dramaticalbooty · 10 years
Life was not a TV drama. One doesn`t wake up one morning with an action packed life unfurling before them like an anime, or brimming with people to jump out and reveal the biggest, darkest secret of your life that you`ve never known. Aoba thought he was living one of the most common lives in existence - he was just a regular guy earning his living…albeit in a city he was now trapped in rather than home in Midorijima. Except the tiny details that were crucial to his existence, the existence of so many gaps that were never filled in all the way.That he forgot even existed, more often than not. One of the most vital being the ability held within something as simple as his voice. In the back of his head were the haziest memories of his childhood, remembering in his dreams that he would speak with someone who was so familiar… and they would sit by a beautiful church on the beach. Then there was forgetting his entire history as a Rhyme player, a shock that had doused him like cold water when he heard it. He`d talked Noiz`s ear off, claiming he had nothing to do with Rhyme, when in fact, “he” was one of the most famous players who was actually infamous for mercilessly breaking his enemies. He didn`t remember anything. There were four people who were quite significant that he did not remember…or rather, were missing from him. Two were his parents, one was essentially a piece of himself and one was someone he never met entirely. One person he never knew existed. And that man was staring him right in the face as the younger sibling bumped into his brother`s shoulder, but Aoba was none the wiser. He was not his own omnipresent narrator, but a character in some bigger script, just as lost as everyone else. "Hey, what are you-- whoa, are you okay? 
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You seem kinda...sick." Aoba would have normally quirked an irritated eyebrow at such vacant staring, but those dark eyes were...different. He typically associated glossy eyes with a fever. Was this person lost in the city? He`d seen plenty of newbies in his days, but the far-off gaze that this one had wasn`t entirely one of being lost. He seems oddly complacent in a place like this. "Uh, do you know where you live? Sorry if that`s personal but, you look really tired." As though he couldn`t make it home on his own...
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It felt.. strange.  He felt a sense of something he’d longed for his whole entire life, but could never obtain due to how things just were. He’d gotten used to the circumstances he was in, admitting to the fact that his life as simply different from others and that was that. Although he was calm about it, because technically Sei knew he wasn’t even born like a child would normally be, he couldn’t help but sometimes just wonder what it’d feel like to be able to wander where ever he may please, to do things he’d often hear Toue’s workers talk about, of course he’d be curious, never had Sei been outside the Oval Tower, not unless he was to split his being, something he’d do willingly for himself, though not often, it wasn’t exactly good for his self. Gentle hues would gaze around this unknown area, this certainly wasn’t Platinum Jail, nor was it the Old Resident District either. He’d wonder if eyes were upon him here as well, the same pair of eyes which had been looming over him since the moment he’d first opened his eyes to a piercing white room, unable to do as he wishes, until now. A step was taken, and then another, to be able to walk freely when not even being given a certain instruction, it felt.. strange. But it was a good kind of strange. Suddenly was he forcibly introduced to the sound of a multitude of footsteps, people going this way and that, and the male would stand like a deer caught in the headlights, that was until someone had pushed into him intentionally for him to at least move a step.  And yet he’d simply stand there, his gaze fixated, eyes glassy and expression close to emotionless, a feature to which he’d unconsciously adapted to, though perhaps that will change.
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dramaticalbooty · 10 years
"Am I doing this?" He looked down to the rather conspicuous can in his hand, gazing at it in a look that was one part confusion, two parts and annoyance. Was he supposed to be a mind reader? Noiz never told him any of his plans. The entire time they had been living in this city, the teen just decided on his own whims to drag Aoba into everything like he was some guinea pig. He had half a mind to just slam it down with a grandiose motion and walk stomp out in a huff... but that would make him the brat, wouldn`t it? That was Noiz`s role, after all.
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"Yeah, I guess so. Only because I have nothing better to do right now. But I really don`t know what the hell you`re planning." He was definitely in for a surprise, to say the least.
"Yeah, I could have."
He could have done a lot of things.
Shifting his attention from Aoba to what had been set up, Noiz gave the most possibly vague explanation he could have on what he wanted to be done which admittedly, was difficult for Noiz to do given how he spoke bluntly or almost not at all. Motioning over to it - he gave a shrug and explained in a more direct manner that he just needed Aoba to get up onto the ledge of the roof first and he’d explain everything else in detail.
Before Aoba moved (whether in denial or acceptance of Noiz’s request) - Noiz did first, handing the older man a can of whipped cream. If it wasn’t becoming more clear on what Noiz was setting up by the second then he’d have to believe Aoba was a complete idiot. Well - he probably thought that on some level already due to…certain things. But that was neither here nor there Noiz thought as he gave the Seragaki a long look in expectancy. 
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"So are you doing this or what?" 
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dramaticalbooty · 10 years
He was just minding his own business before reality liked to throw in a punch to keep him on his toes. At least, that`s how his life usually went. Aoba had an agenda he was working on, but everyone else seemed to muck up his plans. This time it was interrupting his work. Even though he was his own boss now, something he still wasn`t quite used to, he still felt like every moment had to be used to the utmost of it`s workability! (Read: total bullshit, but it made him feel better). Anyway, this chick decided to come in and criticize...his fashion of all things? Not even how tacky the story was, but how tacky he looked.
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"...Are you serious? You came in here just to tell me that?" Kids these days. "And what do you plan to do about it, huh?"
The last one, the last one that she had to deal with. Clearing her throat had she leaned in and clicked her tongue as she evaluated his clothes. "The jacket."
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Pointing to it to catch the males attention, "It has to go."
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dramaticalbooty · 10 years
"Huh, and here I thought your name was Elizabeth, not 'master of torture." Then again, the wings and tail were probably no exaggeration. Come to think of it, he never got much of an explanation for that, did he? Even though they were such friendly neighbours!
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"Would it be too scary for me to hear if I asked what you mean by that?"
“Isn’t there some saying that goes ‘with great power comes great responsibility’? Sounds boring.”
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“Perhaps now is the time to show the pigs and squirrels of this city just a master of torture can do?”
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dramaticalbooty · 10 years
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too many aobas
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dramaticalbooty · 10 years
If replying to Noiz could be modified, it would be "yes" or "yes," never a no option. Not even a maybe or just hold on a sec, the latter of which Aoba had attempted to get out before he felt a very strong grip around his wrist. For someone who couldn`t feel, he sure exherted quite a bit of pressure. But perhaps that`s exactly why he did things so brashly, since he couldn`t tell the difference. Leave it to Aoba`s mind to play therapist even when he was being dragged across the concrete. When they arrived at the specific destination, hazel eyes bulged slightly at how...strange it was. Observing the room, he honestly had nothing to say (and that was quite a feat for Aoba Seragaki.)
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"And...you choose me?" Who was he supposed to be, Pikachu? "You could have just picked your boyfriend. Also, why are we here in the middle of nowhere?"
"Yo. Aoba, come here." 
As if he gave the other a choice. Noiz had gone over to his apparent friend and tugged on his arm, pulling him (or dragging) for quite awhile until they reached a certain house in a certain district. Once he was there, he continued to tug on Aoba until they were inside and up the stairs. Where there was the curious set up waiting — this is when Noiz finally let go of Aoba and turned towards him to explain simply and briefly.
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"You’re going to help set this up for me. It needs two people to work and I choose you."
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dramaticalbooty · 10 years
Hazel eyes gazed incredulously at the travesty before him crafted in comic sans and the tears of all who looked upon it.
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"What a...thoughtful gift." Aoba hardly attempted to hide his sarcasm. But he wasn`t so rude as to just throw it on the ground or toss it back to her. Rather, with an exasperated sigh did he merely tuck it into his duffel bag. "Anyway, I really must know who this generous giver is." His word choice was an exaggeration of kindness, but really, who on earth would give him presents based on a precocious and annoying duck?
Was he not impressed? The female chuckling softly, she was doing what had to be done. Even the male’s features showed that he wasn’t enthused by her actions, it seems that everyone was a bit uneasy with various things. Not only did he get such a book, she was willing to give him something else with it. “Oh, the sender told me not to tell you but they said the receiver, which would be you, would be happy.” But that seemed like an understatement.
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"They said if that didn’t work that this shirt would be much more efficient." Holding out a shirt that was the right size, the esper waited for him to seem happy for the thought!
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dramaticalbooty · 10 years
"Huh? Who told you to give me this?" His gloved finger quickly opened to the first page, reading about a supposed duck story. After skimming the first few pages, he decided that this persistent duck was quite annoying. Before he could even get to the end of the first story, he sighed.
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"...Yeah, is this some kind of a joke?
"Excuse me, I was told to give you this."
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Holding out a small book towards the male, the esper gave a cheeky grin.
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dramaticalbooty · 10 years
"You look fine outside, but are you all healthy inside...?"
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"Maybe I can ask Clear to make you something well balanced instead."
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“I’m still alive now, aren’t I? So what does it matter, I’m fine.”
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dramaticalbooty · 10 years
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People can live without milk, but you can`t live without apples and broccoli."
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"You need more fruits and vegetables in your diet."
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dramaticalbooty · 10 years
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"You need more fruits and vegetables in your diet."
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“The only redeemable thing about this city is the 24 hour drive through.”
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dramaticalbooty · 10 years
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dramaticalbooty · 10 years
That word would always stand out to Aoba no matter how scrambled his brain was. Mother. "Our mother did...?" His memories of the city were fuzzy, but his childhood memories always had been rather peculiar to say the least. Nine and Haruka were figures that never disappeared from his memory despite all the stress his brain went through, reacting to the several entities that were inside of it. His mother, Haruka, was here in the city before, and had another child?  Then why didn`t he remember this little girl from when they were little? They should have grown up together. But this mother that had postulated the fact to Nah was definitely out there, Haruka or not, and was correct about one thing for sure -- he did have blue hair.
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"I guess I was here for a long time..." Maybe he even met Haruka here and didn`t know it. How cruel was that? His hands rest on his hips as a sigh escaped his lips. It was a lot to digest if he suddenly had some long lost sister. The metal on his finger continued to remind me of yet another important fact of his life he`d forgotten, so really, anything could happen at this point. In fact, Aoba was about to inquire if she knew anything about his relationship to Clear, raising his hand to show her the ring before her question cut through the haze first. "Did you say 'Heibon'...? How did you know about Heibon?" If she wasn`t from Midorijima then how could Nah know the name of the store he worked at? The only logical conclusion would be... "Is there one HERE?"
family matters / aoba
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dramaticalbooty · 10 years
The sudden invasion of his space bubble made his skin prickle, gooseflesh rising on the nape of his neck as he instinctively flinched away from Clear just a smidgen. His brain hurriedly retreated but his heart reminded him that they had abolished this space bubble long ago, hadn`t they? Despite his muscle memory, the pounding in his chest didn`t cease. Especially when the cool metal touched his skin. He wanted to remember...why couldn`t he recall this any faster? It was like a future self leaving notes for his past self to find, but all in the wrong order. "You don`t get presents for yourself. That`s what I do, and what our friends do." Hopefully their friends remembered Clear and his birthday...well, they must have had friends in the city if they`d been here long enough to get engaged of all things! And Clear was so cheerful, it was no doubt he had a plethora of friends out there. Maybe if they looked on his coil, they would see texts from them the next day even.
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"And I can make the cake. It`s your birthday after all, so the birthday boy doesn`t do anything. I`ll handle it." He wasn`t terrible at baking, but it wasn`t a skill. If it was for Clear, though, he could definitely do it. Aoba moved to stand up, but his body didn`t quite wish to move from that warmth quite yet. He felt too nervous to give him a kiss, however, so he shut his eyes tightly before pressing his lips quickly to Clear`s forehead. "So...count on me." Count on his husband to be, even if they couldn`t remember the wedding.
Clear had been so enthralled by the display on the television that he had yet to realize just what Aoba had said. When the commercials came on however, bright eyes turned towards his apparent lover with a curious tilt of his head to accompany. It seemed to just hit him then — what Aoba had said and his face flushed with painted pinks and red across paled skin. Eyes darted to the ring that rest on his left hand and his cheeks only heated more in utter embarrassed shyness.  This was coupled by the fact that he noticed their two hands were decisively close to touching fingertips — not like before where Clear had made a pseudo kiss but more as if they were going to hold hands. The ten second imagination passed from the back of his mind and he was much too nervous to take the first not quite so literal step to seal the deal.
By the next moment, it looked like he didn’t have to. Aoba had leaned in just a fraction but it was just barely enough for their two hands to touch on the couch’s cushions. This sent his glass heart into overdrive and it was times like these that he was glad that his beloved didn’t have hyper sensitive hearing or else he would surely hear that ba-dump ba-dump  coming from Clear’s chest. 
Giving a slow nod to confirm Aoba’s words, he followed their confirmed suspicion by inching his left atop of Aoba’s right so the latter could feel the cool gold against his ever so beautiful skin. 
"Master is right…since we both have matching rings."  
Considering that was their relationship, Clear briefly wondered if he should try to call him by his name but timidness surged from his heart and he inclined inches towards Aoba. He hadn’t meant to actually — it was a natural reaction almost. He didn’t even realize that was what had happened even as he spoke again.
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"Then what would Master want to do for my birthday? I’ve never celebrated anything like this before…should I bake a cake or get presents?"
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dramaticalbooty · 10 years
Although he found embarrassment creeping up to colour his ears red, the more timid of the two allowed the android to take his hand, gently bending their fingers together so they would join in a pseudo kiss. He worried his lip in the silent moments, wondering what his usual self would do here. It was clear that Aoba had come to love the white haired boy since they lived together like this (after all, he wouldn`t let anyone deal with his organized mess but himself) but he was still too nervous to reach over and kiss him the way they would have with memories in tact. Graciously enough, he didn`t have to dwell on 'will's or 'won`t's much longer before Clear pulled him away with bright eyes to start 'birthday research' as soon as possible. It was impossible to derail Clear from his wide eyed awe of the scene, even though he was mistaken. Aoba was taken aback by he irony of this, looking down at the rings neither of them could bear to take off, despite being unable to recall when they were given. "Clear, this is a wedding, not a birthday."
His voice wilted in the presence of such radiant, earnest words. It was like watching a child who had never seen a birthday party nor a wedding and was discovering what wonders lay behind others celebrating your joys of a lifetime with you. Come to think of it, since he knew nothing about Clear beyond their sudden meeting outside of Heibon...perhaps he truly never had those experiences before. Such a thought caused him to lean in a little more than usual, just inching closer, the same shyness from earlier crawling back onto him like a blanket of pink. Like a desire to be closer to something so pure.
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"Well...we were supposedly married anyway, weren`t we?" Derailing from the topic at hand, it was something he admittedly thought of quite a bit. Clearing his throat, his fingers twined along Clear`s pale digits as he tried to think of something else to say. "Those are different from birthday parties."
He wasn’t sure what to say in response but he definitely felt happy. There was no way not to feel elation from the thought that he was being celebrated — by his most treasured person. His pink eyes lit up like the fourth of July and he smiled brightly as hands were held in the gentlest of ways. His heart seemed to skip beats like hopscotch and the android slowly shifted their hands around with an idea in mind. He wasn’t brave enough  to give his apparent fiance a kiss but, he was brave enough for this much at least.
Just prior to actually doing it however, Clear became a bit bashful and apologized if it seemed silly to the other though he noted that it wouldn’t stop him in any case. With that in mind, he lifted Aoba’s hand and his own to the same height and helped curl their thumb and forefinger together to touch individually. Then he pressed their two curled up fingertips together and made a small “mwah’ beneath a breath. It was perhaps a bit childish of him to do so but he smiled still. 
"A kiss from me to Master."
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Withdrawing his hand afterwards, Clear stuffed hands into his pockets and wondered how a birthday was celebrated. Then it hit him and he exclaimed in realization as he hurried over to their living room, pulling Aoba along and seating him on the couch before he flipped the channel to one that Clear regularly watched. It was a big celebration and he seemed to think it was a birthday party — when in actuality, they were witnessing a wedding.
Clear didn’t seem to realize this as he began to talk excitedly all about how his birthday could turn out, pink eyes shimmering as the layered wedding cake came into view. Though he muttered it was strange there were no candles but even with that, he still didn’t catch on the differences. Eventually, he turned to Aoba on the couch and leaned towards him with childlike exuberance on his very features. 
"It can be like this, right? Uwaaa, but Master doesn’t have to do anything big…"
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dramaticalbooty · 10 years
"It isn`t your real birthday?" That was weird. Aoba didn`t react so strangely, however, like he already knew it wasnt his 'real' birthday. But his face didn`t change like he`d heard something strange. Instead, he nodded towards his companion with a firm smile. "Yeah, if it`s written down as your birthday...I would like that." He wondered if, in the past, they had shared his birthday before. Were they lovers then, or just friends? The state he felt they were in now was somewhere in between, since they knew what lay at the finish line, but not quite how they got here. At the very least, Aoba wasn`t completely useless. He allowed his gloved hand to gently take hold of Clear`s.
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"We`ll celebrate your birthday."
Clear knew that the 20th was an important day for him — but not because it was actually his birthday.
When had that happened? —
He wondered but he couldn’t place the memory of when that had been decided. Still, if it had been noted in Aoba’s coil then maybe it had been something they decided on in the city. That seemed to be the most logical conclusion and he accepted it for now with only a fraction of apprehension as he leaned over Aoba’s shoulder towards the coil and there it was smack dab near the end of the month, marked for both to see.
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"I didn’t know either…that date isn’t my real birthday because —" 
He froze and realized…did he already tell Aoba about what he was? Words caught in his throat and he tried to swallow them down as he became overly worried with what Aoba would say. Still, this was a happy occasion, wasn’t it? 
"Should we celebrate it?"
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dramaticalbooty · 10 years
On the third day, Aoba had turned to rummaging through his coil for any clues as to his life in the city. With it`s myriad of functions, there was plenty to search through -- texts and e-mails, calenders, even browsing history. He`d marked a day in January as a 're-opening of Heibon' which led him to question why there was even a Heibon here in the city. February proved to be no more fruitful until his eyes fell on a certain date. The 20th was...
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"Clear, come look at this." He immediately showed the screen to curious pink eyes, since there wsn`t much time to lose. "I didn`t know...it`s your birthday tomorrow, isn`t it?"
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