dosteovskys · 5 months
my textbooks cost $950 this sem. insanity. my poor wallet.
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dosteovskys · 5 months
please give us more expecting pregnancy obsessed gojo headcanons 🫣🫣🤭
tw : pregnancy, brief mention of semi-public sex
when satoru first finds out you’re pregnant, that you are going to have his child, he snaps and pounds your pussy all night long. sure, he does get emotional upon knowing the news. his eyes well up with tears as he scoops you up and keeps asking if it’s true “really? you’re pregnant...baby, really?” in between soft pecks all over your face — lips, nose, cheeks, forehead, chin…he is so fucking happy.
but there’s also this voice at the back of his head that messes with his brain chemistry quite a bit — he fucking knocked you up. his seed has implanted into your womb — it makes all the blood rush down his dick so fast and in mere seconds you find yourself thrown on the bed, legs up by your shoulders as he prepares you nice and well with the tip of his dick rubbing up and down your entrance for the fucking of your lifetime. and he fucks you differently, like he’s never done before, more urgent and more primal than ever…like a man that has impregnated his wife and is now pounding and claiming her cunt.
and as the months go by and your belly starts growing his desire for you too grows more and more, out of this world. there’s just something about the way your skin glows, the way your belly swells, the way you smell, the way you carry yourself and his child inside of you, that makes him want to fuck you all the time. he cannot keep his hands off of you, you just look so beautiful to him.
anytime you change in front of him, he gets hard. you put your hand on your belly, he gets hard. your belly brushes against him when you hug, he gets hard. you wear something that outlines your baby bump, he gets hard….
time and place don’t matter, he will take you anywhere. he’s pulled the car over before a few times and asked you to bounce on his cock just bc he saw you caress your belly and it made him lose it. if you go shopping with him, he fucks you in the changing rooms….he fucks you every damn morning before leaving the bed, there is no exceptions. fucks you right before you sleep too...and sometimes he wakes up in the middle of the night and jerks off to your pregnant body. lifts your pj top up and cums all over your belly….he is so obsessed with you it is actually a bit fucked up.
not to mention how he absolutely loves it now that you get to ride him more often bc of how comfortable that position is for you. the sight of your breasts bouncing as you ride him and the way your belly weighs and brushes against his flesh are the one reason he keeps finishing too soon. but there’s always more than just one round and with each round he lasts longer. it’s like you being pregnant has put a spell on him and he is back to being a horny teenager that wants to fuck you all the time.
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dosteovskys · 5 months
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i’m so depressed. i adore him.
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dosteovskys · 5 months
guys he’s so 🥹 he’s sooo 🥹🥹🥹
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dosteovskys · 5 months
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entry for my beloved @lotus-pear 's 5k DTIYS!! congrats on five thousand, u deserve every single one my dear ♡
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dosteovskys · 5 months
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first drawing of 2024 ✨️
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dosteovskys · 5 months
Fyodor Dostoevsky, but-
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I'm mentally prepared to take on the flood I have summoned by drawing this..-
It smacked me in the head tonight- "C o m b a t g e a r"
So I went and made Fyodor a sniper since he seems to like sniping people in every sense of the word.
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dosteovskys · 5 months
guys wish me luck i’m about to make the biggest phone call of my life
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dosteovskys · 5 months
cw/ tw. college au. fem!reader, gojo is a little mean (but not really), mild hurt/ comfort, nerd!reader (surprise), reader wears glasses, pet names (ex. baby)
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He's captain of the hockey team and lives in the biggest fraternity on campus.
Gojo never had trouble getting a girl's number, yet he finds he can’t shake the thought of you from his head: this mouse of a girl who always has her nose buried in a book and barely acknowledges his existence.
At first, he’d mistaken it for curiosity—not entirely understanding why his gaze fell on you, like a moth to a flame, when he noticed you walking across the campus courtyard. You’d been wearing a soft pink sundress with little pearl buttons holding it together, and a little bow in your hair.
You’d bumped into him, or maybe he bumped into you (he can't remember that part), while fixing the books in your bag, squeaking out a small “sorry” as you pushed up your glasses and scurried past him with a shy smile.
That smile completely disarmed him, leaving him tongue-tied, and he forgot that he’d been walking a girl to class—Cassy?—before said girl started talking again.
“...Right?” she'd asked, and he didn't even know what the question was.
He just nodded as if he’d been paying attention the entire time, uncaring if he'd answered wrong.
Popular!Gojo who initially picks on you for being a nerd only because he can’t think of any other way to talk to you. Sometimes, he even talks you into doing his homework, his excuse being that it gets you to spend more time with him. 
Popular!Gojo whose heart flutters around his ribcage the first time he makes you laugh.
Of course, it’s at his expense. He’d missed your mouth when he leaned in to kiss you, getting your chin instead, though you ended up kissing him back anyway.
Popular!Gojo who, in private, is clingy and likes nestling his head against your tummy so you'll take your attention off of whatever you're doing and focus it on him.
“If you keep doing that you're going to make me fall asleep,” he mumbles, shivering when you run your fingers through the length of his hair again.
“Then fall asleep.”
Popular!Gojo who wears the gold chain you got him under his jersey on game days, and looks for you in the stands the moment his skates touch the ice. A smile stretches across his mouth when he finds you with his number stretched across your chest, and something else hits him like a wave. 
It's the first time he realizes he might be in love.
Popular!Gojo who knows that he totally fucked up this time—took his teasing a little too far and unintentionally acted like you didn’t exist whenever his friends were around—because you refuse to talk to him. He hasn’t told anyone about you yet—not that he’d really know what to say.
“Hey, there’s this girl, she…”
You’re…what? A friend? A girl he exclusively fucks now and then?
He doesn’t know.
And once summer break comes around, Gojo’s stomach does this funny little thing—a ship-sinking feeling, like he’d hit the puck just shy of the goal—when he doesn't get a reply after he asks if you want to go to the beach with him. Go home with him, anything. 
Popular!Gojo who finds himself gripping the sides of your doorway and panting a few hours later, hair slightly messy from running up the four flights of stairs to your floor.
Your brows furrow when you open the door. "Gojo? Are you al—"
“I’m sorry.”
He watches you carefully nibble on your bottom lip and toy with the hem of your shirt.
“Oh…It’s okay.”
“Is that why you’ve been avoiding me? Because you think it’s okay?”
It's the wrong thing to say.
Your brows furrow and your arms cross over your chest. “Avoiding you? You said I was annoying.”
“No, I…I shouldn’t have said that. You’re anything but annoying. You’re…” Beautiful. Funny. Out of my league. But he settles with, “Perfect. You’re perfect, and I’m so fucking sorry for ignoring you that day. I just…I never know what to say when I'm around you.”
“Gojo,” you sigh, “you don’t have to do this. We can just be friends—”
“I like you a lot,” he blurts, hasty because he can see this whole conversation spiraling downhill. “So much, and I’m an idiot. I don’t even know why you stuck around so long.”
“You don't mean that.” You fidget, peeking up at him from under your lashes. 
“I do,” he murmurs. “I mean every single word, except that first part because I'm really in love with you.”
You freeze.
“I've loved you for a while,” he continues. “I should have said it before, but I—”
He's cut off by your lips pressing against his, and your arms wrapped around his shoulders. It's I love you too wrapped up in a kiss and he hopes, can’t help it, but—
“Can I come in?” he mumbles against your mouth. “Please.”
Popular!Gojo who spreads you out on your sheets, heart thudding in his chest at the thought of how close he was to losing this; your soft giggle when he gets your foot caught in your underwear in his haste to remove them. The breathy moan you let out as he hums against your soaked cunt, how your thighs tremble around his head when he makes you cum on his tongue and then his fingers.
He knows he’s not going to last long as his leaky tip dips between your folds, his stomach still doing a series of flips from the adrenaline still coursing through his body. And it doesn’t help how your choked moan makes his cock twitch.
“I’m not letting you leave again,” he rasps against your nipple, lips wrapping around the hard nub and sucking, tongue flicking until your nails bite into his shoulders.
Your laugh is soft and lilted. “Then don’t be mean.”
“I won’t, baby,” he swears, his breathing labored when he notches another inch of his dick inside your wet heat. “I won’t.”
And he watches your eyes roll back behind your slightly crooked glasses as his hands grip your waist to bring you down on the rest of his cock.
Popular!Gojo who snuggles against your chest afterward, his soft cock nestled between your soft-wet thighs, slightly dozing off with your fingers running through his hair. He’s so content that he almost forgets—
“Go to the beach with me,” he mumbles against your breast.
You hum. “You’re so bossy.”
His arms tighten around your waist, cheeks hot and feeling vulnerable. “Please…”
Your fingers trail behind his ear, down the side of his neck, where the chain you got him rests against his collarbone. You run your finger along it before whispering, “Okay, I’ll go.”
He can’t stop himself from smiling.
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dosteovskys · 5 months
summary: the daily quest of coaxing one fyodor dostoevsky away from his work and into bed begins.
warnings: fem!reader, fluff, nothing else, lowercase intentional + unedited.
wc: 900 ish
notes: fyodor fyodor fyodor the things i would do with your hands
fyodor dostoevsky has pretty hands.
it’s a fact that you always marveled, really. his fingers are long and thin, his skin is fair and soft—besides the tips of his fingers, which are calloused from the long hours he spends playing the cello and ridged from where he frequently bites at them. fyodor is pretty in general, but there’s something so delicate about his hands that has you charmed.
you don’t have a hand kink—you swear that you don’t. you just have a… fascination. you can’t help it that your eyes linger when you watch him do things with them, whether it be typing away at his computers doing whatever nefarious things that fyodor dostoevsky does at his computers or relaxing after long hours of working by playing the cello in your shared room. sometimes, you like to challenge him to games of chess just to watch his fingers toy with the pieces—you never win, you’re very good at chess but fyodor is on another level entirely. the only time you’ve ever come close was when he was so sick that nikolai was joking about him being on his deathbed.
you had not found it nearly as funny.
now, he’s writing some letter at his desk, grip tight on his pen and brows furrowed just a bit, meaning whatever he’s doing, he’s not having a good time with it. you peek over his shoulder, trying to read the letter, only to instantly understand why he looks so frustrated—ah, he’s trying to write in kanji, and from what you can tell by the crumpled papers on the floor next to him, he’s already restarted several times already.
you take a seat on top of the desk to his left, he barely spares you a glance, so you reach down to capture his free hand in yours, holding it in your lap. fyodor glances up at you, brows still knit together as he casts a suspicious look in your direction.
“i’m working,” he mutters.
“i’m not stopping you,” you reply.
he doesn’t look convinced, but rather than pushing, he turns his attention back to the parchment in front of him. you smile to yourself lightly, looking down at the hand laying in your lap and unfurling his fingers, running your fingers across his palm before tracing the tip of your finger down the length of each of his. you watch as his expression slowly smooths out at the feeling of your touch. no matter how much he denies needing or desiring physical comfort of any kind, his body always betrays him.
there are fresh ridges on the tip of his thumb, signaling that he’d been gnawing at it again, and you frown, lifting his hand from your lap to kiss his thumb, and then the palm of his hand, and then his wrist.
fyodor sighs, resting his pen back down on the desk and looking up at you. “you are trying to distract me, myshka,” he accuses, voice gentle but eyes sharp as he looks up at you.
“never,” you say, but your voice edges on playful and you know that he catches it, from the way his purple eyes just barely soften. “i know better than to try to drag the diligent fyodor dostoevsky from his duties.”
“liar,” he murmurs, laced with affection, lifting his hand from yours to cup the side of your face, the pads of his fingers tracing your cheekbone. you lean into his touch, eyes focusing in on his face.
there are dark circles beneath his eyes, and his skin is paler than usual. you wonder when the last time he got a full night’s rest was, you know he’s been working himself to the bone in preparation for whatever plans he has for yokohama.
“come to bed with me,” you say softly, bringing your hand up to hold his against your face, eyes partially lidded as you look down at him.
fyodor sighs, pulling his hand back and looking down at the papers on his desk—so it begins, you think, hiding the amusement that rises to your chest when you realize that your daily quest of trying to get your lover to rest is about to begin. you figure it might be a bit easier this time, because he looks extra tired, but you know better than to underestimate the sheer stubbornness that fyodor dostoevsky is capable of.
you don’t let his gaze linger away from you. you lean forward and tilt his head back up gently to force him to look at you, absently brushing a loose strand of dark hair from his face.
“please,” you add, voice barely over a whisper as your eyes meet his.
he lets out a sharp breath, averting his gaze, and you know that you won. fyodor dostoevsky is cold and resolute, driven absolutely by ambition, but he becomes far more pliant when he pushes himself beyond what his body allows him.
you smile lightly.
“i did not agree,” he says. he doesn’t even have to look at you to know you already claimed victory. but even as he says it, he’s rising to his feet and you’re looping your arms around his neck, hopping off of his desk to rise to your tip toes and press your lips against his, soft and lingering.
“i know,” you agree as you feel his hands rest on your hips.
“a nap,” he concedes. “i have to finish this by morning.”
quest complete.
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dosteovskys · 5 months
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catch me | c. nakahara
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summary | a long dance is finally broken at the peak of new year’s
pairing | chuuya x fem!reader
warnings | swearing, implied violence, reader with a bit of a description (hair long enough to put into an updo), mildly edited
wc | 1.5k
a/n | happy new year lovies! <3 long time no post? i’m so excited to share my first bsd piece with you all <3
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it’s been precisely 319 days since you joined the port mafia. being here, on a giant yacht with hundreds of people from the same organization, bringing in the new year was a foreign feeling. you’d never imagine in your wildest dreams you would find yourself surrounded by so many people. a year ago you were on your own like you’d always been, if someone had told you back then you would find yourself in a position where people counted on you, you would stare at them as if they’d grown a second head.
it’s been a long night. you weren’t nearly as drunk as some of the lower level subordinates. something like this was rare for them though. you suppose they were taking advantage of the opportunity and making the most of it. you chuckle to yourself from where you’re stood, leaning against the railing, completely content with watching from afar on your own. or so you thought, until you catch the top of a familiar black hat.
chuuya nakahara. he’s somewhat of an enigma to you. he’s surprisingly warm and kind for someone who has taken out organizations with his very own hands. naturally he was hesitant of you at first. he didn’t care for change or new things, but his tune quickly changed when you were assigned a mission and easily held your own weight. chuuya nakahara is not easily impressed, yet you made it look so easy. he had caught your eye the second he stormed into mori’s office, making a big fuss about taking someone into his elite team that hadn’t paid their dues.
his presence alone was almost enough to have you kicking off the railing and joining in the festivities. almost. your whole body was screaming at you to move towards him, it was as if an invisible rope was tugging you. your whole body twitched and stood on edge but you firmly stayed put. your mind, however, couldn’t handle the anxiety of being around so many people. so you continue to watch the redhead from afar.
he seemed to be scanning the crowd for something- or rather- someone. you bring up the champagne flute you’ve been holding to your lips the very same moment his sapphire irises land on you. as much as you were hoping to avoid it, your eyes connect and you’re left with having to nod your head at him in acknowledgment before finishing off your drink. you break eye contact and place the empty glass on a nearby table.
you turn around to watch the sea, unaware of chuuya’s lingering gaze. he’s calculating, wondering just how much he could get away with tonight. he scowls at himself for acting so pathetic and mumbles under his breath, “fuck it.”
chuuya excuses himself from whatever conversation was happening between kouyo and hirotsu. he makes a beeline for you, snatching a very expensive champagne bottle on his way over to you.
he’s always been light on his feet but your trained ears hear him approaching from several feet away. without turning around you chuckle, “can’t imagine kouyo was too pleased with you just walking away from her mid sentence like that.”
the executive cracks a small grin and chuckles. “i’ll apologize to her later. there were more pressing matters at hand.”
you furrow your brow and finally look over your shoulder to him. what you’re met with steals the very breath from your lungs. the lighting from the string lights form a halo behind chuuya and the moonlight casts a glowing shadow to his features. chuuya nakahara may be the most beautiful man you have ever seen, you could actually cry.
in the same moment, chuuya is also having his very own internal panic. you had been a shadow until now. in this proximity he could finally get a good look at you. your silky golden dress cascades down your body perfectly. the open back left no room for imagination, he could see every curve, every divot, every scar. your hair was perfectly done up in a messy curled updo. the gold earrings dangling from your ears glimmered much like the moonlight reflecting off your eyes. you were stunningly beautiful, chuuya couldn’t find it in himself to use his voice, almost as if it was stuck in his throat.
coming out of your reverie you notice the redheads pause, so you fully turn around, clearly confused by chuuya’s silence. with your new vantage point you finally notice the bottle and empty glass in his left hand. you offer him a knowing smile and reach over for the previously discarded flute. you hold it up and keep the smile on your lips. “care to top me off?”
chuuya comes out of it too and silently nods while taking your glass. your fingers graze his gloved ones and you can feel his warmth even through the thicker material. his brows furrow and instead of pouring you a glass he sets everything down and removes his jacket from his shoulders. in one swift movement he places that jacket onto your shoulders instead.
as he picks your glass and the bottle back up he clicks his tongue. “i could feel how cold you were. why didn’t you wear something warmer? or at least a damn jacket?”
he hands you the, now full, champagne flute. you hum in gratitude and take a sip before answering him. you’re a little preoccupied by appreciating his scent wafting over you from the article of clothing. the jacket also still held some of his body heat which makes you instinctively try to bury yourself further into it.
“would you believe me if i said the alcohol was keeping me warm?” you tilt your brow slyly and can’t help but let a playful grin pull at the corners of your lips.
chuuya rolls his eyes and pours himself a glass of champagne. “no, as a matter of fact? i’d call bullshit.”
“how is it that you’ve always been able to see right through me? i have to give you props, mr. executive, you’re the only one that’s been able to do it.” you take another generous sip of your champagne and you’re finally no longer to tell if your legs are unsteady from the yacht or from the alcohol.
the redhead clicks his tongue and eyes you. he seems to think his next words carefully. “i guess i’ve always been extra observant when it comes to you.”
he says it so nonchalantly, you almost miss the implications of his words. you let it settle in your mind for a moment. chuuya sips at his drink nervously — his mind running wild as he watches your reaction, or lack thereof.
shit. did he make a mistake just now? should he have just kept his damn mouth shut?
the executive is about to cover his ass but then you speak. “thank you. i appreciate you looking out for me…i’ve never…had that before.”
chuuya’s eyes widen as he looks to you in obvious shock. your arms are crossed over your body as if shielding yourself. you felt vulnerable uttering those words. as if avoiding the feeling, your face is turned to the side as you stare out into the ocean. it was still clear to him why you were avoiding eye contact.
here you two were dancing the same dance you have been for months now. it’s gotten to the point where everyone with eyes can see that there’s something going on. hell, even akutagawa has said something to chuuya about it in passing.
chuuya wants to say more but suddenly everyone is loudly counting down from 10. you look back to the redhead and hold up your glass. wordlessly, he holds his up to yours and lightly clinks the crystal to your own. you raise yours a little more before almost whispering. “happy new year, chuuya nakahara.”
you tilt your head back and finish off the rest of your champagne.
chuuya follows suit. although he thinks he may have lost his mind along the way. because after chugging what was left of his own drink, in the next instant he’s closing the distance between you two. his empty hand reaches up to grasp the back of your head and then he’s desperately crashing his lips into yours. it all happens so fast he doesn’t let his own brain catch up.
you're completely taken off guard. the crystal that was securely in your hand, loudly crashes to the ground out of pure shock. however, it only takes you a split second to react. before you even comprehend what’s happening, your hands fly up to chuuya’s collar to bring him in closer and just like that you’re kissing him back with just as much enthusiasm. you both seem to melt into the kiss.
as much as he doesn’t want to, chuuya pulls away and rests his forehead on yours. your breath mixes with his in the most intoxicating way. you keep your eyes close, drinking in this perfect moment. you hum in appreciation as chuuya tenderly caresses the side of your face and finally whispers back, “happy new year, doll.”
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taglist | @erikatsu | @dosteovskys |
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dosteovskys · 5 months
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summary. as a girl, you spent a lot of time dreaming about southron princes. the only problem is…none of those dreams consisted of marrying king aegon’s bastard son. | wc. tbd.
cw/ tw. arranged marriage, political marriage, angst, hurt/comfort, prince nanami, mentioned past relationships, pregnancy, princess reader, original characters, game of thrones au, loss of virginity, dubcon, jealousy, possessive behavior, intended for 18+ readers
pairing. nanami x fem!reader
an. I rewatched GoT recently and really wanted to write a story with nanami in the universe:3 divider by @/cafekitsune. I also haven't suggested this on my other series, but if you're interested in a tag, comment on this post. reblogs are appreciated!
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Please remember to read all tags before proceeding!
♧ Chapter One
♧ Chapter Two
♧ Chapter Three
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mellarkee—please don't copy, paste, or translate.
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dosteovskys · 5 months
in mourning over the flags again this dark morning
0 notes
dosteovskys · 5 months
Fyodor who falls first and harder.
He isn’t immune to falling in love. Avoiding it at all costs? Yes. Too busy to have his mind on anything romance-related? Yes. Picky as hell and in need of an emotional connection to feel attraction? Yes.
But who says he doesn’t feel drawn to people that fascinate him for reasons that he can’t even grasp? Who says he doesn’t spend sleepless nights thinking about them, and the spell they’ve put on him, that he can’t focus on anything without their face on his mind? Who says that Fyodor doesn’t silently curse them for not taking the first step, because god knows he’s too proud to be the one to let his guard down first?
Oh, and flirting with Fyodor means having a heated debate that escalates to the point of making other people fear you’ll slit each other’s throats, only to end in a messy makeout session, I rest my case.
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dosteovskys · 5 months
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dazai has flashbacks of another life, one where he wakes up next to you every morning and falls asleep with a home cooked meal warming his stomach every night. he holds his memories close to his chest, even if they aren’t his. when he comes across you himself, he almost can’t believe that he could be so lucky, and now that he has you within his grasp, he’s never, ever letting you go.
ft. beast!dazai + f!reader, dazai is the pm boss, reader is a civilian, possessive behavior, nsfw (part three only), spoilers for bsd beast!au light novel & manga. each chapter will have its own description & warnings!! pls proceed with caution!
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part one . . .
part two . . .
part three . . .
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dosteovskys · 5 months
Between your blorbos,who is a 'golden retriever husband' and who is a 'Doberman husband' type?
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dosteovskys · 5 months
norman fucking rockwell with mister dazai osamu (ada) trust
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