile ago, cismale, he/him — did you see roman moonsong walking down main street ? the tabloids say that the wolf shifter is known to be unyielding and impenetrable, but who knows if that’s true. alpha seems to fit the vibe of teeth gritted and knuckles tightened, tense shoulders, the mischief of youth worn away, a room of long-held treasures 
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Name: Roman Moonsong
Nickname: Rome, Sir
Age: Stopped counting at 250 but he imagines somewhere around 400
Species: Wolf Shifter
Position: Alpha
Wild, mischievous. and fierce; once upon a time the younger Roman Moonsong had been all these things. Those closest to his father had nicknamed the young pup ‘Wolfsbane’ for all the trouble he caused. Still, the former Alpha had to admit that Roman had, under layers of youthful foolishness and hubris, the toughness necessary to follow in his footsteps...if only he could temper himself. Temperance did come, of course, but not with age, but a woman, another shifter just like himself. Roman fell in love and with love and marriage came babies. Roman had always been a fighter, a rough, gruff animal of a man, but his children brought out a new side of Roman. Never had he been so proud...or so worried. Youth is invincible and Roman had thrown himself into the duties of alpha with a reckless surety that he would win every fight. Fatherhood finally put a chink in his armor, a weak point where anyone could press and get a reaction. He resolved to make sure that no one would ever be able to take a shot at that weak point; his children were trained to fight from a young age as both humans and animal form and the mischievous pup became a gruff and serious young man, haunted by children who carried the spirit of a younger him.
Wanted Connections: 
Wife: Roman is a total wife guy. He can be very gruff with others, even with his children, from whom he expects a great deal, but his wife knows how soft and loving Roman truly is.
A friend or Two: Roman and this person would be old friends over the course of hundreds of years. He talks honestly to this person and the two joke with each other often.
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dncinginthemccnlight · 5 months
summer bishil, 276, cisfemale, she/her (gabriela draven's mentor wc)— did you see charlotte de mun walking down main street  the tabloids say that the vampire of the noble house of sanguis is known to be resourceful and curious, but who knows if that’s true. the club owner seems to fit the vibe of a bird of prey perched high in the trees, a shadow at the edge of one's vision, a book of puzzles on a coffee table
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Name: Charlotte Maroun Villette De Mun
Nickname: Lottie, Char, Boss
Age: 276 (30 when changed) in 1778
Pronouns: she/her
Position: Lady of the de Mun family, clubowner
All her life, Charlotte was hungry. For comfort, for status, for adventure...for more. But there were not many opportunities for the daughter of a merchant, not in the eighteenth century in India, so she did what was expected of her, using her father’s business connections to marry the son of her father’s French business partner. The marriage marked a change and a move to the city of Paris where Charlotte fell in love with the excitement of the city. Though her husband was less enthusiastic about his wife’s socializing, Charlotte sought to experience as much of the grand city as she could: the night life, the art, and the salons. A quick wit and a chameleon-like adaptability gained her entrance into a more elite society than she had ever imagined. It was in these glittering places that Charlotte was introduced to the head of the House of Sanguis, Lord de Mun. Though she was a married woman, Charlotte soon found her soulmate in the man; he was everything her husband was not; Charlotte found in him, the first person to truly understand her constant yearning for something beyond what she had. She had never been satisfied and neither had he, but he knew power and she wanted her own. He changed her at her request and she felt no fear in the transition; in fact, she awoke into her new life as a vampire, feeling for the first time that she had found who she was truly meant to be. Her husband was her first victim and with him gone, she gained her freedom and his money, enough to live comfortably with the de Mun family as she was welcomed into their ranks, leaving Charlotte Maroun and Charlotte Villette behind for her new life as Charlotte de Mun, lady of House Sanguis.
Wanted connections: 
Soulmate: Lord de Mun is Charlotte’s favorite person, the one who has her complete loyalty, and her savior. She would never violate his trust and she seeks to please him whenever possible.
Friends: Charlotte has friends at various levels. There are people she speaks to honestly, people she parties with, and people who are useful to her. She calls all of them friends.
Enemies: Charlotte can be conniving with a distinct lack of empathy at times. This would be someone she crossed or who crossed her. They have been at each other’s throats since.
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dncinginthemccnlight · 5 months
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tanaya beatty, 200, agender, they/them — did you see hamumu spirus walking down main street ? the tabloids say that the air fae princess is known to be abstruse and generous, but who knows if that’s true. the photographer seems to fit the vibe of a tree swaying in the wind while leaves dance all around, watching clouds that float above, dancing in one's living room for no one >
Name: Hamumu Spirus
Nicknames: Butterfly, Flutter
Age: 200
Pronouns: they/them
Species: Air Fae
Position: Princess and Photographer
Hamumu means butterfly and as soon as she took to the air, Hamumu’s parents knew they had made the right choice of name for their daughter. She began to fly before she could walk, held aloft by the currents of the air; Hamumu has never feared falling. The world is beautiful from up above; when looking down, as high as a mountaintop, there is no garbage, no ugliness. Hamumu embraces that view from up above, seeing the world as beautiful, radiant, and flowing with energy. However, just because she sees beauty in the world around her, does not mean that she is always calm. The wind can be a gentle breeze or it can be a tornado and Hamumu has been both in her time. She is a deeply passionate fae and she is unafraid to use her voice for what she feels is right. The recent murders have worried her; though no one has come for the fae yet, she cannot help but think that there is a darkness creeping into their society and she hopes it gets exposed soon. Ever watchful as a photographer, she plans to keep her eyes open.
Wanted connections:
Friends: Hamumu is a sweetheart most of the time. I would love her to have people that she can hang with and speak to.
Stormcloud: Hamumu tends to look on the bright side. This person would be someone who is a pessimist. Maybe Hamumu would rub off on them or the opposite way around.
Not All They Seem: Someone who is trying to get close to Hamumu for an in with the royal Air Fae family (whatever reason could be plotted out) and so they are hiding their true motives. Could be romantic or platonic.
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dncinginthemccnlight · 5 months
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Jack O’Connell for Ray-Ban Studios At All Points East Festival
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dncinginthemccnlight · 5 months
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dncinginthemccnlight · 5 months
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dncinginthemccnlight · 5 months
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@giftober 2023 | Day 2: Coffee/tea
Sweet Virginia (2017), dir. Jamie M. Dagg
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dncinginthemccnlight · 5 months
**Ignore all posts before this point**
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dncinginthemccnlight · 5 months
Isolde was not typically what anyone would describe as bold; she was kind, dedicated, and perceptive, but rarely did she demand anything. In fact, when it came to Javier and her, she had been the first to say that nothing would happen between them, other than friendship; needless to say she had been wrong. She had started out very shyly, not sure what to do as Javier had patiently taught her about love, in all its forms. He'd apparently done so well that she'd never wanted another, not the way she wanted him. "I happen to like stroking your ego, among other things," she smirked. "You always have a choice, but my choice is you...whenever, however, it is you." He was her light, her air and without him there was only a void that he was meant to fill; even in Morocco, there had been beauty but it had been hollow without him. Her hands run along his chest and down his abdomen, fingers traversing well-memorized skin. She pulls away only to tease him more, ensuring that he will not go as she calls him to her. "I will try, but you've always had a way of making me lose control," she sighed, eyes fluttering as his hands stroked her breast and then her core. As he touches her, the sense of her control dissipates and she is as supplicant as she ever was to his touch, arching to meet his fingers, a soft keen of his name breaking from her lips.
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There was a time, not so long ago, that Javier led the dance of seduction between them. And it was an exhilarating experience, to introduce Isolde to such things. This, however, is a reversal of fortune that arouses with equal fervor. She calls him a King, and Javier emits a low grunt. "I think you're appealing to my ego." He says without complaint, smirking feebly under her touch. The decision is made even before Isolde says another word. "You give me no other choice." He marvels. "Giving you heaven, or hell... Either way, you're undeniable." It's his turn to submit, thick hands running along her soft skin. His lips following as she pulls away, ready to protest until her hands pull down the sides of her dress. A low, primal grunt as the dress falls - leaving her perfect in front of him. The green lace like a tease, forcing him forward like a man in a spell. "You're so fucking sexy." Javier marvels, rushing forward and sliding between her legs. His fervent hands everywhere - from pushing a hand beneath the lace of her brassiere, to coaxing her center beneath the silk. "We'll have to be quiet." javier reminds her, working his hand into the silk of her underwear until he can feel her waiting for him.
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dncinginthemccnlight · 5 months
"I'll be expecting my medal any day now...or one of those wall pictures with my face like they do at the restaurants and chain stores." Theo laughed. "You know you would love to have this face posted all over the palace kitchens or the barracks or wherever we would put them." Not that he did what he did for acclaim; her safety and her happiness were payment enough for him. Plus, now he had two new members of the French family to dote on. "I will personally train them to expect anything. They will need to be master tacticians and undaunted by anything that can be thrown at them like toys or food." His own training had only amped up since their arrival; he would be ready if any threats to the French royal family came. Still, Jacqueline would always be her own best protector, even if new motherhood weighed on her. "I say that as your friend, your personal guard, and your employee. But I'd probably say it no matter what. You are pretty damn awesome." Inwardly, he hoped he wasn't coming off as too forward; get a few more drinks in him and undoubtedly he'd say something even more moonish. "Add in that I'll be getting a full report tomorrow morning and if I have to sing to them, I will. You know how they hate my singing." Well, Maxi hated the singing; it made Lorraine fall asleep. He looked down, for a moment awash with memory, though his eyes darted up to hers when she said his name. In another life, he could have kissed her then, but not this one. "Thanks. To Normandy?" he asked, raising a glass to hers.
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"Employee of the month, then." She surmises with a pop of her lips, like it's all there is to say on the matter. She and Theo managed this swinging pendulum for years now, zigging when someone zags. Giving just enough before it becomes even more. "By that point, the children will have more nannies and personal security. Though," Jacqueline laughs. "None of them are you." As the future heirs to France, there's no question that the Bourbon's will insist on constant supervision and safety. Hired help is one thing, family like Theo is another. Her lips part, rendered wordless by his assurances. A glimpse at the things unsaid, that sometimes have to be for the sake of her sanity. "You have to say that. I'm your boss." She attempts to wave off with a smile. "But... Than you. It's not an easy road coming back to yourself." Nearly forgotten in the haze of pregnancy and new motherhood. But he makes it easy. "I doubt they'll listen, but worth trying, right? You are the godfather, after all." Hesitantly, she cants her head. Uncertain which way to push or pull this time around. "Theo," she repeats his name with emphatic affection, rolling her shoulders back. "Okay..." She resigns, only to add; "Just know that it was real for me, too."
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dncinginthemccnlight · 5 months
"Is there a fun way to get offed by my husband?" Sophie asked archly, though she could not help but smile at Emir even when he brought up that man. "I have yet to find anything about him which could be even remotely described as fun. His specialties include terrorizing everyone he meets and rapid mood swings. If you find something fun about him, please let me know."
Emir's sigh piqued her interest and she handed him his drink and sat on the sofa, crossing one leg over her other. "So...you like them? Really actually like them?" A smile broke out on Sophie's face and she nodded. She'd seen the beginnings of affection and love before; though she had no part in it for herself, she still felt its lack keenly enough to know its importance. "Darling, that's wonderful! If I have to lose you to someone else, I'm glad it's to someone you truly deeply care for. So, do you two have anything planned for Portugal? A romantic getaway perhaps?" Wingman was, after all, one of Sophie's favorite positions. "I will back off, but for your love and you, not for my husband. I don't think he even cares where I spend my nights so long as I do not disturb his."
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his chuckle is easy. "mission successful - good to know that you're not purposefully trying to get me offed by mustafa in a non-fun way because i was starting to wonder if your interest in me again was due to an over-arching plot that i was blissfully unaware of." the prince grins, shifting himself on his feet.
emir chews his lip between his teeth in anxiety. unable to meet sophie's gaze, he finds himself sighing. "sort of." the prince shrugs, moving his teeth to his cheek instead. "the part of me that wouldn't have cared about how han might react if i didn't have any reservations is gone - after kian, they've been like a breath of fresh air, and now, even after prison, i don't remember to breathe until she's beside me. i don't know if i'd be able to go through it again, losing somebody who has gotten that close to me - mostly, i wouldn't survive getting clobbered by your husband."
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dncinginthemccnlight · 5 months
"I suppose I should preface trouble with 'carefully curated' trouble. Trouble can be useful if applied in the correct manner, which is my favorite type." Xavier acceded with a grin and a shrug. It was not as if he'd put his public image at risk; no his image was crucial to his work and his work was everything, except...then there was her. She smiled for the cameras, waved at the reporters as they shouted questions about her movies and her engagement, the one that he had pushed her into accepting. "You could say a rough night as part of a rough couple months, I guess. I am Scrooge, visited by ghosts, a vision of a future that might have been." He sighed and shook his head; the less said on that the better, he decided. "And here I am waxing poetic...decidedly not my forte. I apologize for the momentary gloom. Truly, I am nearly ecstatic. This marriage brings all of my carefully laid plans to bear. She will make a grand queen which will inspire even more Prussian confidence. And Javier has been doing well. I am overjoyed." And he was overjoyed...much of the time. On television, he smiled and played the part of loyal supporter of this fresh generation of monarchy. But what was he when the cameras were off? Maybe he should invest more time in his friendships after all. "I shall take my cues from you then, my friend. And yes, I would be glad of a hike. It might do me good to get some fresh air."
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the others words have the duke consider for a moment, mostly because as brief as it is, there's a strange...but troubled look that crosses his friends' features. xavier is a man who knows how to keep his cards to his chest, how to maintain his privacy. yet, nik who prides himself in reading others well enough, or perhaps that in the short times they've spent together gave enough him insight of the other. well, enough to deduce that something was on his mind, if he's actively looking to work even on a night off. ❛i would've never pegged you as a guy who went looking for trouble, seems as if i've misread you.❜ he's partially joking of course, ❛what sort of trouble would find you, count?❜ the words hold no heat, but a hint of curiosity as the other looks to something else in the crowd but gaze averted before nikolai could follow his line of sight. ❛rough night? or rough week? if you're looking for a distraction...❜ king javiers impending marriage came as a surprise to most, including the russian himself knowing the king's reputation of a care-free bachelor who loved to party, who's left more than his fair share of scandals in his wake. the day is bound to arrive, by duty he'd have to marry for his nation. ❛i've no doubt it will be grand, and like most kings he'd wished for a few years to enjoy his bachelorhood, seems like he's past that now. his fiance appears to be a good influence on him.❜ the duke grins a bit, ❛you, of all people, my friend need to learn the expression work hard, play hard. now you're talking, I wasn't going to attend, but it seems like you need a distraction so I will be there at the afterparty. excellent, do you enjoy hiking? i had thought of hiking at the one famous caves here, hows that for unwinding?❜
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dncinginthemccnlight · 5 months
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"She should be...and Dorit should be too. You are the lioness of Scotland; there has never been a challenge that you have not overcome with flying colors. You are incredible and I think both of them are a little worried that you might outshine them." Isolde brushed a newly blonde hair back from her sister's face affectionately. She had always embraced every side of her firecracker, including her love; if Reuben made Joanna happy, then Isolde would welcome him with open arms. She only wished that Reuben's family were not so difficult. "Could we not just send them money and have Reuben stay in Scotland? He could go back to Liechtenstein for visits, of course, but I need my sisters close to home," Isolde teased. If she thought that Joanna would truly wish to leave Scotland, she would embrace her wishes in a heartbeat, but Isolde knew that Joanna's heart beat for Scotland. "Thank goodness for that. Can you imagine any of us in an arranged marriage or being forced to wed? We're rebellious, the lot of us even if you're getting hitched." Isolde's rebellion had always been quiet, but she had her own streak, most of which revolved around the man that currently had his arms wrapped around a Dutch princess. She shook the thought for a moment, some tears coming to her eyes as she filled with pride for her sister. "You have to stop it or I'm going to start crying and then the reporters are going to wonder what happened." She smiled and looked up, willing the tears to recede, though talking about Javier immediately afterward did nothing to help. "I don't know. They have been smiling for hours. Plus, maybe things have changed...I really pushed him away hard. He'd have every right to move on and be happy."
"I'm pretty sure she's scared of me, if I'm real," she laughed. Perhaps Dorit was scared of Joanna as well, scared of what she represented for the family of Liechtenstein; a wrench thrown into some kind of plan or scheme that was set long before she came into the picture. "I wish it were that easy," sighing, she reached towards the bar counter, finding a glass of whisky, "If I were a more un-caring person, I would just run away to the hills, make a cabin somewhere and start a life without worrying about the financial decisions of a country that isn't even mine." But even if she tried such a thing, her heart would still sing to the stars for her love to hold her in his arms. Ugh. What a silly little romantic she was turning into. "Yeah, thankfully, we don't have to be forced to marry whoever just for the sake of politics," she snorted, "God... I'm going to be a married woman, Is. What the hell has happened to me?"Joanna looked at he glass in her hand before downing it. She glanced over at the nauseating couple in the corner, a roll of her emerald eyes accompanying a scoff that left her lips. "I've never seen a more unconvincing couple, if you ask me... I may also be biased because I saw him around you."
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dncinginthemccnlight · 5 months
"I am glad to not be singular in my opinions. Plus, having a king on my side lends me a bit more credibility," Mischa nodded, surprised at how easy the king was to speak with. Of course, they were used to speaking with the queen, a fierce woman with a calculating mind, one that had earned Mischa's respect time and time again. Though the king seemed far different, he was, nonetheless equal in respect to his wife. Mischa had never expected the king to be a fellow musician, but they were pleasantly surprised. "I will visit Russia, I am sure, but living there...I have dreamed of Austria since I was a child and I am happy that it does not disappoint. It has been every bit all I could have hoped for." In fact there was only one part of Russia that Mischa missed above all, though it was not a part that Mischa would discuss with a king. Instead Mischa switched trains of thought. "You should come to one...maybe not one of the stadiums- I doubt the queen would enjoy that- but we could get you both a box seat if you would like."
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        ❝  if  you  do  then  so  do  i. my opinions when it comes to music are quite firm. ❞   which surprised some given the king's normally relaxed demeanor. the combination of his passionate for and years studying music had granted him confidence in his assessments of the art. he'd seen it too; he'd watched people become enraptured by a melody, sometimes brought to tears, and had experienced it himself. erich smile, feeling pride swell in his chest   ❝ we cannot grow for the better without an open exchange of ideas, ❞   he said.   ❝ i know i'd miss austria if i was away for as long as you've been away from russia, though i'm glad you've found happiness here. ❞   but erich knew that not all homes were as warm as the one he'd grown up in. he nodded.   ❝ i can't say i've been to many rock concerts but the energy always looks on another level. ❞
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dncinginthemccnlight · 5 months
Xavier tilted his head to the side, biting down on his lip to keep the smirk from appearing there; while he hated that he had let Barbara go, even it was for her own good, he loved pushing buttons and the Japanese prince clearly had buttons where Barbara was concerned. "I didn't know there were boundaries to be pushed. After all, I spoke to her but did nothing untoward. I care for her...a fact I am afraid is not going to change, but I would never violate her trust." He looked back at Akihito and wrinkled his nose. "To say I am not her friend is untrue. I have her best interests at heart, as I always have. My sake isn't a reason I usually follow and I doubt I will start now, but I have never regretted what I have done with her in mind...even speaking with you."
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it was perhaps, xavier's most brilliant idea—keeping his thoughts and motives to himself. less he further rile up the japanese prince, who wouldn't take kindly to the investigation; one held at his place of work, at that. though, the secret would only remain one for so long. no doubt his co-workers and staff at the fine arts museum would reveal just what the prussian had been up to while akihito was away. ❝you seem to have an awful habit of pushing boundaries where my fiancée is concerned.❞ the green haired prince remarked, moving to close distance between himself and the royal advisor. ❝so, let me remind you since you clearly have forgotten. you are not her friend. nor family. or anything else in between. please, take interest in someone else who isn't engaged to be wed. soon. for your sake, of course. barbara is fine without you. lay your worries on your countrymen instead.❞
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dncinginthemccnlight · 5 months
Performance. That's all this frippery was and she was chief among the performers, but, at least Sophie had a greater element of control; she owned a media company and she could choose to control what was shown about her, or, at least to some degree. That control meant that most did not seem to care if she was the beaming picture of jubilance; then again, she was not alongside her partner. Who knew if she would have been expected to smile if Mustafa ever actually made an appearance at one of these things. "You would have thought that they would back off sooner in order to have the chance for more candid photos rather than the posed smiley things. There's only so much you can publish of smiling and holding hands no matter if the woman doing so is pretty much the most photogenic person in the world." She flattered her friend, of course, but not unfairly. Valencia was, after all, one of the most beautiful women Sophie had met. The two took their drinks and found a corner of the room with a couch and they sat together craning their heads to speak in confidence. "What they don't understand...or perhaps do not wish to understand is that my husband being in attendance would doubtlessly make things worse. Sometimes I think that is why they wish for his presence; he is so very easily provoked, it makes for engaging media. I do not give them such satisfaction because I believe in running a competent country." She sipped her drink and let a grin flicker across her lips; the thought of getting Mustafa in line was almost an impossibility...he was impossible.
The thought of a beach vacation snapped her out of any brooding, however, and she smiled brightly at the thought of some time in the sun. "Perfect, I have a new bikini that I've been dying to break out. I need a little sun." She relished the thought of spending time without the pressures of her rule, her husband, or her job. "Come on, they take pictures of him because he is a king and is also known for having a reputation...but you are the real star of this relationship. You're gorgeous and talented and they know that Prussia is getting the better half of this deal with you as their queen-to-be. Sometimes a country needs a strong, determined queen to lead." Valencia was perfectly suited to such a role, even if love was not her main reason for the marriage. "Plus, the Schellenbergs are their own drama what with the former duchess having just gotten out of jail. That's sure to be a shit show in some elements. It will make for great television." And there she was speaking business again. She sighed. "I thought I did, but...people grow up and grow apart it seems. It's good for him, but not super fun for me."
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Sophie had never been a smiler; people knew better than to expect exuberant joy from most of the Habsburgs and those in the Ottoman Empire had never seemed to demand it either. In both places, people seemed to prefer shows of strength to happiness; joy was a private emotion when you were conditioned to expect the world to turn on you. The amount of smiling that Valencia had been forced to perform actually made Sophie's cheeks ache for her; her friend, like her, was not one for foolish grinning. "Then steal you away I shall so you can at least rest your cheeks for a moment. I would not take offense if you decide to scowl the whole time we're together just to enjoy a difference in expression. All these photo opps are absurd. Are they going to be done soon so you can actually enjoy yourself?" Sophie grabs them some drinks, not champagne, but some liquor. After all, Valencia deserves something with a bit of bite after her performance. "The reporters have been...fine. They should just learn not to lead with 'Where's the Sultan?' Then we'd be great." After all, she had no idea where her spouse was nor what he was doing, though she had no doubt he was alienating someone. After the coup of her family's company, Sophie had to run some damage-control and the last thing she wanted to speak of was her errant husband.
Sophie smiled at her friend, nodding. "I do believe that I might stay. Not that I can stay too long, but a couple days will hardly hurt and tomorrow would be a lovely day for the beach. You can tell me about what you have been doing when not chased by photographers, if such a thing is possible at present. It is hard to tell whether your engagement or the upcoming nuptials of the Scottish princess are getting the most buzz."
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