duquejennifer-blog · 5 years
Sudden Moment
we are on our way to go out of school I am at the back and following my friends a ring from the bike get my attention I searched where it comes I found you at my back riding a bike My eyes set on you in few seconds we made an eye contact suddenly you blink like a wink i saw smile in your lips that action is like a greet for me I'm just surprise in that moment i don't expect an stranger do that to me I used to do that action in someone im comfortable with. As typically me, i look like its just nothing but in inside its a big deal for me in our way, i was looking in my surroundings hopefully see you again even it is impossible.
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duquejennifer-blog · 7 years
favorite experience (story board)
Im with my friend in the top of car while singing random song.
we went to school and we met my ultimate crush.
he is like a good scenery and i dont want to miss it.
he shout my surname and my heart pumping so hard tugs!tugs!tugs!. i cant imagine that he know me.
later on i got a news that he will move in the other place
i cant forget that experience to have an ultimate crush.
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duquejennifer-blog · 7 years
Favorite Experience
Its a good day, i with my friend climb in the top of the car and we sing a random song. later on, we went to the school and we met a group of boys. my friends seems to know them but me? i don’t know them. they said the name of one boys is Teteng I’m laughing in my mind because I remember the character in the story, Teng teng kambing. I said it to my friends and we say it to tease him.
I dont know what happen to me. that boy caught my eyes, hes like a good scenery and i dont want to miss it. maybe, because he is the most handsome in their group. hes my opposite pole in the magnet and i got easily attracted to him. okay, hes already my crush but i will not entertain this feeling because i know it will die soon and he didn't even know me, he didn't know my name. so i hide it by myself, i didn't tell it to anyone because i know he might know my feeling and i don’t want to get embarrass. one day, i was in my to school when i heard shouted my surname. i tilt my head left and right then i saw him. when im near to him, he asked me “kapatid mo si ambo diba?” a single “oo” i replied to him. i felt like my tongue got cutten, i cant utter any words so i walk away. my simple crush to him become grower, hes become my ultimate crush. i want to him every time i went to the school and when i go home. i always want to used the back gate of the school. when im with my father and we go in the market i always told him to use the way in the back just to see him. i know its weird. i really crush him. i go to the point that i write a letter for him, it written there that i have a crush on him. due to shyness, i didnt give it to him. i change my mind i dont want him to know my feeling. later on i got a news that he will move in the other place. i felt sad, i cant no longer see him because he move in the other place and i become high school my way is no longer the same.
he become part of my childhood. he came into my life without warning. its just one year from i met him to leaving but he become my one of my favorite experience. a experience to have an ultimate crush.
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duquejennifer-blog · 7 years
There's a different personalities meet in one place named Blue Academy. This school known as elite school. They are exchange students from different countries. This five person is excited to go in school because they heard that this school is popular.
As one of them enter the school, all head turn to him or her. It's not because there's something in their face but it is because they are foreigners. They didn't give attention about that, they continue to walk and find the office room. As they already complete, the head master start to talk. "Good morning exchange students, I'm Ash Particle the head master and the owner of this school. I'm glad to see you here and I hope you will enjoy your stay here. These is your keys in your dormitory. Your uniform is already there." "Thank you head master" they said in unison.
While walking the korean girl greet them. "Anyeongsaheyeo" she said. The four person didn't respond because they didn't understand her. The korean girl scratch her nape as she realize that they don't understand her. Instead of saying the meaning of that word she remain silent. In a moment of silence, a loud growl was broke it. They stop and laugh out loud as they realize that their stomach is already protesting.
After that they become close and they found out that they can predict future using their abilities. Star Kim, a korean and genius in computing everything. Sky Wasaki, a japanse and good at observing. Cloud Barber, a german and know about psychology. Thunder Bolt, a frances and a fortune tellers using card. Sun Smith, an italian and mature at thinking. They not believe to each other and to prove their ability they agreed to watch people and they will tell something and predict what will happen next or what will be the next action of that person. Sun is mature enough so he didn’t join them. Star, Sky, Thunder and Cloud agreed that Sun will choose the person and they will tell their prediction in front of each other one by one. Sun can't do anything about that so he just agreed.
Sun choose a two person, a person who is good at drama. Summer Sunny and Winter Frost is the chosen. This two person is personally known by Sun and they don’t know that. While they are walking Sun pin point Summer and Winter. "I already choose who's person. Do you see that boy, his name is Winter Frost. Yesterday, I heard him together with his friends talking about Summer Sunny. Winter should make fall in love Summer to him and break her heart." "Now, I want you to predict what will happen between Summer and Winter." "Then who will start?" Star said. "As you asked that then you will start then followed by me, Thunder and last Cloud," Sky said.
"I will start now. Based on the personality of that Frost, I assure you guys that his first move is do a research about Summer then their first meet is to bump into Summer and pretend to be gentleman." Star said in front of them. "Let see" Cloud respond.
Two days have passed, Star's prediction is still didn't happen. "Do you really compute everything? Until now, your prediction didn't happen" Thunder asked in frustration. "Did I tell you that when it happen?" Star responded. Thunder didn't talk as he realize that Star didn't tell when it happen. Because of that answer, all of them become silent it looks like an angel passed in their front.  Star broke it with a statement. "Later, it will happen"
They are in the hall way right now telling their story. After a while, Frost with his friend walk in front of them discussing something. "Bro, do you already finish in you research about Summer." Frost' friend asked. "Already than, later everything will start."
As they heard that their eyes got wider. At the moment, they saw Summer heading in the Frost direction by that time a statement filled their mind. "Show will begin now." They thought.
While Summer is walking, she's busy looking for her phone inside her bag. Then suddenly a broad shoulder bumped to her that lead to her fall. "Ouch!" She groan. "Are you okay miss?" he asked likes he really cares. Summer didn't respond because she is picking one by one her things scattered on the floor. The guy help until they finish. "Let me help you to stand up" he offer his hand while looking her intently. Summer didn’t mind that look,she just raise her hand and reach Winter's hand. When Summer stand up she feel heat in her palm then she realize that Winter is still holding her hand. "my hand" "Oh..sorry..I am so sorry miss" Winter replied while stroking his hair. "By the way, I’m Winter Frost and you are?" "Summer Sunny, I need to go." Then she left Winter.  "Why I feel cold to her opposite from her name. Maybe its normal like me my name is Winter Frost but I’m hot. What I’m thinking but it’s true I’m hot."
"You believe now that I can"  asked. "Hai" the japanese guy replied. "It’s Sky turn now,right Star?" Cloud said. "Ne oppa,Skyoppa turn now" "Hey stop your alien language,we didnt understand you" Thunder protested. "mianhamnida" bow her head as symbol of apologizing. "You really annoying, let me hit you once." Thunder said while chasing Star. "Stop it will you" they stop as Sun said that. These youngest member of their group can stop them. His voice is full of authority. "Sky tell your observation." Sun said with authority. "Coincidence, he will use it. They will meet like a coincidence bit the truth is he plan it." Sky told his insight. "Then we should follow Summer from now on." Cloud suggested and they agreed.
"Oppa, oppa, Summer is in the canteen, hurry up lets go, we need to find a vacant table near to her." Star said while pulling them. "Let me go, you don't need to pull me." Sun said with a blank face. "Hey, I’m your noona, I’m older than you." Star said while pointing him. Sun ignore her and face the others. "Let’s go" "He’s mean, he ignore me." Summer tell to herself while pouting and she didn't realize that her friends already left her.
When the five is already there. They saw that Summer is alone in the two seats table. She seems waiting for someone. Then suddenly, Winter sit in the vacant chair. "Guys it’s just me or not, I see twinkle in eyes of summer, It shows happiness." Sky said while wondering plastered in her face "your just hallucinating, see her face, its shows coldness" Cloud answered. "Quite, we might lost important things, let’s just watch" Sun said to them.
"Hi Summer, do you recognize me?" "Yeah, my opposite" "opposite?" "Summer-Winter" "Ah li get it" "Why you sit here?" "All table is already occupied so im here by the way Am I not all0wed?" "There’s a vacant chair in other table"Summer said while pointing the other chairs. "I don’t like there and it’s rude to seat and share ameal with a stranger." "Tsk!! You just know my name." "I don’t care and allow me please." He said with matching puppy eyes. "What can I do, I didn’t own this chair." After that they become silent while eating.
"Winter is a great actor, right?" Sky stated. "I adore yours observing ability, it's really useful but why you didn't notice." Sun said while directly looking his eyes. "What are you saying namdongsaeng?" Star said with a question plastered in her face. "Nothing, don’t mind me." He said and walk away. "Hey oppa, don't you think namdingsaeng become weird this days." Star asked her oppa. "You're imagining things again Star." Thunder said while patting her shoulder and they followed Sun.
"Guys lets go to the library" Sun said. "For what?" Cloud asked while playing in his phone. "Let’s start our research" he replied. "Are you a nerd?" Star said while intently looking Sun's face. As usual Sun didn’t respond and walk away. While they are busy looking a related book in their research, Cloud saw Summer. He said it to his friends and he also pointing the spot of Summer. When they turn their gaze to Summer they saw Winter heading to her.
"Hi, Summer" with hand gesture. "Oh what are you doing here?""I’m always here." "Really? Then why I didn't see you here ever since." "Hahaha, you already saw me but you didn't recognize me because you don’t know me back then." "Maybe...but I really don’t remember it."“ To prove it let us check the log book." "hahaha no need, I believe now." After that Summer continue to read the book"Woahhh!!! I thought she caught me up. Im glad she didn’t check the log book." Winter talk in his mind.
"These tarot cards say that they become friends tomorrow," Thunder said. Like Thunder say they become friends in exact date. They have time to each other. They hanging out, eating and enjoying the presence of each other. They become close and if you see them you might think that they are couple.
"I read that friends with opposite sex tend to be a couple. I see that the action of Winter is the symptom that they will do something." Cloud said to them. "Let’s go they are in the field let’s watch." Star said.
"Summer I have something to tell you." "What it is?" "I know after this everything will change." "Say it straight, you give goose bump." "I....I like you .no..I love you already. It’s okay if you don't feel the same. I will respect you." "Are you serious?" "Yes, very serious." "Then court me." "What!!! I mean does it need?" "Yes, how can assure that you didn’t hurtme." "Ok, If that you really want." "Hahaha, aim just testing your sincerity to me." "Then you're my girlfriend now?" "Yes"
"I see that Winter is really serious," Star said. "I think he forgot about the bet," Sky said. "Guys all your part is already done, you already prove, don’t waste our time here,"Sun said. They didn't stop instead they take their last blow. All of them said that Winter can’t break Sumner’s heart
In the hallway, Winters friend saw him. "Winter, long time no hang out." "Yeah, it’s been a while." "Are you in the last step now?" "What are you saying?" "Woah dude don’t you remember the bet about Summer." "I dint remember anything about that." "Dude don’t make me laugh I know you can’t forget things like this and beside all our bet you take it seriously." "Dude,Summer.." "What?" "She run she heard it."
"Summer!" "Summer!" "Summer, please listen to me." Summer stop when he heard the plead of Winter. "What for?" "Ok I admit, I plan everything but my feeling towards is true." "Really?" "Yes" "Then I win" "What?" “Guys show up..." "See, I make him fall inlove to me," Summer said in her friend with a big smile. "You’regreat, let’s go, you will treat us." Summer left him dumbfounded and crying.
"What happen?" "How?"  "Am I dreaming?" "How come I’m wrong" The four can’t accept what happen. "Stop it guys," Sun said. "No, I can compute everything, I can predict but how come I can’t now," Star said. "Even me, my observation is always true then how I get wrong thus time. I didn’t sense any hit,"Sky said. "Is my tarot cards, it’s not functioning right now?" Cloud said. "What happen? I thought my knowledge about psychology can know everything, can predict,"Thunder said."Calm down guys, I want to tell something,"Sun said. "What it is all about?" Thunder asked. "It’s about Winter and Summer." "What about them?" Sky asked. "I personally known that two they are my friend. They are member of drama club. They are in relationship maybe 2 years already. I plan everything. I asked them to act and I’m their director." "You mean you plan everything and we are wrong from the first place but why did you do that?" Cloud asked. “I want you guys to learn. Learn that you can't predict what will happen. No one can do that even you have an ability. Only God can predict.”
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duquejennifer-blog · 7 years
You and Your Lies
You said you wont hurt me
You said I’m only one
But what you did
You hurt me
I hold what you told
I believe in your promises
I have trust in your words
But you fooled me
You are good pretender
You act like real
You are liar
But I wish all your action is real
I love you back then
I hate you now
I can’t forget what you did
But I can forgive you
You tear my heart into a pieces
I felt too much sorrow 
You will regret it someday 
I am already move on that time
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duquejennifer-blog · 7 years
Lying at bed and starring the ceiling
Remembering the moment we shared
Happiness in my heart is what you bring
But now, you left me like a living dead
I want to go back in the past
 The time that we are laughing together
Believing to each other and giving thrust
No one can break us like a forever
I don’t know what happen to us
One time, I woke up then boom we break up
It feels like my world crash
I want to end it and give up
You are my sadness and happiness too
I felt different emotion because of you
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duquejennifer-blog · 7 years
Wind touching my face
Giving a cool and fresh air
it feels relaxing.
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duquejennifer-blog · 7 years
Burst Out
I want to scream like there’s no tomorrow. I want to punch their face like a punching bag. I want to slap them in a million times. I want to slap in their face that this is their fault. I want them  to regret what they did. I want to burst out what i feel.
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duquejennifer-blog · 7 years
I Will Hide
I know you love someone else. I know you will not notice me even I’m here beside you. I always want to see a sweet smile in your face. I know I’m not the one who make you smile. I will be contented to see you smile even I’m not the reason of your smile. I will hide this feeling. My secret feelings for you.
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duquejennifer-blog · 7 years
Beauty and the Beast
The beast slowly getting weak. Belle slowly bowed her head then she kissed the beast. The beast filled with a light then he turned into a prince. A very handsome prince.
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