drewgonair · 9 hours
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Nachtisch and Dessert versus Nachttisch and Desert
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drewgonair · 9 hours
I will be honest guys, the Red portrait of king Charles is gorgeous asdfghjkl
it's a bad portrait. Like. Objectively. It does the opposite of what's intended. It looks like the painter is insulting him. If it was in a contemporary gallery with no context you would see it immediately as the ambivalent criticism of Charles's reign, how he fades into the overwhelming red background as a tiny little figure, small and insignificant, insufficient for the clothes he's wearing. It reminds my of Goya's portraits, how they were so 'realistic' that they ended up making these great figures look pathetic to the viewer. So these are our rulers?
the sheer novelty. the surprise and shock, the kinda cunt it's serving for no reason. I. I love it. It's an incredible portrait by Jonathan Yeo. By the sheer fact that Charles, the man, is impossible to portray as greater than man because he's just such a nothingburger of a dude. So a portrait made to make him look huge and interesting made him be swallowed in red brushstrokes. The butterfly, that reminded me immediately of " we will all laugh at guilded butterflies", draws more attention than him. It looks like an omen. It looks like a warning in all this red. Something is not right here.
This is the best royal portrait ever 10/10
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drewgonair · 11 hours
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couple of screenshots of kim’s wikipedia page that i felt so deeply in my soul
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drewgonair · 21 hours
I've been spending a lot of time reading about older queer media where non-queer people, or queer people who were not out at the time, received horrible harassment and abuse for their portrayal of queer characters. For example, Billy Crystal and the homophobic backlash he received for portraying the gay character Jodie Dallas on the show Soap.
All this to say, this weird trend in shitty online queer discourse of "you aren't actually experiencing [xyz kind of bigotry] unless you are personally a member of [xyz] identity" is ridiculous. Bigots don't care if they're hitting an accurate target when they're firing to hurt as many people as possible. Anti-queer bigots don't care what personal identity labels their targets use, they just want to stamp out as many queers and queer allies as humanly possible.
The idea of "mistargeted" bigotry, or one type of queer person somehow being "exempt" from some other form of queerphobia, is asinine. If someone gets targeted in a hate crime, it doesn't actually matter if they're a member of that minority, because they still got assaulted.
Your average bigot doesn't care what labels you put in your social media bio, and they're not going to ask what kind of trans you are before they try to kill you.
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drewgonair · 22 hours
At the lesbian meetup, met a kind of transphobic woman. Started gearing up to get fighty and then realised... she wasn't an actual terf. She was just older, genuinely didn't know stuff, had heard some terf talking points in passing and had been made kind of anxious by them, but hadn't made it her entire personality. She was open to learning that trans women weren't actually roaming around coercing unwilling cis lesbians into sex, thanked me earnestly for giving her a basic explanation of what "non-binary" meant and truly seemed to be relaxing bit by bit the more she heard. Obviously I'm aware that I can't be sure I've given her a sufficient dose of anti-transphobe vaccine to immunise her permanently against the shit that's out there, but overall it made me hopeful. Most people just aren't dyed-in-the-wool bigots. People can be curious and relieved to hear the fearmongering they've been exposed to is untrue. Telling people this stuff isn't a lost cause.
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drewgonair · 22 hours
“fish don’t even know theyre wet” and? you don’t even know youre luft (air equivalent of wet)
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drewgonair · 1 day
men in black still holds up so well imo the jaded old man getting partnered with an insubordinate rookie (and it works bc they’re both fucking insane). the lore. the creepy cockroach alien wearing a human as a suit & planning world domination. the kitty and his lil necklace. the wazzzzzzzzup aliens & talking pug. the special effects and pre digital haze. the quote where k says “fifteen hundred years ago everybody knew the earth was the center of the universe. five hundred years ago, everybody knew the earth was flat, and fifteen minutes ago, you knew that humans were alone on this planet. imagine what you'll know tomorrow”
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drewgonair · 1 day
Actually the portrait of Charles is red to represent enthusiasm, energy, determination, passion, strength, leadership, and love. It doesn't matter that it looks like he's walking through fountains of blood spilled by the British empire! Some of you people need to learn color theory
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drewgonair · 2 days
“Socrates said, ‘The misuse of language induces evil in the soul.’ He wasn't talking about grammar.
To misuse language is to use it the way politicians and advertisers do, for profit, without taking responsibility for what the words mean.
Language used as a means to get power or make money goes wrong: it lies. Language used as an end in itself, to sing a poem or tell a story, goes right, goes towards the truth.
A writer is a person who cares what words mean, what they say, how they say it. Writers know words are their way towards truth and freedom, and so they use them with care, with thought, with fear, with delight. By using words well they strengthen their souls.
Story-tellers and poets spend their lives learning that skill and art of using words well. And their words make the souls of their readers stronger, brighter, deeper.”
- Ursula K. Le Guin, A Few Words to a Young Writer
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drewgonair · 2 days
yo…. when jet breaks in the tea shop and accuses zuko and iroh of beinh firebenders….
do you think any of the patrons looked at zukos scarred face - obviously done by a firebender - and immediately think jet was an asshole? like
jet: hes a firebender!!!!
patrons, thinking about the backstory they concocted for zuko and iroh where their home was invaded by firebenders and they barely survived with their lifes so they could come and have a peaceful life selling tea in a city the war doesnt touch:
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drewgonair · 2 days
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I am a comedic genius
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drewgonair · 2 days
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drewgonair · 3 days
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It should be a bigger scandal that J.K. Rowling is threatening to sue small accounts for accurately calling her a Holocaust denier. So glad the Streisand effect exists. Now we can all rebuke her reprehensible views more than ever.
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drewgonair · 3 days
Theres a common argument that goes like "how can you say the threat I fear isn't real, look at all the things I do to protect myself from it!" And it's not clear how you even counter it. Except just saying "I think you are bad at assessing risk"
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drewgonair · 3 days
i cant get over the king charles portrait. they made that thing to age in his place. that painting hangs in the house of a too-friendly family you find in the post apocalyptic wasteland who inexplicably has a ready supply of fresh meat. if mario jumped into that painting he wouldn't find a charming platformer he would be flayed and hanged like a medieval criminal by an unseeable force in a droning red void. that painting is a color blindness test for people who work in IT but believe in the divine right of kings. that painting is going to weep the sequel to blood. after he dies charles is gonna crawl outta that thing like sadako.
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drewgonair · 3 days
hawkins' description of jonathan reads like a pet bio on a shelter website
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drewgonair · 3 days
I was today years old when I found out Yusuke Murata uses BL as a reference to draw male characters in One Punch Man
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Now everything makes sense
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