doomedflare · 9 hours
JAKE HADN’T EXPECTED TO GET THIS FAR; in fact, he hadn’t expected himself to genuinely pursue anyone tonight, period. he’d rolled his eyes at claudette’s initial attempt to introduce him to her very small and nervous friend ( her words, not his ), but now that jake’s here talking to him . . .
god, he’s cute like this. an easy smile settles on sharp features as he eyes companion’s hand with faux astonishment. ‘ your hands really are small, ‘ he hums, pressing his palm against dwight’s to compare. ‘ and cold, ‘ he adds with a chuckle. it is getting a bit chilly out here . . . without a second thought, he takes dwight’s hand in his own, scooting a little closer as he laces their fingers together. god, he fucking hopes he isn’t somehow misreading this. just be cool. no one does shit like this unless they’re flirting. it’s fine. just be fucking regular.
‘ you warm enough? ‘ he asks. ‘ you can take my jacket if you’re too cold, i won’t mind. ‘ it’d look better on you, anyway.
@doomedflare, jake: [...]
okay, so maybe the evening wasn't going as badly as dwight had thought it would. david's not letting anyone drink, but that's mainly because he's trying to keep himself in line (which is understandable), claudette brought weed (which he's been smoking, god bless her), and so far everyone's been surprisingly friendly, including...
❝ thank you, jake, ❞ a slight blush reddens pale cheeks as joint is handed back by the friendliest person at this party, hands brushing a little too much more than what would be necessary with the action, calloused and tattooed digits enrapturing to dwight. mind immediately wonders about what they've done in the past to have so much character, and also starts wondering about what they could do in the future.
❝ your hands are so big, ❞ he states, as though this incredibly obvious fact were the most intriguing thing in the world to him, ❝ mine are so small, y'know, and cold — terrible circulation, ❞ big green eyes glance up, accompanied by a mischievous little smile, as he holds up right hand, palm out and fingers splayed as he leans in expectantly. what in god's name are you doing? this is very forward for dwight, but he's a little high, and this guy's pretty cute. what's the worst that could happen? he thinks i'm weird and fucks off? there's too much weed in his body to hold onto these fears. besides, what if something nice happened to dwight fairfield for once in his life? would be a nice change of pace.
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doomedflare · 1 day
for those who write killers: would ur muses be charmed by bardic inspo y/n
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doomedflare · 2 days
ran a blight for five gens, body blocked so the final gen could get done, hit him with the good ol bardic inspiration bm... we are so fucking back
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doomedflare · 2 days
SPOCK. i'm assuming someone forced you to do this quiz - after all, this is a completely unscientific method of collecting data! you're clever, principled and very brave, but you are an alien on any planet. some fall for your cold exterior, never knowing of the heavy weight you carry in your soul, but those who can look past it fall in love immediately. you have no mercy for yourself. if only you let someone, anyone, into your heart . . .
tagged by: @frfld ( thank u bb <3 ) tagging: @latenightpsych @athlyte @warled @morteuse @facsimila or just steal it and tag me!
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doomedflare · 3 days
@frfld said: i’ve been lonely my whole life, really.
A LONG DRAG OF OFFERED JOINT IS TAKEN, smoke filling lungs and curling around an already clouded mind. jake thinks of previous parties; of the familiar, sour pit in his stomach; of panic attacks in strangers’ bathrooms ( and the funny way he remembers the cold tile and ugly bath rugs better than he remembers the hosts themselves ); of the strange isolation you can feel in a room full of smiling, laughing people. he thinks of his family, too, of the way you can feel truly alone around the people who’re supposed to make you feel anything but. it’s a thought he’s quick to brush away.
‘ yeah, i get that, ‘ he murmurs at last. another drag is taken before he passes the joint back to dwight. he allows himself to sink into the rattan sofa a bit, knee just barely brushing against dwight’s own. ‘ it’s weird, isn’t it? how you can be surrounded by people, but still feel so . . . ‘ alone. a half - hearted shrug as he drops his gaze. ‘ ‘s nice, though, having someone to be alone with, this time. ‘
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doomedflare · 3 days
     QUIET  MOUNTAIN  !rp  prompts  from  my  best  friend  and  I’s  silly  sitcom  rps  .  feel  free  to  change  tense  /  pronouns  .
I  can  turn  her  into  origami  with  enough  pull  .
they’re  not  going  to  let  me  get  away  with  building  another  one  .
I  can  think  of  a  few  people  I  wish  we  could  uninvite  .
I  have  to  get  out  of  this  town  .
not  you  ,  asshole  .
we  can  afford  that  ?
do  I  look  nice  ?  time  sensitive  question  .
I  told  them  I’m  dying  .  they  don’t  need  to  know  I’m  already  dead  ,  right  ?
his  hands  are  freakishly  big  .
I  don’t  like  them  ,  honey  .
he’s  of  impressive  stature  .
can  you  deliver  exorcisms  ?
do  you  detest  me  ?
if  you  like  ,  I  can  bring  up  the  wikipedia  page  for  psychological  projection  again  .
yous  looks  like  a  widdle  piss  baby  !
it’s  rabbit  day  ,  and  WE  are  the  rabbits  .
I’ve  been  like  this  for  23  years  .
what’s  confusing  me  is  he  did  something  for  someone  .  .  .  willingly  ?  out  of  the  kindness  of  his  heart  ?
I’m  sad  to  say  [ name ]  is  not  in  hell  .
it’s  been  renovated  into  a  gamestop  .
who  puts  a  gamestop  in  the  middle  of  a  residential  street  ?!
hey  !  this  is  my  victim  !
was  [ name ]  human  ?  is  that  something  we  have  solidified  proof  of  ?
plus  ,  I’m  legally  dead  .
good  -  hearted  losers  who  won’t  submit  to  your  evil  whims  are  so  annoying  .
you  are  egotistical  and  unlikeable  .
I  will  NOT  be  attending  therapy  .
SOME  of  us  had  to  work  hard  for  our  immortality  .
fairytales  are  pathetic  .  if  I  were  the  little  mermaid  I  would  plunge  a  dagger  deep  into  [ partner’s ]  heart  for  my  life  without  hesitation  .
my  therapist  quit  after  I  told  her  I  was  half  -  god  .
I  was  in  hell  for  uh  .  .  .  hmm  .  .  .
It  can’t  be  too  difficult  to  outsmart  the  devil  .
I  dunno  what  y'mean  ,  mister  .  sorry  .
that  was  [ name ]  ,  he’s  uh  ,  not  very  nice  .
he  lol’d  me  !
haha  .  I  was  not  born  .
I  am  learning  that  I  am  ’ important ’  and  ’ valuable ’  thanks  to  [ someone’s name ]’s  books  on  self  -  care  .
thank  you  .  I’ll  find  you  a  new  worm  in  return  .
is  that  vintage  ?  what  is  that  ?
he  can’t  reach  the  doorknob  .  .  .
I  will  not  be  helping  your  ’ clout ’  scam  .
I  did  make  us  a  cake  !  it’s  in  the  shape  of  a  heart  .  .  .  I  think  ?  um  ,  it’s  looks  a  LITTLE  like  texas  .
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doomedflare · 3 days
frankenstein in baghdad.
dialogue prompts from frankenstein in baghdad by ahmed saadawi.
you’re too impatient.
you’ll hear news that will bring you joy.
where did we leave off?
why are you looking at me?
if you’re not comfortable, we could leave.
be a positive force and you’ll survive.
your stories saved you.
have you seen a naked corpse walking down the street?
the time to be sad is over.
it’s just a story. it never really happened.
i knew you’d come back.
death gives the dead an aura of dignity.
you’d better keep a low profile.
lies can come true.
i don’t want to disappear.
don’t be a lapdog.
tell me a secret, in exchange for my secret.
tell me a real secret.
emotions change memories.
don’t do anything weird. act normal.
how can i kill someone who’s already dead?
people never admit their ignorance.
what’s living, to someone like me?
i’m the only justice there is.
shut up. don’t talk about this ever again.
everyone is a criminal to some extent.
everything turned bad when i quit smoking.
there are three types of justice: legal justice, divine justice, and street justice.
i want to come home.
the best way to protect yourself from evil is to keep close to it.
be a hero, okay?
anyone who puts on a crown will end up looking for a kingdom.
you’re as tough as old boots.
what happens depends on what you do.
no innocents are completely innocent, and no criminals are completely criminal.
what you think of me is more important than anyone else.
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doomedflare · 3 days
normal people, pt. 2.
dialogue prompts from normal people by sally rooney.
i like you the way you are.
hey. i didn’t know you were in town.
i’m not a religious person, but i do sometimes think god made you for me.
you should be with someone who takes you seriously.
sorry for ignoring your messages. it was childish.
it’s going to make you feel very awkward.
sometimes i think i deserve bad things because i’m a bad person.
i didn’t need to play any games with you. it was real.
i would have done anything you wanted me to.
i hope we can always take each other’s sides.
something kind of weird happened to me. can i tell you about it?
i don’t really know what happened to us in the end.
you look like an angel.
do you honestly think you’re cool?
it’s totally fair if you resent me.
can i stay in your room tonight?
i don’t know what’s wrong with me.
i don’t know why i can’t be like normal people.
i don’t know why i can’t make people love me.
why didn’t you tell me about it before?
i didn’t want you to think i was damaged or something.
i thought you wouldn’t want me anymore.
there’s no bad weather, only bad clothes.
you know i love you.
i’ve been lonely my whole life, really.
did i do something to annoy you?
do you think it’d be better if we’d never been together?
i never feel lonely when i’m with you.
i can’t imagine what my life would be like if i cared what people thought of me.
no one is going to hurt you like that again.
what do i not know about you?
people are a lot more knowable than they think they are.
say you want me to stay and i will.
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doomedflare · 4 days
house party au is slowly turning into my main ‘no fog/normal’ au
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doomedflare · 4 days
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Francis Forever by Mitski
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doomedflare · 8 days
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Chantal Michel
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doomedflare · 8 days
@frfld said: have you been in love before?
HIS ANSWER IS IMMEDIATE, CERTAIN: ' NO, NEVER. ' connections so deeply unbreakable, so unconditional, have always been foreign to him, for jake park was never a lover, let alone someone worth loving. there was always a certain gentleness to it, he'd thought, that he simply wasn't capable of. he thinks back on college flings met at shitty house parties. failed dates with people he'd either been too little or too much for. the time he'd brought the guy he'd been fucking on and off as his plus one to his father's dinner party. he'd introduced the latter as his boyfriend and kicked off a signature yelling match, the only real way father and son knew to communicate with each other.
and then, there is dwight, his shining sun, the man he can't even think about without that familiar warmth blooming in his chest, without thinking - no, knowing - this is it, this is the love of my life. rough hand reaches for dwight's own, fingers lacing together. ' never, ' he repeats, ' you're my one and only. '
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doomedflare · 8 days
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Late Night with the Devil (2024), dir. Colin and Cameron Cairnes
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doomedflare · 8 days
@delroysinferno said: hands lilly an owl plushie... it squeaks when you squeeze it. naturally.
THE QUESTION OF WHY? IS AT THE TIP OF HER TONGUE as the toy is handed to her. curiosity gets the best of her skepticism, however, as she takes the owl, going through the movements of a girl her age; a polite smile that doesn't quite reach her eyes, a ' for me? oh, thank you, mr. delroy, you're so kind! ' lilly hugs the toy to her chest, and -
oh! it squeaks! there's a soft gasp, childlike wonder lighting up dark eyes as her smile brightens. she squeezes it again, again, again with a giggle. ' how cute, ' earnest, this time, in her gratitude, ' thank you. '
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doomedflare · 8 days
if there is one thing abt me it’s that i love weird little ‘evil’ children
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doomedflare · 9 days
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brain is unfortunately mush but mooties should still hmu on discord <3
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doomedflare · 9 days
post-fog jake adopts a blind, orange cat and names her cigarette
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