domlobo2 · 10 months
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domlobo2 · 3 years
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How deep does the hole go?
Art by Penzilla
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domlobo2 · 3 years
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domlobo2 · 3 years
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domlobo2 · 3 years
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domlobo2 · 3 years
A Comprehensive Guide to Makeup
This is a makeup guide for sissies and crossdressers.
No matter what stage you are at, makeup is something that every sissies and crossdresser struggles with. Many gurls feel insecure about how they look and so they don’t post photos of their face online. Learning how to use makeup not only helps you overcome this barrier, it also makes you more confident and enriches your life. 
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Everyday, I receive messages from my followers asking about how to take their feminization further without having it interfere with their personal lives. I have two suggestions:
1. Invest in a good chastity cage and endure chastity training.
2. Become obsessed with learning how to use makeup. If you’re in chastity, then you have more time to do other things. Before you spent all your free time jerking off that pathetic clit. Now you can put in your butt plug and spend all your free time learning everything you can about makeup and how it can help you look more feminine. Subscribe to every drag makeup artist on youtube, lurk around on forums and makeup blogs, buy makeup online. Become a makeup enthusiast. Watch Ru Paul’s Drag Race religiously and worship the makeup and outfit designs of your new role models. 
To help you get started with the later, I will outline some basic steps you will need to master before becoming a creative makeup genius. If you get the hang of these steps, you’ll be able to progress in your understanding of makeup very quickly. As with anything you want to perfect, you have to practice, practice, practice! 
If you don’t have time to invest in learning how to do makeup or you don’t have the privacy to practice makeup, I suggest getting in touch with transformation artists like @tiatizziannifeminization​ who can help you. You’ll be able to go and learn directly from them how to feminize your face using makeup. 
1. Skin Care
Before we talk about makeup, we have to talk about skin care.  Everyone’s skin is different so you have to decide what routine works best for you. Basically you’ll need a good cleanser, exfoliator, toner, and moisturizer. This will be the base for your daily skin care routine. You also have to be patient as it takes time to show the real effects of a proper skin care routine. These are really important items so don’t think about skipping to makeup before establishing a good skin care routine. After you establish this routine, you can introduce things like facial masks and pore strips. More than anything else, good diet and exercise will help you have good skin. 
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2. Shaving and Moisturizing
If no one has taught you how to properly shave your face, well this is an excuse to learn. Watch youtube videos on how to shave properly if you want to learn more tips. Make sure your face is wet, use a good shaving cream and moisturize to prevent razor bumps. Shave in downward strokes and then go against the grain in upward strokes if necessary. Make sure you buy good razors that don’t pull at your skin and leave razor bumps. The last thing you want is razor bumps. After you apply your moisturizer, your face should be ready for makeup application. 
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3. Makeup Primer 
What is primer and why is it important? 
Primer is a base for foundation and allows it go on smoother and stay on your face longer. It acts as a barrier between your skin and the makeup. It gives you a smooth canvas on your face by filling in fine lines and wrinkles. You can apply this with your fingers. 
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4. Beard Cover 
Even after shaving, you will still have a 5 o'clock shadow. Beard cover or tattoo cover can mask the dark shadows on your lower face. It uses colors opposite of black to neutralize it. For example: red, orange and blue. If you don’t have beard cover, you can also apply a little bit of red lipstick to cancel out the dark shadows left by beard growth. Red lipstick alone won’t give you the perfect look but it’s a good substitute if you don’t have a lot to cover. Don’t put too much because you will be applying foundation right after.
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5. Foundation 
Foundation is a skin-colored makeup cream that is applied to the face and helps even out your complexion. It can help cover flaws and even out skin-tones. You’ll need to get the right color to match your skin. 
I recommend just going up to a makeup counter and asking for help. If you need an excuse, just explain that you’ve been asked to do a photoshoot and that you need a foundation to help even out your skin tone or that you want to mask a blemish. More than likely, people won’t ask you any questions. They’re more than happy to get another commission from a customer. Keep telling them that it’s not very manly but you thought to give it a shot. Just act clueless and they’ll probably try to push other products on you like a concealer, highlighter, etc. which will be useful. 
Here’s a little guide on how to choose foundation if you just want to do it solo.
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6. Brushes
Make sure you have the right brushes. Here’s a little chart of the 7 basic ones you’ll need.
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7. Eyeshadow
You’ve done all the boring stuff. Now this is where you can start being creative and having fun! Try blending more than one color. Try matching the colors with your outfit. Also try some sparingly shimmering eyeshadow for when you’re going out.
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8. Eyeliner 
This can be tricky and will take some getting used to. It’ll take a lot of practice before you’re confidently drawing straight lines on your eyelid and waterline. Sharpen your pencil and take your time. Try starting with the lower eyelids first. When you think you have mastered that, then try top eyeliner. When you get the hang of it test out some cat eye looks. The trick is to go slow and practice a lot.
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7. Fake eyelashes and mascara
After you’re done with your eyeliner, coat your eyelashes with mascara. It will make them look lush and full. Don’t put too much or they will clump up and become pointy. False lashes are a little tricky to use at first but you may want to use them when you’re more accustomed to mascara. 
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8. Antiperspirant/Setting powder 
Apply a generous coating of a loose translucent anti-perspirant powder. This will keep your makeup from melting off your face when you sweat or if you happen to get water on your face. Don’t be afraid to use a lot. A good coating will keep your makeup in place all day.
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9. Blush, Highlighter and Bronzer
All contouring should be done now before blush. After, bronzer should go just below your cheek bones to make them look a lot higher.  Blush goes just above your bronzer, on the apples of your cheeks.
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10. Lip Liner, Lip Stick, or Lip Gloss. 
Apply a generous amount and smooth lips together to blend.
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11. Makeup Remover
When all the fun is over, it’s time for the makeup to come off. You’ll need makeup removing agent or pads to clean your face. Also remember to use the cleanser on your face and make sure your skin is nice and healthy.
That’s the basics! Master these 11 steps and you should be way ahead of the game. Remember you have to keep practicing. 
If you don’t have time to invest in learning how to do makeup or you don’t have the privacy to practice makeup, I suggest getting in touch with transformation artists like @tiatizziannifeminization who can help you. You’ll be able to go and learn directly from them how to feminize your face using makeup. 
If you enjoy my writing,  send an amazon e-giftcard to my email: [email protected]
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domlobo2 · 3 years
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more marcy! 💀🩸
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domlobo2 · 3 years
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domlobo2 · 3 years
lil hedgie
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domlobo2 · 3 years
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