drreporting · 2 months
Crazy how we’re approaching season 21.
season 24 of grey’s anatomy : shonda rhimes has run out of people on the show to kill
she begins killing viewers while they watch
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drreporting · 2 months
Omelia origin story
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drreporting · 2 months
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drreporting · 3 months
Poor Owen
Owen Hunt paced nervously in the supply closet as he closed the door behind him. He ran his fingers through his hair, his mind racing with all the thoughts of his fiancée Amelia Shepherd. She was five months pregnant with the twins, and with each passing day, she became more and more attractive to him. Owen couldn't resist her, but with the babies on the way, their sex life had taken a backseat.

He couldn't remember the last time they had been intimate, and the constant desire and arousal he felt towards her was becoming unbearable. He needed some release, even if it was just for a few minutes. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone, scrolling through the pictures of Amelia that he had saved just for this purpose.

As he leaned against the shelves, his hand moved down to his pants, his fingers eagerly undoing the button and zipper. He closed his eyes and let out a deep breath as he began to stroke himself, imagining Amelia's soft lips on his skin, her long fingers exploring his body.

Just as he was about to reach his climax, he heard the door to the supply closet creak open. He froze, his heart racing in his chest as he quickly tried to put himself back together. His eyes widened in horror as he realized that he was still holding his phone, which displayed a very explicit image of Amelia.

He frantically tried to press the lock button, but it was too late. Amelia, with her round belly and radiant glow, stood in front of him, her eyes taking in the whole scene. Owen could feel the heat rising to his cheeks and his arousal quickly fading away.

'Owen, what are you doing in here?' Amelia asked, her tone a mix of confusion and amusement.

Owen's mind raced as he tried to come up with a plausible excuse. 'Uh, I was just…looking for some supplies,' he stuttered, hoping that she would buy it.

Amelia arched an eyebrow as she looked around the closet. 'In the dark, with your phone out?' she asked, her eyes flickering to his now flaccid member.

Owen closed his eyes, cursing himself for not being more discreet. 'I…I was just taking a break,' he finally admitted, feeling embarrassed and exposed under her gaze.

Amelia's lips twitched, trying to hold back a smirk. 'Taking a break?' she repeated, her tone teasing.

Owen swallowed, feeling a mix of arousal and fear at her reaction. 'Yes, I…' he started before stopping himself, knowing that he couldn't tell her the truth.

Amelia walked over to him and placed a hand on him. Her hand then moved from his arm to his crotch, causing Owen to tense up. 'You don't have to hide it from me, Owen. I know how much you love me, and it's reciprocal,' she whispered, her lips brushing against his ear.

Owen's breath hitched as he felt her fingers dance over his pants, brushing against his already sensitive skin. 'Amelia, please, I can't take it,' he pleaded, his body trembling with need.

Amelia's lips curved into a mischievous smile as she pulled her hand away. 'As much as I would love to finish what you started, I don't think the supply closet is the best place for it,' she purred, her words causing a delicious ache in Owen's abdomen.

He groaned in frustration as Amelia turned and walked out of the closet, leaving him standing there with a case of blue balls. He quickly composed himself and cleaned up the evidence of his arousal before walking out of the closet, his mind still reeling from the teasing encounter with Amelia.

For the rest of the day, Owen couldn't focus on anything else but the throbbing between his legs, each movement and thought reminding him of the orgasm that never came. He couldn't wait for the day to be over so he could finally go home and be with Amelia, and this time, he promised himself, he wouldn't let anything or anyone get in the way of their pleasure.
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drreporting · 4 months
Hey! I LOOOOVE that you are so active today😍❤️
Aw you are too sweet
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drreporting · 4 months
“Why are you making a grocery list in your head while we’re having sex?” (Owen becomes frustrated at Amelia)
Owen and Amelia had been dating for a few months now, and things were going great between them. They had a strong connection and could talk about anything, but there was one thing that Owen couldn't quite understand about Amelia – her tendency to make lists in her head.
It seemed like every time they were together, whether it was on a date or in bed, Amelia would have this faraway look in her eyes, as if she was deep in thought. And Owen couldn't help but feel a little hurt by it.
One night, after a particularly passionate and intimate evening, Owen couldn't take it anymore. He turned to Amelia with frustration in his voice and asked, 'Why are you making a grocery list in your head while we're having sex?'
Amelia's eyes widened in surprise and she let out a small laugh. 'What? No, I'm not making a grocery list,' she said, resting her head on his chest.
Owen sighed, his frustration still evident. 'Then what is it? I feel like you're not fully present in these moments with me.'
Amelia turned to face him, her expression softening. 'I'm sorry, Owen. It's just a habit I have. I tend to make lists in my head all the time – things I need to do, things I want to buy, and yes, even groceries.'
'But why can't you just focus on us? On this moment?' Owen asked, feeling a pang of hurt in his chest.
Amelia reached out and took his hand in hers. 'I do focus on us, Owen. I love being with you. But sometimes my mind just wanders, and it's not something I can control.'
Owen could see the sincerity in her eyes and he couldn't help but feel guilty for accusing her of not being fully present. 'I'm sorry, Amelia. I didn't mean to make you feel bad. It's just something that's been bothering me.'
Amelia shook her head and placed a soft kiss on his lips. 'It's okay, Owen. I understand. And I promise to try and be more present in our moments together.'
They lay there in silence for a while, just enjoying each other's company. Eventually, Owen couldn't resist a smile as he asked, 'So, what was on your grocery list?'
Amelia let out a laugh and rolled her eyes playfully. 'Oh, you know, the usual – eggs, milk, bread. But now I'm thinking I should add 'make Owen feel loved' to the list.'
Owen couldn't hold back a chuckle as he pulled Amelia closer to him. 'Well, you don't need a list for that.’
They kissed again, the tension between them dissipating. And as they fell asleep in each other's arms, Owen knew that while Amelia may have her lists, he was always at the top of hers.
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drreporting · 4 months
Owen running the ER with his baby strapped to his chest
Owen was used to chaos. As an attending in the ER, he had seen it all – gunshots, car accidents, heart attacks – and it never fazed him. But running the ER with a baby strapped to his chest was a whole new level of chaos.
Ever since Amelia had gone back to work at the hospital after Rosie was born, Owen had taken on the role of stay-at-home dad. He loved spending time with his daughter and didn't mind taking on the responsibility of caring for her while Amelia worked long shifts as the head of neurosurgery.
But today, Amelia had been called into an emergency surgery while he was on shift, and had asked Owen to keep Rosie at work with him. He had been hesitant at first, worried that he wouldn't be able to handle both his job and a baby, but Amelia had assured him that she would be fine in the ER with him.
So here he was, walking through the busy hospital corridors with Rosie strapped to his chest in a carrier. She gurgled happily, completely unaware of the chaos that awaited her in the ER.
As they entered the ER, Owen was immediately bombarded with calls for help. He quickly handed Rosie off to one of the nurses, who cooed over the adorable baby and promised to keep an eye on her while Owen worked.
He dove into the chaos headfirst, barking out orders and directing the staff with ease. It was a busy day, with multiple traumas coming in at once, and Owen barely had time to catch his breath.
But every so often, he would steal a glance at Rosie, who was contentedly playing with a toy that one of the nurses had given her. She was a reminder of the beautiful little life he and Amelia had created together, and it gave him the strength to keep going.
As the day went on, Owen couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in running the ER with his daughter by his side. He had always been a competent doctor, but today, he felt like he was on top of the world.
Amelia had been right – Rosie was a good luck charm. Every patient he treated seemed to be responding well, and there were no major complications. Even the staff seemed to be in a good mood, taking turns stopping by to coo over Rosie and offer their help.
But as the day began to wind down, Owen's exhaustion caught up with him. He collapsed into a chair in the break room, taking a moment to catch his breath. As he closed his eyes, he felt a warm hand on his shoulder.
Opening his eyes, he saw Amelia standing next to him, looking exhausted but relieved. 'You did it,' she said, smiling tiredly. 'You ran the ER with a baby on your chest.'
Owen grinned back at her. 'I couldn't have done it without Rosie,' he replied, reaching up to adjust the carrier on his chest.
Amelia's eyes softened as she looked at her fiancé and daughter. 'I know I don't say it enough, but I am so proud of you,' she said, her voice filled with emotion.
Owen's eyes met hers, and in that moment, an unusual feeling washed over him – a strong sexual attraction to his soon-to-be wife. He couldn't explain why, but seeing her standing there in her scrubs, her hair slightly disheveled from a long day of surgeries, made him want her more than ever.
He stood up and reached out to pull her into a hug, careful not to disturb Rosie. 'I love you,' he whispered in her ear, feeling her arms wrap around him tightly.
'I love you too,' Amelia replied, her voice shaky with emotion.
As they stood there, holding each other in the midst of the chaos of the ER, Owen couldn't help but feel grateful for this crazy, unpredictable life he had with Amelia. And he knew that with her by his side, there was nothing they couldn't handle.
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drreporting · 4 months
“Is that what you really think about my ass?” and “Yes, that sounds so much better in your head.” (Owen and Amelia talking in bed after work)
Owen and Amelia lay in bed, skin still flushed from their recent lovemaking. It had been a long day at the hospital for both of them, and they were grateful for this quiet moment together.
'So... how was your day otherwise, Chief?' Amelia asked, turning on her side to face him.
'It was busy. A lot of surgeries and emergencies, as usual,' Owen replied tiredly.
Amelia nodded sympathetically. 'Mine too. I swear, the other doctors seem to think I have a sign on my forehead that says 'give me the most complicated cases',' she chuckled.
Owen smiled at her, but his mind was elsewhere. He couldn't stop thinking about the surgery he had just performed with her. It was a complicated spinal procedure, and during the entire operation, all he could think about was Amelia's ass.
He had always found her attractive, but lately, his attraction to her had grown in intensity. Every time he saw her, he couldn't help but notice how her scrubs hugged her curves in all the right places. And during surgeries, seeing her bent over the surgical table, her scrubs stretched tightly over her, it was almost torturous.
It was inappropriate, he knew that. He was her boss, and she was his colleague. They had to maintain a professional relationship at work. But here, in bed, he couldn't help but give in to his thoughts.
His eyes wandered to the crest under the sheets, where he knew her rear was, and he found himself mindlessly raising his hand to smack her ass. When she yelped in surprised, Owen instantly regretted letting the intrusive thought win.
'Is that what you really think about my ass?' Amelia asked, pulling him out of his reverie.
Owen's eyes widened in embarrassment as he realized what he’d just done. 'I...uh...I didn't mean to...I mean, I was trying not to...uh...' he stumbled, blushing furiously.
Amelia chuckled, placing a gentle hand on his cheek. 'It's okay, Owen. I'm flattered, really. And I'll admit, I've caught myself admiring your butt a few times too,' she said with a wink.
Owen couldn't help but laugh, the tension easing out of him. 'Yes, that sounds so much better in your head,' he teased.
Amelia grinned and leaned in to kiss him. As their lips met, Owen's hands moved to her hips, pulling her closer to him. He couldn't deny the chemistry between them, and it was only getting stronger the longer they worked together.
Their kisses quickly turned heated, and their hands roamed over each other's bodies. Clothes were discarded and soon they were moving together in a familiar rhythm.
As they lay tangled in the sheets afterwards, Owen couldn't help but feel content. Lying here with Amelia, he felt like he was home. And he couldn't imagine a life without her in it.
'I love you,' he blurted out, turning to face her with a nervous expression.
Amelia's eyes widened in surprise, but then a soft smile spread across her face. 'I love you too,' she replied, placing a gentle kiss on his lips.
They lay in silence for a few minutes, just enjoying each other's presence. Then, Amelia broke the quiet.
'Is there anything else you've been keeping in your head that you want to tell me?' she asked, a playful look in her eye.
Owen laughed, pulling her closer. 'Just that I can't wait to see your butt in those scrubs again tomorrow.'
Amelia rolled her eyes but couldn't hide the smile on her face. 'You're such a perv, Hunt.'
Owen just grinned and pulled her in for another kiss.
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drreporting · 4 months
Prompt: Owen gets insecure once Amelia (jokingly) makes a comment about his pubic hair color. He then shaves bald and she teases him about how it looks/how he won’t get any action until she realizes his feelings are actually hurt. She’d need to be sensitive and reassuring with her apology. Fluff/hurt/comfort/make up smut
Owen and Amelia were lying in bed, cuddled up together after a night of passionate lovemaking. Owen’s thoughts were consumed with a sense of contentment as he ran his fingers through Amelia’s hair, tracing patterns on her bare back. But then, Amelia said something that made his heart drop.
“Owen, I love your fiery red hair. It matches the intensity of your personality,” she said with a smile, stroking his chest as her eyes fluttered open.
“Thanks…wait, what do you mean, red hair?” Owen asked, confused.
“Well, your pubic hair…isn’t it also red?” Amelia chuckled, not realizing the impact her words had on Owen.
Owen immediately tensed up and pulled away from Amelia, his face flushing with embarrassment. He was self-conscious about his body hair, especially his pubic hair. He didn’t have a lot of it, but what he did have was a light strawberry blonde color. Ever since he was a teenager, he had been teased by his friends for not having the typical dark, thick hair that most guys had down there.
Amelia’s comment just confirmed all of his insecurities and he felt a surge of anger towards her for making fun of him. He got out of bed and went straight to the bathroom, grabbing a razor and shaving cream from the cabinet. The sound of the razor against his skin was soothing to him, providing a sense of control over his body.
When Amelia heard the water running in the bathroom, she realized that she had said something wrong. She quickly got out of bed and went to check on Owen, finding him in the process of completely shaving off his pubic hair.
“What are you doing?” she asked, surprised by his sudden actions.
“Shaving. I’m shaving it all off,” Owen replied, avoiding eye contact with her.
“Why? Is it because of what I said?” Amelia asked, her heart sinking as she realized the impact her words had on him.
“Maybe. I don’t know. It doesn’t matter,” Owen replied, trying to play it off as no big deal.
But Amelia could see the hurt in his eyes through the reflection of the mirror and she knew she needed to fix things with him. She gently took the razor from his hand and set it down on the counter before wrapping her arms around him from behind.
“I’m sorry, Owen. I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings,” she whispered, pressing a kiss on his bare shoulder.
“It’s fine,” Owen mumbled, still feeling defensive.
“No, it’s not fine. I shouldn’t have made that comment. I never want to make you feel insecure or embarrassed,” Amelia said sincerely.
Owen finally turned around to face Amelia, and she could see the vulnerability in his eyes. She cupped his face in her hands and kissed him softly, hoping to convey all of her love and reassurance.
“I love you, Owen. And I love every inch of you, including your pubic hair,” she said with a small smile.
“Really?” Owen asked, his eyes searching hers for any hint of insincerity.
“Really. I think it’s cute, and it’s a part of you. And let’s be honest, you know I love taking care of it too,” Amelia teased, trying to lighten the mood.
Owen couldn’t help but smile and let out a small laugh, feeling the tension in his body slowly fade away. He wrapped his arms around Amelia and pulled her closer, feeling grateful for her love and understanding.
“I’m sorry for teasing you and hurting your feelings. You don’t have to shave it all off, but if you want to keep it like this, it’s also totally fine,” Amelia said, running her hand through his now bald pubic hair.
“I…actually like it like this,” Owen admitted with a shy smile, and Amelia found it cute that he was blushing.
“Well then, let’s celebrate your new look,” Amelia said with a devilish smirk, before pulling him back to the bedroom for some make-up sex.
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drreporting · 4 months
Hi i just saw your great stories, do you have more drunk owen fanfics? Yours are really great
Owen stumbled out of the bar, feeling a little more than buzzed. He had gone there with his friends to celebrate his birthday, which was now officially over. As he stumbled down the street, he realized that he had left his phone at the bar. He cursed himself for being so careless and decided to go back and get it.
As he walked back to the bar, memories from the night flashed through his mind. He had a great time with his friends, but now all he wanted was to go home and sleep. He had no idea what time it was, but he knew it was definitely late.
When he finally reached the bar, he realized it was closed. He groaned in frustration and leaned against the window, trying to think of what to do next. He couldn’t call anyone for help and he didn’t want to walk home in his current state.
Suddenly, a light turned on in one of the apartments above the bar. Owen looked up and saw Amelia’s apartment. A smile spread across his face as he remembered that she lived just a few blocks away. He stumbled towards the entrance of the building and buzzed her apartment.
“Who is it?” Amelia’s groggy voice came through the speaker.
“What? Owen, what are you doing here?” Amelia asked, sounding more awake now.
“I need… to talk to you,” Owen slurred.
“Owen, it’s almost 3 in the morning. Can’t it wait until tomorrow?” Amelia asked, sounding annoyed.
“No, it’s important,” Owen insisted.
Amelia sighed and unlocked the door to let Owen in. He stumbled inside and made his way to the elevator, giggling to himself as he read her name on the buzzer.
Amelia met him at her apartment door and raised an eyebrow at his state. “What’s going on?”
Owen giggled again and took her hand. “Come with me,” he said, leading her to the living room.
Amelia was hesitant but went along with him, wondering what on earth he could possibly need at this time of night. As they entered the living room, Owen went down on one knee and pulled out a ring from his pocket.
“Amelia, I love you so much. Will you marry me?” he asked, slurring his words.
Amelia’s eyes widened in shock and confusion. “Owen, what are you talking about?”
“I’m serious, Amelia. I can’t imagine my life without you. Marry me!” Owen pleaded.
Amelia couldn’t help but burst out laughing. She immediately sobered up when she saw the hurt look on Owen’s face. She knelt down in front of him and took his hand.
“Owen, I love you too, but we’ve only been together for six months. Don’t you think it’s a little too soon to be talking about marriage?” she said gently.
Owen’s face fell as he realized the truth behind her words. He laughed at himself and shook his head. “I’m sorry. I guess I got a little carried away.”
Amelia smiled and pulled him up to his feet. “It’s okay. Come on, let’s get you some water and sober you up.”
They spent the next hour talking and laughing as Owen slowly sobered up. He couldn’t believe how ridiculous he had been, proposing to Amelia while he was drunk. But he was also grateful that she had taken it in good humor and didn’t make a big deal out of it.
As the sun started to rise, Owen’s phone started ringing; he’d had the phone on him all along. He looked at the caller ID and saw that it was his friends. He answered the call and groaned when he heard his friend’s voice.
“Owen, where the hell are you? We’ve been trying to call you for hours!” his friend yelled.
“I thought I left my phone at the bar. I’m at Amelia’s place,” Owen replied, feeling embarrassed.
“Amelia? Wait, are you proposing to her?” his friend asked, a hint of amusement in his voice. They had tried to convince Owen out of buying the ring, but the ginger had had too many shots to even hear what they were saying.
Owen blushed and shook his head. “No, I was drunk. It was a mistake.”
“Well, at least you didn’t do something crazy like get a tattoo,” his friend joked.
Owen chuckled and hung up the phone. He turned back to Amelia, who was looking at him with a small smile on her face.
“Your friends are funny,” she commented.
“Yeah, they’re the best,” Owen said, feeling grateful for their friendship.
Amelia and Owen spent the rest of the morning talking and getting to know each other even better. Owen couldn’t believe how lucky he was to have found someone like her. And although he may have proposed to her accidentally, it made him realize that he really did see a future with her.
As they said goodbye, Amelia hugged him and whispered in his ear, “Maybe we can talk about marriage when you’re sober.”
Owen chuckled and nodded, feeling happy and content as he walked back to his own apartment. While he may not remember everything that happened that night, he knew that he would never forget the moment he accidentally proposed to Amelia.
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drreporting · 4 months
Can you write The Red-Haired Boy, please? I would like to know how Amelia feels at that moment. sexy and spicy
Owen had always been self-conscious about his bright red hair. Growing up, he had been teased and called names because of it. So when he met Amelia, he was relieved that she never made fun of him for it. However, there was one aspect of his red hair that he couldn't escape: his fiery red pubic hair.
It all started when they were fooling around one night and Amelia accidentally caught a glimpse of it. She burst out laughing, unable to contain herself. Owen's face turned bright red with embarrassment. He quickly pulled his pants back up and avoided Amelia's gaze.
'Sorry, I didn't mean to laugh,' Amelia said, trying to stifle her giggles.
'It's fine,' Owen mumbled, still feeling mortified.
But it wasn't fine. Every time they were intimate, Amelia couldn't help but giggle at the sight of Owen's red pubes. It became a running joke between them, with Amelia coming up with different nicknames for it, like 'fire crotch' or 'the red bush.'
Owen tried to brush it off, but deep down, it bothered him. He was already insecure about his hair color, and now Amelia was constantly making fun of it. He started avoiding being intimate with her, not wanting to deal with the humiliation.
One day, Amelia finally noticed Owen's change in behavior and confronted him about it.
'Hey. What's going on? We haven't been intimate in weeks,' she said, concern evident in her voice.
'It's just...I don't want you to laugh at me anymore,' Owen admitted shamefully.
Amelia's face softened, realizing how much she had hurt him with her teasing. She reached out to hold his hand.
'I'm sorry, Owen. I didn't realize it was bothering you so much. I think your red pubes are cute, not something to be embarrassed about,' she said sincerely.
Owen couldn't believe what he was hearing. He had been so caught up in his insecurities that he hadn't even considered that Amelia might actually find his pubes attractive.
'You think they're cute?' he asked, a small smile forming on his lips.
'Yes, I do. And I promise to stop teasing you about it if it makes you feel uncomfortable,' Amelia replied, giving his hand a reassuring squeeze.
From then on, Amelia kept her promise and refrained from making jokes about Owen's red pubes. Instead, she made sure to show him how much she loved every aspect of him, including his fiery hair.
Owen learned to embrace his unique features, realizing that they were part of what made him who he was. And with Amelia's support and love, he no longer felt embarrassed about his red pubes.
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drreporting · 4 months
Do you can make an omelia fic. Amelia discovers her feelings for Owen early on on their dates.Hot please... I don't know if you understood what I wrote, my first language is not English
Amelia and Owen had been dating for a few months now, and things were going great. They had a strong connection and enjoyed spending time together. However, as their relationship progressed, Amelia started to develop stronger feelings for Owen.
It all started on their fourth date. They had decided to take a hike in the nearby mountains, and as they reached the top, they were met with a breathtaking view. As they stood there admiring the scenery, Owen wrapped his arms around Amelia from behind. The warmth of his body against hers sent shivers down her spine, and she couldn't help but lean into him.
They stood there for what felt like hours, just taking in the beauty around them. But in that moment, it wasn't just the view that took Amelia's breath away. It was the way Owen made her feel with his touch. She had never felt this kind of connection with anyone before.
As they made their way back down the mountain, Amelia couldn't stop thinking about the way Owen's arms felt around her and the way his lips had brushed against her neck. She knew then that her feelings for him were more than just a passing crush.
Their next date was a romantic dinner at Owen's place. After a delicious meal, they sat together on the couch, talking and laughing. But as the night went on, their conversation turned more serious, and they started opening up to each other about their past relationships.
Amelia was surprised at how comfortable she felt telling Owen about her past. She had always been guarded when it came to her emotions, but with him, it was different. He made her feel safe and understood.
As they talked, Owen leaned in closer to her, and their eyes locked. In that moment, all of Amelia's thoughts and fears melted away, and all she could focus on was Owen's intense gaze. Without realizing it, she was leaning in closer to him, drawn to him like a magnet.
Their lips met in a soft, hesitant kiss, but it quickly turned passionate. Amelia could feel the fire building up inside of her as their bodies pressed against each other. She wanted him, and she wanted him now.
As they made their way to Owen's bedroom, their hands never left each other's bodies. Clothes were discarded along the way, and they fell onto the bed in a tangle of limbs and desire.
Owen was a skilled lover, and Amelia couldn't get enough of him. Every touch, every kiss, sent her further into ecstasy. She felt like she was on fire, and the only way to extinguish it was with Owen's touch.
They explored each other's bodies, finding new ways to pleasure one another. Amelia had never experienced anything like it, and she couldn't believe how good it felt to be with Owen. She had never wanted a man as much as she wanted him in that moment.
As they reached their peak, their bodies trembling and moans filling the room, Amelia knew that this was more than just physical pleasure. She was falling for Owen, and she couldn't stop herself even if she wanted to.
After that night, Amelia and Owen's relationship only grew stronger. They explored each other's passions and desires, but more importantly, they continued to open up to each other and share their deepest feelings.
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drreporting · 4 months
Like What You See?
Amelia Shepherd had always been young and ambitious at heart. She was fresh out of medical school, full of enthusiasm and an eagerness to prove herself in the big, wide world of Grey-Sloan Memorial Hospital.
And when she was pulled aside by the Chief of Surgery himself – the esteemed Dr. Owen Hunt – she was more than excited to assist him on a complicated neurosurgery case.
Still, she couldn’t help but feel a tiny bit nervous as she stepped into the operating room, adjusting her scrubs and mask before moving up to stand at Owen’s side.
The surgery itself went smoothly, without a hitch, and Amelia couldn’t help but feel proud of herself as she helped Owen close up the patient’s skull.
As they put the finishing touches on the surgery, Amelia couldn’t resist a small smile as she looked over at Owen, taking in his handsome features and confident stance.
He certainly was a formidable surgeon, and she couldn’t deny that she was slightly intimidated by him. But that only added to her attraction to him.
Shepherd had always had a thing for bad boys, and something about Owen’s brooding demeanor and rugged good looks drew her in like a moth to a flame.
But she had never been one to make the first move, preferring to let men come to her. So she kept her attraction hidden, working side by side with Owen week after week, their chemistry growing stronger and stronger.
But today, as they wrapped up the surgery and headed to the locker room to change, something changed between them.
Owen was the first to speak, breaking the awkward silence that had settled over them.
'You did a great job today, Amelia. I was impressed.' he said, his voice gruff and deep.
Amelia’s heart skipped a beat at the praise, and she couldn’t help but blush as she replied, 'Thanks, Owen. You weren’t so bad yourself.'
They both laughed, but the tension between them was palpable. And as they changed out of their scrubs, Amelia couldn’t help but steal glances at Owen, taking in the sight of his toned, shirtless body.
He caught her looking and smirked, clearly enjoying her gaze. 'Like what you see, Amelia?' he teased, his voice low.
Amelia’s cheeks flushed crimson, but she refused to back down. 'Maybe I do,' she shot back, her own voice just as low and daring.
Before she knew it, Owen was suddenly pressed against her, his rough hands gripping her waist as he crashed his lips to hers.
It was like an explosion had gone off inside her, igniting a fire that had been smoldering for months. She eagerly responded, her hands tangling in his hair as their kiss deepened.
They were both breathless as they pulled away, their foreheads pressed together as they whispered, 'Finally.'
With an unspoken understanding, they made their way to the on call room bed, shedding their clothes as they went.
Soon, their bodies were intertwined, limbs tangled in a passionate frenzy. They explored each other’s bodies, desperate to know every inch and sensation.
It was like they had been fighting a battle of wills for months, and now that they had given in to their desire, there was no holding back.
Amelia rode Owen hard, savoring the feeling of his thick, hard length inside her, hitting all the right spots over and over again. Owen’s hands roamed her body, gripping her hips as he thrust up into her with equal ferocity.
They were both lost in their own little world, caught up in the intense pleasure coursing through their bodies. They were both so stubborn and headstrong, and their intense attraction to each other had been simmering just beneath the surface.
But now, as they moved together in perfect sync, they finally let go of their defenses and gave in to the intense desire they had been holding back.
And as they came together, their bodies shaking with release, they knew that this was just the beginning of a wild, passionate journey together.
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drreporting · 4 months
What if Amelia’s family came to the wedding?
When Amelia walked into her wedding reception, she was simply happy to see her family gathered together to celebrate her special day. She couldn’t wait to dance, laugh, and catch up with her sisters Nancy, Kate, and Liz, as well as her mother, Carolyn.
But as the night went on, Amelia realized that her family had other plans. They were determined to remind her of the moment she almost ditched Owen at the altar and use it as a pressure point in almost every conversation.
Nancy was the first to bring it up, casually mentioning it in a conversation about the weather.
“Remember how it was pouring rain on your wedding day, Amelia? Almost like the universe was trying to tell you something,” she said with a smirk.
Amelia rolled her eyes and tried to brush off the comment, but Kate couldn’t resist chiming in.
“Yeah, and then you ran off and left Owen standing there like a sad puppy. I’m surprised he still wanted to marry you after that,” she said, causing the table to erupt in laughter.
Amelia felt her face flush with embarrassment. She had been struggling with her addiction at the time and it had caused her to make a rash decision. But she had worked through it and she and Owen were stronger than ever.
Liz, the youngest of the sisters, joined in on the teasing.
“And let’s not forget how you were about to leave Seattle without even telling anyone. Poor Owen had to chase you down at the airport. How romantic,” she said sarcastically, raising her glass of champagne.
Carolyn, who had been quiet up until this point, couldn’t resist adding her two cents.
“I have to say, I was very disappointed in you, Amelia. I raised you better than that. Leaving a man at the altar is just not something a Shepherd woman does,” she scolded.
Amelia had had enough. She stood up from the table, her fists clenched in anger.
“That’s enough. I made a mistake, a big one. But I’ve apologized to Owen and we’ve moved on. It’s time for all of you to do the same,” she said firmly.
Her family was taken aback by her outburst, but they could see the pain in her eyes. They all apologized to Amelia and she could see the genuine remorse in their faces.
As the night went on, Amelia was able to let go of the hurt and enjoy her wedding reception with her family. But she couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed that they had used such a vulnerable moment in her life as a weapon in their conversations.
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drreporting · 7 months
I have major intentions to move all of my archives over to Wattpad. I have no problems answering prompts here, but some of the more major stories I had, will be posted there for continuity’s sake. I hope you all understand, and feel free to send in prompts, as I’m writing lots today.
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drreporting · 7 months
Master Post 3
(Consists of other stories from the Au Universe with Ryan, Amelia and Owen)
Amelia and Ryan Jr. in LA
Big Brother Pt.3
Baby Bath
How “It” Came To Be
How “It” Came To Be Pt.2
Can They Hear Me?
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drreporting · 7 months
How “It” Came To Be Pt. 2
If Amelia had to guess when she and Owen might’ve conceived the twins, it would’ve been the day their sink actually broke. It was a couple days after the gala, a Monday, and Amelia thought she’d have the house to herself. At least, that’s what Owen told her last night. He assured her she could sleep late and not worry about getting the kids ready for school, which was true; there were no kids in the house as she ventured through it. But, as she stopped by the kitchen to make some coffee, she saw a pair of legs sticking out from under their kitchen sink. Owen hadn’t noticed her presence yet, so she took her time ogling at the way his arms flexed while he attempted to pull out one of the pipes. She didn’t know why, but the sight of him sweating as he exerted himself arose a primal response in her.
“I thought you’d be at work,” she began, startling him into banging his head against the pipes below the sink. She giggled softly as he slowly resurrected himself from within the cupboard, rubbing his forehead. He had on a pair of shorts, and he was topless, so she could see the beads of sweat running across his body, which oddly looked more toned than usual. Or maybe she was just horny.
“I would’ve been,” Owen voiced as he grabbed another tool next to him, “But someone broke the sink this morning, and neither Rosie nor Ryan would confess to it.”
“You think they broke the sink?” Amelia laughed, walking back to the coffee maker to finish her coffee.
“I know they did, I just don’t know how,” he grumbled, returning beneath the sink, “And Bailey is getting angrier every second I’m not at the hospital, and I’ll probably have to shower again even though I showered literally ten minutes ago.”
“Hmm,” Amelia hummed as she poured herself the coffee. She then went to sit on the floor, perpendicular to Owen, as she observed him trying to remove the pipes from one another.
“Why are you making that noise?” the trauma surgeon queried. He peeked out just in time to see her bottom lip tugged between her teeth. “And why are you looking at me like that?”
Knowing she had been caught, Amelia quickly recomposed herself, combing a hand through her hair as she sipped her coffee. “Just admiring.”
“Can you pass me that wrench while you’re there, admiring?” he retorted sarcastically. She frowned, not appreciating his tone of voice, but handed him the wrench regardless. She knew what she wanted, she just had to figure out how to get it. “I can barely see under here…” he grumbled, muttering a few words after that. She barely heard the words as she softly grazed her fingers against the light hairs on his chest, making him jump and almost hit his head again. “What are you doing?” he exclaimed.
“Nothing,” she innocently replied, her fingers trailing down the centerline of his torso now.
“That is not nothing,” he stated, removing a small pvc pipe from under the sink. He was still focused on the sink, and not her. “Oh, I found the problem.”
“What’s the problem?” Amelia asked, setting her coffee aside. She pretended to look under the sink and pay attention, but her true intention remained unknown to him.
“Well, it’s not good,” Owen stated. He was hoping it was clogged food or something along those lines, but it seemed more complicated than that. “Whoever did the plumbing on this sink is an idiot, firstly. And secondly, the drain plu-,” He went silent, immediately losing his train of thought as he felt her hand in his pants.
“The drain plug?” he heard Amelia’s voice faintly, encouraging him to continue explaining.
“The drain plug,” Owen murmured, trying his best to focus, “The chain for it is tangled in-,” A low moan escapes his mouth as he felt the warmth of her mouth now enveloping him. “Amelia…”
“What?” she asked after some seconds.
“I have work,” he muttered condescendingly, but he knew she would ignore him. Rarely ever did she care about his schedule if she wanted something like this. This, he knew. So, he wasn’t surprised when she ended up straddling him now, completely overriding his senses.
“Work can wait,” she said, grinding against him and eliciting another low moan from him.
“My hands are dirty,” he tried again, “I can’t touch you.”
“I don’t want you to touch me,” she whispered, and something in the way she said it made him last as long as a 10 second radio ad. But he knew she wasn’t done yet, not until she was satisfied.
He dared to peak out from under the sink, and he watched as Amelia rode him, touching herself as she completely ignored him. This pleasure was entirely for her, he was simply a participant that required no response or work. And, truthfully, it turned him on even more; the idea that she was just using him. So much so that he found himself going over the edge again. He knew she could feel it, her movements became more urgent, and her moaning was getting louder.
“Again,” she commanded him, and somehow, his body listened. Within another minute, he found himself ejaculating again, this time bringing her over the edge with him. She had milked him like a cow, and effortlessly too. Now he was dizzy, and spent, but evidently glad for the release.
“I think I need some water,” he chuckled, poking his head out from under the sink. He looked at her and smirked, seeing the prideful, content smile on her face. “And you need an exorcism for whatever that was.” She blushed a bit, feeling self conscious now that she was thinking clearly again.
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