drayart · 2 years
ty for the tag!!
day or night / drawing or painting / yellow or blue / moon or stars / movies or bowling / long nails or short nails / purple or red / cheetah or leopard / 70s or 80s / pancake or waffle / pen or pencil / coke or pepsi / sweater or hoodie / candy or popcorn / iced coffee or hot coco / city or country / winter or summer / classic art or modern art / angels or devils / book or ebook / coffee or tea
no pressure tag; @kazscrow @pottahishotasf + anyone who wants to do it
I’m creating an tag game bc why not?
day or night / drawing or painting / yellow or blue / moon or stars / movies or bowling / long nails or short nails / purple or red / cheetah or leopard / 70s or 80s / pancake or waffle / pen or pencil / coke or pepsi / sweater or hoodie / candy or popcorn / iced coffee or hot coco / city or country / winter or summer / classic art or modern art / angels or devils / book or ebook / coffee or tea /
Tags- @mrs-brekker15 @dead-james-potter @pottahishotasf @sluttyzucchini @slvtfor-gingerpubes @halfbloodedwitch + anyone who wants to join! 🌸
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drayart · 2 years
ur account is literally so pretty wow😵‍💫
aww thank you <333
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drayart · 2 years
how have you been :)
HII THEA!! im good i finally finished all my tests at school😎
how are youu??
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drayart · 2 years
ty for the tag!!
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no pressure tags; @grfields @hopelessbutterfly @dmalfoyswhore + anyone who wants to do it
so did i spend all afternoon making this quiz?
npt!! really excited to see what you guys get if you take this <33 @marauderseraswiftie @silverose365 @basicallyremuslupin @nectarinesupremacy04 @lilithsecond
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drayart · 2 years
💗 incoming love train! I appreciate you and recognize the amazing presence you have on this site, thank you for contributing to our community! 🌷 send this to all the blogs you love! don't forget to spread the love. 💌
ily <33
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drayart · 2 years
darling how r u?
hii thea, im fine ig but i’m so busy with school and everything😭😭 hru? :)
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drayart · 2 years
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Chloe’s 600 duckies event !!
oh, my fucking god thank you for 600!! nah, cuz i only finished my 400+500 celebration a few weeks (?) ago- and here i am celebrating 600. this is so unreal, i will never get tired saying this but im so Grateful to have you all!
my mutuals, followers, and others whom i interacted with before i love you so so much .
now , onto the celebration!
starts on 1:22:22 to 2:1:22 (feb 1)
back to navigation || look for “ # chloe’s 600 dialogue ”
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basic rules for the celebration !
i may take a few breaks in-between the celebration but nonetheless ill still post.
send me an emoji, that i provided.
i only write for draco ! (sorry)
nsfw asks are okay, but not too nsfw ! (foreplay is fine.)
sending multiple asks but same request is a nono :)
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🐤 — meet your duck :: send me a scenario with draco and ill do a dialogue
🍞 — feed the ducks ! :: send me a quote / prompt and ill have an ai to do a artwork.
🌻 — flower picking :: cym (cast my mutuals),would you rather , kiss marry kill , etc.
✨ — letters :: send me what you think of me before we were mutuals and id do the same! (mutuals only .)
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my favs who can solo ur favs : @elysian-i @dracoscum @malfoysgem @weaselbrownie @carnationbasement @fqlkrore @writing-wh0re @accihoe @libraryofcinta @littlemissnoname13 @dracosluvbot @mxlf0ys @hopelessbutterfly @f4iryluvy @drayart @dracosaurora @sapphxire @thatsassyhufflepuff @thatsalexa4you @marcela6malfoy @dracoslittlesunflower @ladyvesuvia @simp4dracosstuff @aalonlygirl @n0agranger @imabee-oralizard @riddlesia
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drayart · 2 years
thanks for the tag!!
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no pressure tags; @fictionalcomforts @grfields
Picrew chain!! (Sorry if this one is already out there)
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Tagging: @chaotic-bisexual-bitch @paintalyx @cham-eleom @raysisting and anyone who wants to!! <3
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drayart · 2 years
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loving a weasley .— d.m
ೃ⁀➷ Summary : draco accidentally falls in love with Fred's ex wife.
ೃ⁀➷ Warnings : Mentions of divorce, babies , Fred weasley angst, occ fred weasley, wine , financial problems.
ೃ⁀➷ Pairing : Divorced!Draco Malfoy x Divorced!Fem!Reader
ೃ⁀➷ a/n : Fred didn't die au :p
reblogs are welcome!! :)
navigation :: taglist :: masterlist
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{ readerʼs pov }
I'm dealing with a divorce right now, Fred broke up with me since he.. Fell out of love with me. After all that trouble we went through, even after I gave birth to our daughter isabella he still didn't want me.
He had a good reason to break up with me, I myself was falling out of love with him, he couldn't pay for child support for isabella, so im all alone. Well not really, I'm on good terms with ginny and Ms. weasley, so everytime I go to work they took care of Isabella.
Fred was too busy working with his joke shop with George so he couldn't even take care of our daughter.
“Bye baby, mommy is going to work now.” I kissed isa’s crown. “bah-bye mama!” she babbled waving her chubby little hand, I turned and apparated.
My job payed me a decent amount of money, but not enough to pay for rent, and groceries. It was only enough to pay her diapers and milk, I feel so bad for my daughter for not having the right life I've always dreamed of.
“morning yn” draco my boss greeted me, I work as a secretary for him. “morning Mr. Malfoy” I greeted back politely. Hes been helping me alot lately,, and I don't know why he had been giving me extra cash, and sometimes let me sleep during work, he knows about my divorce and helps me recover from it.
“howʼs lyssa?” he asked. “she's doing alright, her birthday is coming up but I don't know how to celebrate it.” I responded, whilst placing the papers on his desk. “Ah, okay.”
I was confused with his reply, but he handed me a stack of cash. “sir what is this for?—”
“please yn call me draco.”
“draco, what is this for?” I sighed was he seriously gonna give me this much money?
“it's for your daughters birthday, and extras.”
I'm so fucking grateful for that bastard—
{ dracoʼs pov }
I've always had a crush on her, but ofcourse weasley got to her first, Then broke her heart, seeing her upset was breaking my heart into a billions of pieces. She didn't have enough money, the ministry didn't pay enough. And she has a child to support, which the father won't even give some cash.
I've never seen her daughter before but, I assume she's inherited her fatherʼs hair. I'd love to meet her daughter some day.
“well, thank you so much si— draco.” she corrected her self. “No biggie, also are you free this evening? I'd like to talk about the new supplies that were brought in.” i offered, obviously she was oblivious that i was asking her out.
“sure...” she paused to check her phone, “yeah,i dont have plans for the night.”
“great, ill pick you up after work”
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{ 3rd person pov }
Time went by fast, there wasn't anything to do much as a secretary for the head of the department. Yn got some of her items and stuffed it onto her bag such as, her phone makeup money and blah blah blah.
“are you ready?” draco asked the girl “yeah, I am—But draco where are we going?” she asked curiously. “were heading to my Manor, for dinner?”
“Oh okay,” she nodded.
They both apparated to the manor and it was fucking huge. She was in awe, probably 3 houses could hit in that ginormous mansion. “have a seat, I'll go fetch the elves to prepare us for some food.”
She looked around in the manor, it was dark but beautiful. A family portrait caught her eye, it was lucius malfoy and narcissa malfoy having younger draco sit on her lap.
They looked strict.
Having dinner with your boss wasn't so bad, he wasn't a bad person as she thought he would be, he was actually so nice.
y/n started to feel things,that she used to feel for fred when they were still in school.
that's what she felt, she hadn't realize her little crush on her own boss. he wasn't all snobbish and rude to her like he would to the public, but its just them two in the manor.
they both chatted, until the mention of divorce came up, but it wasn't from yn it was from the blonde.
“yeah, me and astoria filed a divorce, we weren't happy at all with our marriage” draco said as he sipped his wine. “ah, so where is she now?” she asked curiously.
“as far as i know she got remarried with theodore nott i think, thats all i know.” he responded.
as the two sat in comfortable silence yn realized.
shit, isabella.
“oh my god draco, i lost track of time.. i have to go now isabella is probably waiting for me ...”
“oh no worries yn, see you tomorrow goodnight.” he gave yn the warmest smile she hadn't seen before, that sent her butterflies down her stomach.
“goodnight draco, thank you for dinner.” she kissed his pale cheek and apparated.
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several dinners turned into dates. yn’s life was finally turning upside down,she was seeing all the good things in life.
the divorce process was completed, she was back to A yln, and she got full custody of isabella since fred still didn't want the child cause he wanted to explore the young side of life
and now she was moving in with draco, along with isa with her side.
“you ready baby?” yn carried the little ginger girl in her arm, the baby couldn't understand but giggle.
“alright lets go in.”
the moment she stepped in the house,all her items were already in a box at the living room waiting to be opened and be stored.
“welcome home .” draco greeted with a warm smile. he saw for the first time isabella.
“wanna hold her baby?” yn stepped closer to draco holding the baby in her arms
he was in awe,this baby was beautiful. he nodded.
the baby was in his arms and he hugged her tightly, (not enough to suffocate her.)
“i never thought in a life time, i would love a weasley.”
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ೃ⁀➷ tag list :: @simp4dracosstuff
add yourself to the tag list :)
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drayart · 2 years
im watching mulan again, it’s like the seventh time lmao
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drayart · 2 years
ty for the tag!!
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no pressure tags; @kazscrow @shyposttree + anyone who wants to do it
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oh good lord 😦
(thanks for the tag @jar-jar-ate ! 😂)
pspspspsps @federfleisch @transgayhoffman @stumacher-theghostface @inbred-trashbile @backyardbats​ @sweet-little-thing​ @quinnmoon77​
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drayart · 2 years
just saw this lol, thank you for the tag!!
reasons why you like/dislike your name: i used to hate it but now i kinda like it, it’s original
star sign: cancer
country you live in: italy
favorite artist: taylor swift & adele
mornings, afternoons or evenings: evenings
siblings: i have one brother, one year younger than me
sexuality: straight?? idk and idc
favorite special item: the plushie my mom bought me and my crystals
five random facts:
i study psychology, pedagogy and sociology
when i was 13 i tattooed myself a “:)” on my middle finger with needle and ink 😀
i love disney movies
my favorite colors change according to the season
cats >> dogs
no pressure tags: @grfields @hopelessbutterfly @nevilleismywhore + anyone who wants to do it <33
- Thank you for the tag @indigoh4ze 🤍🤍
reasons why you like/dislike your name: I don’t really dislike my name, but I hate when people use the full thing and not my nickname because I feel like I’m getting scolded (my first name though, not Julia)
Star sign: Virgo
Country you live in: Denmark 🇩🇰
Favorite artist: (there’s no way I’m only picking one) Undertekst, Ariana Grande, Brockhampton, Her’s and Tyler, the Creator
Mornings, afternoons or evenings: probably evenings. I do like mornings, I’m just never awake early enough to actually enjoy them
Siblings: three younger siblings
Sexuality: bisexual
Favorite special item: a gold necklace my grandmother got me when I was a baby (I literally never take it off)
Five random facts:
I have no blank walls in my room.
I bought a stuffed elephant just because it was sitting all alone and I felt bad.
I have 14 tattoos (I think).
My favorite colour is green, so I like to surround myself with green things. I have multiple all green outfits in my closet.
I often like/dislike a movie only based off of its soundtrack. Love: Luca (amazing soundtrack)… dislike: The Great Gatsby (expect for the Lana song)
Npt: @sereinegemini @velvetcloxds @sarahisslytherin @scandalous-chaos @fictionalcomforts @leydileyla
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drayart · 2 years
thank you for the tag!!
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no pressure tags: @grfields @shyposttree @lilithsecond + anyone who wants to do it
I want to start a chain of people Sharon their wizarding Passports
I'll start
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I'll tag : @the-second-tonks and @arquitecturadelanada
Also anyone that wants to join!!
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drayart · 2 years
i’m writing something for sirius, but i have a lot of things to do for school so idk when i can post it :(
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drayart · 2 years
you look so cute thea!!
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no pressure tags; @grfields @pottahishotasf + anyone who wants to do it
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just me making a reblog game or something
@ghost-spidey @love-is-an-imaginary-dagger @acciorxses @dead-james-potter @hemlock-the-viper @themostingloriousisvictorious @padfoot-supremacy @siriusblackinskirts @try-cry-why-try @/anyone ig
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drayart · 2 years
i had a lot of tests this week and i still have many the next so i have a lot to study😫
how are youu?? <33
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drayart · 2 years
° 200 Follower Celebration °
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-> ɴᴀᴠɪɢᴀᴛɪᴏɴ
I- OMGGG I JUST REACHED 205 FOLLOWERS?!?! I just wanna say THANK YOU ALL SO MUCHH FOR EVERYTHING! I couldn't make a celebration for my 100 followers because I was very busy at that time and guess what?! I decided to make a 200! HAHGAHAHAH I'm sorry I don't know what else to say but thank you.
This celebration will be themed Rain because who the hell doesn't love Rain right?!?
This celebration will only last until January 29 because Venus retrograde will also end iykyk.
I might answer your asks in a few days cuz sometimes I'm quite busy so I'm sorry!
Please only send one per asks.
You can send as many asks as you please.
𝓡𝓪𝓲𝓷𝔂 𝓝𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽𝓼 — (ᴍᴏᴏᴛꜱ ᴏɴʟʏ ᴘʟᴇᴀꜱᴇ) ɪ'ʟʟ ᴍᴀᴋᴇ ᴀ ᴍᴏᴏᴅ ʙᴏᴀʀᴅ ʙᴀꜱᴇᴅ ᴏɴ ʏᴏᴜʀ ʙʟᴏɢ.
𝓡𝓪𝓲𝓷𝔂 𝓓𝓪𝔂𝓼 — ɢɪᴠᴇ ᴍᴇ ʏᴏᴜʀ ɴᴀᴍᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ɪ'ʟʟ ᴡʀɪᴛᴇ ɪᴛ ɪɴ ᴘᴇʀꜱᴏɴ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴍʏ ᴜɢʟʏ ᴀꜱꜱ ʜᴀɴᴅᴡʀɪᴛɪɴɢ.
𝓒𝓵𝓸𝓾𝓭𝓫𝓾𝓻𝓼𝓽 — ɢɪᴠᴇ ᴍᴇ ꜰᴀᴄᴛꜱ ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ᴀɴᴅ ɪ'ʟʟ ꜱʜɪᴘ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴀ ᴄʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀ ꜰʀᴏᴍ ᴛʜᴇ ꜰᴀɴᴅᴏᴍꜱ ᴅᴏᴡɴ ʙᴇʟᴏᴡ (ᴘʟᴇᴀꜱᴇ ʙᴇ ꜱᴘᴇᴄɪꜰɪᴄ ᴡʜᴀᴛ ꜰᴀɴᴅᴏᴍ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴀɴᴛ)
𝓖𝓻𝓪𝔂 𝓢𝓴𝓲𝓮𝓼 — ɢɪᴠᴇ ᴍᴇ ʏᴏᴜʀ ɴᴀᴍᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ɪ'ʟʟ ɢɪᴠᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴏɴᴇ ᴏꜰ ᴍʏ ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ꜱᴏɴɢꜱ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ᴏʀ ʏᴏᴜʀ ʙʟᴏɢ ʀᴇᴍɪɴᴅꜱ ᴍᴇ ᴏꜰ!
𝓡𝓪𝓲𝓷𝓼𝓽𝓸𝓻𝓶 — ᴛᴇʟʟ ᴍᴇ ᴡʜᴀᴛ'ꜱ ʏᴏᴜʀ ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ᴛʜɪɴɢ ᴛᴏ ᴅᴏ/ ɪɴ ꜱʜᴏʀᴛ ᴀ ʜᴀʙɪᴛ ᴏꜰ ʏᴏᴜʀꜱ ᴏʀ ʏᴏᴜʀ ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ꜰᴏᴏᴅ ᴀɴᴅ ɪ'ʟʟ ɢɪᴠᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴍʏ ᴛʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛꜱ!
𝓡𝓪𝓲𝓷𝓭𝓻𝓸𝓹𝓼 — ᴀꜱᴋ ᴍᴇ ᴀɴʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴀɴᴛ ᴛᴏ ᴋɴᴏᴡ!
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—ɢʟᴏᴅᴇɴ ᴛʀɪᴏ/ ʟɪɢʜᴛɴɪɴɢ ᴇʀᴀ (ʜᴀʀʀʏ ᴘᴏᴛᴛᴇʀ)
—ᴍᴀʀᴀᴜᴅᴇʀꜱ ᴇʀᴀ (ʜᴀʀʀʏ ᴘᴏᴛᴛᴇʀ)
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ᴛᴀɢɢɪɴɢ ᴀʟʟ ᴍʏ ʟᴏᴠᴇʟʏ ᴍᴏᴏᴛꜱ ᴜɴᴅᴇʀ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴜᴛ
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@neev-moony @fairydxll @missetbilu @cupids-crystals @lupiningwolves @euphoriic-dysphoria @hazelquartz @vodkaflavoredsmoke @melmalone @onyourgoddamnleft @loopy-lupinn @pinkdinoheartz @b-aobao @ourloveisforthelovely @mullthingsoverinthehotwater @draco-and-tom @isolemnlyswearpevensie @lovelyweaslxy @wonderfilworld @gothboutique @proserpina-magnus @kimorna @aleksanderwh0r3 @nevilleismywhore @chaoticfanfiction @littlemissnoname13 @hopelessbutterfly @caseysbeckers @leftperfectionmoon @lilmissquackson @the-mute-raven @arianagreyy @remuslupinscumslutt @leydileyla @ronweasleysblackwife @drayart @accioquaffle
Thank you to all of you! I just wanna say that I don't know what the fuck I'm doing.
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