dominique-weasly · 11 years
Dear Dom, How are you? I'm sorry I didn't get to see you, but my family and I went on a random camping trip. It was fun. Are you in South America now? What's it like? Write back soon! Love, -Arhya Goldstein
Dear Arhya, I’m all fine dear. How are you? Tell me everything? How is it there? It is okay, I totally understand that. Yes, I’m still in South America. It id way different than England. A whole different world. I somehow feel as if I was closed up. Love, ~Dominique Weasley.
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dominique-weasly · 11 years
First day in South America
Her first trip alone and independent. There is no going back. She left everyone there. She left everything behind her. Her past is now only pages in a diary, nothing more. She is now taking her step forward, toward the future. This is what she decided. South America was the first stop toward her journey.
The only thing she took with her is her bag and 700 galleons, nothing more. She was saving money since she was young.
Her first stop was Guyana, it is located at the northern east of South America. It is a small country. She read once in one of the books about treasures, that some famous and rare treasures are located there. There is this guy who go there once in a while. He is famous for collecting treasures around the world. She thought that maybe she can try and search for him there and maybe try and learn from him or work as his assistant.
It was finally the time. She was ready. Dominique trained a lot for this and she finally gained her license for it, just after she turned 17 years old. Now it was the time to use it for real. She usually used it to transport between cities, but this is will be her first time to use apparation between countries or to be specific between continents. She took a deep breath and hold tightly on her wand and started thinking about the country. She tried to remember the place from the pictures she saw and from what she read about it. She kept thinking about it thoroughly, so she can get to the right place.
"Now!" She whispered to herself. A magnet felt like pulling her through wave. She closed her eyes, until she felt that she landed on something. She opened her eyes slowly and looked around. She saw the flag of the country was hang on one of the houses. She did it. She landed on the correct country. However, she got some scratches on her face and on her hand from it. It was a bit difficult, since it was between two different countries and for a long distance.
  She looked around and in a complete loss. She is finally here, but doesn't know where to go. She didn’t know where to go or from where to start. However, she thought that maybe she can start asking people about that man she read about earlier and maybe she can meet him.
First thing, she started walking around the city until she found a motel. Before coming here, Dominique tried to transfer some pounds she had to dollars, so she can use them there. She then went and tried to stay the night at a motel. She totally laid her head on the bed and didn't even took her shoes or anything. She was tired and didn't even thought about putting some bandages on those scratches that she had.
She had a long sleep and woke up late in return. It was already 1 after noon. She jumped from the bed, when she looked at the clock.
Dominique looked around her to realize that she isn't home anymore. She is alone now and no one is responsible for her, but herself. She changed her clothes and then went down for a walk. She wanted to discover the country a bit. What kind of country it is, how different it is from home.
It wasn't a surprise that it was totally different. It wasn't easy to find a wizard here and she wasn't sure if there is one. Dominique tried looking at someone doing something weird maybe some magic or anything, but couldn't find anything weird yet. She kept looking for something changing or strange, but she didn't found anything.
Her stomach already started making some noises, so she tried looking for some restaurant to eat something maybe. She then went to restaurant nearby to grab some food. She took a seat in a table and soon the waitress came to take the order from her. The waitress kept looking at her deeply, which made Dominique pretty nervous to even start ordering.
"Can I please have piz…"
"Are you a witch?"
The woman interrupted her, while she was ordering. The woman took Dominique by surprise when she asked her if she was a witch. Dominique didn't know what to answer. Should she lie about it, or just say the truth. She didn't know how things went here. She took a deep breath and…
"Ummm yes….maybe….why, how did you know?"
"We already know. Are you new here?"
"I can help you if you want."
"That would be great, I guess."
The woman handed Dominique a piece of paper. Dominique looked at the paper and an address was written there.
"Come by tomorrow and you will find out."
The woman took her order and then left.
She ate and then she went back to the motel. Dominique decided to go and check out that place tomorrow, however, she have nothing to lose. She wanted to discover the city anyway.
Dominique felt such an ease that she wanted to write a letter to her family telling them everything. However, she remembered that she already left a letter for her parents, and who knows what they will do if they found another letter from her. She didn't know to whom she should write a letter to. However, there was this person who will be maybe happy to read a letter from her maybe. She grabbed a piece of paper and quill and started writing.
Dear Albus,
Don't be surprised that I'm writing a letter for you. Well, what should I do, I felt sorry for you that I had to write a letter for you and I know how much you missed me, and you must be crying every day that I left you alone. I mean who will pull pranks on you from now on. Don't worry I will make sure to pull pranks on you even while I'm here. And one of them that this paper is from the bin and it was on butter actually. I can see the smoke out of your ears. I mean what shall I do, it is in my blood, and shall I like bleed just t not do pranks anymore. Of course no, I would die and then the whole world will collapse. Okay, I know enough talking about your awesome presence. Well, I landed safely in a country called Guyana. It is a pretty nice country. It looks peaceful and the people seem nice. I found a wizard, and she gave me an address where maybe I can find more wizards like moi. *laughing* I will go there tomorrow and then maybe I can see who can help me with my journey. I shall go now, bed is calling. If my parents asked you about me, don't tell them anything yet. They will haunt you everywhere for news about me. And specially mom, she will shower with French love and sweets and no one want that. Except if you want cinnamon every day. DON'T!!! I can see you.
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dominique-weasly · 11 years
Underwater Wrestling ~ Albus Potter VS Dominque Weasley
Another day, another competition. Dominique already felt tired from the previous competition. She didn't took any day for rest. She had to train on these days and learn things, so maybe she can win in the next competition.
Dominique felt some pressure, but this pressure didn't seem to reduce when she heard the name of her opponent. Albus Potter! Dominique didn't know what to do, shall she quit? But no, this wasn't from her traits. Why would she quit? Because one member from her family will be competing against her. Well, she always pull pranks on him, so it wasn't the time to back down.
 All these thoughts vanished when she saw the tank that she will be competing in. It was huge and full of creatures. If the person just found a place to swim in, will be blessed. 
Dominique went to get ready and applied a cream on her skin. She bought it while she was in South America. The man told her that it usually give a bad smell for other creatures. Usually the small creatures, so they won't get near her. She put her wand inside her bag and got ready for it. She saw Albus from a distance, she didn't know whether to go and say hi or not.
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dominique-weasly · 11 years
Troll Dueling ~ Part 1
A deep sign was let out. She opened her eyes slowly and saw people around her. She is back. She never thought that she will be back again. However, when she heard about the Olympics, she couldn't miss this chance. Either she won or lost, she want to participate. It was a chance that who knows when it will be held again.
She didn't even told anyone that she will be back, not even Albus, and she was a bit scared from his reaction when he sees her. She left without saying good bye to him and now she came back without telling him. Dominique didn't even went to her house. She came at the day of the competition, so she directly went to the stadium where it will be held.
The amount of people who were there, they were a lot. She was about to forget that she is a contestant not from the audience. They let her in quickly and they stayed with her until they showed her the room where she can get ready and gave her the table of the competition and who will go the first.
Dominique took a deep breath and couldn't believe that she is actually participating. She didn't know what to do or anything. The excitement was already filling her chest. She was a bit nervous from the competitions, especially that both of them will require a lot of stamina and courage. A man entered to the room and told her to get ready because Troll Wrestling will be the first event to be held. He told her the rules and what she should avoid. In the paper that she had, it was written that she will be against Will Cooper. The winner have to put his wand or his stick in the nose of the troll.
Dominique didn't want to sacrifice her wand, so she picked a stick that was already there as a substitute. She started getting ready and wore the clothes of the competition and took her stick. She stood near the entrance and took a small peek at the audience and the stadium. There were a lot of people that she couldn't even recognize if anyone from her family is there. The stadium was full. There was the announcer announcing the start of the competition and the first even is Troll Wrestling. They already brought two trolls in the ring. Dominique took a deep breath.
They started to announce the names. As the called her name, she entered the ring. Each of the contestant took their places.  It started, this was the beginning. 
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dominique-weasly · 11 years
Oh Dom I'm only an apprentice! Might be another couple of years till I actually become one. I can't wait to see you again! I've missed you so much. I think you would love it in Africa! I temporarily live there at the moment. Be here soon. Love, Arhya
I'm sure you will become great. I believe in you. Me too, I really want to see you again. Africa? You are in Africa right now? This is so cool, but why did you moved there? Who knows, maybe I will visit you soon. ~Dominique.
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dominique-weasly · 11 years
South America? That sounds amazing Dom. I'm great! I'm an apprentice to one of the greatest Magizoologists ever. How cool is that? Anyway, I'm already here and hope to meet you soon! Love, Arhya Goldstein
This is so cool!!! I'm sure that when I come back you will be one of the greatest Magizoologists there. It is very cool!!! We will meet soon dear. How is life there? Tell me all the news. ~Dominique Weasley.
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dominique-weasly · 11 years
Dear Dom, How are you? What are you doing? Write to me sometime soon. I miss you! Love, Arhya Goldstein
Arhya, hello dear. I'm doing fine. I'm in South America now, but I guess I will be coming back for awhile for the Olympics. I will make sure from that. HOW IS LIFE WITH YA? Miss you more. ~Dominique Weasley.
OOC: I'm so sorry. I just saw this now. Tumblr never showed to me that I have a new message. Sorry.
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dominique-weasly · 11 years
*ignores what he just said and get distracted when she sees a bakery*  Can't you smell? *pulls him and enter the shop* Look at his. A just baked cinnamon, look at this.
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  I don’t visit the kitchen quite that often. I already have everything I need right next to me in my room. -mumbles- A blessing I cannot reap the benefits of at Hogwarts. No, the kitchen has to be a light year away from my dorm.
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dominique-weasly · 11 years
You don't want money? 
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*grab his arm* Where are you going? *then smirk a bit when he returns to take the cookie* You don't know your kitchen, or you don't have the nose for food? We can buy more sweets, and I really want to buy some ice cream. Plus my money is your money, just make sure to send them to me.
  Oh. HA! Nope. 
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Won’t happen, Dom. -places the coins back in his pocket, turning to leave- Not a cha— Oi! -stumbles a bit, blinking; takes the cookie cautiously and examines it- …. I wasn’t aware those were there in the kitchen ….
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dominique-weasly · 11 years
I'm so excited for this.
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   Of course He’ll love to be in on this prank. haha.
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dominique-weasly · 11 years
50 Questions You've Never Been Asked
1. What's your favorite candle scent?
2. What female celebrity do you wish was your sister?
3. What male celebrity do you wish was your brother?
4. How old do you think you'll be when you get married?
5. Do you know a hoarder?
6. Can you do a split?
7. How old were you when you learned how to ride a bike?
8. How many oceans have you swam in?
9. How many countries have you been to?
10. Is anyone in your family in the army?
11. What would you name your daughter if you had one?
12. What would you name your son if you had one?
13. What's the worst grade you got on a test?
14. What was your favorite TV show when you were a child?
15. What did you dress up as on Halloween when you were eight?
16. Have you read any of the Harry Potter, Hunger Games or Twilight series?
17. Would you rather have an American accent or a British accent?
18. Did your mother go to college?
19. Are your grandparents still married?
20. Have you ever taken karate lessons?
21. Do you know who Kermit the frog is?
22. What's the first amusement park you've been to?
23. What language, besides your native language, would you like to be fluent in?
24. Do you spell the color as grey or gray?
25. Is your father bald?
26. Do you know triplets?
27. Do you prefer Titanic or The Notebook?
28. Have you ever had Indian food?
29. What's the name of your favorite restaurant?
30. Have you ever been to Olive Garden?
31. Do you belong to any warehouse stores (Costco, BJ's, etc.)?
32. What would your parents have named you if you were the opposite gender?
33. If you have a nickname, what is it?
34. Who's your favorite person in the world?
35. Would you rather live in a rural area or in the suburbs?
36. Can you whistle?
37. Do you sleep with a nightlight?
38. Do you eat breakfast every morning?
39. Do you take any pills or medication daily?
40. What medical conditions do you have?
41. How many times have you been to the hospital?
42. Have you ever seen Finding Nemo?
43. Where do you buy your jeans?
44. What's the last compliment you got?
45. Do you usually remember your dreams in the morning?
46. What flavor tea do you enjoy?
47. How many pairs of shoes do you currently own?
48. What religion will you raise your children to practice?
49. How old were you when you found out that Santa wasn't real?
50. Why do you have a tumblr?
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dominique-weasly · 11 years
Dominique within herself wished if he would forget about it, but she was sure that it would be the last thing that Antoine would forget. 
"I really don't know much about it, but maybe something in the food or a potion. Something like that. You should've seen when the school was suddenly all girls. It was amazing!"
Dominique felt so easily talking to him. She was having fun in telling him everything and so on.
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For Old Time's Sake ~Antoine||Dominique
  Antoine simply smiled and nodded at her thanks, completely clueless at the reasons behind it but willing to go along any way. He then turned once more and kept walking.
Albus Potter, of all the people! Dominique sure was busy and Hogwarts was as insane a home as ever. The nostalgia sent warm chills through Antoine’s entire being and boosted his mood even more. Still chuckling softly, he looked at her again, trying to stifle his amusement, and asked in a strained voice, “How did it happen though?"
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dominique-weasly · 11 years
Antoine stopped and turned to face Dominique straightly when she asked him. It was never her fault, if anyone’s at all. He could hardly understand the reason for her assumption, but it slowly began to dawn on him that she might think her inability to empathize with him back then, to make his problem hers as well, a mistake for which to apologize. He looked at her steadily and, after a minute’s time, uttered clearly and gently, “You are always forgiven, Dom." The last thing he wanted was her feeling guilt over his own harshness.
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Antoine then waited to hear the story of her turning into a boy, hoping some amusement would return to them both.He looked at her teasingly, watching her avoid all eye contact, but her reaction to his remembering that odd statement was so unexpected, so transparent, that he couldn’t help but burst into a short, but uncontrollable, spasm of laughter. Her phrasing of it! That choice of words was the old Dominique taking him by surprise and making him laugh even if he had forgotten how to. "I was a boy okay. A boy, and some boys flirt.”
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A sudden relief fell on Dominique. A relief she didn't felt it for a long. He forgive her and always. Those were the words she needed to hear. All this time, all this blame she blamed it on herself, it is gone. With those words, it is finally gone. 
"Thank you."
She smiled at him and continued walking. The happiness that covered her. This feeling that she felt it was amazing. She couldn't describe it. It was a long time since she felt this happiness. She missed this feeling. Even though they aren't lovers anymore, he always knew how to make her smile.
She couldn't find a way to hide her face after she said it. He was laughing. It was a long time since she saw him like this. She kept pouting and mumbling to herself.
"I didn't know it was Albus, he was a girl, and I was a boy. We woke up totally different. And yeah that that...."
She kept looking around, trying to find an escape. 
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For Old Time's Sake ~Antoine||Dominique
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dominique-weasly · 11 years
Dominique laughed a bit when he said that she was selfish. She glared a bit at him. She let a deep sigh out. She was relaxed, as if a huge burden from her shoulder suddenly vanished. Something that had to be done from a long time. 
The bandage was now taken off from the injuries and everything was healed now. She hoped he would feel the same. There was only one last thing she wanted to hear,
"Can you forgive me?"
She looked up at him slowly then again down. She felt that she was at fault too. It wasn't his fault too. She did a mistake too. She wasn't there for him when he needed her. Instead she only added more burdens to him.
However, the atmosphere totally changed when he suddenly mentioned Albus again. And not anything, he mentioned the flirt. The box of macaroon finished already and she had nothing to stuff in her mouth.
"I was a boy okay. A boy, and some boys flirt."
She looked around, couldn't hide her face from embarrassment.
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For Old Time's Sake ~Antoine||Dominique
  Antoine beamed at Dominique —as far as beaming goes with him— when she accepted some of the blame herself; she has indeed matured farther than he deemed her capable of.
"You were understandably and rightly selfish, Dom. I expected nothing less when I decided to end it."
After that Antoine said nothing and only resumed walking, mulling over the turn their moments of truth had taken. So much has changed within and between the two of them that it might have been impossible to predict any of it. It was an ephemeral day in every second of it, as though some great god had heard and answered his unspoken prayers, and it certainly gave him much to think about. Therefore, a few minutes later he attempting to drive their ramble into a lighter tone once more.
"So what was it that you said about flirting with Albus?"
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dominique-weasly · 11 years
I know!!! Oh thank you! Yep, raining candy canes, that is it. We should buy a lot of candies. We can ask Uncle George to give us some? What do you think?
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 You are such a brillent prankster genius! Raining Candy Canes?
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dominique-weasly · 11 years
Dominique paid a great concern to his words. It wasn't only her in this relationship, it was him too. She wasn't the only one who was hurt, but he was hurt too. It must have been hard on him more than her. He was the one who had to end it. Dominique didn't want him to be hurt anymore, she wants him to forget too. Although, it is hard to forget. They were on the same boat together. Everyone went to their own way, but they carried the same box of thorns. 
When he asked her if he disappointed her, Dominique took some time to reply. It is not because it was a hard answer, but it was an answer she didn't even tried answering it herself. She never thought that he disappointed her. She can not answer him with the same mind of a broken girl, that yes you disappointed me. No.
"I never thought that it was hard on you too. However, I would be a liar if I said that you disappointed me. You never did and you will never do. Actually, you surprised me. You showed me a side, I never knew it from you."
Dominique was never disappointed from him. He always tried his best to make her happy, he tried his best in this relationship. The time she was walking happily every where, he was already in pain. Rather than being disappointed from him, she was disappointed from herself. She was selfish at that time, and wanted to be the only one who was hurt. Instead he was hurt more than her. She was the selfish one in this relationship. 
"I was selfish...back then. You did everything, while I only stood there waiting."
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For Old Time's Sake ~Antoine||Dominique
  As Dominique detailed her feelings back then, Antoine couldn’t help but feel a rush of gratitude and increasing respect for her heart that had always been kind and for the maturity that he just now discovered within her. He smiled at her once more, not affectionately, but tenderly, as though trying to convey the peace that she had instilled in his soul. He had no words to express this mingled appreciation and thanks, and so he uttered none.
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"M-me? I… It pained me, yes… But as I had prepared for it, that day was certainly less traumatic for me. And my life here… it makes me forget. As if feeling that, feeling any guilt or nostalgia, were a luxury I can never pursue. I wonder… Have I disappointed you with my incomprehensible answer?"
Antoine replied without looking at her. The question had been too personal for him —he never did divulge his feelings to any living human— and he knew his feelings to be less flattering than hers. Everything he said was an embarrassment in itself, and he smiled helplessly with his last sentence. Though he was without question relieved to finally discuss this openly with her, he never reminded himself that he too would talk. And Antoine did not welcome challenging surprises.
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dominique-weasly · 11 years
Dominique didn't blame anymore. When she looks back at herself, she thought maybe she shouldn't shout at him like that. She should've heard him first. Maybe the word, I'm leaving you blocked her ears that she couldn't hear anything else. She thought about what happened every night. It was an experience that she will never forget, a beautiful experience with some thorns. 
"You didn't cause me pain Antoine. Maybe when I knew that you will leave me that what hurt the most, and I believe it hurt you too. Things do happen and I guess that sometimes what we plan for, don't always happen as we want."
Dominique couldn't believe what she was saying right now, it is like as if her heart healed completely. He didn't cheat on her or anything. He was a perfect boyfriend anyone could wish for. 
"May I ask the same question to you?"
Dominique wanted to know his opinion too, she wanted to know how he felt about what happened.
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For Old Time's Sake ~Antoine||Dominique
  Every one of Antoine’s tense muscles relaxed and fluxed with Dominique’s last sentence, for the relief that she had given him exceeded every hope of his own desperation. It was no small wonder that he had waited for this encounter, this answer, for so long.
"It wasn’t my fault…" He softly repeated her words, more in whisper to himself.
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Coming slowly out of his trance, Antoine raised his lowered head and muttered to her, “I’m glad to hear that, Dom. Though I do —of course— regret the.. pain… that I have cause you."
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