Common issues couples experience during IVF treatment
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Several key challenges may come your way while undergoing IVF. Mostly, emotional factors affect the quality of life at this time when you’re unsure about the outcomes. IVF is one of the most effective ARTs, however, it doesn’t guarantee a pregnancy. It has risks and changes as well. You can talk to the best infertility specialist in Siliguri to get yourself emotionally, mentally, and physically fit.
In-vitro fertilization (IVF) isa rayof hope for many couples withinfertility.  While advanced medical techniquesincrease the chance of better outcomes, challengesare present. There is no promise that IVF will work on the first try for more advanced maternal age. This situation might decrease the chance of getting pregnant though In Vitro Fertilization.
Let’s understand the emotional and physical roller coaster that couples with IVF treatment may undergo:
Emotional Health
One of the challenges during IVF that couples may face is the emotional strain. From diagnosis hormone injections to embryo transfer, IVF treatment can bring a cycle of hope and uncertainty.
The pressure to succeed is there in IVF treatment can cause tension or anxiety in lives. IVF cycles can failwhich may feel like a personal setback and increase stress. Pregnancy and childbirth bring new hope and abundant happiness in the life of a couple. When couples are diagnosed with infertility, it takes a toll on the couple.
Emotional exhaustion and infertility treatment failure often go hand-in-hand. Don’t worry, infertility experts are there to support you. Counseling helps couples get out ofthe constant emotional rollercoasterthat can be draining.
The effects of disappointments lead to hopelessness, causing emotional exhaustion.Emotional stress from infertility treatment such as IVF can strain relationships. There many couples find themselves arguing more or feeling distant from each other. But at this is effective or open communication is required.
Couples may face a wide range of emotions throughout IVF treatment. For example, the excitement begins with a hope that IVF can fulfill our dream of parenthood and disappointment takes place with a negative pregnancy test. Talk to the best infertility specialist in Siliguri for extensive guidance and accurate diagnosis.
Physical Health
From diagnosis to embryo transfer, it takes a lot of courage and patience. Women, in particular, who undergo the entire procedure of IVF may face side effects or discomfort due to hormone treatments and other IVF steps.
Hormone injections associated with IVF treatment may cause mood swings, bloating, hot flashes, breast tenderness, weight gain, allergic reactions, headaches, etc.
Egg retrieval and embryo transfer can cause some discomfort. These may include diarrhea, abdominal pain, passing small amounts of dark urine, dizziness, abdominal tenderness, nausea, temporary difficulty breathing, etc.
Financial Factor
IVF treatment can be expensive based on how many tests, additional care, and cycles of IVF you need. Every expense of IVF may not always be covered by insurance. Therefore, financial stress is there.
Some couples need other procedures or services like IUI, ICSI, donated eggs, donated sperm, etc. Andthese may increase the total cost of In Vitro Fertilization.
The journey of infertility treatment is not always easy. So, you need to be prepared and listen to expert recommendations before receiving IVF or any infertility treatment. Consult the best IVF doctors in Siliguri, North Bengal for all-inclusive infertility care.
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drshefalibansalmadhav · 2 months
Are Delayed Or Irregular Periods A Sign Of Infertility?
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Irregular periods are very common complaints. If your periods are unpredictable, you should see a gynecologist. Though it’s common, it’s concerning. Typically, a menstrual cycle happens at regular intervals. If you find you’ve missed periods with heavy or light periods, consult your doctor. Delayed periods may indicate fertility issues. You might top infertility specialist in Siliguri to get a proper diagnosis and care.
Data show that abnormal ovulation causes 30% to 40% of all cases of infertility. No periods, irregular periods, or abnormal bleeding often indicate that you aren't ovulating. This condition is medically known as anovulation. To determine the reason for anovulation, your doctor may give tests like:
Thyroid tests
PCOS test
Pelvic ultrasound
Hysteroscopy to look inside your uterus to detect abnormality
Your doctor may recommend fertility medication to induce ovulation.It depends on the cause of the illness that makes your period irregular. There are safe and effective medications to correct anovulation.
Some of the reasons for missing or irregular periods:
Polycystic ovary syndrome
Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is a common ovulation issue. PCOS affects around 5% to 10% of women in their reproductive years. It’s a hormonal disorder but its cause is unknown.
Untreated PCOS can impair your ovarian function. It causes ovaries to swell and small cysts to develop in and around your ovaries.
No periods
Irregular bleeding
Heavy periods
No ovulation
Irregular ovulation
Acne or oily skin
Insulin resistance
Excess hair growth on your body and face (hirsutism)
Thinning hair or male-pattern baldness
High blood pressure
Fertility and PCOS
Untreated PCOS can interfere with your fertility. Plus, if you're overweight, it might be more challenging. Women with PCOS have a higher risk for:
Premature birth
Gestational diabetes
Heart disease
Type 2 diabetes
Endometrial cancer
High blood pressure during pregnancy
About 70-80% chance of infertility increases with PCOS.
Possible causes of irregular or missing periods:
Thyroid disorder
Too much exercise
Having an intrauterine device
Uterine fibroids
Uterine polyps
Lifestyle choices can hamper fertility. These include –
alcohol, smoking, processed foods (unhealthy diet), low-quality sleep, more stress, physical inactivity, etc.
Talk to the best infertility specialist in Siliguri for all-inclusive treatment and guidance.
Too much or too little thyroid hormone can cause missing or irregular periods. It may cause your periods to stop for several months. Hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism can prevent the release of an egg from your ovary. Plus, they can be responsible for pregnancy loss.
Medications, such as contraceptives or antidepressants, can affect menstrual regularity. Conditions like endometriosis or uterine fibroids may cause missing or irregular periods.
If you're concerned about irregular periods, consult your healthcare provider. Doctors check your medical history, perform necessary tests, and provide guidance. Initial treatment options may include lifestyle changes and medications. Further, you might need hormone therapy and fertility treatments. You can consult the best infertility doctor in Siliguri today.
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drshefalibansalmadhav · 2 months
Navigating Fertility: Specialists in Siliguri for Infertility Concerns
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It’s more convenient for people struggling with fertility concerns to seek guidance from gynaecologists. Besides gyne doctors, there are several medical experts to treat your condition, such as an infertility specialist, and andrologist. Or, your gyne doctor or general physician may suggest consulting an infertility doctor.
A number of people worldwide suffer from infertility, which is defined as the inability to conceive after one year of unprotected intercourse (or six months for women over 35). Seeing an infertility specialist in Siliguri can be of great help. Advancements in infertility treatment aid in solving complex cases more optimally.
Fertility specialists, also known as reproductive endocrinologists, are medical practitioners/experts who focus on the diagnosis and treatment of infertility. These highly trained medical professionals specialize in reproductive medicine and use cutting-edge procedures to help individuals conceive.
Let's look at the different types of fertility specialists: Gynaecologists and obstetricians / OB-GYNs OB/GYN stands for obstetrician and gynaecologist, and OB/GYNs are trained to diagnose and treat certain fertility-related issues in heterosexual couples, treat female reproductive health concerns, manage high-risk pregnancies, plan a maternal diet, look after prenatal to post-natal period, administer labour and delivery, etc.
Andrologists Andrologists are urologists who have had additional training in male fertility. These medical experts can evaluate and treat male fertility difficulties independently or in collaboration with a reproductive endocrinologist. One can see an andrologist for all male reproductive health concerning issues.
Reproductive endocrinologists These medical experts are specialized in treating hormonal problems that interfere with reproduction. They are trained in both obstetrics and gynaecology, with a focus on infertility diagnosis, treatment, and management. Reproductive endocrinologists treat infertility in both women and men.
REs deal with the various types of medical care and experts for infertility treatments and tests. They may coordinate or recommend specialists, such as oncologists, andrologists, embryologists. Consult the top infertility doctors in Siliguri city.
Embryologists collaborate with REs and other fertility professionals to treat or manage embryonic-level difficulties. They also participate in Assisted Reproduction Techniques like IVF.
There are reproductive surgeons to collaborate with REs to perform highly specialized reproductive surgeries, like vasectomy, endometriosis, or fibroid excision. Connect with the most trusted infertility specialist in Siliguri North Bengal.
Reproductive immunologists specialize in reproduction and immunology. They deal with certain cases like multiple miscarriages, premature deliveries, autoimmune disorders like lupus, pre-eclampsia, and implantation failures.
Infertility can play havoc with emotional health, which may lead to stress, anxiety, mood changes, irritability, hopelessness, and sadness. Fertility professionals offer empathetic counselling and support to individuals and couples struggling with the emotional difficulties due to infertility.
Fertility experts act as advocates for their patients, guiding them through critical reproductive health issues and obtaining the resources patients require. These medical specialists have an important role in teaching people about reproductive health, prescribing fertility medications, fertility preservation methods, and lifestyle modification so that can heal fertility challenges effectively. Talk to your infertility doctor and receive optimum health assistance.
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