dokjadreams · 7 months
Irish MEP: Clare Daly Nov 8
"Thanks, President. A month has elapsed since the commencement of the unrelenting mass murder of Palestinians in Gaza.
It's not a spiral of violence Frau Von Der Leyen. It's genocide, openly declared and carried out by the apartheid state of Israel. Starvation, bombing hospitals, ambulances, journalists and humanitarian routes.
10,000 dead. 1 in 200 Gazans killed. A Palestinian child slaughtered every 10 minutes for a month!
And Frau Von Der Leyen's answer to this graveyard for children is to tell Israel to "Avoid civilians. Be as targeted as you can."
Well that displays some neck. You can't even call for it to stop. You can't even call for a ceasefire.
Well, of course you can't, because these crimes against humanity are being carried out with your weapons in your name when you stood with Israel a month ago and you said you'd stand with them now and in the days to come.
So don't come in here trying to wipe the blood off with belated concern. It's not just Israel's genocide, it's yours, and the hague isn't good enough for you."
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dokjadreams · 7 months
I've done it, I've found the funniest Nightwing panel
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dokjadreams · 7 months
I think we need to make dick a lil more unhinged like
Tim says bye to kon perfectly straight faced and devoid of emotion and Dick starts teasing him about his obvious crush
And then another titan is like, huh??
“his heart beat picked up by two additional beats cmon now”
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dokjadreams · 7 months
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dokjadreams · 7 months
They’re good that’s how the bond
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dokjadreams · 7 months
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distracted on patrol
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dokjadreams · 7 months
You've heard of CRIME. ALLEY. Now get ready for SESAME. STREET.
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^ loaded his gun with skittles instead of rubber bullets. Now everyone gets to taste the (biodegradable) rainbow ✨
EDIT - now featured in the second chapter of @darlingatlas's super funny fic, here!
Amazing prompt from @jarro-stan-account below cut!
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dokjadreams · 7 months
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I believe it because 2 weeks ago, Douglas MacGregor said that both American and Israeli special forces attempted to infiltrate Gaza and ended up taking heavy losses
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dokjadreams · 7 months
i wonder if one of the actual gripes about quote-unquote fanon batfamily's dissonance from the much unhealthier dynamics (and by extension, an evident lack of communication skills) that exist among its members in the comics is that it seems to conflate being a good, well-meaning person to a nice person. those adjectives don't have to exist simultaneously—someone can have a wonderful heart and also just be... unpleasant to be around. there's so much anger. so much unresolved grief. so much buried under the skin building until some critical point is reached.
it's not even to say that two bats have to be locked in conflict and resentment forever, but that those attempts at resolution, too, ought to be reflections of deeply flawed people. there is love there, but it sits in clumsy, frustrated hands, and one wound healed is almost a promise that they will hurt each other again.
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dokjadreams · 7 months
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Some doodles I did last night. I love so many characters design in the series, it's unbelievable actually.
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dokjadreams · 7 months
the real secret to zuko's redemption arc is the month he spent working in public food service
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dokjadreams · 7 months
pov you're tim drake, extremely confused why your best friend callie is glaring daggers and snapping pencils every time you and your gf are around (she wants your girlfriend so bad)
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dokjadreams · 7 months
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"i guess it's not that bad"
inspired by that panel from dc pride (2023) where tim complained about being constantly paired up with damian for patrols
tim stole that ipod from dick btw. dick's looking for it right now. he's digging through the box of miscellaneous cords for it
the dc pride panel:
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dokjadreams · 7 months
It was never about hamas. If israel manages somehow to kill every member of hamas, what then? Do you think Palestinians are just going to forgive and forget everything Israel has done?
Babies who are the only surviving members of their families? Fathers carrying the remains of their children in plastic bags? Palestinians who witnessed people blown to bits right in front of them? Had Israeli forces shoot at them as they tried to escape the north? Palestinians in the West Bank who have been captured and tortured on camera? Palestinians in 48 who have been arrested just for sympathizing with their kin in Gaza? Palestinian school girls being assaulted by the IOF? Mothers who only have the blood of their children on their hands as their only remaining piece of them? The constant dehumanization that followed our every move - how while Palestinians suffered, politicians called us “monsters”, “human animals”, “children of darkness”, “savages”, and “cockroaches”?
It’s been 75 years since my family was forced from their villages by Zionist militias, they have never forgotten what they did to their neighbors and how they are still denied their right of return. None of us will.
Now, IOF forces in Gaza raise the Israeli flag over the beaches and take selfies with fleeing Palestinians in the background, cheer and celebrate a “return to their settlements in gaza” and sing about leveling the land and fantasize building shopping malls on Palestinian mass graves - it was never about hamas.
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dokjadreams · 7 months
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when you've been working for too long and just start imagining specific things
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dokjadreams · 7 months
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dokjadreams · 7 months
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Nelson V. Murdock
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