dreamisskinny · 2 years
I failed my fast.
I was planning to have a 3 day fast but it cut to 2 days bc my friend got me subways chicken fajita. I ate 100g so it was 150 kcal
why all my plans always fail
I cant stand this
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dreamisskinny · 2 years
why cant I just be skinny..
it's so annoying bc I don't have any control over myself so I always end up eating so no wonder I'm looking so fatty
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dreamisskinny · 2 years
soo today I ate at the school lunch again and there where cream potatoes and chicken. ugh so many calories from that like over 400 kcal, but I have to eat in school to avoid questions. It's so annoying when everyone in your school is so hyperaware about everything. Like mind yo own business and let me enjoy my delicious water in peace. anyways I hate this bc I can't even properly measure those foods.
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dreamisskinny · 2 years
i could be so skinny if i lived alone
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dreamisskinny · 2 years
yeea so today would been better bc I ate few cucumber slices with bread, but then my friends gave me few pieces of chocolate so my calories got over 100 kcals :((
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dreamisskinny · 2 years
idk how to start these but I just had to vent somewhere, because I'm so disappointed in myself for bingeing today. I successfully fasted from Friday to sunday but it lead to this so I feel so horrible. my absolutely line in kcals is 500 and i ate 1858 kcals. first of all in school lunch I ate almost 500 kcals. I tried not to eat anything after that big lunch but I just could stop my self so I ate a whole chocolate bar and an energy drink. after I got home I made edible cookie dough and almost ate all that but halfway trough I threw rest of it to trash. later on I also ate few pancakes. I think i will train 3x ny routine bc of this. engliah not my motherlanguage so my english kinda sucks sorry for that :/
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