dwellintheclouds · 2 years
Heya! You last published last year. Please don't tell me you abandoned this blog coz I like your writings and come to check your blog almost everyday. Have a nice day/night! <3
Aww thank you so much! No, I haven't abandoned this blog, don't worry! I'm just stuck with a writer's block at the moment lol. I'll get back to writing as soon as I get more ideas! <3
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dwellintheclouds · 2 years
3. Levi x reader headcanon
Pairing: Levi x reader
Headcanon: When Levi is interested in you
Tags: Fluff
Published date: 12/31/2021
Author’s note: Have fun reading! If you have any questions, feel free to ask in my submission box~
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If you approach Levi for anything, he’ll somewhat struggle to keep his composure and you’ll see his ears turning into a quick shade of pink
He’ll immediately return back to his stoic self when talking to others, though
Levi doesn’t particularly like conversing with people, but when it comes to you, you’ll find him listening attentively and nodding ever so often in agreement
His lack of response doesn’t mean he dislikes you, it’s only because he doesn’t know how to react since you are his first interest (poor boy)
Occasionally, you can feel him staring at you when you’re talking with your squad (kind of like a cat)
If Levi sees a male soldier flirting with you, he’ll drag you away from them, stating clearly that you have work to do (while giving the soldier a death glare)
You are his and only his, from his perspective
If Levi is making tea in the morning and sees you in the kitchen, he’ll offer you some
During this time, you’ll often find him sitting closer to you than normal and your legs would practically be brushing against one another
Though his interactions with you may seem strange, you can definitely count on him to protect you during scouting missions
Levi will never let you out of his sight, for that matter
If you are ever in a pinch, he’ll be right beside you, ready to fight off anything in your way
Or, Levi will be the first to seize you from danger, pressing you against his chest tightly as he takes you up to safety
Upon getting injured, he’ll carry you on his back and make sure that you’ll be okay
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dwellintheclouds · 2 years
2. Levi x reader oneshot
Pairing: Levi x fem!reader
Word count: 1167
Tags: Fluff/Angst?
Warning: None
Summary: Levi finds it hard to sleep at night due to his constant nightmares, but he conveniently finds Y/N who helps him catch some z’s by cuddling with him :3c
Published date: 12/27/2021
Author’s note: Again, I used some of Isayama’s notes on Levi to reveal a more softer/needier side of him
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“Y/N!” Levi noticed her stumbling on the tree that they both landed on. His free arm was clutched around her waist, but she had missed her footing on the branch, causing him to lose his grasp. With his hand outreached, he barely had time to graze her fingers when an abnormal titan caught his comrade. He could only watch in horror as Y/N yelped in pain. In fact, it wasn't just Y/N. Looking down, he could see everyone- Hanji, Erwin, Mikasa, Eren- in the grasp of the titans. His heart pounded out of his ribcage as he realized that there was nothing he could do but watch helplessly.
Suddenly sitting up from his bed, Levi broke out in cold sweat, his buttoned-up shirt plastered to his back and his chest heaving as he gasped for air.
The wooden clock read 3:35 AM.
Sighing, he fell back onto the white covers. His insomnia and nightmares were a frequent occurrence, and more often than not, he found it frustratingly hard to fall asleep. This time, he opted to get up and make some tea in the kitchen. Since he couldn’t sleep, he might as well stay awake and do some paperwork.
Changing to a crisp-new shirt, he started heading down, though feeling slightly dizzy from tiredness.
“Sasha, hurry up!” Y/N hissed at the girl who was stuffing her face with all the ham and sausages that she could find. “You’re going to wake the others, just take the damn thing and we have to leave!” Sasha’s reply was muffled as her cheeks ballooned from her face. She attempted to stand from her crouched position but tripped due her arms locking around several pastries. Y/N attempted to help her up, which resulted in several pans falling to the ground with a loud clang! as her nightdress got caught on a cabinet. Panicking, Y/N ran toward the door to the scout’s room and opened it silently for Sasha to enter in first. Connie was on the other end, ready to help transport the goods back to their rooms. He waved his hands frantically for Y/N and Sasha to get in. Y/N was about to follow suit when a rigid voice behind her stopped them in their tracks.
“Y/N.” Sasha looked like she was ready to puke, and Connie’s eyes widened with his mouth ajar. Someone had caught them sneaking into the pantry for food, which was obviously forbidden. Y/N sighed and shut the door, shielding the view of her friends from whoever it was. Turning around, she met the gaze of captain Levi. Thankfully, she was familiar enough with him as a person because she hung around Hanji, and the three often conversed together. Strangely though, Levi seemed to be avoiding her in the past few days.
“Yes,” Y/N tried to steady her voice to hide her guilt. “Heichou?” She met his hardened gaze as he scanned her face.
“Why are you here at this hour?” Y/N couldn’t help but notice his slightly red face with beads of sweat dripping down from both sides. He seemed to be breathing a bit heavier than usual.
“I’m trying to… get some water.” Which wasn’t a complete lie. She hoped he’d let her off the hook without seeing the ham and pastries missing from the racks. Thankfully, Levi didn’t seem to realize. He merely raised a brow and turned toward the cabinets to grab something. He shuffled some tea leaves from a glass jar into a teapot and began pouring hot water in. Not wanting the situation to become awkward and knowing how he seemed to be avoiding her in the past few days, Y/N backed off and started twisting the door handle to leave.
“Wait, Y/N.” Levi motioned to the wooden table between them. “Stay.” Confused, Y/N obliged, walking to the table and pulling out a wooden chair for herself as Levi did the same, sitting directly next to her. He handed her an extra cup of tea and she could feel his sharp gaze on her while she sat awkwardly in the chair.
After a moment of silence and drinking from their cups, she heard Levi breathe a sigh of relief as he leaned back. He looked so calm with his eyes closed- the tea seemed to have calmed him down from whatever was happening, though he seemed to be passing out from exhaustion.
“Are you okay?” Y/N was suddenly struck by how tired he looked. He must have been unable to sleep properly for days. “Here, I’ll take you back to your room.” Levi’s lack of response was enough for her to grab his arm around her shoulder and the two hobbled upstairs. 
Upon reaching his room, Y/N gently hauled Levi onto his bed. He seemed to be fully passed out by now, and she couldn’t help but feel pity for him. He had been working so hard, which must have been the reason why he looked so weary. Turning around to leave so as to not disturb him any further, Y/N abruptly felt a rough hand gently grab her wrist.
“Stay.” She heard Levi mutter. “Don’t leave me, brat.” Y/N only looked at him in surprise, since this didn’t sound like the usual Levi at all. Since his grasp on her wrist was rather loose, she did have the choice to leave, however, Y/N was happy to take care of the captain who had always looked after her throughout every mission. She laid herself next to him with his hands still around hers.
“Here, this’ll make you feel better.” Y/N smiled as she wrapped her arms around Levi, which slightly startled him. 
“What are you doing?” He tried glaring, but as soon as she started to gently stroke his hair, a wave of relaxation washed over him. This feeling was foreign since he hadn’t felt physical touch in ages and was somewhat touch-starved. Regardless, he had always denied anything from Y/N for the fear of growing attached, up until now.
“Your hair’s so soft, it feels like I’m petting a cat~” Smiling once more, Y/N noted how Levi’s face instantly became red and he tried to open his mouth to say something again, but was too tired to do so. Instead, he subconsciously nuzzled his head into the crook of her neck, his warm breath tickling her. 
Still haunted by his dream, Levi contemplated holding her and never letting go again.
After a few minutes, the captain’s steady breathing indicated that he was fast asleep. Y/N started pulling away, but a pair of strong arms instantly wrapped around her waist tightly, preventing her from doing so. Her hips were thrusted against his in an awkward position, but soon, his warmth started to lull Y/N to sleep as well, and his rhythmic breathing and the smell of cedar started to ease her away from consciousness.
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dwellintheclouds · 2 years
2. Levi x reader headcanon
Pairing: Levi x reader
Headcanon: Being Levi’s comfort character
Tags: Fluff
Published date: 12/24/2021
Author’s note: These are just some thoughts I had while listening to a playlist~~ Have fun reading xx
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You are Levi’s comfort character because he sees your struggles and admires how brave and resilient you are
When he feels lonely, he wishes that he lived in the same world as you
Whenever he sees you unhappy, he wants to reach across the screen and hug you, but knowing that he can’t, hurts him
He often thinks about how he’d get along with you
He’ll take you out to get food, hangout, watch movies, enjoy life, etc.
Sometimes when he’s out patrolling through the forest, he thinks of how nice it would be to walk with you
Whenever it’s raining on his side of the world, he wonders if it’s raining for you as well, or whether or not you have an umbrella or a warm place to stay
When he’s having a difficult time, he imagines a life with you and how happy you guys would be together
You don’t realize how happy you make him
His heart flutters when he sees you from his side of the screen
Maybe in another life, I can call you home
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dwellintheclouds · 2 years
1. Levi x reader headcanon
Pairing: Levi x fem!reader
Headcanon: How Levi starts noticing you
Tags: Fluff
Published date: 12/20/2021
Author’s note: Again, I incorporated some of Isayama’s notes on Levi into this headcanon~
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As a captain, Levi sees the majority of his subordinates as mere soldiers and nothing more (besides those that are close to him), but somehow, you were able to win a spot in his heart
At first it was your skills in using the ODM. He thought nothing much of it, reasoning that it was just dumb luck
But then you started to catch his attention when he noticed how you always took care of your squad members and how resourceful you were during missions
Once, Levi injured his ankle from a fight with the female titan, and you were helping in the medical room
With your knowledge on human anatomy, you mended his ankle quickly, much to his surprise
Even though you came back from the same mission as him, you were willing to help the doctors tend to the soldiers
Since then, you could never leave his mind again
Levi often catches himself glimpsing at you, whether it be during training or when you are reading under a tree/bantering with Jean, Connie, and Sasha
It was initially hard for him to open up to you (or to anyone, for that matter), so all he could do was observe you from afar
Levi sometimes offers you tea that he made in the morning when he sees you in the kitchen
He feels a painfully old sentiment of giddiness whenever you oblige and smile at him
I’d hate to lose her. He caught himself thinking as he read through his stack of paperwork. Maybe I’ll request for her again after the next scouting mission
Hanji started to notice Levi’s unnatural behavior when he asks for you to join his squad before an expedition
His face looked more flustered than usual when interacting with you, but he kept his composure well
Levi always reasoned that you are a valuable asset due to your skills and cleverness
Thankfully, no one caught on
Being around you causes his heart to flutter, though he’ll never show it on his face
In truth, the shy boy just wanted to get to know you more
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dwellintheclouds · 2 years
Short Story Requests (closed), Q/A box (open)
I’ve decided to open my request box for one-shots/headcanons.
Can write:
Genshin Impact
Harry Potter
Can’t write:
Offensive/disgusting stories
Turnaround time depends on how busy I am.
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dwellintheclouds · 2 years
1. Levi x reader oneshot
Pairing: Levi x fem!reader
Word count: 858
Tags: Fluff/Angst?
Warning: Swearing
Summary: Levi is worried about Y/N because she went on a scouting mission without him, and he recalls a time when he discovers her almost dead on a previous mission
Published date: 12/16/2021
Author’s note: I incorporated some of Isayama’s notes/facts on Levi to make it more accurate :3 For example, Levi liking tougher and feminine women (Y/N will lean more toward this)/Levi being emotional/Levi liking apples/etc
Y/N: Your name
H/C: Hair color
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Glancing at the distant wall entrance while silvery raindrops dance from the midday sky, Levi sighs as he listlessly returns to his stack of paperwork. This was the first time he wasn’t leading the scouts with Y/N, which did bother him to some degree. Despite that, he managed to convince himself that she would be fine without him, seeing as how she was one of the stronger and more independent soldiers in the group.
Levi recalled how he once found Y/N close to death after an expedition through the dense forest. After the mission, the remaining members of each squad were hauling bodies into the body bags, and panic began to set in as he realized that Y/N was nowhere to be found. Turning around to Hanji who was helping set another bag onto the horse-drawn cart, he asked if Y/N had been seen anywhere. Shaking her head with a worried expression, Hanji responded, “We haven’t found her yet. You should search ahead, heichou.”
For once, Levi hadn’t felt this familiar sense of deep dread as he walked briskly down the dense overgrowth of plants. Throughout the past few months, Y/N had been appearing in his mind more and more despite him trying to distract himself with something else. Scanning through the brushes and squinting to make out the familiar sight of Y/N, all he could see were more dead soldiers. She had always been an exceptionally skilled soldier and seemingly didn’t care about how he was perceived as a terrifying captain to others, and, in fact, always approached him willingly. As always, he would decline her offers to do anything with the group, but that didn’t stop her from talking to him on the occasion, whether it be asking how he was or if he’d like a fresh apple from the basket she collected. He initially found Y/N annoying, but soon realized that she cared for him and he started to keep an eye out for her every now and then.
“What do you want?” Levi mistakenly snapped at her once. Considering the fact that he was sitting alone in the hallway, he may have looked more pitiful than he already thought he did. He was, however, feeling rather down from brooding over the past and could feel his heart sink further as he saw Y/N’s faintly crestfallen expression, though she was quick to conceal it immediately.
“I was hoping you’d join us for dinner this time,” Her voice was unwavering while looking directly into his cold eyes. “Seeing as you’re sitting here by yourself.”
I’d prefer it just being the two of us. Levi thought as he mentally punched himself for his shitty response when Y/N turned away the same time his ears became pink. He wanted to grab her by the wrist so badly and ask for her to stay, but instead, acted against it. He knew the next time that she came over to talk, he would request for it to be just her. However, since that night, he never had the opportunity to talk to her again.
Levi could feel his muscles stiffen when he saw a strand of Y/N’s H/C hair on the ground covered in grime. Swiftly making his way over and brushing aside the ferns, his heart sank. Y/N was lying on her side with blood pooling at the side of her mouth. Her face was covered in scratches, and she held her stomach in what seemed like discomfort. He couldn’t see her breathing, so Levi shakily brushed aside her hair and felt her pulse, his heart pounding in his chest and his throat tightening.
Y/N felt something warm against her chest as her eyes struggled to open. Her head felt light from being swatted in the air like a fly when fighting the abnormal titan that had her teammate in its grasp, ready to be eaten. Y/N managed to slice open its nape before realizing she caught the attention of the titan and its arm slammed her against a tree. 
Y/N caught a whiff of lotus and cedar. Shaking her head to wake herself while steadying her grip on someone’s shoulders, she realized she was being carried.
“Levi...?” She stirred. “What are you-”
“Shut up.” She could feel his teeth grinding together. “Don’t talk. You need medical attention, you’ve lost too much blood.”
“No I don’t. Let me down, I can walk by myself!” She automatically retorted. She felt her cheeks turn red. “You’re going to tire yourself out. I feel you shaking you idiot, quit carrying me!” Levi refused to put her down, instead, tightened his grip around her. After a minute of snappy remarks, Y/N started to feel herself passing out.
“Sorry I couldn’t look after you.” She heard a whisper before everything faded to black.
Levi couldn’t help but glance outside again. This time, relief washes over as he watched the scouts return. He stands up from his desk and promptly walks down the hall.
That was months ago, and it wasn’t like the same situation could happen again... right?
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dwellintheclouds · 3 years
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dwellintheclouds · 3 years
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dwellintheclouds · 3 years
Walk a little on the lake path with me. The sun is coming up.
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dwellintheclouds · 3 years
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dwellintheclouds · 3 years
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I love this gif so much and I'm not entirely sure why. Perhaps it's because he's doing something so normal and mundane instead of getting traumatized and I just.. enjoy seeing him be a normal, happy boy without any worries.
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dwellintheclouds · 3 years
Life is good
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But it can be better!
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dwellintheclouds · 4 years
I wish I could live somewhere like this <3
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dwellintheclouds · 4 years
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dwellintheclouds · 4 years
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the West of Middle-Earth at the end of Third Age..
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dwellintheclouds · 4 years
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