draconicroyalty · 4 years
Well, I have entirely abandoned this blog, but if you still want to roleplay with me (and maybe motivate me to rewrite the entirety of Daniyal and Tomoe’s plot at some point), I have a new blog, @serpentinebrutality!
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draconicroyalty · 4 years
Is 2020 the year I will stop being a lazy ass and actually RP here? Probably not!
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draconicroyalty · 5 years
The crowd is silent as they wait. The tall doors in front of them open slowly, so slowly it makes them hold their breath. Steps cut through the silence. They're heavy, strong, like the man that owns them. In front of the crowd stands their king, their ever so gentle king. He looks down at them before a huge smile tugs at his lips. Behind him, the pride flags roll over the palace's walls.
"This year's Pride has started!"
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draconicroyalty · 5 years
yo treasure planet was literally the best 2d disney film ever made like the setting? the colors? the flawless transition? the gorgeous world building? the three dimensional characters? a main character who’s never pressured to get into anything remotely close to romance? complex relationships? an antagonist who has layers to his character? the soundtrack? i could go the FUCK on,
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draconicroyalty · 5 years
A hand laid over Daniyal's chest, nor like he was taking offense, but only to add to the charm as he tilted his head. "Am I really, if I solely speak the truth? It's been since I saw you blush."
"Hey, Sparda? What happens when a couple of bananas breaks up?"
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“Oh! Oh! Is it… they ‘banana split’?” Sparda asks excitedly.
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draconicroyalty · 5 years
Daniyal grumbled a little, not resisting long before turning back to the demon. His hand came to grasp the other's chin rather affectionately, a thumb rubbing over pale skin. The dragon shook his head at the same time a smile tugged at this lips.
"Whatever shall I do so you stop saying such provocative things?"
Sparda gasps, slapping a hand against his sternum, eyes wide, “Why, I never!”
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draconicroyalty · 5 years
“I do not understand what you mean. I did not flex my arms at any point.” Confused dragon noises. Children these days were so complicated.
“Oh, please! It’s not like I’ll steal your father away!”
“Money isn’t a probl–” Another pause. A confused head tilt. “Angry cats and wine spills?”
“Well, guess I’ll have to enchant it.”
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 “Did you just fucking flex? On me?” Did Dan just flex on a princess of Hell? “Impudent hoe!” 
 “Guess my insurance doesn’t cover missing letters either.”
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draconicroyalty · 5 years
“Money isn’t a probl--” Another pause. A confused head tilt. “Angry cats and wine spills?”
“Well, guess I’ll have to enchant it.”
Daniyal simply shrugged. Could the man be blamed? Turns out, the king of Hell is pretty hot. Plus, he was already used to this attitude from her. “Oh? A letter then? Think he’d appreciate it if I sealed it with the royal stamp?”
A pause before he chuckled, “No can do. But I promise to not ground you.”
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 “I demand a fucking dowry though. I also charge fees for my postal service but I don’t have insurance that covers angry cats or wine spills. Your letter won’t be safe…bitch.” 
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draconicroyalty · 5 years
Daniyal simply shrugged. Could the man be blamed? Turns out, the king of Hell is pretty hot. Plus, he was already used to this attitude from her. “Oh? A letter then? Think he’d appreciate it if I sealed it with the royal stamp?”
A pause before he chuckled, “No can do. But I promise to not ground you.”
@draconicroyalty cont. from here!
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 “Dan, you fucking horndog! You don’t give up, huh?” Cici huffed, “Write a letter or something and if I’m lucky enough to run into him, I’ll give it to him…maybe.”
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draconicroyalty · 5 years
"For the last time, I don't deliver messages to my dad! Don't even know where he is!" ((From Cici to Dan!))
“Well, you can’t blame for trying!”
A pause. Some awkward glancing around. He then finally spoke. “But do you happen to know if he’s available?” 
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draconicroyalty · 5 years
If the blush on this cheeks wasn’t noticeable before, now that it spread to his neck and ears it would be impossible to not be seen. On instinct, Daniyal let go  of the demon’s nose only to turn his back, though could very easily see how his pointy ears were erratically twitching to match his embarrassment. 
“You’re terrible! Absolutely incorrigible!” He says so, but he’s trying not to laugh himself.
Sparda gasps, slapping a hand against his sternum, eyes wide, “Why, I never!”
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draconicroyalty · 5 years
Nothing could describe the feeling of pride, and maybe a little smugness, that filled the royal right then and there. Not only Sparda didn’t guess the answer, but he also laughed at the pun. One couldn’t help but stare with fondness.
“I should do more of these jokes. If only to hear that lovely laugh.”
"Hey, Sparda? What happens when a couple of bananas breaks up?"
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“Oh! Oh! Is it… they ‘banana split’?” Sparda asks excitedly.
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draconicroyalty · 5 years
Daniyal opened and closed his mouth time and time again, almost like a suffocating fish. What was he supposed to answer in this situation? Especially with the other waggling his eyebrows at him. The dragon squinted, index and middle finger coming to pinch Sparda’s nose between them.
“Oh, you know exactly what I mean.”
Sparda gasps, slapping a hand against his sternum, eyes wide, “Why, I never!”
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draconicroyalty · 5 years
The taller man’s smile grew exponentially and for a second there, he had to hold back a chuckle. At least Sparda hadn’t managed to guess this time. Daniyal leaned closed, inhaled, then delivered the line.
"Hey, Sparda? What happens when a couple of bananas breaks up?"
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“Oh! Oh! Is it… they ‘banana split’?” Sparda asks excitedly.
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draconicroyalty · 5 years
Daniyal felt somewhat grumpy about his joke being spoiled, but fixed himself up quite rapidly, only needing to clear his throat once.
"What do you call a philosophical dog?"
"Hey, Sparda? What happens when a couple of bananas breaks up?"
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“Oh! Oh! Is it… they ‘banana split’?” Sparda asks excitedly.
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draconicroyalty · 5 years
The smugness the dragon felt lasted only for a second. At first, his eyes simply widened, but then embarrassment settled upon his cheeks, skin darkening under golden freckles.
"I...You--That's indecent!"
Sparda gasps, slapping a hand against his sternum, eyes wide, “Why, I never!”
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draconicroyalty · 5 years
Daniyal simply chuckled. Oh, this was fun. To think he’d go through such a large growth spurt in the time the demon was away. The dragon grinned, flashing sharp teeth as he leaned down enough for their foreheads to almost meet.
“How does it feel to be on the receiving end of it?”
Sparda gasps, slapping a hand against his sternum, eyes wide, “Why, I never!”
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